Archive for the Lunar Category

Hidden Equilateral Refinement! The Autumnal Equinox

Posted in Astrology, Equinoxes, Libra, Lunar, New Moon on September 20, 2017 by themagickalpen

September 20.2017
New Moon in Virgo

September 22.2017

Fall Equinox
Sun Transits into Solar Month of Libra
4:02 p.m. (EDT)

Waxing Moon in Scorpio
1:40 p.m. (EDT)

The Moon began its waxing journey at 1:30a.m. (EDT) this morning, in the astrological sign of earthy Virgo. This New Moon heralds the Autumnal Equinox and a solar month that offers the wisdom of seeking balance and harmony, having come from the analytical breaking down of Virgo and reaching towards its future of Scorpio’s intensity.

Every New Moon resets the stage for what hopes, dreams, intentions and more that we wish to give a rebirthing energy. Essentially 12/13 moons of first quickening potential and reawakening to what that potential may be. Every effort that is put into this burgeoning phase is not wasted. Which also means that we have choice of being pulled along by the gathering force of stream or being proactive in where we choose to set our course.

Because of the cycles and natural rhythm of these events, our New Moon is in the last degrees of Virgo, rather than the usually anticipated same moon sign as solar sign. This also means that we can make use of the most developed of Virgo’s analytical skills and the first primings of Libra’s scales as the New Moon transits into the sign of its soon to be solar companion (at the Equinox on the 22nd), Libra at 6:06a.m., just a few hours later.

The Natural Order

The Equinox is noted as a time of (almost) equal day and night. In the cycle of annular time; the Equinoxes occur twice as do the Solstices. Four points in a given year where the laws of cause and effect, rhythm and polarity play out.

The Winter and Summer Solstices tip the scales in the burgeoning of increased light (Winter) and the necessary effect of rescaling with the expansion of darkness (Summer). The Equinoxes provide the point of active equilibrium mid-point between the weighing pans of the scales as the arm moves towards its final outcome of increased light or increased darkness. There has to be that point of transition and proof the scales have been calibrated to precisely measure what is placed on the pans.

In this case, the Autumnal Equinox is the opportunity to calibrate your own units of measure regarding how you will make use of the increasing darkness that was the product of June’s Summer Solstice. The weight has reached its mid-point and with the boost of Solar Libra, we can make use of the solar strength and electromagnetic charge to attract what we wish to contribute to our internal call towards balance. With the proximity of the New Moon energy and its final checks and balances (Virgo), we can choose where and what we wish to refine and re-define.

And, on the date of the Equinox, the Moon will have moved into the astrological sign of Scorpio. Scorpio navigates three worlds of expression – that of the Scorpion, hidden and cloaked until provoked. Soaring above as the Eagle, keen-sighted and precise in obtaining the smallest of prey. And, that of the mythological Phoenix; rendering itself to ashes so that a more powerful and radiant bird may be reborn with each iteration.

Let’s break it down a bit more. The Scorpion is primal instinct that is cloaked in the comfort of darkness. The Eagle rises from this primal darkness and, still maintaining its primal instinct also employs a masterful level of discernment, in being able to see clearly what lay below and what will serve to feed its survival.  The Phoenix transmutes and moves through the darkened ash to bring forth the brilliant light of its flames. These occult (hidden) energies flow through the Moon’s waters as the Equinox provides the transition of active equality of all levels of Scorpio’s intensity. Which of these emerges as the dominant, is up to you.

What weighs heavy on the scales of Light!

The three outer planets are currently retrograde, being the furthest away and thus the slowest to travel a complete circuit of orbital return. These three are also traditionally mapped as the higher vibrations of the personal planets (also Elder Seven, if you include the Luminaries of Sun and Moon):

Uranus = Mercury/Neptune = Venus/Pluto = Mars

Uranus Retrograde in Aries
Direct Jan. 2018

Uranus is the higher vibration of Mercury, the communication master. With Uranian energy that Mercurial gift transforms into pure electrical impulse and directly affects the nervous system at a physiological level. This retrograde energy is focused intention of amping up your sensitivity at both the overt and subtle levels. Additionally, wearing the mantle of fiery Aries first striking of the match, impulse control, agitation and re-action versus response are feeding very nicely from this pairing. Temperance is the cooling balm. Pausing and taking time to gather all the energetic sparks into a useable and suitable movement towards action will assist the scales of Libra’s mental processes to stabilize and dole out the correct measure of your revved up response.

We still have several months to go before the intensity of Uranus lets up. It will be the harbinger of change for the upcoming New Year and we can use that energy to open up pathways of communication and expression that would otherwise lay dormant. Just as technology advances (a Uranian tool) and our choices are becoming fewer regarding not making use of it, the technological upgrade we are receiving as evolutionary growth and spiritual change will continue to advance regardless of our active engagement in the process.  Temperance provides the precise amount of allowing the circuitry to open and receive the outpourings and allowing for time to “reboot” for integration.

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces
Direct on Nov. 22

Neptune is the higher vibration of Venus, whose refined manner seeks the harmonious “natural order” to flow. Neptune is also the planetary ruler of Pisces, the sign of well-honed compassion, understanding and heart. Where Uranus has been short-circuiting, Neptune has provided both the healing waters and the watery conduit that supports an even larger flare-up. Think exposed wire (Uranus) placed in water (Neptune)! Additionally, the dual impact of these watery energies (Pisces and Neptune) can muddy the waters making it extremely difficult to find the true sight of what lurks below the deepest depths of your personal emotions. The effect can be one of feeling as though you are drowning, held inert and weighed down by feelings and reflections of goals and philosophies that now appear hazy in what their worth is to your well-being. Breathe through this. Yeah, I know the caution is that we, as humans are unable to breathe under water. But we, as divine Beings are able to inhale what is needed to sustain from the healing waters of our own dark abyss. Remember that within the darkest of the ocean’s waters, bioluminescent life glows beautifully!

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn
Direct September 28

Pluto is the higher vibration of Mars, the wielder of active engagement. The armor of Capricorn’s earthy anchoring holds steady and protected the manifest form. Capricorn, the fables sea-goat who is sure footed on the steepest of terrains as well as navigating the depths of waters below, provides Pluto with the tools to claim its power as a manifest being and with Mar’s energy of asserting itself actively, to navigate the rough terrain that would otherwise make unsteady the ability to speak and seek your truths and values. Pluto holds in its domain the gifts of the past, knowledge of the potential of the future as the present remains the mid-point of current expression. The trick is claiming that perspective and calling up some of the Mars energy held within Pluto as you assert/insert yourself into being actively engaged in your life’s journey- past-present and future. Move with Confidence, assured that you will not fall. You may falter but recovery of the inner balance that you possess, will right you if you allow it.

