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In the Aura of the Full Moon in Taurus and Lunar Eclipse

Posted in Uncategorized on November 8, 2022 by themagickalpen

November 8.2022

5:59am EST

The Blood Moon and the Ancestors of Samhain

I had promised this as a post our astrological 14-Days countdown and as is often the case in all matters magickal/spiritual, the timing could not have been more supportive of the work accomplished in those 14-days.

This November moon is often called the Blood Moon, and the lunar tides that emanate from its waxing carry a reminder of the waters of our blood.   This is the blood that connects us to our Ancestors.  This is the blood that carries the memories of our lineage, both biologically and collectively as beings of humanity. And, the promise of this moon is one of using its energies to bring into manifestation a more refined way of instinctual being.

The Astrology of the Day

In the wee hours of this morning a Total Lunar Eclipse of the Blood Full Moon in astrological Taurus began the morning of Election Day 2022. Lots going on with today’s energies and the palpable flood of lunar, solar and earth dialogue is heightened by the retrogrades stations of:

Mars in astrological Gemini = assertive and pointed communication;

Jupiter in astrological Pisces = expansive overflow or constriction of emotions and deeper intuition;

Neptune in astrological Pisces = entering the deep, dark waters of our subconscious yearnings;


Uranus in astrological Taurus = over stimulating and amplifying the neurological state of manifest instinctual being. This planetary directive works though amping up the Full Moon tides and since Uranus is also in astrological Taurus it becomes a point of over stimulation within the manifest nature. 

Astrological Taurus is an earth sign and its domain is one of manifest form attending to its needs for survival. The gift of Taurus however is found in its Fixed (modality) nature. This is the space of synthesis and drawing together everything that catalyzes (Cardinal modality), coalescing and then emanating from its refinement that which is more agile in its abilities (Mutable modality).

Let’s Just Keep It Going

Add to all of this churning energetic catalyst of the Sun now at its mid-point peak of astrological Scorpio. How this energy is used and directed can determine the outcome of what becomes overwrought or what course corrects towards more productive use. If the choice is to remain in Scorpio’s den of the scorpion, sudden strikes and blows are sure to come to the surface. If the grace of the Eagle is called upon the chance for more discernment in what rightfully should be taken as prey and what is of no productive interest in sustaining life could manifest.

And, as uncomfortable as transmutation may be, if Scorpio’s Phoenix is allowed to arise opportunity for a rebirth and healing is in the offering.

Alchemically within the movement of the Lunar Eclipse of Fire (Sun) – Earth and Water (Moon) aligning at the peak point, each flows one into the other and becomes the first spark of fires within the waters of manifest form. Humanity (the corporeal earth beings) is flanked and the electromagnetic charge of the spiritual Sun calls to the polarities of the Lunar tides of the Moon. The dross of the unproductive mantle of our manifest form is burned away and the healing waters of our deepened gnosis arise as we move through its gates and emerge anew.

What Does It All Mean?

Ultimately, this is an opportunity to give attention to all that supports our manifest needs (Taurus Moon). An opportunity to bring into the light the choice of whether we wish to continue forward on a course of aggression based fear (Mars in Gemini), or dive with courage into the less familiar spaces of our psyche (Neptune in Pisces), allowing to ebb and flow (Jupiter in Pisces) what arises to the surface. And, in these moments of dipping into these waters that are catalytic in their potential, a new way of navigating our corporeal world can emerge as we stand in the reciprocity of illuminating our manifest self (Lunar Eclipse of Sun – Earth and Moon) and becoming the Divine spark (Uranus in Taurus) that will transform this earthly life….

If you would like to read through the posts for:

14-Days of Samhain 2022

The Neptune-Jupiter Conjunction in Pisces-What Do You Want to Manifest?

Posted in Uncategorized on April 11, 2022 by themagickalpen
9:43am (EDT)

What do you want to manifest? Might seem like an odd question coming from a discussion of the upcoming Neptune-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces, but… a corporeal existence is always about what the individual wishes to manifest-create-bring to themselves. The tools used towards that goal change, but the underlying goal is always the same, whether it appears that way or uses those semantics.

Another question circling this astrological event is what you are willing to take a deep hard look at and decide how it best serves you and how you choose to present yourself in the world. We have all at one time or another been enamored with the glamor of magickal pursuits and the desire to evolve into powerful beings, but what does that really mean and more importantly, is that reality? Our preceptions of who we are determine what choices we make and sometimes the best thing we can do for ourself is to allow any preconceptions flow away and turn our focus to what remains as our grounded and anchored state of being in all of its glory.

