Archive for the New Moon Category

New Moon in Capricorn-Take it Slow

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, capricorn, Eclipses, New Moon, Uranus on January 5, 2019 by themagickalpen

January 5.2019
8:28p.m. (EST)

Partial Solar Eclipse
8:41p.m. (EST)

We stand in the shadow of a New Moon in earthy astrological Capricorn, fired in the backdraft of Uranus stationing direct on January 2nd. New Moons flow abundantly in the potential of what can be. We have the additional support of the Solar Month cloaked in the strength of Capricorn; the energies of Mother Moon and Father Sun holding the power and cardinal energy of scaling the heights as you plunge into the depths (the Sea-Goat of Capricorn).

Uranus is a planet of electrical impulse. It is the higher amplification of Mercury’s communicative style. Mercury aligns as the phone’s switchboard and Uranus is the motherboard of a computer that is instantaneous and lightning speed in relay. When this planet stations retrograde, the build up of neuro-electric energy is palpable. People become short tempered and irritable as information pulses through at speeds that are not easily traversed. So, this New Moon is directly in the line of Uranian energy that provides the backdraft to light things up as new trails are blazed.

Capricorn’s energy is one of slow and precise placement. As an earth sign, this lends a heavier action to all that proceeds from this Sea-Goat’s movement. The tendency is often to remain solidly anchored in place’ hesitant and unsure of the footing, despite having the innate and organic balance and stability much like the goat traversing a very steep slope.

Partial Solar Eclipse

In the waxing light of the New Moon, a partial Solar Eclipse is underway at 8:41p.m.

In the dance Divine, the Sun and Moon line up (see diagram) with the Moon passing through Earth and Sun. We have a triad of earth energy flowing. Fire (Sun) of Earth (Capricorn)- Water (Moon) of Earth (Capricorn) and Earth of EARTH (our planetary home).

What a grounded way to launch the first New Moon of 2019! This night will launch beginnings that are solid and filled with the power of manifest form. This night will gather the enlivening of the Sun-flowing into the healing of the Moon as we stand in bounty of Earth and all of her glory. Take it slow and ease into what you wish to bring into fullness as the Moon waxes Full in Leo on January 21st…

Many blessings in this New Year!

Net-Work It! New Moon in Sagittarius

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, New Moon on December 6, 2018 by themagickalpen

December 7.2018
2:20a.m. (EST)

Sun – Moon – Jupiter
Let Those Arrows Fly with Mercury’s Blessing!

New Moon = fresh it up; open to what could be; start over

Sagittarius = seeking community’s desire; actions reaching beyond; action’s tiny embers of flexibility

Sun = strength; electromagnetic charisma; lighting it all the way

Moon = emotion’s gates; tides of experience; healing in mother’s embrace

Jupiter = expansive contraction; contracted breath; empowering the threshold of rebirth

Mercury = communication’s call; adaptability of expression; the truth that connects

Mercury stationed direct last night on the 6th, and is ready to carry all of the active fire of Sagittarius’ calling in its Scorpion waters of the phoenix fires. So, let those arrows of seeking fly into the light of electromagnetic resonance as you stand at the fresh start of expansive healing. You’ve got this! And, everything is lined up for you to take a step in a direction of creating new experiences and new alliances….

I dreamed in the darkness
Dreams of what could be
Dreams of what had been.

I breathed in the Light
And exhaled a sea of stars
All pulsing with the ebb and flow
Of crossing a threshold of fire’s grace.

I create
I destroy
I wait
I charge ahead
All lights on me.

I seek
I struggle
I surrender
To everything
I want to be
Everything I hope to be.

I am called into the light
I am pulled into the dark
I am the ebb and flow

I am the moon
I am the sun
I am the power of change

And in the darkened light
Of New Moon’s beginnings
I launch my arrows of fiery rebirth!

Blessings of the holiday season and blessings of this New Moon!

Samhain’s New Moon: Return From the Veils

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, New Moon on November 7, 2018 by themagickalpen

November 7.2018
astrological Samhain
6:18a.m. (EST)

New Moon in Scorpio
11:02a.m. (EST)

Today is astrological Samhain and boasts a New Moon in mystical Scorpio. What an auspicious event! What a power-filled day!

Samhain celebrates the parting of the veils and opportunity to reach into the world of the Ancestors as we seek their wisdom, blessings and more. Astrological Scorpio enables dipping into a watery well of mysticism, intuition and transformation. The New Moon provides a quickening that catalyzes all that stands as opportunity for rebirth, emergence from the source of its creation and seeding towards the future.

I love the dynamics of this New Moon/Samhain combo! And, I am choosing to dive deeply into those fixed dark waters of Scorpio. Scorpio is the only astrological sign that boasts three (3) levels of expression- the scorpion-the eagle and the Phoenix.

As the scorpion, the energy is covert and strikes out of nowhere with a certain amount of brooding and self-directed reflection. When this energy reveals itself, we stand back, silently observe and assess, taking it all in. We don the masks that are designed to provide the world with the image we wish to project and when the time is right we reach out spilling our emotive truths, often stinging as we move our course.

As the eagle, Scorpio’s energy approaches from the heights. Again, much surveying and observation, and just like the eagle, when the precise prey is detected, the energy swoops in, filling the vessel to the brim with waters that are purposeful and emotions that are pointed and directed.

And, finally as the Phoenix, the energy of water behaves as the quickening fires of a womb of transformative creation, that must first burn to purify, render down to ash before it can be made manifest once again and arises anew, similar , et dynamically transmuted.

