All Hail! The Temple of the Sun is Upon Us!


Hymn to RA

All Hail to Thee, Mighty RA
Blaze of noon day sun.
Your fiery orb high in the
Sky above as we kneel
Beneath the heat of
Your radiance.

All the Gods bow to your radiance
All the Goddesses sing hymns of praise
To Your glory and man
Lays prostrate in humility
And devotion at the altar of
Your making.

Sweet music of adoration and offerings
Brought forth from the Black Land
Rise up in praise and thanks for
Your Sustaining Light.

All darkness flees at the touch of Your hand
All ceases its movement as Your expansive
Rays stretch across the morning sky.

The lotus opens to receive Your Touch
And the sands glisten as rare jewels
As You gaze upon each grain washed
Clean in the boundless ocean that
Reflects the brilliance of your face.

All Hail to Thee
All Hail to Thee
Who sits high
Above the world.

Khepra in the East
Atum in the West
Whose eye holds the
Point of Life and the
Trifold Arc of Power.

Your eyes see all and
You are the place of return
Within the glowing blackness
Of the Midnight Sun.

All Hail to Thee
All Hail to Thee
Amun, Amun, Amen!

Sun in Aries

Today is a particularly auspicious day. In addition to the Sun’s Transit into Aries and the start of a new zodiacal cycle, it is International Astrology Day, the Spring Equinox and on a personal note, my twin daughters’ birthday. All of these occurrences bringing a strong energy of focus on today, March 20.2014! The invocation to RA above demonstrates the potency and regal nature of the solar principle and it is in the Spirit of this energy that we will travel the Greater cycle of the Sun as we move through its many faces clothed in the intent and style of each of the astrological signs.

These posts will be broken down into 4/weekly offerings to include:

* The primary energy of the astrological sign (posting on the date of Transit)

* New Moon Magick (posting on the date of lunation)

* Magickal Overlays Pt. 1- Qabalah and Tarot (Sunday)

* Magickal Overlays Pt. 2- Numerology and more (Sunday)

Because we are just entering the Temple of the Sun, there will be five posts this solar month. Today’s post will explore the dynamics of the Sun itself and an additional post on Sunday will discuss the application of the astrological sign Aries as the ruler of this solar month. The number 5 is an appropriate way to begin this journey, as it is the number of disruptive and transformative change, both of which are two of the intentions for this solar study.

The Sun

As pagans, we are continually reminded of and work with the energies and mysteries of the Moon. We have ritual, offer devotion and live in the light and through the cycles of Her many phases. By contrast, the Solar Mysteries are generally continued within the Sabbats and the occasional working that requires the assistance of a solar deity. Doing work that will deepen and strengthen our connection to both of these cycles establishes a point of balance that is informed by the strengths of each and the interweaving of their subtleties to produce work that is synthesized and illumined by light and dark.

The Sun is the brightest star in the heavens. In esoteric matters we often hear reference of the Sun behind the Sun or the Midnight Sun.  It is both celestial body, physical in its energy and impact and archetypal in its energy as Deity, energetic force and place of primal force that holds the mystery of creation.

There are many attributions that are given to the Sun. in magickal work, we think of the sun’s energies in the forms it takes as the solar deities we work with, the heat and light the sun provides at a physical and manifest level and the impact of the solar meridians and chakra on our subtle energetic anatomy. As the polarity to the feminine intuitive and healing Lunar qualities, we see the power of the Sun as the masculine strength that is woven through folklore, mythology and the vastness of the varied and diverse spiritual streams. The Sun stands at the central core of all of our workings. It is the dynamic fire that fuels our will towards intent and acts as the combustible source that enlivens whatever that working may be.

These are just a few of the ways we make connection with the archetypes of the Sun. Regardless of what form these solar energies take, the underpinning keys that hold true are those of strengthening, enlivening and ultimately transforming anything held in its power. There is, as well, the timely caution to not stray too close to the full potency of the light of the sun lest it burn the fragile skin we are contained within. In counter to that we also carry the lessons of the Phoenix, whose sole (soul) work is that of the destruction of itself, reduction to the refined essence of its components and the rising up from the ash of flesh and bone to be reborn anew. Let’s take a closer look at some of these vehicles of change.

In ritual and magickal or devotional work we call to the Deities that will best inform and serve what we hope to manifest. The solar deities are those who are called forth to enliven, strengthen and ignite change in a very specific and transmutive way. The Egyptian Solar God, RA reigned supreme and took many forms, including that of the rising and setting of the physical Sun, the sustainer of all life. Each aspect held the key to another level of transformation that those who followed the energy of his Solar flame could hope to lay claim to. The Celtic Goddess, Brighid as a solar deity was keeper of the sacred triple flame and ignited the creative spark in her seekers. Her blade was one of healing that cauterized that which had been excised. She was mistress of the Forge and as such applied the heat of her action to temper the malleable steel of our form and bathed it in the soothing waters too cool and set what had been crafted. The Greek God, Helios was considered to be the Sun itself, traveling much like RA through the day lit sky in a chariot drawn by fire breathing horses. These are the Gods/desses that light the way and blaze the path towards transformation. In ceremonial work, the Liber Resh Vel Helios was written for members of Aleister Crowley’s Order to be performed four times daily as devotional and adoration of the Sun. Its intent was that of focus of the mental process from a heliocentric view, greater connection to the energies of the sun and attunement to The Great Work.