So, with these questions and thoughts in mind, what is the importance of this astrological event that has heads spinning in deciding exactly how it should be used? The truth is that every astrological event holds meaning and import to the degree that the individual is ready to embrace the “what could be” and acknowledge that we are works in process with no magickal date or astrological occurrence being THE defining one.

Conjunctions (when 2 or more planets are in the same astrological house and within up to 6-degrees of one another) occur routinely. In fact, your natal chart will most likely have some conjunctions noted in the celestial snapshot of your birth. What makes for an interesting time is when the conjunctions occur as a result of transiting (the cycle of a planet’s movement beyond the date of your birth and occurring in real time) planets interacting with one another and the nature of the planets, their overall compatibility or incompatibility, what astrological sign they occur in and where the transiting conjunction is impacting your natal chart.

In the case of this Neptune-Jupiter conjunction, not only are transiting Neptune and Jupiter in the exact degree of one another (think in a direct line in their orbits), but they are also in their astrological home of Pisces. Jupiter was long the traditional ruler of astrological Pisces, before the discovery of the outer planets. At that point, Neptune was assigned as the ruler of Pisces and Jupiter took secondary status. This aspect of the conjunction of two transiting planets in their astrological home makes for a potent support of the overall dynamics.

The Basics:

Wherever Jupiter’s energies are applied abundance has the potential to flourish. The antithesis to that abundance is lack that results from holding on too tightly and “squeezing the life” wherever it is focused. This is the natural way of an energy that is both contraction and expansion, ebb and flow. Jupiterian qualities are typically directed towards the more manifest states of being-money, jobs, acquisition in general; but this is only one layer of a more complex pattern of cyclical reciprocity. There is also an innate quality of sifting and sorting through its acquisitions-think the tides of the ocean, that carry the gifts of the sea onto the sandy shore, leave their impressions and then flow back out towards the endless sea, carrying treasures from the sandy shore-leaving some of the sea behind. In the dynamics of this conjunction Jupiter serves as a reminder of our need to remain rooted and grounded in manifestation – what brings us the biggest bang for our buck so to speak as far as our appreciation of our corporeal nature.

Neptune is the greater awakener of the highest aspects of our being and the lowest delusions we have of who we are. The depths of the darkest abyss are home to the beauty of the bioluminescent creatures that have adapted and learned to navigate what cannot be seen unless the reality of what their limitations may be is recognized. The same is true of the work we are called to as Neptune opens the individual to the possibilities and potential of what can be created from an unfiltered lens that sees clearly and accurately who and what we are in our Divine nature.

Astrological Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the Zodiacal Wheel. It is of a mutable (flexibility, adaptability, endings that flow into beginnings) modality and aligns alchemically with Water. These are the waters that move with intention and purpose and Pisces uses this adaptable flow to heal, exemplify loving compassion and a deep understanding of humanity vs. self. Its directive is one of service and seeing the best in each individual. This is both is boon and its downfall, which if not offered from a space of discernment and clarity can result in depletion and delusion regarding what is real and what is wishful thinking. Thinking on these attributes, it is clear to understand how Jupiter (expansive water”s tides) and Neptune (the higher nature clouded and not true in its real nature) work on Pisces’ emotional outpourings and high levels of sensitivity to others needs.

Read more about astrological Pisces here:

Sun in Pisces: Compassion Flows

My Heart Will Find A Way: The Magick of Pisces

What Do You Want To Manifest?

The workings of Neptune and Jupiter as partners in their home of Pisces calls us to exploring how we may express the fullest nature of both our mundane and Divine aspects of who we are. There is no one size fits all in doing this work. For some it may take the form of developing their spiritual practice to be more aligned to who they wish to be as a corporeal being. For others it may be a matter of finding their place of authenticity in their interactions with others; being truthful and cultivating the balance between true kindness and deserved judgement.

Oh, Did I Mention That This Was the First Round?

The date of April 12th represents the first and most direct wave of impact for the Neptune -Jupiter conjunction. There is, however, a second conjunction in the Fall (November) when Jupiter returns to align in conjunction with slower moving Neptune-this time within 6-degrees rather than directly in line (same degree) with. With this in mind and the effects of this conjunction will be felt all of this year. This means that whatever arises for you as the work of this April conjunction will have time to settle in, reshape itself, ebb and flow in intensity and focus and have the advantage of the Nov. lesser conjunction to reassess, refine and tweak.