So, during this Solar Month of counter weigh and balance, be Temperate in what you place on the scales. Move with Confidence, release your added weight of perceived outcome and just Breathe into the final measure of what can “be”.

The Solar Eclipse of Great Shadow

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Lunar, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto, Retrogrades, Saturn, Solar, Uranus on August 17, 2017 by themagickalpen

August 21.2017

New Moon in Leo
Total Solar Eclipse in Leo

Many are primed and focused on this upcoming Eclipse and much has already been written about it. And, given many of the recent events both nationally and internationally, more has been written about the connections, etc. So, for what it is worth, here is a very simple take on how this energy has potential to be used and the far more long reaching impact of other astrological occurrences that will carry forward what is taken from the eclipse.

The astrological energy of Leo is one that can be particularly challenging, especially if applied to raw and exposed neurological matter. Meaning that we have all been amped up neurologically in a very deliberate and evolutionary way for some time now. Think technology and how much has progressed in such a short amount of time, almost to the point where we are unable to keep pace with the advancements. Now, think about everything within you that responds in much the same way as technology and requires upgrading and modification to keep pace with the increasing pressures we feel to meet all of the demands of a fast-paced society and its expectations.

Leo is the Lion who when on the hunt, will mercilessly take down its prey fueled by a heat and intensity that is ferocious, primal and self-centered. Add to this emotional landscapes (Lunar) that are either overflowing or severely depleted from the parching of heated reaction and the boiling point is soon reached. Neurons fire and we lash out taking down whatever lay in front of us- primal, instinctual. I am not making these observations as good, bad or neutral. They just simply are and how they are rallied and used determines the identification that is placed upon them as being of one kind or another.

With that being said, I view this Eclipse as a space to be used for moving into the shade offered by the cloaking of our intuitive/emotional (Moon) as we wrap its density around, for many, what feel like battered (energetically, physically or metaphorically) bodies (Earth). And, in opposition to ramping up and drawing from the potency of the Sun, I am suggesting dimming your fires, pulling them within and allowing the shadow of the Moon to pass uneventfully, carrying forward none of the precious Light that we will need in the months (perhaps years) ahead.

Nothing occurs in isolation and this is especially true of the energy being emitted by five (5) planets as they are in varying progress in their Retrograde stations. Five (5) is the number of change. CHANGE that occurs through radical measures and pushing the boundaries of we we believe to be our carefully laid foundations. This is change that reaches deeply when applied to ourself. And, given all of the choices and changes occurring in our world, our beliefs, values and ethics are being pushed to their boundaries daily.

In that regard, the power of this infrequently occurring Eclipse and the additional planetary energies at play are demanding that find the courage of the Lion and master and hone our instinctual nature to be of service for the greater good of all.

Whether we choose to align that energy in a partnership of bolstering and stabilizing is entirely up to the individual and what you are hoping to achieve of strength and stability moving forward…..

Retrogrades of Contractive Focus

Saturn in Astrological Sagittarius  (Mutable FIRE)
(Flexible and Expansive) Order and Structure casting a Broad Net
End Stage Intensity (Mutable-Cardinal) Direct: August 25

Mercury in Astrological Virgo   (Mutable EARTH)
(Flexible and Expansive) Communication that is Analytical and Orderly
Retrograde – 3/4 Stage (Mutable) Direct: September 5

Uranus in Astrological Aries   (Cardinal FIRE)
(Initiating) Electromagnetic Catalytic Beginnings
Beginning (Cardinal) Direct: January 2.2018

Neptune in Astrological Pisces   (Mutable WATER)
The (Flexible and Expansive) Illusory Depths of Compassionate Grace
Mid Stage (Fixed) Direct: November 22

Pluto in Astrological Capricorn   (Cardinal EARTH)
(Initiating) Death and Rebirth Converging into An Anchored Center
Mid Stage Direct: September 28

In this configuration of planetary astrological signs, we have all but AIR (which would add the ration of reason and logic) represented within the intense focused energy of the retrograde planets. And, the modality that provides stability and a vessel of synthesis of what in Cardinal (beginning) flow enters into it and what as Mutable (flexible, and connective) receives its more refined product is represented by the Major players of Sun and Moon in Fixed Leo (Fixed and un-relentless Fire).


Find your place of shade and peer at the sun through well protected glasses…
The natural inclination when something is trying to hide your light (voice, will, fill in the blanks) is to stoke those fires even more. This generally out-pictures as reactionary defense. This shadow of passing will eclipse the light for its duration regardless of how you struggle to amplify your fires of re-action. Remain steady and as the shadow moves in place, look deeply and introspectively into what lay in the depths of your inner fire. And, offer up freely to this shadow what you wish to have it absorb from you that will encourage a greater clarity (and appreciation) of where the fiery tendrils of your Will need to be extended.

And, The Day After….

August 22.2017
Sun and Moon Transit into a Solar Month of Virgo (Mutable Earth)

This is the month to sort through, analyze and get all of your ducks in a row in the areas of Will and action (the Solar Principle) and Heart and emotion (The Lunar Principle). If you have emerged from the shadow of the Eclipse and did not allow its flares to overheat and agitate, you can make good use of this time to take a closer look at any rough surfaces and imperfections that can be refined and reshaped to be more closely in alignment with what your beliefs and values truly are. Think of a jeweler with magnifying eyepiece and forehead lamp, scrutinizing very carefully the rough stone that will become the gem of great worth with further polishing and refinement. You are that gem and the light of the Sun and your honest evaluation of all you are and who you wish to become are just waiting to be smoothed and polished.

What If? New Moon in Cancer

Posted in Auspicious Days, Lunar, Magick, Neptune, New Moon, Pluto, Retrogrades, Saturn on June 22, 2017 by themagickalpen

June 23.2017
New Moon in Cancer
10:31p.m. (EDT)

Sun in Cancer

This New Moon is hot on the heels of Wednesday’s Summer Solstice (6.22.2017) and Solar Transition into the astrological sign of Cancer. Cancer is all about family, home, security, feeling valued and feeling safe. Everything that we all hope for in our earthly existence and much of how those things play out in our lives are based on the nebulous balance of control and surrender.

We have emerged from the day of the Summer Solstice, basking in the longest day of light and feeling the sun’s warmth wrap around us like a soothing blanket welcomed in coming in from a cold blustery day. The Solstice energy is one of over abundance of one energy so that the other may take its hold and ultimately do the work of preparation necessary to achieve the balance and momentary equilibrium that will follow at the time of the equinox.

How we use that over abundance is framed by our perspective of what is safe, what is of value, what will provide security and where will we find the solace of home and family if everything does not go as planned. But, what if we could take hold of all that is of benefit and unconditionally trust that all will proceed “as it should”. Mind, I did not say, positively, negatively or other. Each of those states has both boons and failures. That’s where trust comes into play. Knowing that regardless of the semantics we use to identify a situation as beneficial or negative there is a fair amount of the other in each. We are able to celebrate the longest day, despite the knowledge that it also heralds the descent into lessening light and colder weather.

