Archive for the Venus Category

All Systems, Go!

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Retrogrades, Saturn, Uranus, Venus on December 26, 2015 by themagickalpen

December 21.2015
Winter Solstice
Sun enters Capricorn

December 25.2015
Full Moon in Cancer
6:11am (EST)

Uranus Direct

These past few days have been packed with celestial events that punctuate the soon to be ending of a year of highs and lows. The Solstice of December 21st. marked the longest night of the year and as the Sun transited in Capricorn at 11:49p.m., once again we entered the quickening of new Light and the hope that is birthed with that awakening. The Moon waxed in another Earth sign, Taurus and provided a triad of Fire (Sun)-Water (Moon) and Earth (Capricorn and Taurus). The Cardinal(new beginnings and first flow) energy of Capricorn’s Sun moved into position to feed its outpouring of new light into Lady Moon’s birthing waters that stood ready in the Fixed (stabilization and structure) energy of Taurus. Earth is the sign of manifestation, so the potential of what was begun at this Solstice is one of stable and manifest creation.

A few days of synthesis and continued expansion culminated last night as the Moon waxed Full in its native sign of Cancer at 6:11am (EST). What was birthed at the Solstice now has the nurturing of a heart filled with the fullness of unconditional love. The watchful and gentle light of Mother Moon shines brightly on her creation and the beauty of that creation is front and center for all to see.

Light reigned supreme in its return. Mother Moon and Father Sun stood proudly in revealing their creation and Uranus brought all to a culminating point of blasting the bounty of this energy into the far and greater reaches of cosmic connections…

Uranus Stations Direct

Uranus, was the last of six(6) planets that stationed Retrograde in 2015 to station Direct on the 25th. Each of these planets had a very specific flow of energetic change to weave into the stories we co-created in this year’s journey.

Jupiter in Leo heralded in its expansive wisdom at the start of 2015 (having been retrograde from December 8.2014). Leo expressed itself as the burner, whose flames rose and fell in accord with wherever the intention for increased flexibility that provoked change was focused. April 8th brought relief from this intensity as Jupiter stationed Direct.

Read More:
Jupiter Retrograde-Expanding Spaciousness
Under Pressure-Jupiter Stations Direct

Saturn in Sagittarius took up the work of Retrograde Focus on March 14th. The Master of Time and Mistress of the Primordial Womb, let fly the arrows of fiery connection and seeding that sought its place of catalyzation. All the while, time stood still and opened up the space of re-organization that would become a more viable structure for strong intentions. Saturn stationed Direct on August 1/2.

Read More:
Time to Clean House-Saturn Retrograde 2015
Loosening Its Hold- Saturn Stations Direct

Pluto in Capricorn called us to reach deeply into the stores of memory that hold the key to the best and worst of our manifest efforts. Its Retrograde on April 16th marked the point of linear time that provided the first careful stepping into the synchronicity of our past and future experiences. Appropriately, within a few days of the Autumnal(Vernal) Equinox, Pluto stationed Direct, gathering with it a balance of all that had been revealed at the mid point of the present.

Read More:
You’ve Been Served-Pluto Retrograde
Back to the Middle and Around Again-Pluto Direct

Neptune Stationed Retrograde in its Native sign of Pisces on June 12th. Waters ran deep and the depths of our feeling nature flowed strongly in all of our endeavors. The intensity of this focus pulled us into a heartscape that pulled to the surface what had been long buried and forced choice of either drowning or swimming more strongly in all that motivates us at the very core of our being. As the last push of tidal waters beat against a newly etched shoreline, Neptune stationed Direct on November 18th leaving the treasures of the deep seas on sands freshly bathed.

Read More:
Lifting the Veil-Neptune Retrograde
Under Pressure, Again!-Neptune Stations Direct

Venus in Capricorn turned heads as her grace and refinement poured abundantly, stationing Retrograde on July 25th. This Venus was one of earthy beauty and a call to exploring how we balance our mundane and spiritual selves. Where do we seek beauty and how we create that which exceeds expectations, keeps us grounded and moves into the depths of what our Soul desires. These were difficult lessons and the defining moments of what we truly desire in our manifest life were often unexpected. Venus stationed Direct on September 6th carrying into the time of Harvesting (or Seeding) a new vision of what a more harmonious potential.

Read More:
But I Thought You Were My Friend?-Venus Stations Direct

Electrical Beginnings:

Uranus in Aries stationed Retrograde hot on the heels of Venus on July 26th. And in keeping with the dynamic and stimulating electrical impulses that are the process of Uranian change, this focus has been one of extreme intensity and un-relentless pursuit in refining and reformatting our electrical systems. The neural system was the recipient of this intensity, making for some very challenging months depending on your responses to being primed for amping up.