What House Will the Neptune-Jupiter Conjunction Impact?

A relatively simple preparation for this conjunction is finding out which house in your natal chart the conjunction will transit. To this end, I recently gave a brief talk regarding this and more information about the conjunction and its timing. The links to the recording and the pdf that was used are below.

Listen to the audio here:

Download the accompanying pdf:

Full Moon in Aries and the Maiden

Posted in Uncategorized on October 20, 2021 by themagickalpen
October 20.2021
10.57am (EDT)

Today’s offering is an extract from Day Thirteen of 30-Days of Samhain posts. Enjoy!

A Full Moon cues the tension held between the Sun and Moon, each in the sign of its opposing other. This moon in particular is carrying with it a crowning of fullness in the final hours of Aries’ energy just as the Sun is readying to move into the Solar mantle of Scorpio two days from now. We have just been released (Mercury stationed Direct on Oct. 18th) from the scrutiny of a Mercury Retrograde, so communication is a bit slow going as the deftness of Mercurian energy amps up to normalcy.

Other actor’s upon this stage include the retrograde intensity of Uranus and Neptune. Here, the supporting cast assures that our intuitive and watery nature will be actively and assertively (Moon in Aries) expressed, infused with a bolt of electrified stability and manifest-like quality (Uranus in Taurus). All is called to the depths and darkness of the abyss of compassion (Neptune in Pisces). And the ensuing stationing of the Sun in Scorpio gives preview of just how deeply we are able to go…. Read more: 30-Days of Samhain: Day Thirteen

Emotions Running High?

Posted in Uncategorized on July 8, 2021 by themagickalpen
Art: The Titan’s Cup by Thomas Cole (1833)
New Moon in Cancer
July 9.2021
9:16 (EDT)

Sun in Cancer Retrogrades Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces Saturn in Aquarius Pluto in Capricorn

Mother Moon waxes New in astrological Cancer on Friday, July 8.2021 at 9:16 (EDT). Cancer is an elemental sign of water, ruled by the Moon and as such emotions, who we call family and the spaces of sanctuary we have created may feel as though they are surrounding us in deep waters of healing-or of overload. 

A New Moon is an opportunity for a fresh start, bolstering what has been put into place through previous cycles or just simply a time to allow to arise what needs to be actuated. This particular New Moon gains the support of astrological Cancer and the tides of its waters of foundational home and support from those you have chosen as family. The ruling planet of Cancer is the Moon so there is a very pure and clear sense of purpose around cultivating the nurturing and loving wisdom illuminated through your emotional state of being. 

The Sun has stationed mid-point in astrological Cancer for this solar month, so there is both the support of strengthened and blazing light and the cool soothing moonlit waters. The caution is remaining too long in those sunlit waters - think sunburn from the reflective waters in the blazing noon-day sun. Bask in the heat and renewal of the waters but be mindful of allowing only what is needed and appropriate to infuse you with life giving revitalization. 

There is more to this New Moon's energy that may be used as inspiration. Retrogrades of four (4) heavy hitter planets flows through this moon;'s energies:

Expansive Jupiter and the Deep and Murky waters of Neptune's embrace are both under the influence of watery astrological Pisces. Neptune is the higher amplification of Venus' energies of grace and relationship, and with that amplification of nuance, emotions run deep and relationships (with self and others) can be emotionally overwhelming. Jupiter provides the ebb (contraction) and flow (expansion) of the emotional tides and in astrological Pisces this often expresses as mood swings and a feeling much like the retreating sand under foot when standing at the ocean's edge as the waters move in and out. Stand too long in the same spot (loop of emotional outpouring, even with the highest intent) and you will lose footing. 

Saturn is retrograde in airy and mental Aquarius, so there is the opportunity to create the supportive structure of thought and mind that sees through the illusion and perceives the bigger picture of "what could be". With the abundance of water flowing through this New Moon's grace, crafting the appropriate boundaries and aligning the mental blueprints for how to most productively use its bounty can go a long way.  And, finally Pluto-keeper of death, rebirth and the higher amplification of Mar's dynamic force, is retrograde in astrological Capricorn-the Sea-Goat. The gift here is one of active movement towards regeneration that reaches deeply into the depths of watery flow and has the adept sure-footedness to scale the heights of inspired growth. Capricorn's earthy presence provides the foundational stability that allows for resilience. Think buoy in the rocky and stormy seas. 