These three visions align quite beautifully with the penultimate Goddess of Samhain, Hecate. SHE who dons the three faces of maiden, mother and crone-creatrix, bone mother and necromantor of the dead. Hecate is also a Goddess of the Moon and HER heart beats within the waters of Lady Moon’s faces.

Hecate’s Maiden hides her true face as she hones her skills and assesses how she will decide to move through her life. She holds her emotions close to heart and when betrayed or otherwise provoked, can lash out, stinging un-relentlessly, and just as the scorpion itself, is often oblivious to what its object of attention is.

Hecate’s Mother feeds and nurtures her children, the unloved-the unwanted and in keeping with a Mother’s love, provides ruthlessly and with precise intent what is needed for survival. The Eagle hunts because it must. The Eagle ascends into the skies to protect  and hold vantage point of dominant sight. And, Hecate the Mother exerts her care with the pointed talons that have been sharpened by life’s experience.

Hecate’s Crone calls to those who have passed beyond the veils. Hecate, the crone shares HER wisdom only with those who lay themselves bare and render themselves to ash, willingly awaiting her transformation and blessing. The Phoenix of Hecate’s underworld passes through the Gates of Death, to be born anew flaming and glorious in its Light.

Returning From the Veils

I call to the wisdom of this New Moon to begin the work of self. I will scry deeply into the waters that hold the waxing reflection of SHE who has welcomed my beloved ancestors; those whose blessings  I seek on this day of honoring those beyond the veils.

I have stepped through the gates and called out to those who have come before me and in the darkness I have felt the love and joy of communion. The mystery of these Veils holds the keys to all that I may bring into my life. I will forever feel the grace of my ancestors and know that they are guiding a newly honed will that has emerged from devotion and work towards rising strong and potent in the fullness of my light.

Tonight will begin a new journey of honoring myself as I shed what clings to me of death’s decay and rise transformed, wings beating fiercely with passion and new life. Tonight I return from the veils carrying the gifts of my ancestors as we blaze a path of new birth..

More about Samhain:

We are also at our final and 30th-day of postings for 30-Days of Samhain. Enjoy this as a compliment to this New Moon’s energy….

30 Days of Samhain: Day Thirty and the Final Meeting at the Crossroads

An Eclipse of the Heart-New Moon in Cancer

Posted in Auspicious Days, Eclipses, New Moon on July 12, 2018 by themagickalpen

New Moon in Cancer
10:48p.m. (EDT)

Partial Solar Eclipse
9:48p.m. (EDT)


Lady Moon begins her new journey towards fullness tonight at 10:48p.m. (EDT) as she wears the cloak of astrological Cancer’s soothing home. As with each New Moon, the Sun and Moon share the same astrological sign and in this case the heartbeat of Mother Moon will move more deeply across the face of Father Sun as the second Solar (Partial) Eclipse of 2018 occurs beginning at 9:48p.m. (EDT).

A New Moon signifies an opportunity to reset or begin a new path towards what you wish to bring into fruition and fullness at the next phase of Full Moon. This may take several iterations for completion or simply be a goal that is easily fulfilled within one lunar month’s cycles of New/Full/Dark Waning. Now, dress that intention with whatever astrological sign Lady Moon is wearing. This moon wears the watery face of Cancer and appropriately this astrological sign is Cardinal in modality, which gives an added boost to starting things anew. The Cardinal Modality is one of initiating and catalyzing whatever is set upon its course. The aspect of water here is one of support offered by the Moon Herself, as Queen and holder of the mysteries of deep emotion, healing, intuitive openings and all that pulls at the heartstrings of ebb and flow. Cancer adds the quick start of water that lay close to home and hearth, and gently ripples through all that we know and call family, support and home. This is the space of emotional security.

The Solar energy of astrological Cancer, now at its mid-point, acts as the supportive Father providing just enough heat and movement to initiate an offspring that will bask in the security of Mother (Moon in Cancer) and Father (Sun) who seek the best integration of heart (water) and will (fire) used appropriately to effect change and growth.

A Partial Solar Eclipse:

….“An eclipse of the Sun (or solar eclipse) can only occur at New Moon when the Moon passes between Earth and Sun. If the Moon’s shadow happens to fall upon Earth’s surface at that time, we see some portion of the Sun’s disk covered or ‘eclipsed’ by the Moon. Since New Moon occurs every 29 1/2 days, you might think that we should have a solar eclipse about once a month. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen because the Moon’s orbit around Earth is tilted 5 degrees to Earth’s orbit around the Sun. As a result, the Moon’s shadow usually misses Earth as it passes above or below our planet at New Moon. At least twice a year, the geometry lines up just right so that some part of the Moon’s shadow falls on Earth’s surface and an eclipse of the Sun is seen from that region.

The Moon’s shadow actually has two parts:

1. Penumbra – The Moon’s faint outer shadow. Partial solar eclipses are visible from within the penumbral shadow.
2. Umbra – The Moon’s dark inner shadow.Total solar eclipses are visible from within the umbral shadow.
When the Moon’s penumbral shadow strikes Earth, we see a partial eclipse of the Sun from that region.”… Read More at

A (partial) Eclipse of the Heart:

…..”The partial solar eclipse of July 13, 2018, will take place almost entirely over open water. Because the eclipse will arrive during the Southern Hemisphere’s winter, most of Antarctica will be experiencing “polar nights.” During these periods, the sun does not rise for days, weeks or months at a time. But the partial solar eclipse will briefly pass over the illuminated edge of the continent that lies just south of Australia. Skywatchers on the very southern coasts of Australia and New Zealand might catch brief views of the eclipse.