We know that this will continue until it peaks and then we begin the process of calling to ourselves the light that we “trust” will glow brightly with the Sun’s strengthening and return at the Winter Solstice. In the meanwhile we are called indoors and seek the warmth and comfort of home, cuddle in with family as we “wait out” the darkness and redefine what these things truly mean to us. All very Cancerian pursuits prompted by a singular point on the Great Wheel and astronomical time that became the inspiration for diving more deeply into those places and people that offer security.

What if we allowed these re-defining moments to become a continuous flow of wave and current? The emotional sea that keeps us afloat regardless of the stormy seas of outer conflict and disappointments. The safe haven in which we could find the comfort of healing and loosen our fear of drowning in the dark abyss of waters that lay beneath the surface. What if we stopped struggling to rise above the waters and instead embraced them in all of their fullness as they crest and recede in the wake of our life’s journey?


Saturn in Sagittarius (April – August 25) – Mid-point
Neptune in Pisces (June 16 – November 22)
Pluto in Capricorn (April 20 – September 28)

We have our planetary family of allies in our journey of ‘What if”. The focus and intention of the retrograde slowing calls out, “What if you heeded my lessons and drank deeply from the introspective wisdom I offer? “.

In this lunation and Solar month of Cancer’s Cardinal (initializing energies that catalyze the first beginnings) Waters of life (and light) all that gives structure and organization to what we value and hold dear as our space of sanctuary is held in the wisdom of Saturn’s regimentation. Saturn is in the Fiery sign of Sagittarius-Mutable and flexible in its contractive and expansive desire to reach beyond and act. This Saturnian wisdom holds the light of fires that seek out others of like-mind and intention and its gift for this Cancerian New Moon is in the “What if, I trust in myself and allow my heart and my emotions to seek out a broader family of those I treasure and who treasure me? What might I learn about love, and my ability to love and be loved? And, how will that change the structure I have built for myself of what can be? “.

Retrograde Neptune in its ruling sign of Pisces allows for a depth of exploring what has been buried deep in the seas of our willingness to trust. Mutable and flexible Pisces gives of itself unconditionally; no ocean is too deep, no lake to long and no sea too stormy to get to the place of love and compassion that transcends its needs for that of the other. This is the ultimate giver, supporter and nurturer of each individual, seeing all as an extension of the beauty and Divinity of what is the source of its creation. What if you allowed this unconditional love to flood through you? What if you surrendered to its gifting you with the peace and sanctuary of forgiveness, hope and the truth of this beauty flowing through all despite the angry seas of emotion that we may encounter? This sea’s gift for this Cancerian New Moon calls to you to “Sink into my healing waters. Have no fear, you will not drown. I will gently support your descent as we move down deeper than you have braved alone. What is seen as murkiness and illusion in the refracting of my light in these depths, is simply a mirror reflecting back the beauty of your Soul. The clarity that you seek is the real illusion, for only that which is rigid and unyielding will produce that image. You are the flow of this sea itself and what you fear in my depths, is of your loving creation. So, fear not and instead see the beauty of my bioluminescent life below and the sanctuary found in this watery home.”

And, finally the ally of Pluto, master of the unknown and keeper of the mystery of re-membering the past and future as a gift to the present. Pluto in earthy Capricorn forms the foundation and acts as the scaffolding of confidence to explore what cannot be seen; proceeding from a place of security that has upheld on every occasion of doubt. What if, we stood at the gates of the unknown and called out to what lay beyond trusting that what answered would be precisely where and what we would need to grow. Capricorn allows for growth that spans the depths and reaches the heights, all the while being held in safety and surety that you will not falter. This is only true, if you take those first steps and if you allow the “What if, I don’t succeed?” become the “What if I excel?”.  Pluto’s gift for this Cancerian New Moon dares you “to try. To trust in the process. To recognize all (and who) that supports and upholds your heart’s desires. And, in that moment of allowing your heart to sing and move in the beauty of its birthright, you will draw from the lessons of the past, and use them to anchor yourself in the present as you look towards a future that becomes the Cancerian space of home, family and security.” 

What If..

So, on this day of the New Moon of Beginnings in the Watery Seas of Cancer I return to the question I posed at the start…

“What if we allowed these re-defining moments to become a continuous flow of wave and current? To become the emotional sea that keeps us afloat regardless of the stormy seas of outer conflict and disappointments. The safe haven in which we could find the comfort of healing and loosen our fear of drowning in the dark abyss of waters that lay beneath the surface. What if we stopped struggling to rise above the waters and instead embraced them in all of their fullness as they crest and recede in the wake of our life’s journey?”

What if?….

Waters of Informed Light Flow – Full Moon in Aquarius

Posted in Astrology, Full Moon, Lunar, Uranus on August 17, 2016 by themagickalpen

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August 18.2016
Full Moon in Aquarius
5:26 a.m. (EDT)
Lunar Eclipse

Sun in Leo

The Moon waxes full in the electric sign of Aquarius early tomorrow morning. The atmosphere is filled with tiny charged particles of an electric stimulant that typifies the Aquarian thought process. The ruling planet of this airy sign is Uranus, whose impact moves full force with a strong pulsing current that provokes radical change and heightens the neurological system as it prods the entirety of the being to evolve.

Uranus is currently retrograde so that impulse of electrical current is increasingly amping up its wattage and having found its natural companion in Aquarius this moon’s energy is one of pivotal change.

Aquarius is a mental sign of the Fixed Modality. This lends itself quite well to providing a structure and container that synthesizes with the agility of a computer. Abstraction and processing at the speed of light are how this sign sorts through information which lends the added benefit of being to see all perspectives and alternatives of action to arrive at a very logical outcome. This is the energy that places Aquarius as the sign of humanity; that is the collective of humanity and the good for all-even if it means the sacrifice of the one.

The Lunar attributes of healing, intuition and feeling were this cloak of Aquarius and those soothing qualities are now colored with an “intelligence” of the heart that provides a level of discernment and balance so that feeling and mind can come to a place of co-existence. This is the space of waters that are energetically charged with impulse and quickened to produce quickly moving and potent flow that carves new paths of exploration that open the way for new visions of what can be to arise.

The Lunar Eclipse

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When a Lunar Eclipse occurs, the Earth finds itself mid-point between the Sun and Moon. I see this as an opportunity to infuse the earthly and manifest realm with the strength of the Sun as it gathers to itself the healing of the Moon. In the action of reciprocity, the manifest realm becomes the place of filter for the Sun’s enlivening and the Moon calls into itself a dynamic potency that has been “flavored” by physicality.