Emotions Running High?

So, what does all of this mean? I invite you to use this New Moon to settle more deeply into who you are in your best self that is loved unconditionally. That is supported by those you cherish and resonate with as family. The you that carries "home" as the internal space of knowingness that you are a citizen of the Cosmos-a vast and broad space that holds the blueprint of creation itself in its mysteries; and as such every space is home when you are in it.  

I invite you to allow yourself the grace of immersing yourself in the nurturing waters of a moonlit pool that is just right and has been crafted by the boundaries you have established as a space of resilience, expansion, contraction and rebirth. And, when you arise from those waters, you see with clarity and have a new and a re-NEW-ed sense of purpose. I invite you to embrace this New Moon in Cancer in the spirit of excited anticipation of refuge as you would your family on returning home after a long, challenging and emotionally difficult day  at work knowing that the table is set, the food is nourishing and exactly what you are hungry for, the company is welcoming and this home is the blessing of sanctuary and stability.  Blessings of this New Moon!  

Read More Here:

New Moon in Cancer – What if? New Moon in Cancer

Temple of the Sun: Cancer – As Above , So Below! Sun in Cancer

Retrograde Jupiter – Expanding Spaciousness

Retrograde Saturn – Time to Clean House: Saturn Retrograde

Retrograde Neptune – Lifting the Veil: Neptune Retrograde

Retrograde Pluto – You’ve Been Served: Pluto Retrograde

Gifts of the Winter Solstice 2020

Posted in Uncategorized on December 21, 2020 by themagickalpen

December 21.2020

Astrological Capricorn:

Astrological Aquarius:
Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction

Astrological Pisces:
First Quarter Moon

Today we celebrate the Winter Solstice of 2020, and there is probably no other time when we could certainly use the lengthening of the day’s light and the promise of Spring that the Solstice offers. There is also an auspicious planetary configuration occurring today-a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in astrological Aquarius. This occurrence happens rarely enough on a Solstice that there has been much anticipation around what this stellar event will bring. There have been other Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions, just not on such an auspicious date, so this one is receiving lots of attention.

With that being taken care of I’d like to draw your attention to some specific patterns of flow that are occurring, rather than any specific event. I like to look at the bigger picture-a trait of my Aquarian Sun- and there is some very interesting energy that can be brought forward as the natural flow from Capricorn to Aquarius to Pisces occurs in the solar months ahead.

Let’s begin with Capricorn. The Sun stationed for its solar month into the earthy and anchored energy of Capricorn. This is the energy that held in the mantle of the Sun’s persona, renews and strengthens our resolve, both physically and ephemerally. Joining the earthiness is Mercury-bringer of communication extraordinaire and Pluto-the gate of death and rebirth as the thresholds of past and future converge into an informed, deeply rich and malleable present. Mercury in the grasp of Capricorn assures that how we interact, communicate and otherwise express ourself will be deeply rooted and stable in delivery. The only problem that of inertness at times, because of not trusting the innate abilities and sure-footedness that abounds. Pluto reminds us of the need to revisit our past without trepidation, to dive in deeply and excavate what can be used in a purposeful way to transform and prepare for what the future may hold. And, an additional reminder that death is not the end, just another form of expression coming into existence.

On the great astrological wheel, Capricorn flows into the energy of Airy and practical Aquarius. This is the energy of seeing the biggest picture possible, holding the vision of potential outcomes and holding all of humanity collectively accountable. Today’s conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn bathed in the energy of Aquarius provide the ultimate “what if” of envisioning the future you wish to out-picture. Saturn’s energy is one of time and structure, providing the boundaries and “mold”, if you will, that awaits the pouring in of your active will. If you do not choose to take these steps and re-organize, Saturn will do it for you and in its own timely way. Jupiter is the quintessential essence of expansion, breath and reaching beyond. But, we often neglect the necessary polarity of contraction, inhale and drawing everything back into its core center. This often overlooked nature of Jupiter us ultimately what ends up bursting in chaotic outpour, never having the chance to return to itself and replenish from its unlimited stores. Both Saturn and Jupiter hold the keys to movement carried on the inspirational breath of Aquarius’ sight.

And, as the breath of intention in astrological Aquarius settles into a steady and rhythmic current, the compassionate and healing waters of watery Pisces well up as the 12th and last sign of the great wheel. Today the Moon waxes in First Quarter phase, inching towards a blessing fo fullness and is in astrological Pisces deep waters allowing for the grace of first steps taken in healing and self-care.

