Full Moon in Capricorn

July 5.2020 12:44am (EDT)

The Moon is Full in astrological Capricorn this month and the work we are called to involves all that is manifest, of a physical nature and provides the foundations from which we grow, move and learn to trust in ourselves.

Capricorn is of the Earth element and of a Cardinal modality. These are the qualities that provide Capricorn with the ability to remain steady and sure of its footing – the Sea Goat- but only if we allow ourselves to keep moving. The detriment is not having belief and confidence in your abilities, despite organically being graced with the ability to navigate the heights and swim the depths. This can make for a very slow moving journey-much like 2 steps forward, 4 steps back.

The key here is to trust in your “physicality”. To trust in the many gifts of physical and corporeal nature and to step confidently without continually looking down.

These are certainly challenging times and how we navigate them is largely dependent on how assured we feel that we are safe, cared for/about and are not lacking in our manifest needs. Take the opportunity at this full moon to call in all of the manifest debts owed to yourself. All of the resources of endurance and health and prosperity. And, then allow them to be infused with the strength of Capricorn’s scaffolding and the openness of a full heart to receive this strength-in perfect love and perfect trust.

Blessings of the Full Moon and be sure to check out the 5-Minute Full Moon video.

One Response to “Full Moon in Capricorn”

  1. Reblogged this on The Magickal Pen and commented:

    This month’s 5-Minute Full Moon….

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