All Systems, Go!

December 21.2015
Winter Solstice
Sun enters Capricorn

December 25.2015
Full Moon in Cancer
6:11am (EST)

Uranus Direct

These past few days have been packed with celestial events that punctuate the soon to be ending of a year of highs and lows. The Solstice of December 21st. marked the longest night of the year and as the Sun transited in Capricorn at 11:49p.m., once again we entered the quickening of new Light and the hope that is birthed with that awakening. The Moon waxed in another Earth sign, Taurus and provided a triad of Fire (Sun)-Water (Moon) and Earth (Capricorn and Taurus). The Cardinal(new beginnings and first flow) energy of Capricorn’s Sun moved into position to feed its outpouring of new light into Lady Moon’s birthing waters that stood ready in the Fixed (stabilization and structure) energy of Taurus. Earth is the sign of manifestation, so the potential of what was begun at this Solstice is one of stable and manifest creation.

A few days of synthesis and continued expansion culminated last night as the Moon waxed Full in its native sign of Cancer at 6:11am (EST). What was birthed at the Solstice now has the nurturing of a heart filled with the fullness of unconditional love. The watchful and gentle light of Mother Moon shines brightly on her creation and the beauty of that creation is front and center for all to see.

Light reigned supreme in its return. Mother Moon and Father Sun stood proudly in revealing their creation and Uranus brought all to a culminating point of blasting the bounty of this energy into the far and greater reaches of cosmic connections…

Uranus Stations Direct

Uranus, was the last of six(6) planets that stationed Retrograde in 2015 to station Direct on the 25th. Each of these planets had a very specific flow of energetic change to weave into the stories we co-created in this year’s journey.

Jupiter in Leo heralded in its expansive wisdom at the start of 2015 (having been retrograde from December 8.2014). Leo expressed itself as the burner, whose flames rose and fell in accord with wherever the intention for increased flexibility that provoked change was focused. April 8th brought relief from this intensity as Jupiter stationed Direct.

Read More:
Jupiter Retrograde-Expanding Spaciousness
Under Pressure-Jupiter Stations Direct

Saturn in Sagittarius took up the work of Retrograde Focus on March 14th. The Master of Time and Mistress of the Primordial Womb, let fly the arrows of fiery connection and seeding that sought its place of catalyzation. All the while, time stood still and opened up the space of re-organization that would become a more viable structure for strong intentions. Saturn stationed Direct on August 1/2.

Read More:
Time to Clean House-Saturn Retrograde 2015
Loosening Its Hold- Saturn Stations Direct

Pluto in Capricorn called us to reach deeply into the stores of memory that hold the key to the best and worst of our manifest efforts. Its Retrograde on April 16th marked the point of linear time that provided the first careful stepping into the synchronicity of our past and future experiences. Appropriately, within a few days of the Autumnal(Vernal) Equinox, Pluto stationed Direct, gathering with it a balance of all that had been revealed at the mid point of the present.

Read More:
You’ve Been Served-Pluto Retrograde
Back to the Middle and Around Again-Pluto Direct

Neptune Stationed Retrograde in its Native sign of Pisces on June 12th. Waters ran deep and the depths of our feeling nature flowed strongly in all of our endeavors. The intensity of this focus pulled us into a heartscape that pulled to the surface what had been long buried and forced choice of either drowning or swimming more strongly in all that motivates us at the very core of our being. As the last push of tidal waters beat against a newly etched shoreline, Neptune stationed Direct on November 18th leaving the treasures of the deep seas on sands freshly bathed.

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Lifting the Veil-Neptune Retrograde
Under Pressure, Again!-Neptune Stations Direct

Venus in Capricorn turned heads as her grace and refinement poured abundantly, stationing Retrograde on July 25th. This Venus was one of earthy beauty and a call to exploring how we balance our mundane and spiritual selves. Where do we seek beauty and how we create that which exceeds expectations, keeps us grounded and moves into the depths of what our Soul desires. These were difficult lessons and the defining moments of what we truly desire in our manifest life were often unexpected. Venus stationed Direct on September 6th carrying into the time of Harvesting (or Seeding) a new vision of what a more harmonious potential.

Read More:
But I Thought You Were My Friend?-Venus Stations Direct

Electrical Beginnings:

Uranus in Aries stationed Retrograde hot on the heels of Venus on July 26th. And in keeping with the dynamic and stimulating electrical impulses that are the process of Uranian change, this focus has been one of extreme intensity and un-relentless pursuit in refining and reformatting our electrical systems. The neural system was the recipient of this intensity, making for some very challenging months depending on your responses to being primed for amping up.

Read More:
Uranus Retrograde-Deflecting the Light

All System’s, Go! and The Blasted Tower

As we stand at the brink of crossing into the New Year of 2016, all systems are GO! for the changes that are yet to come. Challenge goes hand and hand with change, so there is no avoiding what will provide a year of change-and growth. How we respond to these changes; whether we choose to go kicking or screaming or to move with resilience of intention is a matter of how we express our free will.

What lay in the great beyond of worlds we have only imagined is just on the horizon and we are rapidly developing the tools required to gain sight of a loftier vision of what is possible. Science and Spirituality are no longer disparate streams, but do require that we broaden our personal perspectives, seeking the threadings of connection that run through each.

16-tower 2

I leave you with the image of the Tarot Key: The Tower

Imagine the Tower as the construct of your mind’s opinion, beliefs and boundaries of perception. The lightening bolt of Uranus’ electrical charge flashes and splits open that fortress you have built that, in reality, has held you captive in your own self-imposed limitations. Those that form the polarized conflicts (and mental debates) and allow entry only to those they find to be in accord with and non-threatening to their fortress are now cast out, no longer viable stewards of this newly changed structure. And, what remains is the foundation, unscathed, and perhaps stronger, that now may be rebuilt upon and re-inhabited with the creative potential of the unknown.

All systems, Go! Blast that tower! Open that mind! and Build high and strong into lands awaiting discovery!

Many blessings of this stellar ending to 2015 and abundance, prosperity in the coming year…. Robin

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