Let’s Put It All Together:

Today, on this day of the Winter Solstice, we stand in the last vestiges of the longest night and the winter’s darkened cold. But, in our wisdom, we call to the rising of a Sun bathed in renewed light, able to give the gift of its burgeoning strength into all that is manifest. We speak our truths and offer our stories of past Solstices as we call to ourselves the blessings of what will inform the present. We envision what this day means to us and dream, wish and plan for a future moving forward that will be abundant and rich in what we receive and what we are able to offer to others. And, in the rising of the Sun tomorrow, we see more clearly the road ahead and the choice that we have been gifted of how and what we will choose to carry with us on this new journey and turn off the wheel. We feel the flow of self-compassion and step assuredly across the threshold into the glowing warmth of a light of our making.

Blessings on this journey!

The Measured Grace of Ma’at: New Moon in Libra

Posted in Uncategorized on September 18, 2020 by themagickalpen

September 17.2020

About the Ritual:

The Moon waxes New in Astrological Libra, flowing from the grace of Virgo’s detail. This ritual will call to the intention of Virgo’s Sun and Libra’s New Moon as the measure of detail required to achieve change. Libra’s balance and intention will flow as the gift of Ma’at -order and creation – becomes the recipient and harmonious energy carried forward. The Equinox and station of the Sun in Libra follow a few days later and the work of this New Moon will ensure an equinox of power.

Time to See the Big Picture:Full Moon in Aquarius

Posted in Uncategorized on August 2, 2020 by themagickalpen

August 3.2020 11:58am (EDT)

The Moon waxes full in the electric sign of Aquarius tomorrow late morning. The atmosphere is filled with tiny charged particles of an electric stimulant that typifies the Aquarian thought process. The ruling planet of this airy sign is Uranus, whose impact moves full force with a strong pulsing current that provokes radical change and heightens the neurological system as it prods the entirety of the being to evolve.

Time is moving swiftly, although each day feels as though it goes on forever in the wake of COVID-19, financial concerns, political fires and a general state of unrest and uncertainty. We want things to return to “normal”-whatever that means to each of us, and straining at the bit to make it so, now! Unfortunately, time has its own accord of movement and the status we are calling the “quo” is slow to have final resolution. Now, e are being called to reflect and create a new “normal”, see through the illusion and practice discernment in all areas of our ives.

The Sun is in astrological Leo. Leo ad Aquarius are noted as being in opposition ( a natural occurrence during a Full Moon phase) because they share a line on opposite sides of the astrological wheel. I don’t perceive these as opposing forces. The bombastic and in your face nature of Leo, forcing you to take notice and the expression of communication (an air thing) that Aquarius commands are necessary components to accomplish great things, with visionary experience (Aquarius) and share in a dynamic way (Leo) with others. The flow of energy from Solar and fiery Leo and Airy and communicative Aquarius allows for each to dip into the gifts of the other and coalesce as a viable and dynamic expression.

Aquarian energy is all about what “can be”. It is dynamic, does not pause for a misplaced beat and allows the space for a vision of future potential and outcomes. Movement is a key word, as is thoughtful process given to every endeavor, action, emotion and of course, thought. Trust is another key word. This, however is not the semantic of trust implying unquestioning loyalty. Rather this is a trust cultivated through trial and error, surrender to your own truths and stepping into your mantle of creative power, regardless of the outcome. Trust is cultivated when we allow ourself the grace of making mistakes, getting back up and replaying the scene with all eyes on what and where the error occurred.

When we approach life in this way, we begin to see the bigger picture. We begin to trust that challenges are not obstacles that impeded our growth. We begin to see beyond the challenges and envision what the outcome can be when we trust the process and our discernment.

Add to this Full Moon three (3) potent retrograde planets-Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. Jupiter provides the opportunity to breathe into opening the lens of the aperture wider to see the bigger picture. This is the natural flow of physical breath-contraction and expansion as air fills the body and is exhaled. Saturn calls us to greater structure, compelling us to step through the gates of time and our choices made and emerge stronger, wiser and more fully present. Saturn is the secondary ruler of Aquarius and it is this energy that allows Aquarius to refine in such a precise way. And, Pluto pulls us into the cycle of past-present and future, death and rebirth. Pluto is the unknown, the fear of what lay beyond. Trust requires that fear of the unknown be put aside and acceptance that there is a natural order and cycle to all things. We move into this cycle and the limits of time are broken in the realization that past-present and future are continually evolving simultaneously and as such we have access to all that we need to see the reality of the bigger picture and truth of our existence.