At the level of spiritual evolution and transformation of the energetic bodies it is the solar connection that assists in the building of a Light enlivened physical or manifest body. This energy is gifted through the Etheric body via the vital force gathered from the sun. This energy of the sun presents in three streams of force:

• The Fohat which is the physical manifestation of electricity and of the electromagnetic state in application. This form of solar energy directly impacts the neurological systems of the body that, in turn stimulate and open the pathways of communication, both at physical and spiritual levels.

• The flow of Prana, which provides a state of vitality to the body and is the penultimate and primary life force that transforms the fluids of the body.

• The Kundalini or serpent Fire that transmutes, refines and quickens the impact of the Endocrine System. It is the union of the solar and lunar pathways working each in accord and in friction with the other that sends the life force upwards to nourish and flow through the pathways of the 7-Stars (aka: the glands/organs of the Endocrine system).

In energetic practice, it is the action of calling upon the accumulated Fohat that serves to enliven the individual’s Prana that can then in turn be used to raise and quicken the Serpent Fires of the Kundalini. As this polarized flow of energy of both the lunar and solar currents is pulled up into the crown center, it bathes the pineal glands in its milky elixir and acts as interface to opening to cosmic and expanded consciousness.

At the level of the Chakras- the vortices of energy that draw in and emit the refined spiritual light, the Sun is associated with the Solar Plexus. This chakra is the core center of our inner sun or seat of great power. It is within the solar plexus that awareness of the raising of energy is first noticed. It sits at the center of gravitational balance, keeping us strong and secure in our footing as we move forward. And, it is this chakra that acts to energize and strengthen our actions and fires of will. If engaged fully it is the opener of the heart center of compassion and works in conjunction with the throat center so that will, heart and mind are expressed in an effective manner.

In the overlay of the system of the Qabalah, the sun stands as the central sephira (sphere) of the Tree of Life as Tiphareth. This is the place of sacrifice and reassembling from the wisdom of the inpouring of the other spheres of connection that enter and pass through Tiphraeth. It is the sphere of Beauty, the beauty being held in the synthesis and transmutation by application of the solar principle. On ascending the Tree towards the Godhead of Kether (The Limitless All) the next sphere of connection is Geburah on the Pillar of Might. The heat of the sun is now aligned with the cauterizing blade of the surgeon that cleaves to heal. In descent towards the manifest realm of Malkuth (Foundation) Tiphareth pours into Netzach on the Pillar of Mercy, the fires of refinement. The Solar Principle is gathered here as the soon to be manifest form is fired in the kiln’s of selective balance and desire to create. And on the Middle Pillar of the Tree Tiphareth reaches up through knowledge (Da’At) and the resultant self-awareness to return to the formless source of Kether. On return circuit, the solar energy of Tiphareth reaches down into the sphere of Yesod, affecting discernment and exerting will that is devoid of illusion and misdirection as it is brought into the physical world.

Astronomically, at the time of the Solstices and the Equinoxes we are offered the dynamics of bringing a state of balance between the polarities of sun and moon; night and day. The solstices herald the dominance of one over the other, still being ever mindful of the need for each to maintain this cycle of excess and release. The equinoxes provide a dynamic of seeing solar (day) and lunar (night) in harmonious balance, each providing the pause of equilateral tension as the movement into waxing or waning begins anew.

There are as many ways to attune to this cycle as there are the overlays and characteristics that comprise it. I routinely use these energies in my daily spiritual practice. This may take the form of simply sitting outside at lunchtime and calling into myself the spiritual (Prana) and physical (Fohat) energy of the Sun. I breathe in the rays of the sun, pulling them into the Solar Plexus and then exhaling them into distribution throughout my body. I envision this process radiating out ad into all of my subtle bodies. I have used crystals to hold the specific energy of the sun for later use in ritual work calling upon a Solar Deity’s assistance in quickening the start of a new project. This is particularly effective during a solar eclipse; bringing together a sphere that has been charged with the building lunar energies and another holding the energies of the solar cycle. This eclipse only occurs when the moon is in its New Phase, and is signified by the passing of the moon between the earth and the Sun. I can call upon this combination of energy to create the pathway of the Sun strengthening the heart’s desire (The Moon) as it aligns with the manifest plane of earth.

A few years ago, our Coven embarked on a deepening of our understanding and use of the solar mysteries in a year-long plan. We used as our foundation the Egyptian Pantheon and the cycle of RA and the movement of the Solar Barque (Solar Boat) across the sky through specially crafted rituals. We honored Khepra-Ra at the Vernal Equinox as keeper of the Dawn and new beginnings. We invoked Amum-RA at the Summer Solstice as quickener and peak solar force of noon. The Autumnal Equinox held the energy of RA-Atum in the solar form of Dusk and the setting of the sun to rest and integrate what had been enlivened. And, we entered the Du’at at Samhain in preparation for the calling forth of the Midnight Sun at the time of the Winter Solstice. The products of this work were an uplifting of the foundations we had laid towards a better understanding of the primal nature of the solar energies and their impact in all of our workings.

I have included at the beginning of this introductory post an invocation that I wrote years ago that was used at the start of the Solar Mysteries cycle of workings. If you are so inclined, make formal dedication to this study and feel free to use this invocation as an opening to the Gateway of an energy that is potent in its outpouring and serves to inform and illuminate all aspects of our being. In Solar Light!

Posting on Sunday, March 23rd.

Birth Rite: The Sun of Aries

3 Responses to “All Hail! The Temple of the Sun is Upon Us!”

  1. […] Moon in Aries: Temple of the Sun Dig Deep, Stand Strong and […]

  2. […] New Moon in Aries: Temple of the Sun […]

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