Esoteric Implications

This is another way to utilize and contemplate the Lunar Eclipse.

Within the practice of Esoteric astrology the Sun has a tri-fold nature. Its physical energy is that of the fohat, pure electromagnetic dynamics. The spiritual overlay is that if Prana, pure life force energy that sustains and enlivens us. And, at the level of the individual the Sun is the space of awakened consciousness. The potential of what we strive towards as spiritual beings that has been charged by the flow of solar energy in our physical form.

In this month’s eclipse energy, the Sun is in Leo and the call is to bring center and focal point to the actions and efforts of the individual. Leo is protective of what is under its care and that protective nature is another way of garnering attention and movement into the space of leadership. 

The Moon is the storehouse and keeper of memory and the subconscious space of desires, want and need. This is the space of reconciliation between our physical and mental processes and what it is that our Soul truly desires to make it whole. This is often the deeper disparity between what we feel to be true and what we know to be true. When these are working collaboratively there is no separation between mind and heart as each informs the other.

The Aquarian Moon temporarily disrupts the magnetism of Leo’s nature and provides the necessary information that will help to determine what is true and valid qualities of a leadership style that is productive and for the greater good. 

The Earth is the place of our inner and outer journeys. The outer is one of physical experience and the weight of responsibility held in what that physical experience has as offering. The inner journey is one of recording the lessons of these experiences, the acceptance of the effects of what we cause to be and what visions we infuse to quicken this lifetime. This is the place of service and the yearnings to make whole that service in offering to the Divine.

The Earth energy stands as the central point of measure that reminds us of our humanity (Aquarius) and the singular (Leo) contributions we can make to the collective that are productive and growth-filled. 

The experience of these three planets of alignment as the lunar eclipse comes into focus of energy is one of wholeness. It is one of moving into a collaborative state with the physical you, the will-filled you and the you that remains outside of space or time that is reflected in our Higher Self.

Waters of Informed Light Flow

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The traditional image of Aquarius is that of the water-bearer pouring their dynamic waters out to flow on land or sea. I chose the image above as a reminder that those healing waters that contain the light of knowledge and vision. Another point of reminder is that the importance of this image for Aquarius is not only the waters emanating from a vessel of form and containment, but the space of vacuum and emptiness that awaits the filling of whatever you wish to place within it. Turn these waters back onto yourself. Allow the flow of light to wash over you as you envision the future that you desire to fill the space of potential that remains.

Father Sun, now in the charismatic astrological sign of Leo, demands his “Lion’s Share” of attention. The natural tension that occurs between these two signs (Sun and Moon opposing in the configuration of a Full Moon) is one of the vision of the “I” (Leo) and the collective “We” (Aquarius). We can use the full light of this vision to find our place of self awareness. We can seek the vision of our strength in our manifest world and the gift of our Light in the spiritual. This is a Full Moon of seeking a future that is inclusive of all yet celebrates the uniqueness of all that contribute to that whole.

Pour out your waters of electrified wisdom; bathe in the gifts of its vision and fire up your Mind in the cool waters of Mother Moon.

Please enjoy a vision of Mind’s gift…

 Electrified Mind: A Vision of Self

A Recorded Meditation

A Delicate Balance: Full Moon in Libra

Posted in Astrology, Full Moon, Libra, Lunar on March 22, 2016 by themagickalpen


March 23.2016
Full Moon in Libra

Lunar Eclipse

Sun in Aries

Mother Moon waxes Full at 8:01am (EDT) tomorrow morning in the astrological sign of Libra. Libra is represented as Cardinal (catalyzing and initiating) Air (mental processes and movement). This is an airy energy that moves in a more refined way so it can actualize what it aspires towards.

This is a Full Moon of opportunity to establish a harmonious and more centered mental outlook. The Full Moon occurs at the peak of the lunar cycle and as such brings the dynamic of realized potential that is illuminated, expansive and heart centered.  Libra’s symbol is that of the scales, so balance is a theme of this sign; not equanimity; rather a balance that occurs when everything is as it should be with the appropriate amount of energy in dominance that will bring about refinement and productivity.

At the pole of opposition is the Sun, now in the astrological sign of Aries, Cardinal Fire. On the Zodiacal Wheel, Fiery Aries is directly opposite Airy Libra. Both are Cardinal signs; these being the prompters and starters of whatever elemental energy is present. Flowing through this Full Moon’s story is that of an emotional (Moon) landscape informed by the flow of new ideas (Libra) that stimulate the desire to strengthen (Sun) the sparks that will feed a newly lit flame (Aries) of creative action. Mind and Heart have the opportunity to unite with just enough tension (balance and the opposition of Sun and Moon) to produce a beautiful and harmonious outcome.

Add to this potential, a Lunar Eclipse and Earth (manifestation) as the recipient….

The Lunar Eclipse

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When a Lunar Eclipse occurs, the Earth finds itself mid-point between the Sun and Moon. I see this as an opportunity to infuse the earthly and manifest realm with the strength of the Sun as it gathers to itself the healing of the Moon. In the action of reciprocity, the manifest realm becomes the place of filter for the Sun’s enlivening and the Moon calls into itself a dynamic potency that has been “flavored” by physicality.

Esoteric Implications

This is another way to utilize and contemplate the Lunar Eclipse.

Within the practice of Esoteric astrology the Sun has a tri-fold nature. Its physical energy is that of the fohat, pure electromagnetic dynamics. The spiritual overlay is that if Prana, pure life force energy that sustains and enlivens us. And, at the level of the individual the Sun is the space of awakened consciousness. The potential of what we strive towards as spiritual beings that has been charged by the flow of solar energy in our physical form.

The Moon is the storehouse and keeper of memory and the subconscious space of desires, want and need. This is the space of reconciliation between our physical and mental processes and what it is that our Soul truly desires to make it whole. This is often the deeper disparity between what we feel to be true and what we know to be true. When these are working collaboratively there is no separation between mind and heart as each informs the other.

The Earth is the place of our inner and outer journeys. The outer is one of physical experience and the weight of responsibility held in what that physical experience has as offering. The inner journey is one of recording the lessons of these experiences, the acceptance of the effects of what we cause to be and what visions we infuse to quicken this lifetime. This is the place of service and the yearnings to make whole that service in offering to the Divine.

The experience of these three planets of alignment as the lunar eclipse comes into focus of energy is one of wholeness. It is one of moving into a collaborative state with the physical you, the will-filled you and the you that remains outside of space or time that is reflected in our Higher Self.

Please enjoy an audio recording that may  be used as a reflective meditation as the Moon rides high in Libra….

 A Delicate Balance

Coming Soon…

On March 25th Saturn joins Jupiter (Retrograde on Jan. 7)and stations Retrograde in the fiery sign of Sagittarius.

