What If? New Moon in Cancer

June 23.2017
New Moon in Cancer
10:31p.m. (EDT)

Sun in Cancer

This New Moon is hot on the heels of Wednesday’s Summer Solstice (6.22.2017) and Solar Transition into the astrological sign of Cancer. Cancer is all about family, home, security, feeling valued and feeling safe. Everything that we all hope for in our earthly existence and much of how those things play out in our lives are based on the nebulous balance of control and surrender.

We have emerged from the day of the Summer Solstice, basking in the longest day of light and feeling the sun’s warmth wrap around us like a soothing blanket welcomed in coming in from a cold blustery day. The Solstice energy is one of over abundance of one energy so that the other may take its hold and ultimately do the work of preparation necessary to achieve the balance and momentary equilibrium that will follow at the time of the equinox.

How we use that over abundance is framed by our perspective of what is safe, what is of value, what will provide security and where will we find the solace of home and family if everything does not go as planned. But, what if we could take hold of all that is of benefit and unconditionally trust that all will proceed “as it should”. Mind, I did not say, positively, negatively or other. Each of those states has both boons and failures. That’s where trust comes into play. Knowing that regardless of the semantics we use to identify a situation as beneficial or negative there is a fair amount of the other in each. We are able to celebrate the longest day, despite the knowledge that it also heralds the descent into lessening light and colder weather.

We know that this will continue until it peaks and then we begin the process of calling to ourselves the light that we “trust” will glow brightly with the Sun’s strengthening and return at the Winter Solstice. In the meanwhile we are called indoors and seek the warmth and comfort of home, cuddle in with family as we “wait out” the darkness and redefine what these things truly mean to us. All very Cancerian pursuits prompted by a singular point on the Great Wheel and astronomical time that became the inspiration for diving more deeply into those places and people that offer security.

What if we allowed these re-defining moments to become a continuous flow of wave and current? The emotional sea that keeps us afloat regardless of the stormy seas of outer conflict and disappointments. The safe haven in which we could find the comfort of healing and loosen our fear of drowning in the dark abyss of waters that lay beneath the surface. What if we stopped struggling to rise above the waters and instead embraced them in all of their fullness as they crest and recede in the wake of our life’s journey?


Saturn in Sagittarius (April – August 25) – Mid-point
Neptune in Pisces (June 16 – November 22)
Pluto in Capricorn (April 20 – September 28)

We have our planetary family of allies in our journey of ‘What if”. The focus and intention of the retrograde slowing calls out, “What if you heeded my lessons and drank deeply from the introspective wisdom I offer? “.

In this lunation and Solar month of Cancer’s Cardinal (initializing energies that catalyze the first beginnings) Waters of life (and light) all that gives structure and organization to what we value and hold dear as our space of sanctuary is held in the wisdom of Saturn’s regimentation. Saturn is in the Fiery sign of Sagittarius-Mutable and flexible in its contractive and expansive desire to reach beyond and act. This Saturnian wisdom holds the light of fires that seek out others of like-mind and intention and its gift for this Cancerian New Moon is in the “What if, I trust in myself and allow my heart and my emotions to seek out a broader family of those I treasure and who treasure me? What might I learn about love, and my ability to love and be loved? And, how will that change the structure I have built for myself of what can be? “.

Retrograde Neptune in its ruling sign of Pisces allows for a depth of exploring what has been buried deep in the seas of our willingness to trust. Mutable and flexible Pisces gives of itself unconditionally; no ocean is too deep, no lake to long and no sea too stormy to get to the place of love and compassion that transcends its needs for that of the other. This is the ultimate giver, supporter and nurturer of each individual, seeing all as an extension of the beauty and Divinity of what is the source of its creation. What if you allowed this unconditional love to flood through you? What if you surrendered to its gifting you with the peace and sanctuary of forgiveness, hope and the truth of this beauty flowing through all despite the angry seas of emotion that we may encounter? This sea’s gift for this Cancerian New Moon calls to you to “Sink into my healing waters. Have no fear, you will not drown. I will gently support your descent as we move down deeper than you have braved alone. What is seen as murkiness and illusion in the refracting of my light in these depths, is simply a mirror reflecting back the beauty of your Soul. The clarity that you seek is the real illusion, for only that which is rigid and unyielding will produce that image. You are the flow of this sea itself and what you fear in my depths, is of your loving creation. So, fear not and instead see the beauty of my bioluminescent life below and the sanctuary found in this watery home.”

And, finally the ally of Pluto, master of the unknown and keeper of the mystery of re-membering the past and future as a gift to the present. Pluto in earthy Capricorn forms the foundation and acts as the scaffolding of confidence to explore what cannot be seen; proceeding from a place of security that has upheld on every occasion of doubt. What if, we stood at the gates of the unknown and called out to what lay beyond trusting that what answered would be precisely where and what we would need to grow. Capricorn allows for growth that spans the depths and reaches the heights, all the while being held in safety and surety that you will not falter. This is only true, if you take those first steps and if you allow the “What if, I don’t succeed?” become the “What if I excel?”.  Pluto’s gift for this Cancerian New Moon dares you “to try. To trust in the process. To recognize all (and who) that supports and upholds your heart’s desires. And, in that moment of allowing your heart to sing and move in the beauty of its birthright, you will draw from the lessons of the past, and use them to anchor yourself in the present as you look towards a future that becomes the Cancerian space of home, family and security.” 

What If..

So, on this day of the New Moon of Beginnings in the Watery Seas of Cancer I return to the question I posed at the start…

“What if we allowed these re-defining moments to become a continuous flow of wave and current? To become the emotional sea that keeps us afloat regardless of the stormy seas of outer conflict and disappointments. The safe haven in which we could find the comfort of healing and loosen our fear of drowning in the dark abyss of waters that lay beneath the surface. What if we stopped struggling to rise above the waters and instead embraced them in all of their fullness as they crest and recede in the wake of our life’s journey?”

What if?….

One Response to “What If? New Moon in Cancer”

  1. Reblogged this on The Magickal Pen and commented:

    Blessings of this New Moon in Watery Cancer…

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