Read More:
Uranus Retrograde-Deflecting the Light

All System’s, Go! and The Blasted Tower

As we stand at the brink of crossing into the New Year of 2016, all systems are GO! for the changes that are yet to come. Challenge goes hand and hand with change, so there is no avoiding what will provide a year of change-and growth. How we respond to these changes; whether we choose to go kicking or screaming or to move with resilience of intention is a matter of how we express our free will.

What lay in the great beyond of worlds we have only imagined is just on the horizon and we are rapidly developing the tools required to gain sight of a loftier vision of what is possible. Science and Spirituality are no longer disparate streams, but do require that we broaden our personal perspectives, seeking the threadings of connection that run through each.

16-tower 2

I leave you with the image of the Tarot Key: The Tower

Imagine the Tower as the construct of your mind’s opinion, beliefs and boundaries of perception. The lightening bolt of Uranus’ electrical charge flashes and splits open that fortress you have built that, in reality, has held you captive in your own self-imposed limitations. Those that form the polarized conflicts (and mental debates) and allow entry only to those they find to be in accord with and non-threatening to their fortress are now cast out, no longer viable stewards of this newly changed structure. And, what remains is the foundation, unscathed, and perhaps stronger, that now may be rebuilt upon and re-inhabited with the creative potential of the unknown.

All systems, Go! Blast that tower! Open that mind! and Build high and strong into lands awaiting discovery!

Many blessings of this stellar ending to 2015 and abundance, prosperity in the coming year…. Robin

But, I Thought You Were My Friend? Venus Stations Direct

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, The Temple of Venus, Venus on September 6, 2015 by themagickalpen


Venus in Leo
Stations Direct
4:29am (EDT)

In the early hours of this morning, Venus, the planet of relationships and refinement, moved from its retrograde pattern and began its movement forward once again. The retrograde began July 25th and the dynamic of its focused intention caused a deeper than usual scrutiny of our relationships at all levels of interaction.

Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra which in and of itself gives insight to the way in which Venusian energy flows and changes its quality. Astrological Taurus is typified by its solid anchoring (Earth sign), stability of purpose (Fixed) and immoveable determination to secure anything it acquires. There is a deep emotional connection to those manifest things it assumes responsibility for and so deep attachment is fostered in guarding and standing ground in maintaining a safe and secure environment for those things or people.

Libra’s approach is also one of safeguarding, but because of the mental (Air sign) nature of this sign, it naturally seeks to refine and harmonize those relationships and attachments. It mentally takes inventory of all that is of beauty and quality and all that is lackluster in appearance and form and then weighs and deliberates how it will interact and forge a relationship with each aspect. In considering both of these approaches that Venus presents, it is no wonder that she is enigmatic and selective in who and what she offers her time, attention and gifts of engagement towards.

Venus began her retrograde in the very beginning degrees of the astrological sign of Virgo, sorter and analyzer extraordinaire. The focus on relationships took on the mantle of dissection and calculation; the first steps towards breaking down who and what were worthy of your time, affection and attention. As Venus transited into the later degrees of astrological Leo (Fixed Fire and electromagnetic attraction), this attention to the relationships, loves and beauty that was until then acceptable in your life was brought fully into Leo’s spotlight. Some of what was revealed in this light was the truth surrounding who you have attracted into your life that no longer meets the tests of greater discernment.

And, because this action was taking place when Leo was at its strongest and most developed degrees of energy, the wisdom and ability to release the illusion of old loves raised the intensity of your desire for change and perhaps, even higher standards around those who would receive the beauty of your affection.

The release of this intensity of Venus’ call to acknowledge and realize your own power to choose wisely and fully embrace those who will share your love and gifts of relationship and interaction may have caused you to second guess those in your life. Powerful change has been at play and you now have a different sensibility about what love and friendship, relationship and harmony, balance in all things and the freedom to choose your companions mean to you. How others will react to this change is of no matter and those who try to manipulate you into unhealthy relationships will have to go.

Venus is very good at allowing us to deceive ourselves by the glamour of what we idealize as beauty and love. She is also very good at showing us the truth of our own beauty and the value of ourselves, first in the manner in which we love ourselves and then as the organic flow of that love towards others. Being open to these lessons and heeding her wisdom in all of our affairs will dramatically lesson the times we will be called to say- “But, I thought you were my friend!”.