Keeping It Real! Full Moon in Taurus

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Esbat, Full Moon, Lunar, Magick on October 27, 2015 by themagickalpen


October 27.2015
Full Moon in Taurus
8:05am (EDT)

Sun in Scorpio

The moon waxes full in the astrological sign of Taurus this morning bringing an opportunity to explore what grounds us as the waters run deep and passionately. Taurus is an Earth sign of the Fixed Modality. Earth provides stability and a place from which to grow, inclusive of all that is physical and manifest in quality.  The Fixed Modality provides an energy of structure, being able to synthesize what seeks to contribute more of its energy and drawing that into a space that can transform and make more useable the by product as it flows out to a more flexible state. The symbol of the Bull is associated with Taurus and that selection alone gives rise to understanding of how strong this foundation can be.

Taurus is the strength that stands its ground secure in the sheer power it knows it can exert in holding steady whatever its focus may be. Apply this to the lunarscape of emotions and you have the recipe for staying the course and a certain predictability of response.  It is for this reason that workings using the energy of a Taurus Moon benefit the most when they involve a shoring up of what we consider out foundations of heart to be.

You know the proverbial image of the bull in the china shop reeking havoc on the delicate collectibles? I like to think f this scenario not so much as a representation of the awkwardness and lack of grace held in an animal that is far too large and solidly built to be in such refined spaces; but rather as an idea of how strength and girth carves out new boundaries for its impact when inhibited by what is far too fragile in the first place. What is in this situation is not the bull, who by the way, is simply doing and moving in the same way it would in any setting. The objects that are held static and on display to be appreciated, simply for their beauty rather than the actual function they may serve are what provide the setting for chaotic dismantling.

As with each Full Moon alignment, the Sun is directly opposite the Moon; in this case the astrological energy of this solar month is that of Scorpio. Scorpio is a Water sign of the Fixed Modality and has the infamous identification as the sign of excess, addictions, uncontrolled passions and seeking into the depths of shadow and the occult, never to return to the real world again. And, as with each of the signs of the Zodiac, these are only the predispositions towards imbalance in what Scorpio has as its gift.

Scorpio is also one that has the ability to truly transform. The symbol of usual reference is that of the Scorpion, hidden and ready to strike out whether provoked, or not. There are also two other associations. One being the Eagle and having the keenest of sight, perched above and able to select that which is appropriate prey to nourish and sustain. The third is the Phoenix, the creature that purposefully cleanses with the Fires it has created of its own free will and rises from the ashes, stronger, more beautiful and wiser than in its previous iteration. And, during this solar month, the Sun is shining brightly into those areas that need some of that energetic housecleaning and transformation. This becomes the funeral pyre that burns away the dross of emotional baggage that inhibits growth and forces the death and rebirth of something better than before.

Traditionally, these two points of alignment between Sun and Moon are considered oppositions and the implication is one of a tug of war; each pulling on the other in an effort to upset the status quo. This opposition is precisely what is needed to draw the best from both and force each to play nice with one another. I use the word force here in that the process often begins with resistance and the need for will and desire to take hold and set the right intention that will attract what is needed from the energy of both.

Keeping It Real!

I see this Full Moon as a rare opportunity to allow the freedom to explore, indulge and fuel my passions while holding the intention of remaining firmly anchored in the strength of my manifest power. Scorpio is highly intuitive and as such, it is not always easy to sort out what is reality, fantasy or something else altogether. But, if I make use of Taurus’ deep connection to all that constitutes the physical world I live in, I can allow the tether line to reach a little further into the astral and etheric realms, bringing back that which is needed.

Both Moon and Sun are providing the light that illuminates the emotional landscape that is held in the deepest parts of self. Taurus provides the vessel of physical form that Scorpio may work its magick of transforming the desires of heart that are both intuitive and real in their actions.

Mother Moon sits high
In darkened starlit sky
Body strong and full
Guardian and protectress
Of earth’s lands that she surveys.

Sun reaches deep into
Waters dark and thick
Pulling to the surface
The mysteries of the heart.

Moon and Sun each light
Illuminating what is to be.

Moon and Sun companions
Birthing what is to be.

I sit in the light of both
Dipping deep into my desire
Passion rises like waters
Boiling up and form gives way
To visions and on lofty wings
I soar and fly.

Sun my raging passion and
Moon the healing balm that
Quiets the pain of change.

I strain and resist the truth
Of my inner sight and wings
Beat furiously carrying me
High into the unknown night.

In the arms of Mother Moon
I find quiet – rest and rebirth
The flames have risen
The ashes been rendered
And to earth and form
I now return.

The labors of my journey
In the fullness of Moon
Heart’s orb now held within
My body of strength as Sun
Commands the day.

Many Blessings of Taurus Full Moon’s Strength……


A Writing for the New Moon

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Bonus Posts, Esbat, Lunar, New Moon on October 12, 2015 by themagickalpen

Madin Moon
October 12.2015
8:06pm (EDT)

The Moon is New in the astrological sign of Libra.  Cardinal Air and the balance and refinement needed to bring into the aethers those thoughts that will lift and inspire. Maiden Moon is hidden from view but Hers is the energy that tests the waters of faith. Faith that she shines brightly despite her dark veil. Faith that she will come to Her fullness as the days pass and in that fullness the splendor of her beauty will shine down. Faith that as is the cycle of all things She will pass into her mantle of wisdom and deep gnosis. Read more …..

The Healing of Maiden Moon

My Beloved! The Full Moon in Pisces

Posted in Astrology, Esbat, Full Moon, Lunar, Magick, Mercury, Neptune, Waxing Moon on August 29, 2015 by themagickalpen


August 29.2015

Full Moon in Pisces
2:35 p.m.

Sun in Virgo

Step softly into my arms
Feel the feathery brush of my kiss
For you are my Beloved
And I tremble within your embrace.

Our hearts beat strongly as one
Our bodies no longer defined and
I rest in the sweet breath of your exhale
Gazing back into your loving face.

Our union in rapture complete
Soul’s yearning finally at peace
The Illuminated One my beloved
Mirror of SELF in Divinity released.

The Moon waxed Full just a few hours ago and the atmosphere is filled with a quiet and gentleness that has not been so for some time now. It is a momentarily reprieve from some very dynamic and charged astrological energy and much like the solace found in the arms of a loved one after the battering of the world; this is a time to renew and languish in the healing waters. Mother Moon is in the astrological sign of Pisces, the mistress of compassion and healing;  and although She squared off with Saturn in Scorpio early this morning, the tension between the two is offset by Retrograde Neptune also in Pisces, the astrological sign it Rules.

Water is everywhere, Pisces and Scorpio- the Moon and Neptune – and Saturn has a part to play in the order it is striving towards much like the Mother that accepts nothing but the best for her beloved and will stop time itself to provide what is needed. The intuitive heart of Scorpio (Saturn) guides this process but what it reveals may not be what you feel is needed. Put aside fear of reaching into those dark waters and remember that change and ultimately transformation are the same components needed to heal a wound or repair a heart that has been broken.