This partial eclipse will begin at 9:48 p.m. EDT on July 13 (0148 GMT on July 12), reaching its maximum magnitude of 0.3367 at 11:01 p.m. EDT (0301 GMT). Eclipse magnitude is what fraction of the sun’s diameter is covered by the moon”…. Read More at

I thought this was quite interesting when I read the above, given the potential for this New Moon and seeking what will serve as the starters for healing. The intimate exchange between Sun and Moon occurs over a space of open water. Perhaps, this is the space of our personal awakening of a heartscape that is receptive to moving calmly along the tides’s rise and fall. Emotions flare and ebb, just as the tides and in the current environment it is all too easy to allow emotions to flood through us, submerging us in waters that churn in an unproductive cycle of anger, mistrust and disbelief.

I choose to turn my intent towards the dreams, hopes, healing and wishes (Moon) that arise as I bask in the solar enlivening energy, rising higher from the manifest world (Earth) of form. Or, another way to think on this is that I choose to let heart (Moon) and will (Sun) move into the dane of the Higher Self in communication (Middle Self) with all that I am in this physical space of Earthy flesh, bone and mind that seeks healing and hope. I choose an eclipse of the heart that catalyzes change…

What will you choose?

Read More:

Astrological Cancer
Bonus Pathworking: The Hall of Cancer
What If? New Moon in Cancer
The Magick of Cancer

Solar Eclipse
The Solar Eclipse of Great Shadow

Moon Phase Magick
A Year and A Day on the Wiccan Path: Solar and Lunar Magick

The Parts of s/SELF
Magickal Alignment:The Parts of Self

The Dawn Rises on Middle Ground

Posted in Astrology, capricorn, Mercury, New Moon, Sagittarius, Solstice on December 18, 2017 by themagickalpen

December 18 – December 20
New Moon in Sagittarius into Capricorn

December 21.2017
The Winter Solstice
Sun in Capricorn
Waxing Moon in Aquarius

Yep, there’s a lot going on over the next few days. We’ve seen the patterns before, but each iteration of a new year offers subtle nuances; meaning that every New Moon is Sagittarius is not alike. There are core similarities but, even despite the transits and planets retrograding, there are gradients of color that express themselves.

I’ve been writing a series entitled 19 Days of Illuminated darkness that is a countdown to the Winter Solstice and some old and new ways of engaging the potency of this time. So I decided to add this into the mix as the Sixteenth (16) Day. An interesting note there is that numerologically, the number 16 reduces to 1+6=7. Seven (7) a number relating to the harmonious balance and interaction of polarized energy that is the double trinity of 6 and moves forward from that foundation to explore, reach out and pursue new paths of expression and learning. So, using this as the 16th post is a subtle nod to the power of delving a bit more deeply into everything that flows into that singular day of astrological event, in this case the New Moon flowing into the Winter Solstice.

New Moon in Sagittarius
December 18
1:30a.m. (EST)

The Moon waxed new this morning in the wee hours and didn’t remain long in this fiery astrological sign before moving on to Capricorn at 8:30a.m. This may seem like a very short hiatus but Sagittarius had been courting the Lady Moon for the two days prior (16th and 17th), stirring up waters and emotions that sought a place of quickening as Sagittarius released its arrows of catalytic action. This energy is particularly useful at this juncture just prior to the Winter Solstice and the reclaiming of the Sun in dominion over the night in growing length of duration in any given day. As with any fire, the beginnings of it taking hold and building a formidable light are dependent on the striking of a match, or some form of kindling and the tiny spark that becomes the glowing flame.

This starting of the fires presents itself well at this time of the year with holidays and family and friends in the foreground as we seek to deepen and show appreciation for those relationships we have grown and kept warm and active. The New Moon reinforces this building and creative collaboration in that another aspect of Sagittarius is one of networking and becoming the bridge to bring people together. You may be familiar with the saying “burning the candle at both ends”. It reference meaning that someone is overextending themselves and has not place to anchor in. I don’t see this as a negative thing depending on how those “ends” are co-creating. Everything requires a sacrifice of sorts so having the ability to quicken the fires of action and will using all parts of yourself, will most definitely result in a mid-point of blaze, but do not have to be lost in the equation. Remember the Phoenix and the gift of rendering down to ash, only to be reborn more powerful, beautiful and stronger than ever in a new more resilient form.

This New Moon today, moves a few hours later into earthy Capricorn. The astrological sign of having the gift of being able to scale the heights and the depths, sure-footed and successfully if only the initial inertia and uncertainty doesn’t stop everything in its tracks. This is the sea goat and the placement of our emotional seascape in this astrological energy can produce great staying power for those embers that were cast about from Sagittarius’ bow. As we move towards the Winter Solstice and the birthing of a new light it is the caution that is inherent in Capricorn that can be used to spend a little more attention in stoking the fires that will birth your Sun of strength and renewed light.

The Winter Solstice
Moon in Aquarius
Solar Month transit into Capricorn

The Winter Solstice heralds the dawning of the sun’s renewed energy and readiness to grow in power incrementally with each dawn’s rising. This will remain so until it reaches its peak at the Summer Solstice and the Northern Hemisphere returns once again to the embrace of the Dark Mother’s mantle. This is the bursting forth from the womb of Goddess’ light as her waters hold the vision of Aquarius’ concept of humanity’s evolution. Aquarius is an air sign and as such thought and concept, ideal and vision are keywords for its energy. Place this energy in the womb that will bring forth a dawn of sustaining heat and light and the blueprint is indellibly marked in every pursuit, most especially those matters of intuition and insight. This combination if accessed without reserve opens the intelligence of the heart; the concept of wisdom flowing from the inner chamber of heart and mind truly beating as one.