So, what does this all mean? This Full Moon is an opportunity to break free of what limits you. To fully envision the life you wish to have manifest. To lay down the blueprint that will call you to action. To align your mind with the knowledge of your own power and control over your life. To claim the mantle of your humanity and to hold true to the vision of your truth.

Want to know more?

About Astrological Aquarius:

The Motherboard: Sun in Aquarius

The Magick of Aquarius

Full Moon in Capricorn

Posted in Uncategorized on July 3, 2020 by themagickalpen

July 5.2020 12:44am (EDT)

The Moon is Full in astrological Capricorn this month and the work we are called to involves all that is manifest, of a physical nature and provides the foundations from which we grow, move and learn to trust in ourselves.

Capricorn is of the Earth element and of a Cardinal modality. These are the qualities that provide Capricorn with the ability to remain steady and sure of its footing – the Sea Goat- but only if we allow ourselves to keep moving. The detriment is not having belief and confidence in your abilities, despite organically being graced with the ability to navigate the heights and swim the depths. This can make for a very slow moving journey-much like 2 steps forward, 4 steps back.

The key here is to trust in your “physicality”. To trust in the many gifts of physical and corporeal nature and to step confidently without continually looking down.

These are certainly challenging times and how we navigate them is largely dependent on how assured we feel that we are safe, cared for/about and are not lacking in our manifest needs. Take the opportunity at this full moon to call in all of the manifest debts owed to yourself. All of the resources of endurance and health and prosperity. And, then allow them to be infused with the strength of Capricorn’s scaffolding and the openness of a full heart to receive this strength-in perfect love and perfect trust.

Blessings of the Full Moon and be sure to check out the 5-Minute Full Moon video.

Full Moon in Sagittarius

Posted in Uncategorized on June 3, 2020 by themagickalpen

June 5.2020 3:12pm EDT

Mother Moon waxes Full in the astrological sign of Sagittarius, a sign of Mutable modality. The quality of the mutable nature is one of expansion and contraction, allowing for each increment of reaching outward to move slightly further than the previous effort. The image of Sagittarius is one of the archer. This exemplifies the ability of reach and expanse as the arrow is set, the aim is sited in and the release is one of controlled precision. If accurate in aim the target intended will be breached and the begins of a new connectivity will be out-pictured for exploration and action. Intention is everything, and even if the target hit is far amiss from what was hoped for, the effort of practice and setting into motion a method of reach is never wasted.

This month’s 5-Minute Full Moon calls to the work of connectivity and reach. It is the work of of synthesis of Gemini’s New Moon energy of communication and Sagittarius’ tools to achieve that connection……

5-Minute Full Moon Videos

Posted in Uncategorized on April 6, 2020 by themagickalpen

April 7.2020 Full Moon in Libra

Join me for the first in a series of videos using poetic rune as the vehicle of working for devotion and intention during the Full Moon lunation.

Each month’s Full Moon will focus on practical application of the astrological mantle in a simple and brief span of 5 minutes. Nothing, other than yourself and your heartfelt intention is required.

You will be directed to my YouTube Channel to access the video.Click here: 5-Minute Full Moon-April 2020

Transcript of Runic Verse.....

Mother Moon
Full faced of Light
Holding Libra’s scales
Weighing the measure of night.
Heed my call
My devotion, my gift
That harmony prevails
Uncertainty set adrift.
Healing waters rising up
Renewed and filled with grace
Strength in your light
Pouring onto upturned face.
Breath flowing strongly
Opening clarity of mind
Healing all of Spirit
Divinely and lovingly refined.
Strength of Will to action
Resilient and bountiful
Body made whole and manifest
Cloaked in Mother’s soothing mantle.
Mother Moon comfort is offered
From your nurturing and gentle hand
In the blessing of your revealing
In your watery image collectively we stand.
Mother Moon, ruler of this night
Milky orb of my heart’s desire
On this night of unending devotion
Awaken the depths of my Spirit’s purifying fires.
In your likeness may I be renewed
In your power may I guide the way
In your light may I see my inner truths
And in gratitude and health may
I greet each day.
Mother Moon
Full faced of Light
The scales of balance sway
Held in my hand of knowing sight.
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