There is a great depth to felt with this Full Moon; Neptune supporting that deeper reach into waters that are filled with unseen potential, but carry the gift of bioluminescence to protect and to light the way. Saturn in Scorpio provides the Gate to probe into those deeper mysteries of our emotions and intuitively seek what is needed to bring structure to a compassion that flows freely and strongly (Pisces) often without regard to its own nurturing. This is the tension of a conflict (square) that is balanced by foundational sides that are not so dissimilar in nature; each having a valid point and perspective in a tug of war between giving too much and holding back. 

We can call upon the aid of clarity from the Sun in Virgo. Here we will find the balance of will and strength that has practiced long the work of analyzing, sorting and finding the best that can be had towards productive result. Here we have informed (Virgo being ruled by Mercury, the master communicator) Will that stimulates this flow of waters that rise high and reach deeply. Compassion, for self and others, loosened the hardest of hearts. Deep and abiding love for self and others, unblocks any challenge that wish to pull us away from a path of understanding. And, a heart that knows what lay on the surface as well as what remains in the abyss below can bring resolution to what prevents us from seeing the truth of the world.

Tonight I will hold my beloved
Tonight I will honor my ability to feel deeply and strongly
Tonight I will allow the hand of the Divine to guide me
Tonight I will breathe deeply into the gentle light of my compassionate self

Tonight I will hold my beloved
And the illusions of the world will fall away


On the Prowl-Full Moon in Leo

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Jupiter, Lunar, Mercury, The Temple of the Sun on February 1, 2015 by themagickalpen


Full Moon in Leo
February 3.2015
6:09 pm (EST)

Sun in Aquarius

Retrogrades: Jupiter in Leo and Mercury in Capricorn

The Moon waxes Full Tuesday evening at 6:09 pm (EST) in the astrological sign of Leo (Fixed Fire). The opposition of astrological energy that naturally occurs during a Full Moon phase is the tug of war between what appear to be opposing energies. In this lunation that thought is best expressed using the imagery of a big cat on the prowl, moving with stealth and hidden in the darkness of the night sky- until it walks into the rays of moonlight. The strength of Solar energy is mid-point in the visionary sign of inquisitive Aquarius; this is the energy that seeks its information in all spaces, both overt and occult. As the creative waters of Mother’s Moon are strengthened with the Leonine dynamics and skill of Leo; Aquarius often presents its insights and all the while those recipients of these bytes of info, had no clue these were part of the skill set for that individual. When Aquarius goes on the prowl for knowledge, nothing is off-limits for what it seeks out intuitively (Lunar). The quality of Fixed Fire is that of applying the necessary heat that will force movement and thus catalyze to active synthesis and expansion of whatever that heat makes application to.

Fixed signs are the source of stability primarily through their ability to gather everything that is relevant, stir til just right and then allow natural expansion to occur moving towards something entirely unexpected. As such when applied to water the action is one of forming boundaries and creating suitable container to distribute the flow in a viable manner. Add to this the Solar expression of Leo, that finds its greatest strength in the sheer magnetic appeal of placing itself in the center of any situation and you have the necessary fires of magnetic attraction that serve to quicken as the womb of creation becomes a fertile container for whatever may be birthed.

The caution however is one of making that container one that is driven by ego and action that is only directed towards self-gratification. Being in the spotlight and the strength and courage that is acquired from adoration and accolades is very seductive. Having the potential for great leadership can go terribly wrong when it becomes domination rather than collaborative and caring interaction. No great leader has become so without recognition that without having mutual respect between themselves and those they lead is the first and foremost ingredient to success.

Drawn to the Light…

The challenge in this Full Moon’s energy is one of balance and finding just the right amount of claiming your place in the spotlight (Leo) and doing so for the sake of humanity’s uplifting (Aquarius). Like the moth attracted to the light, a swift demise in what your initial altruistic intention was may occur with too much attention and light that reveals your vulnerabilities. If we draw on the Sun’s energy of strengthening Aquarius’ natural detachment from singular human needs, the potential to remain strong and determined in what will benefit all concerned is much more likely.

From a perspective of elemental correlate, we have the opposition of Sun in Airy and cerebral Aquarius and Moon in Fiery and fiercely protective Leo. Water fans the flame of Fire if appropriately and gently applied. If too much force of air is released that same flame may be extinguished if it has not been allowed sufficient time to build in intensity. Mind and Will to Action are great bedfellows that produce the most amazing and accomplished of children when each is willing to give a part of themselves in sacrifice to other. If not approached with mutual respect, all those wonderful inventive thoughts dissipate and never take form and the will to act burns itself out moving without informed direction in a chaotic and unproductive way.

This is an excellent Full Moon configuration for finding that place within that inspires you to move, act, think, and fuel a future that exemplifies the higher vision of your most creative self.

Retrogrades of Potential:
Mercury in Capricorn and Jupiter in Leo

You may have wondered why I did not post about the Mercury Retrograde that occurred on January…. If you have been following these Temple explorations, you know that I like to think outside the box, and push the standard interpretation to reveal a more intuitive expression. I waited for the mid-point of both the Mercury and Jupiter retrogrades for this Full Moon and the mid-point of the Solar energy of Aquarius.

Mercury is mid-point in its retrograde energy of Capricorn; the astrological sign we explored last month that holds the keys to dipping into what will ground and anchor and reaching up towards what connects us to the cosmos. Capricorn relates to the “human” experience and manifest reality, so those communications will be practical mundane in orientation. Although Mercury retrograde has the bad rap of miscommunication, what if we thought instead of this dynamic as opportunity to be more precise and deliberate in our communications. Add the range of Capricorn’s experience and its sure-footed style and we have optimum time for really taking our time in what and how we communicate. Add a Full Moon that is in Leo and this deliberate pacing can be applied to those passions (heated (leo) water (moon)) that we act impulsively on and then regret that impetuosity later.

Jupiter acts as the expansive ingredient. Retrograde, that expansion takes the form of density and amplification of what would normally flex and contract easily and smoothly. In the astrological sign of Leo- and with the Moon being in Leo- this amplification could be used as the electromagnetic field that draws to itself quickly and easily.

Combine Mercury and Jupiter’s dynamics as a working tool and the potency of this Full Moon kicked up several notches and what we seek to attract is drawn from the depths of what me MOST desire and are passionately and emotionally engaged in. Magickal work requires intention fueled by desire (and what fires us up). This is the perfect combination for fueling an intention that requires extra magnetism and concrete, deliberate communication sent into the aethers.