And, with this year’s Winter Solstice being able to harness the communicative style of Aquarius’ MoonDance helps to push Mercury from its stationary transit of retrograde as it moves direct on December 22nd.

The Dawn Rises on the Middle Ground

These next few days can be the priming of your engines for movement, clarity and emerging from what may have felt oppressive as the days were cloaked in night. Being mindful of all that has brought you to this point and what you may carry forward or leave behind when you arise and welcome the sun’s light at the Winter Solstice will give you the vantage of standing at middle ground. You are the Capricornian seagoat and its most comfortable place to begin its decent or ascent is in that sweet spot of the middle. Use this as your place of anchor and as the sun rises, and the days stretch forward with growing light, place one foot in front of the other with assurance that you have laid the necessary foundations and you are indeed not only capable but more than ready to scale new heights.

And, do not forget that “up” is not always the desired vantage point. That being able to sense and intuit when to shift course and begin the dive into fertile and flowing waters is part of the process as the sun’s light becomes intense and the coolness of shade and soothing waters of healing are required.

May these last few days of this calendar year bring you joy and may the New Year send you forth (much like Sagittarius’ arrows) renewed and fueled by the quickening of blazing your own trails of connection…..Robin


Read More About:
Let Her Fly-The Magick of Sagittarius
The Hall of Sagittarius:A Pathworking of Expansive Reach

As Above, So Below-Sun in Capricorn
Sun in Capricorn-A Tree of Highs and Lows

19 days of Illuminated Darkness

Photo: Curbar Edge in Derbyshire

New Moon in Scorpio: The Waters of a Fiery Creation

Posted in Astrology, New Moon, Scorpio on November 17, 2017 by themagickalpen

November 18.2017
New Moon in Scorpio
6:42a.m. (EST)

Sun in Scorpio

The Moon waxes New in the watery astrological sign of Scorpio tomorrow morning at 6:42a.m. The Sun is in its last days of solar Scorpio and all of this potent occult energy emerges from the recent parting of the veils at Samhain.

Scorpio is unique in that it is the only of the twelve (12) astrological signs that expresses itself three very distinct ways; the Scorpion, the Eagle and the mythical Phoenix. Many mistakenly think of Scorpio as being a Fire sign, rather than water, largely because of its active and catalytic nature. And, this assignation is not that far off, since all of the elements contain within themselves each of the other three (3) as modifiers of their energy, such as Water of Water, Fire of Water, Earth of Water and Air of Water. Think if it this way, the actor (Water) wears different costumes (the other 3 elements moving through the primary element/actor) to portray different characters, archetypes and energies. Underneath it all, the actor (water) remains who and what its dominant and core energies are, but adapts that core to model a portion of what overlays it (one of the other elements).

Scorpio, displays this beautifully in its three forms. The Scorpion is earthy and deeply rooted in primal instinct. Its foundation is one survival and this includes remaining hidden in its actions so as not to attract the attention of what would consume it. Earth of Water provides the container for the water to remain or to flow. If the earth container is too rigid, the water will evaporate (survival instinct!) and become stagnant in the process. If the earth provides flexibility, the active flow of the water’s need to move and remain enlivened creates new pathways and the beginnings of a flowing body of healing waters can emerge. You could consider this model as the metaphor for shadow work. That which flows in the deep waters below and carries the sting of the Scorpion, can become the healing waters that stir us to movement in creating new pathways of understanding and intuitive nature.

The Eagle soars in the light, and because of its keen sight and ability to fly above what could destroy it, the Eagle has the benefit of both land and air. Air of water can be placed here. This is the breath of inspiration. The currents that carry the seeker towards its pinnacle and its goal. And the brilliance of a plan that will ensure success in finding and capturing the prey needed to survive. This is the survival of the Scorpion refined and honed in its enacting and rising above as the Eagle.

The Phoenix is the final result of the scorpion’s healing waters and the eagle’s keen sight aloft. These are the Fire-filled waters that render down what no longer serves and from the ashes (another return to earthy wisdom)something of beauty that is both hidden and in plain sight is born.

Beyond the traditional astrological assignations of Scorpio, wherever Scorpio has its imprint, change and opportunity is at hand. Another aspect of Scorpio’s energy is that of its waters being of the Fixed modality. This fixed nature is ready to receive from what has been catalyzed (Cardinal energy) and to expel what has been synthesized and given structure from its fixed container into the adaptive and flexible expansion of Mutable energy.

I’m going to add another layer to the triune nature of Scorpio, so just breathe! The qualities of those three modalities I just referenced – Cardinal (beginnings and initial catalyst) – Fixed (synthesis and structure) – Mutable (expansive and flexible) – also describe the potential held in Scorpio.

The nature of Scorpio as the scorpion is one of cardinal energy in the organic process of transformation offered. We use the scorpion to cloak and hide ourselves from the light. It is of no matter why we are doing this, the intention is still the comfort and safety felt when you don’t reveal too much of yourself and your emotional nature for fear of exposing the soft underbelly. Control and primal instinct are often not good bedfellows, but by learning to navigate in the recesses of our emotional earthiness, we are able to jumpstart movement into the light.

