Full Moon in Sagittarius

June 5.2020 3:12pm EDT

Mother Moon waxes Full in the astrological sign of Sagittarius, a sign of Mutable modality. The quality of the mutable nature is one of expansion and contraction, allowing for each increment of reaching outward to move slightly further than the previous effort. The image of Sagittarius is one of the archer. This exemplifies the ability of reach and expanse as the arrow is set, the aim is sited in and the release is one of controlled precision. If accurate in aim the target intended will be breached and the begins of a new connectivity will be out-pictured for exploration and action. Intention is everything, and even if the target hit is far amiss from what was hoped for, the effort of practice and setting into motion a method of reach is never wasted.

This month’s 5-Minute Full Moon calls to the work of connectivity and reach. It is the work of of synthesis of Gemini’s New Moon energy of communication and Sagittarius’ tools to achieve that connection……

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