The mid-point of Sun in Aquarius adds the dynamics of probing the future and intuitively rationalizing an outcome that is inventive and creative. A skill of Aqaurius is being able to see the bigger picture- apply that to the working of Mercury and Jupiter described above- and you have the possibility for having a stable container (Fixed Air) that thought (Aquarius) and heart (Moon) can co-create.

Read more about Retrogrades:

Mercury Stations Retrograde Tomorrow AM
Meet Me at the Station

Expanding Spaciousness

On the Prowl…
Silently under full moon’s light I move seeking the all that I most desire. Emotions well up and I envision a future that holds all in the embrace of God and Goddess. I feel the weight of this future’s responsibility and think on how I may step into the spotlight and shout to all of the world that this is the plan that will change everything that we believed not possible.

Quietly I seek out all that I need to know to bring this future into reality. Stealthily I inquire and dive deeply into the emotional reserves of all I meet to see what it is that will quicken their creative fires towards this goal.

Mother Moon lights the way and the need to fuel this desire and intention grows and expands within my beating heart that connects me to all of humanity. Soon the Sun will rise and I will emerge from my night on the prowl, sated from my informed capture and strong enough to courageously act upon the work that is at hand.
Resources and Reflections

Leo in Related Posts:
Temple of the Sun: Leo
New Moon in Leo: Standing in the Spotlight


Next Post
A Future Tree

Let …er Fly – The Magick of Sagittarius

Posted in Astrology, Esbat, Jupiter, Lunar, Magick, The Temple of the Sun on December 18, 2014 by themagickalpen


The Magick of Sagittarius
The Power of Reach Fueled by Seeking

The Magick of Sagittarius is complex and deeply layered with potential for multiple outcomes. Whatever we apply Sagittarian energy towards will have the signature of the traveller who is continually seeking new experience and action. This is change that encompasses everything in its grasp and then stretches to include even more.

Sagittarius’ strength lay in its flexibility and resilience as its changes course of action in accord with where the strongest current will carry its explosive arrows of catalyst. Accessing this energy is exhilarating and those seeds that catch the fires of Sagittarian intent will blossom strong and fully enlivened. Sagittarius is as much about the “journey” as the final destination. Workings that strive to keep the energy moving as decisions are made and action is taken thrive under Sagittarius’s enthusiastic nature.

The caution here is that of over extending. There can be a tendency towards having too many irons in the fire and although all are adequately heated and ready for the work at hand, each is diluted in intent as focus and will are spread too thinly. Having come from the intensity of Scorpio the action of Sagittarius lays claim to what has been excavated in those deep dark scorpion waters. However, if Sagittarius lingers too long in the emotional drama of Scorpio, those fiery embers die out and become too water soaked to ever catch fire again. To counterbalance this, Sagittarius may tend towards impulsive action trying to escape the floods but not being fully focused on where those new steps are taking them.

Sagittarius is the first sign of the third cycle of quadrant of Elements in progression around the zodiacal wheel. This is the third and last of the Fire astrological signs and in the order of progression, Sagittarius gathers to itself all of the creative and pent up energy and force that the other two Fire signs have generated. This is the progression from the first steps of Aries, looking out with fresh perspective and energy that is exuberant and youthful in its output. This exuberance is tempered and rallied into a space of blazing magnetism as Leo commands and ignites anything that comes close. This is charismatic will in its most dynamic expression. By the time we arrive at the third of the Fire signs, Sagittarius, the engines have been warmed up, the fires have been stoked, and Will to Action is pushing at the gates of expansive expression as the arrows fly seeking new goals to enliven.

Flexing Your Muscles


Sagittarius is Mutable Fire. Flexible and quantitative in quality, this active principle is expressed as sending out multiple streams of activity in diverse directions and hoping that something will take root. The flexible nature of a mutable sign also gives way to crossing beyond its boundaries and thus releasing what needs to be left behind so the next step towards advancement can be made. In Sagittarius this is typified by the beginning of many new projects, most of which will be left unfinished as desire urges them on towards something new.

Solar Month Magick

Enhances the creative will and creating a broader community of interaction:

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. The energy of Sagittarius is that of distribution. It is a sign of action. Sagittarius not only walks the path but blazes the trail and lights the way as it moves through new experiences. There is an underlying goal of expanding horizons while remaining within their comfort zone.

The Solar Month of Sagittarius is an excellent time to begin the work of networking and seeking out different paths of experience. Although Sagittarius is a Fire sign, there is much that relies on the creative mind as action takes hold and stirs the desire to explore and create new paths of connection. Think on the image of the Archer as the symbol of Sagittarius. There is a requirement of careful and thought-ful aim as the archer sets the arrow aloft. Calculation and precise intention are the only way the intended target will be hit. Desire and Will framed within the context of inspired mind create the strongest and most assured blaze.

The energy of this Solar month of Sagittarius next flows into the foundation of Earthy Capricorn. This is the astrological sign of slow and deliberate pace and it is this energy that guides the arrows shot freely from Sagittarius’ bow.

The Sagittarian approach can be used for short-term projects, but is most effective for long-term workings. A goal, such as expanding your work collaborations or plotting a new course towards achieving a specific outcome make use of Sagittarian Fire well. Similar to the New, Full and Waning cycles of the Lunar Month, beginning the working in the Solar Month of Sagittarius would be the first phase of exploring the options. Casting your net a little broader and remaining open to whatever you catch. As you move through the Solar month you will begin to recognize what will feed and nourish the desire to act and what should be tossed back- not being wholesome enough. A downfall and boon of Sagittarius is being able to generate excitement about multiple things simultaneously. As a downfall, this can distract away from the primary intent. But, used a benefit, it also can provide a very productive way of attracting multiple options and thus creating more choice for Free Will to be acted upon.

Using the cycle of Fire and those astrological signs of that element the next point of bolstering the energy would be during Aries’ Solar Month. The Solar Month of Aries provides the uncensored excitement that can be used to further what action has been decided upon. These are the energies that fully ignite the passion of trying without any limitation. This is the fuel that is precisely needed as Sagittarius opens the paths of choice that require pure joy and faith.

Having finally arrived in the energy of the Solar month of Leo, what has been reduced and refined as the finest of broths will attract far and wide those that seek its enlivening. Leo as a Fixed sign puts the finishing touches of structure and form to what has caught fires blazing strongly and fully and from this foundation the goal of aim may rise assured that it will reach its mark.

Lunar Magick: Time to Experi(ment)ence

Engages the will to action through exploration…

Use of Lunar energy in the astrological sign of Sagittarius provides the energetic principle of gently and slowly, if applied appropriately, those emotional waters that produce creative and stimulating action. Appropriate use of fiery emotions becomes the passion of great love that will give up life itself for the object of its love. Anger, when used to foster pro-active behavior can bring about change that transforms the lives of it touches.

