Lifting the Veil- Neptune Retrograde

Graphic Image by: Allstar3061

Neptune Retrograde
June 9- November 15
3:51 p.m.

We are currently in the holding pattern of 4 planets that have stationed Retrograde in the past few months:

Saturn (structure and discipline) March 2 – July 20
Pluto (regeneration and transformation) April 14 – September 22
Mercury (communication) June 7 – July 1

And, the latest planet, Neptune that began its retrograde on June 9th. Each of these planets has their own particular intensity in the normal progressions, so when they retrograde in their cycles and hold strong for the duration of that transit, everything is magnified and enabled for deep and potentially very productive inner dialogue.

We are several weeks into the Saturn and Pluto retrogrades and no doubt you have sensed an underlying need for change (Pluto) that would bring order (Saturn) to certain areas of your life. At times this push was most likely unavoidable and the emotions generated were bubbling under the guise of detachment and apathy (Pluto) as you struggled to hold tight to the (chaotic) status quo. If you have been actively working with the Saturnian and Plutonian energies, although there is still much work to be done in shoring up those aspects within your life that need greater control and regimen (Saturn), you have made efforts towards revitalizing and transforming (Pluto) what could be saved as you sought out to find the weak points and bolster (Saturn) them with more disciplined action and intent.

Mercury’s recent retrograde added to the mix offers the opportunity for deeper scrutiny and a pause on charging ahead. Think of it as a filter to be sure that everything is truly in the correct state of affairs and ready to be expressed (Mercury) in the best possible light when the dust clears and Mercury moves direct. Add to this mix a retrograde of Neptune and you have the potion of change at all levels of self.

Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces (the most compassionate of the Zodiacal signs) and is considered the deepest waters of emotional expression. At this level of submersion the outcome of successful navigation is finding those treasures buried deeply within the subconscious and finding all of those beautiful aspects of self that light the deep abyss with bioluminescence. This light is the heightened awareness that intuitively guides you through the darkness, trusting its course. As Neptune stationed retrograde, the Moon was waxing in the astrological sign of Scorpio. This added a deeper complexity to the start of this retrograde, both being of water, hidden resources and the mysteries of the subconscious.

In Esoteric astrology, Neptune is considered the higher octave of the Moon and is most closely linked to the work of the Soul as it manifests its purpose through our physical form. These are the emotions that have been drawn into the Soul level and have been infused with a deep and mystical understanding of all compassionate Love. This burgeoning of compassion produces a sensitivity to others that during the retrograde may become more pronounced. Try to take nothing “personally”, but instead allow these feelings to move easily along simply acknowledging them and then letting them pass. Part of the work in being human is learning that we can be attuned to others, but do not need to wear the mantle of their sorrows as our own.

The Moon provides the flow of understanding and intuition that create the space for healing and compassion. The waxing and waning of this energy, carefully carving the pathway of opening, much like the shoreline’s redefinition with the ebb and flow of the tides, that changes the way in which we interact and present ourselves to the world. This is the aspect of “humanity” within that connects us to the collective condition of the human race. This is where understanding and compassion lives within and it is from the vista of this inner temple that we can safely dive into the surrounding waters that hold the keys for expression. If we amplify this energy moving deeper into the mysteries of our emotional seascape, Neptune (Archetypically, The King of the Sea) awaits us ready to guide that journey.

Neptune comes as an initiator into the deeper mysteries of the Soul’s work. Much of this work is brought to the surface through our dreams and the intended focus of allowing ourselves to be receptive to the insights offered. Traditionally, Neptune is attributed with holding a veil of illusion that clouds the true sight. It is true that the deep waters of the ocean’s depths can be murky and lack the clarity that is needed in seeing what lay ahead. But, this so called “veiling” is also what encourages us to rely on our inner sense of sight and visioning that is the truer course. The lifting of this veil is also the threshold we pass through as we enter into the dream state and deep visioning.

When Neptune retrogrades our dreams often become richer and more active as the intuitive senses open to the deeper reserves that are Neptune’s domain. Entering into the dream state with questions posed or a problem to be solved during this time will often provide the necessary keys for answer and resolution. If we approach this work wielding the Trident of King Neptune we can make use of the specific type of energy it represents. This triad emanates will, love and intellect working cohesively through its pointed directive. This interaction pierces the waters of our deepest nature and the result is one of active creation and transformation of what rises to the surface. We require the will of desire to accomplish our intended goal. The emotional engagement (love) fuels that desire and the inventive mind allows us to see the task from all perspectives and reach viable conclusion. The cycle begins anew with the seed of thought (intellect) acting as catalyst to inspired the newly informed will to love.

So, dive deeply into the dreamscape. Hold the intent of seeing with a deeper sense of what will support your spiritual journey and light the way towards moving intuitively and organically through all of your actions. Envision a space of deepening that is your inner Temple of insight that allows you to lift the veil of what you feel yourself to be. Look out on the vastness that is the ocean of your dreams, hopes, creations and all things that add the “humanity” to your physical expression.

A Little Numerology:

Neptune retrogrades on the Ninth (9) day of the Sixth (6) month. Nine is the number of initiations, thresholds, death and rebirth. Six is the illumined trinity of harmonious action. The 3 parts of selves elevated in dialogue with the 3 higher parts of Being. And, the entire year we re held under the number 7 (2014= 2+1+4=7). Seven is the number of new paths taken carved from the experiences and lessons learned previously. It is the space of higher education and new trails to be blazed.


For more about the Mercury Retrograde:

Mercury Retrogrades Tomorrow AM

Meet Me at the Station

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