The nature of Scorpio as the eagle is one of fixed energy. We now are ready to synthesize our experience as the scorpion and our fear of flying. Flying out into the light where all can look up and see the glory and beauty of our wings carried within the container of sky and earth. We breathe in the air and the light and the transformation and integration of survival and discernment now are available. From the vantage point of rising above we can be discerning and accurate in what our next actions will be and where and how we choose to expose our emotions to the world.

And, finally, the nature of Scorpio as the Phoenix is complete transmutation that is mutable. The need to expand beyond what was thought to be capable, and to reach across the threshold of death (endings are also of the mutable nature) as manifest form is quickened. This is also the synthesis emanating from the Eagle’s fixed form, allowing the dissolution of limitation. No longer are the emotions and the desires held at bey, they now become the healing flames that ebb and flow in waters that have been purified and consecrated by trial and error for the express purpose of rebirth.

The New Moon of Quickening

This New Moon is an opportunity to set a new course. To dive deeply into the waters of emotion that lay hidden and allow a more intuitive way of navigating those dark waters to emerge. That initial burst of energy can be used as you visualize how much more discernment you will have as you make choice of which of these drops of dark waters can be carried into the light and used to form new rivers and streams that will eventually fall from the heights, cascading down as waterfalls. And, most importantly, allow the possibility for change to seep into every cell of your body. The possibility of rising in beauty and power, all because you willingly let drop the guard that held the most useful of those emotions and intuitive gifts to remain hidden.

Wax towards the fullness of your own lunar potential as you emerge catalyzed by the fiery waters of Scorpio’s creation! Blessings on this auspicious day….

Read more About Scorpio:

Meeting on Solid Ground-New Moon in Scorpio
Sun in Scorpio: Open the Floodgates and Lift the Veils
Flaming Sea-New Moon in Scorpio

Astrological  Gifts– Scroll down to:

April 22.2016- Full Moon in Scorpio
Light Arising from the Moon

October 22.2016- 4th Qrt. Moon in Leo-Sun in Scorpio
The Hall of Scorpio

To Learn More About the Alchemical Elements and the Sub-Elements:
The Elemental Year-Aligning the Parts of SELF
R. Fennelly.February 2013

The Beauty of a New Darkness-New Moon in Libra

Posted in Astrology, Esbat, Libra, New Moon on October 19, 2017 by themagickalpen

New Moon in Libra
3:12p.m. (EDT)

Sun in Libra

The moon waxes new this afternoon in the astrological sign of Cardinal (beginnings and catalyzing) Libra. Libra is of the Air element and its symbol is scales of balance. Its focus is that of balancing and harmonizing the mental process through the vision of beauty and refinement; think of image of Venus on the half shell.

I decided to do something a little different for this writing and placed the energies available for this moon’s phase in the context of astrological fiction. The piece is entitled, “The Beauty of a New Darkness”, an astrological tale in 3-parts.

As the solar energies are in their very last potency aligned with Libra and readying to transit into a new solar month of Scorpio on October 23rd. and we are nearing Samhain’s gates, it seemed like an appropriate expression of creativity to offer. Enjoy…

The Beauty of a New Darkness

Prelude: Part One
Act One: Part Two
Act Two: Part Three

Hidden Equilateral Refinement! The Autumnal Equinox

Posted in Astrology, Equinoxes, Libra, Lunar, New Moon on September 20, 2017 by themagickalpen

September 20.2017
New Moon in Virgo

September 22.2017

Fall Equinox
Sun Transits into Solar Month of Libra
4:02 p.m. (EDT)

Waxing Moon in Scorpio
1:40 p.m. (EDT)

The Moon began its waxing journey at 1:30a.m. (EDT) this morning, in the astrological sign of earthy Virgo. This New Moon heralds the Autumnal Equinox and a solar month that offers the wisdom of seeking balance and harmony, having come from the analytical breaking down of Virgo and reaching towards its future of Scorpio’s intensity.

Every New Moon resets the stage for what hopes, dreams, intentions and more that we wish to give a rebirthing energy. Essentially 12/13 moons of first quickening potential and reawakening to what that potential may be. Every effort that is put into this burgeoning phase is not wasted. Which also means that we have choice of being pulled along by the gathering force of stream or being proactive in where we choose to set our course.

Because of the cycles and natural rhythm of these events, our New Moon is in the last degrees of Virgo, rather than the usually anticipated same moon sign as solar sign. This also means that we can make use of the most developed of Virgo’s analytical skills and the first primings of Libra’s scales as the New Moon transits into the sign of its soon to be solar companion (at the Equinox on the 22nd), Libra at 6:06a.m., just a few hours later.

The Natural Order

The Equinox is noted as a time of (almost) equal day and night. In the cycle of annular time; the Equinoxes occur twice as do the Solstices. Four points in a given year where the laws of cause and effect, rhythm and polarity play out.

The Winter and Summer Solstices tip the scales in the burgeoning of increased light (Winter) and the necessary effect of rescaling with the expansion of darkness (Summer). The Equinoxes provide the point of active equilibrium mid-point between the weighing pans of the scales as the arm moves towards its final outcome of increased light or increased darkness. There has to be that point of transition and proof the scales have been calibrated to precisely measure what is placed on the pans.

In this case, the Autumnal Equinox is the opportunity to calibrate your own units of measure regarding how you will make use of the increasing darkness that was the product of June’s Summer Solstice. The weight has reached its mid-point and with the boost of Solar Libra, we can make use of the solar strength and electromagnetic charge to attract what we wish to contribute to our internal call towards balance. With the proximity of the New Moon energy and its final checks and balances (Virgo), we can choose where and what we wish to refine and re-define.