Workings that require action that is infused with desire towards change, healing and growth make use of the outreach of Sagittarius. Causes that bring about the betterment of humanity can be catalyzed to reach a broader audience at the level of the heart. Workings that encourage movement beyond one’s own small world of identification and comfort are pulled within the tension of the archer’s bow and when released from an intent that is sure and steady take root as they pierce through the veil of illusion and self-centeredness.

The New Moon of Sagittarius would be used to seek out what stirs your passions and encourages you to commune with others of similar intent. Explore different scenarios and settings that relate to what you have set as your intention of reaching towards. The Full Moon of Sagittarius allows for igniting the flame of commitment and firing up the Will towards taking broader and more inclusive steps towards the intended goal. The energy of the Waning Moon in Sagittarius provides the cooling and setting period for what has been ignited. Opportunity to reach just a little further into what motivates your action allows the dross to burn away leaving the ash behind. And, even in this state of purging and reduction to ash there is the potential for it to protect and shield the small and tender shoots of new life that are quickening beneath.

Some Additional Astrological properties of Sagittarius
Keywords: Distribution, Interconnectedness, Expansion

The Archetype: The Explorer is the archetype associated with Sagittarius. Sagittarius thrives in what is new territory. The misconception here is that all this exploring is a preference to settling down and not heeding the call of wanderlust. The truth is that this is exactly how Sagittarius defines home. As family expands and becomes more inclusive and diverse from all of these great explorations, Sagittarius digs even more deeply into the joys and pleasures of being part of a community. The Explorer thrives in their explorations when the roots of their origins are the most firmly entrenched and reach broadly in support.

The mantra of Sagittarius could easily be-

“To boldly go ….”



Rules Astrological House:
The 9th House of the Zodiac, the House of Philosophy and Values

Moving through the Zodiacal Wheel’s energy, the First House is the singular “you” identified by your personality and who you are presently and who you who hope to become. The second House holds the possessions and things you have acquired that further define you. The Third House represents how you express yourself based on what you have learned of yourself (1st House) and what you have chosen to surround yourself with in the material world (2nd House). The Fourth House has taught the lessons of home and family; commitment and unconditional love for who we are now and who we hope to become. Arriving at the Fifth House we are now ready to emerge from the security of friends and family and stand courageously in the Light of the choices we have made, that have contributed to the crafting of this self. Moving on towards the Sixth House we are ready to give, to serve, to cultivate and to learn the lessons of harmonious interaction. Moving next into the Seventh House we stand ready to gather to ourselves all that we have learned on the journey thus far and use it to explore new paths, learn new ways of being and open to the partnerships forged on a new chosen path. The Eighth House of Scorpio brings passion and emotional attachment to the equation. Awareness of the physical pleasures of being human underscores the journey.

As we enter the Ninth House we are ready to initialize what those experiences have been as we load our bows with all that we hope to share and stir the will to action wherever the sights have been set. Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius stands at the ready to push the extremes and encourage stretching to the limits of what we perceive to be possible. The number Nine relates to endings and serves as the threshold towards new beginnings. As we mature and add to the many people and experiences we encounter our philosophies change and grow as well. Some are elaborated upon and expand I their perspective and others wither and die, being left behind as we pass into a new way of being.

The colors of Red, Orange and Yellow are those that I see when I think of Sagittarius. These are the colors of a flickering candle flame. Blue lies at the core and is the hottest place of the flame and is also the color of healing; expansive sky and flowing oceans. The flash of blue contained within the surface of fire speaks of the healing nature of reaching out to others. The Fires of Will when acted upon have potential of burning uncontrollably or under the watchful eyes of a community being productive in their outreach.

The Hunger: Scorpio into Sagittarius

I stand on the horizon with my senses
Keen to the rhythm of life all around me
I breathe in the world’s offerings and
Send the experience outward, always
Looking towards the sun and sky
And that which is said to be beyond my grasp.

It is this reaching and straining that
Feeds my hunger to explore and extend
Beyond my limitations
And, once my will takes hold
All that lay within in my sight
Narrows to a single point of focus.

Restrained tension pulls against
The strength of carefully placed
Goal and the final pause of release
Is that which achieves its apex beyond
The keenest of sight.

Once again, the archer sets the course
As movement becomes dynamic
And primal urge bursts into the flames
Of desire and enthusiasm.

Tension gives way to flexibility of
Intent and directed will issues
Forth from that which has been
Carefully ignited.

I fan the tiny embers
That expand and become
Torches that are held towards
The highest of aspirations.
And just as sharpened arrows
Carefully aimed hit the core of
Their determined mark; these
Fires I set to burning within
You will give birth to spontaneity
And finely tempered form.

My paths are many and each is lit
By the embers I have set to
Smoldering deep within.

I am the teacher and the student
Who waits eagerly to blaze a new trail
I am the place from which the Phoenix
Arises and mine is the expanse that
Lights the way as the
Sea goat begins his journey.

Sagittarius is the Ninth sign of the Zodiac:

Seasonally, Sagittarius stands as space of pause from the celebrations of Samhain and Beltane in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, respectively and the longest night of the Winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) and the Summer Solstice (Southern Hemisphere). This is reflected again in the number nine and the space of pause between what is ending and what will newly be started.

We stand at the precipice of focus in the Light and the intention of its waxing and waning. This opening requires calling out to what will be, expanding the horizons of what we know and seeking the insight of what we hope to be.

We have crossed the mid-point in the Solar Year and the 12 Houses of the Astrological signs. Each prior to this point has concerned itself with those aspects of our being that cultivate sense of self (Aries); sense of others (Taurus); expression of ourselves (Gemini); nurturing what we hold close to our hearts (Cancer); moving into our place of power (Leo) and claiming responsibility for taking a closer look at who we have become (Virgo); and finding that place of refinement through interaction. Scorpio marked the advent of self-knowledge and re-forming of what had come before as it is transformed. Sagittarius is now ready to shine and forge new connections as it moves purposefully beyond its comfort zone.

As we move through each of the Solar Temples in the coming year, it will become more apparent how interconnected they are. The story that is woven is one of growth and evolution that is just as relevant today as it was to the ancients. We learn from these natural cycles and their application is profound mundanely and spiritually.
Other Posts to Re-read:
Temple of the Sun: Sagittarius

Sun in Sagittarius-Aim High, Breathe Deep and Just Let Go!
The Hall of Sagittarius- A Pathworking
Full Moon in Sagittarius- Ready, Aim, Shoot!
Waning Moon in Sagittarius- 4th Quarter Anchoring
Temple of the Moon:

Day Twelve: Networking – Waxing Moon in Sagittarius
Day Eleven: Reaching Out – Waxing moon in Sagittarius


Next Post
Sunday, December 21.2014
Temple of the Sun: Transit into Capricorn
New Moon in Capricorn
The Winter Solstice


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