Time to Clean House: Saturn Retrograde 2015


Image:TimeKeeper web series

March 14 – August 1/2.2015
11:02a.m. (EDT)
Saturn Retrograde

Saturn stationed retrograde this morning in the Astrological sign of Sagittarius. Saturn is the planet of reform, structure, order and time. Within Saturn’s energy is the gift of organization and making changes that are permanent and as lasting as the Gatekeeper of Time shows the eternal impermanence of everything.

A Saturn retrograde applies pressure to those things that need re-structuring. This is the time of doing some house cleaning on those inner spaces leaving an open and welcoming home for those we wish to interact.  This is the wisdom of the Mother who has  the experience of time on her side as she guides her children towards stability in their life’s endeavors. She may not always be gentle in her prodding and push and may ultimately have to resort to forcibly pushing them out of the nest; but the result is always one of them gaining a new level of strength whether it be through adversity or success.

I envision planetary Saturn’s rings as the holders of the cyclical continuity that remains within their bounds. These are the finer extensions that reach out and into the vastness of space each complete in its own rhythm and elliptical. This is reminder to me of the power of extension that I hold as time and space move around and through me and order and structure are what define the efforts and progress made in the impact I have on all that surrounds.

The astrological sign of Sagittarius, as we have learned, is one of outreach and networking. This is the fire that leaves its mark on all it engages and offers choice of bringing that fire of action and will to the place of a full blaze or simply the momentarily igniting that will catch on at another time. As Saturn dons the costume of this energy, order and structure take on the focus of where will and action are required to create permanent change. Additionally, the goal will be one of working collaboratively in communal effort as it spark of structure and restoration of order spreads creating a pattern that is timeless and cyclical in nature.

The Saturn retrograde allows us to realign what has shifted out of balance. To search deeply within where our nurturance and tough love needs to be exacted and open ourselves to the truth that the time limits we impose and their seeming constraints affect us only in as much as we allow them to. Saturn’s energy pulls us into the primordial womb where our life’s stories may be rewritten to propel us forward strong, capable and catalytic (Sagittarius) in all of our interactions.

This is not a comfortable or easily traversed retrograde, but if used wisely and with great respect we can learn a great deal about ourselves and how the structures we have set up for ourselves have contributed to who we are now. This is the impermanence of all we believe to be true. And the illusion of time that categorizes, marks and stamps its date of expiration on everything.

Some Breathing Room


Image: Fire breathing Guinness world record holder Fredrik Karlsson doing “The dragon’s breath”

Jupiter remains retrograde in Leo, another Fire sign; this of the fixed modality. This is the support of expansiveness that pulls to the centermost core those areas of ourselves that require a more resilient nature and those that need to find their space held within in contracted state.

Think of these two planets working collectively in a cross current of timing and inner space.  Jupiter (flexibility and outreach) in Fixed Leo (structured Fire of action and will that synthesizes and regulates). And Saturn (structure and synthesis by control) in Mutable Sagittarius (flexible and expansive Fire that flows from the contraction of lower will as it expands into the release of expansive Higher Will).

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