And, on the date of the Equinox, the Moon will have moved into the astrological sign of Scorpio. Scorpio navigates three worlds of expression – that of the Scorpion, hidden and cloaked until provoked. Soaring above as the Eagle, keen-sighted and precise in obtaining the smallest of prey. And, that of the mythological Phoenix; rendering itself to ashes so that a more powerful and radiant bird may be reborn with each iteration.

Let’s break it down a bit more. The Scorpion is primal instinct that is cloaked in the comfort of darkness. The Eagle rises from this primal darkness and, still maintaining its primal instinct also employs a masterful level of discernment, in being able to see clearly what lay below and what will serve to feed its survival.  The Phoenix transmutes and moves through the darkened ash to bring forth the brilliant light of its flames. These occult (hidden) energies flow through the Moon’s waters as the Equinox provides the transition of active equality of all levels of Scorpio’s intensity. Which of these emerges as the dominant, is up to you.

What weighs heavy on the scales of Light!

The three outer planets are currently retrograde, being the furthest away and thus the slowest to travel a complete circuit of orbital return. These three are also traditionally mapped as the higher vibrations of the personal planets (also Elder Seven, if you include the Luminaries of Sun and Moon):

Uranus = Mercury/Neptune = Venus/Pluto = Mars

Uranus Retrograde in Aries
Direct Jan. 2018

Uranus is the higher vibration of Mercury, the communication master. With Uranian energy that Mercurial gift transforms into pure electrical impulse and directly affects the nervous system at a physiological level. This retrograde energy is focused intention of amping up your sensitivity at both the overt and subtle levels. Additionally, wearing the mantle of fiery Aries first striking of the match, impulse control, agitation and re-action versus response are feeding very nicely from this pairing. Temperance is the cooling balm. Pausing and taking time to gather all the energetic sparks into a useable and suitable movement towards action will assist the scales of Libra’s mental processes to stabilize and dole out the correct measure of your revved up response.

We still have several months to go before the intensity of Uranus lets up. It will be the harbinger of change for the upcoming New Year and we can use that energy to open up pathways of communication and expression that would otherwise lay dormant. Just as technology advances (a Uranian tool) and our choices are becoming fewer regarding not making use of it, the technological upgrade we are receiving as evolutionary growth and spiritual change will continue to advance regardless of our active engagement in the process.  Temperance provides the precise amount of allowing the circuitry to open and receive the outpourings and allowing for time to “reboot” for integration.

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces
Direct on Nov. 22

Neptune is the higher vibration of Venus, whose refined manner seeks the harmonious “natural order” to flow. Neptune is also the planetary ruler of Pisces, the sign of well-honed compassion, understanding and heart. Where Uranus has been short-circuiting, Neptune has provided both the healing waters and the watery conduit that supports an even larger flare-up. Think exposed wire (Uranus) placed in water (Neptune)! Additionally, the dual impact of these watery energies (Pisces and Neptune) can muddy the waters making it extremely difficult to find the true sight of what lurks below the deepest depths of your personal emotions. The effect can be one of feeling as though you are drowning, held inert and weighed down by feelings and reflections of goals and philosophies that now appear hazy in what their worth is to your well-being. Breathe through this. Yeah, I know the caution is that we, as humans are unable to breathe under water. But we, as divine Beings are able to inhale what is needed to sustain from the healing waters of our own dark abyss. Remember that within the darkest of the ocean’s waters, bioluminescent life glows beautifully!

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn
Direct September 28

Pluto is the higher vibration of Mars, the wielder of active engagement. The armor of Capricorn’s earthy anchoring holds steady and protected the manifest form. Capricorn, the fables sea-goat who is sure footed on the steepest of terrains as well as navigating the depths of waters below, provides Pluto with the tools to claim its power as a manifest being and with Mar’s energy of asserting itself actively, to navigate the rough terrain that would otherwise make unsteady the ability to speak and seek your truths and values. Pluto holds in its domain the gifts of the past, knowledge of the potential of the future as the present remains the mid-point of current expression. The trick is claiming that perspective and calling up some of the Mars energy held within Pluto as you assert/insert yourself into being actively engaged in your life’s journey- past-present and future. Move with Confidence, assured that you will not fall. You may falter but recovery of the inner balance that you possess, will right you if you allow it.

So, during this Solar Month of counter weigh and balance, be Temperate in what you place on the scales. Move with Confidence, release your added weight of perceived outcome and just Breathe into the final measure of what can “be”.

What If? New Moon in Cancer

Posted in Auspicious Days, Lunar, Magick, Neptune, New Moon, Pluto, Retrogrades, Saturn on June 22, 2017 by themagickalpen

June 23.2017
New Moon in Cancer
10:31p.m. (EDT)

Sun in Cancer

This New Moon is hot on the heels of Wednesday’s Summer Solstice (6.22.2017) and Solar Transition into the astrological sign of Cancer. Cancer is all about family, home, security, feeling valued and feeling safe. Everything that we all hope for in our earthly existence and much of how those things play out in our lives are based on the nebulous balance of control and surrender.

We have emerged from the day of the Summer Solstice, basking in the longest day of light and feeling the sun’s warmth wrap around us like a soothing blanket welcomed in coming in from a cold blustery day. The Solstice energy is one of over abundance of one energy so that the other may take its hold and ultimately do the work of preparation necessary to achieve the balance and momentary equilibrium that will follow at the time of the equinox.

How we use that over abundance is framed by our perspective of what is safe, what is of value, what will provide security and where will we find the solace of home and family if everything does not go as planned. But, what if we could take hold of all that is of benefit and unconditionally trust that all will proceed “as it should”. Mind, I did not say, positively, negatively or other. Each of those states has both boons and failures. That’s where trust comes into play. Knowing that regardless of the semantics we use to identify a situation as beneficial or negative there is a fair amount of the other in each. We are able to celebrate the longest day, despite the knowledge that it also heralds the descent into lessening light and colder weather.

We know that this will continue until it peaks and then we begin the process of calling to ourselves the light that we “trust” will glow brightly with the Sun’s strengthening and return at the Winter Solstice. In the meanwhile we are called indoors and seek the warmth and comfort of home, cuddle in with family as we “wait out” the darkness and redefine what these things truly mean to us. All very Cancerian pursuits prompted by a singular point on the Great Wheel and astronomical time that became the inspiration for diving more deeply into those places and people that offer security.

What if we allowed these re-defining moments to become a continuous flow of wave and current? The emotional sea that keeps us afloat regardless of the stormy seas of outer conflict and disappointments. The safe haven in which we could find the comfort of healing and loosen our fear of drowning in the dark abyss of waters that lay beneath the surface. What if we stopped struggling to rise above the waters and instead embraced them in all of their fullness as they crest and recede in the wake of our life’s journey?


Saturn in Sagittarius (April – August 25) – Mid-point
Neptune in Pisces (June 16 – November 22)
Pluto in Capricorn (April 20 – September 28)

We have our planetary family of allies in our journey of ‘What if”. The focus and intention of the retrograde slowing calls out, “What if you heeded my lessons and drank deeply from the introspective wisdom I offer? “.

In this lunation and Solar month of Cancer’s Cardinal (initializing energies that catalyze the first beginnings) Waters of life (and light) all that gives structure and organization to what we value and hold dear as our space of sanctuary is held in the wisdom of Saturn’s regimentation. Saturn is in the Fiery sign of Sagittarius-Mutable and flexible in its contractive and expansive desire to reach beyond and act. This Saturnian wisdom holds the light of fires that seek out others of like-mind and intention and its gift for this Cancerian New Moon is in the “What if, I trust in myself and allow my heart and my emotions to seek out a broader family of those I treasure and who treasure me? What might I learn about love, and my ability to love and be loved? And, how will that change the structure I have built for myself of what can be? “.

Retrograde Neptune in its ruling sign of Pisces allows for a depth of exploring what has been buried deep in the seas of our willingness to trust. Mutable and flexible Pisces gives of itself unconditionally; no ocean is too deep, no lake to long and no sea too stormy to get to the place of love and compassion that transcends its needs for that of the other. This is the ultimate giver, supporter and nurturer of each individual, seeing all as an extension of the beauty and Divinity of what is the source of its creation. What if you allowed this unconditional love to flood through you? What if you surrendered to its gifting you with the peace and sanctuary of forgiveness, hope and the truth of this beauty flowing through all despite the angry seas of emotion that we may encounter? This sea’s gift for this Cancerian New Moon calls to you to “Sink into my healing waters. Have no fear, you will not drown. I will gently support your descent as we move down deeper than you have braved alone. What is seen as murkiness and illusion in the refracting of my light in these depths, is simply a mirror reflecting back the beauty of your Soul. The clarity that you seek is the real illusion, for only that which is rigid and unyielding will produce that image. You are the flow of this sea itself and what you fear in my depths, is of your loving creation. So, fear not and instead see the beauty of my bioluminescent life below and the sanctuary found in this watery home.”

And, finally the ally of Pluto, master of the unknown and keeper of the mystery of re-membering the past and future as a gift to the present. Pluto in earthy Capricorn forms the foundation and acts as the scaffolding of confidence to explore what cannot be seen; proceeding from a place of security that has upheld on every occasion of doubt. What if, we stood at the gates of the unknown and called out to what lay beyond trusting that what answered would be precisely where and what we would need to grow. Capricorn allows for growth that spans the depths and reaches the heights, all the while being held in safety and surety that you will not falter. This is only true, if you take those first steps and if you allow the “What if, I don’t succeed?” become the “What if I excel?”.  Pluto’s gift for this Cancerian New Moon dares you “to try. To trust in the process. To recognize all (and who) that supports and upholds your heart’s desires. And, in that moment of allowing your heart to sing and move in the beauty of its birthright, you will draw from the lessons of the past, and use them to anchor yourself in the present as you look towards a future that becomes the Cancerian space of home, family and security.” 

What If..

So, on this day of the New Moon of Beginnings in the Watery Seas of Cancer I return to the question I posed at the start…

“What if we allowed these re-defining moments to become a continuous flow of wave and current? To become the emotional sea that keeps us afloat regardless of the stormy seas of outer conflict and disappointments. The safe haven in which we could find the comfort of healing and loosen our fear of drowning in the dark abyss of waters that lay beneath the surface. What if we stopped struggling to rise above the waters and instead embraced them in all of their fullness as they crest and recede in the wake of our life’s journey?”

What if?….

New Moon in Taurus-Calling the Four Holy Creatures

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Esbat, New Moon on April 26, 2017 by themagickalpen

April 26.2017
New Moon in Taurus

Sun in Taurus

 The Moon began its waxing journey New this morning a 8:16am (EDT) in the astrological sign of earthy Taurus, The Bull. Beyond the usual astrological attributions of Taurus, a deeper meaning and energy of Taurus can be accessed as one of the Four Holy Creatures.

Read More about the gifts of astrological Taurus:
A Fiercely Beating Heart: The Sun in Taurus

The Four Holy Creatures

The Four Holy Creatures are the expression of those parts of self that live in corporeal form, yet remain always as points of connection and aspiration towards our Divine nature. Those parts of our being that align with the elements, both in their alchemical and metaphysical states form the cross points within and from which we engage the process of evolving and reaching beyond our physical form and consciousness.
These Fixed signs of the astrological Great Wheel represent sustainability, longevity and permanence; each of the four holding the blueprint of one of the elements:

Taurus- The Bull/Earth
Leo- The Lion/Fire
Scorpio- The Scorpion:EAGLE:Phoenix/Water
Aquarius- The Water-Bearer (Human)/Air

In their evolved states, as the Four Holy Creatures, they encompass the necessary foundations and components to produce Form (manifest life) from that which is Form-less (Spirit).
In their designation as the Four Holy Creatures, each is winged, denoting elevation or an arising of their core energies to a state of higher awareness and use. They are represented as:

The Four Holy Creatures
Ox/Bull Lion Eagle Man
Strength Courage Swiftness Intelligence
Patience Nobility Aspiration Devotion

We could think of these energies in this way:

In It’s Mundane State….

Taurus, the Bull represents the strength, fecundity and anchoring of an animal that is large and sturdy in its presence. It will charge if provoked, and is ruled by its instinctual needs for survival.

The Winged Bull has now taken those instinctual directives and elevated them to be used in the building and anchoring of the Spirit. We tend to cast aside what we consider to be our “baser” nature as a human when on the quest for spiritual growth, which, given that we have chosen corporeal, human (animal) form is another way we disconnect and see our spiritual nature as being something separate from our physical drives. Each are vital to the whole of the experience we have chosen this lifetime and cultivating the higher forms of what serves our survival in this realm will allow the manifestation of survival in the realms of Spirit.

In It’s Mundane State….

Leo, the Lion represents courage and responsibility for its community. The Lion is a fierce hunter and even fiercer guardian of its pride and lands. It commands attention and the bellow of its roar speaks of its dominion as a predator.

The Winged Lion commands its place as master of its spiritual nature; having gained mastery over predicating what no longer serves and weakens the needs of the collective. This energy is one of claiming, through effort and skill, the Divine Kingship that is our birthright. These are the Spiritual Fires that electrify and magnetized all that we are as human and Divine.

In It’s Mundane State….

Scorpio, as the Scorpion is its most traditional assignation. The creature that lurks below and issues a deadly sting if disturbed; and at times, stinging itself in the process. Scorpio is the only astrological sign that overtly has 2 other levels of expression. The second being the Eagle.

The Eagle, as one of the Holy Creatures, offers the space of keen awareness of all that has transpired in the efforts to reach the heights finally achieved through hard work and laying bare all that would keep us below the surface. The Eagle soars on the currents of water that is breath and air itself and the elevation and lifting of the Spirit that results from this freedom to move, unsupported or tethered to earth, reminds us of the true lightness of our Being.

In It’s Mundane State….

Aquarius, the Water-Bearer represents the flow of mind poured out in a continued stream of return back to its source of acquisition. Aquarius is often mistaken as a water sign , because of those flowing waters, but the true mystery lay not in the waters, but in the empty and air-filled space of the vessel. This is the container of potential and much like the flow of thoughts and ideas, they must be routinely shared and communicated so that space is created for others.

The Winged Man is the reconciliation of conscious awareness of our Divine potential and nature. Many have heard the phrase that we are “Divine Beings having a Human Experience”, but, try as we might we often forget how profound that statement truly is. More importantly we fail to acknowledge its correctness at all levels of our being. The Winged Man (aka. The perfected Man) is one who walks in all of the worlds give more credit to neither the Spiritual or Physical form he/she holds because the consciousness of gnosis has been achieved and both are at once a tiny drop in the cosmic sea and the sea itself.

These images of the Four Holy Creatures of spiritual perfection are held in the aethers; accessible yet easily transparent in their energies unless conscious awareness and action is taken towards clarifying their purpose. Taken as a whole, each a polarity and resonance of the other, it is fitting that these Four Holy Creatures also represent the Ages of Humanity. For Humanity, as a collective whole itself , must transit through the elements of evolution before coming full cycle back to the primordial place of its collective creation.

Now at this time of the New Moon in Taurus, I call to the strength and awareness of manifest and physical form. The Bull, that guards and protects and holds strongly anchored in who and what it is. I call to the energy of allowing what is steeped in instinctual and physical response to become a creature of elevated form and nature. This is the aspiration of what is driven by the desire to survive that lifts that desire to the space of manifesting and individual who is instinctually attuned to the Divine and moves in accord with a higher purpose. And in this calling al of the Holy Creatures shall answer for their nature is one of wholeness…

Entering the Temple of the Moon

Please enjoy this special live recording of our work in the Temple of the Moon last night as part of the Under the Veil of Night:Lunar Magick series. We called to the Four Holy Creatures to enliven our new beginnings and offered in return the light of our awakening. Click below…

New Moon in Taurus
(a) Calling to the Four Holy Creatures

How To:
Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed (and would be able to move a bit). If you wish to set up an altar, do so in whatever style is aligned with your practice; a simple white candle will suffice, as well. And, when you are ready and have settled in, take a few deep breaths and begin the recording. 

Blessings on your Work…Robin

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