Read More about Venus:

Stop, in the Name of Love!

The Temple of Venus (Asstd Posts)
Learning to Love

Lions and War and Love! Oh, My!

Posted in Astrology, New Moon, Retrogrades, Venus on August 13, 2015 by themagickalpen

August 14.2015

New Moon in Leo
10:53am (EDT)

Sun in Leo
Venus Retrograde in Leo
Mars in Leo

The Lion roars and all know that raw power is soon to be exerted. Tomorrow mid-morning Lady Moon calls to Father Sun in her garb as maiden. She heralds new beginnings that are infused by passion (Venus) and aggression (Mars). Four celestial bodies are clothed in the regal Fires of Leo heating up the energetic plains as the Lion stands in authority.

Three of these energies, Sun-Moon and Retrograde Venus are aligned in an astrological aspect of conjunction. A conjunction occurs when two planets are very close to one another (within a 10-degree span) at any given time. This is much like a dialogue that is supportive and sustaining, particularly when the planets energies’ involved are compatible. Imagine an acquaintance leaning in to tell you something they wish to share with only you. In this current dialogue the duos of the Sun (dynamic force) and Venus (relationships and refinement) and the Sun and Moon (as always when a New Moon occurs) are in deep conversation as the polarities of Masculine and Feminine find the place of cohesion.

The New Moon in Leo offers ample opportunity to bring those emotions and passions that flow a little cooler normally, front and center. The catalyzing aspect of Fire are well used in this beginning flow that will ultimately find its fullness of expression as the Moon waxes towards its next phase on the 29th of the month.

Venus stationed retrograde in late July and the focus of its attention has been directed in refining relationships, expressing the beauty and love that can be achieved when that “extra effort” is given. Additionally, this Venus retrograde now resting within the pride of Leo can explore a deeper approach to matters of the heart. This dynamic energy is not limited to romantic pursuits, but flows into all aspects of our life. Wherever we experience the rising of passion for whatever is the object of that excitement a deeper connection and opening to the reciprocity of this flow will occur. This is one of the reasons why addictions can be so insidious and unexpected. What begins as a harmless yearning, has potential to become a driving force that consumes rather than feeds.

Read more about Venus:

The Temple of Venus: Learning to Love 

Add to this mix Fiery Mars. Assertion, aggression, challenge and explosive change are all within the directives of this planet’s basic nature. A little extra Fire and action that is driven by fierce will are what is necessary for the Lion (Leo) to sustain all that it considers part of its territory. This is the desire and need of a passionate tryst that ignites the consummate union of lovers whose loving action creates new life in the months that follows.

This is the  perfect recipe for any working that needs an extra boost of quickening, that will persevere through every challenge (Mars), engage at the deepest seas of refined relationship (Venus) and flow through the emotional landscape (Moon) held lovingly in the strength (Sun) of a light that guards, protects and releasing the Roar of its own power (Leo).

Lady Moon moves silently
Cloaked in the womb of
Newly birthed form.

Father Sun lights
The way of a heart
That seeks its
Fierce mate.

Passion Stirs
And what was
Unsure and afraid
Of its own desire
And hunger pushes
Forward in pursuit
Of its prey.

Sun in Libra – The Tree of Grace

Posted in Qabalah, The Temple of the Sun, The Temple of Venus, Venus with tags , , , , , , , on September 29, 2014 by themagickalpen


Image: Josephine Wall

In the early morning light
My beauty is graced by
Song bird’s beating wing
And awakening of leaf and life.

The noon-day sun cascades
Over my upstretched limbs
Heating and refining the
Visage of my furrowed bough.

Dusk descends and I strain
And stretch reaching up
Towards last Sun’s light.

And as darkness falls the
Memory of the day’s renewal
Weighs the measure of growth
In my aspiration towards
Heaven’s brilliant Gate.

As we enter the Temple of the Sun, Qabalistically we are entering into connection with the central sphere on the Tree of Life, Tiphareth. The name given this sphere is Beauty and the energy is one of synthesis through sacrifice and integration through refinement of the sum of all of its parts. This is much the same energy that we experience in the course of a Solar year. The energy of each of the Zodiacal signs, their element and modality are modified and expressed through the brilliance of the Sun. And, in keeping with the evolutionary process of movement from one sign to the next, each is informed by the previous sign’s energy and contributes a part of its dynamic into the sign that follows. Please see the end of this post for recommendations about learning more about the Tree of Life.

Libra and Venus on the Tree

Astrologically, we have learned that Libra is ruled by the planet of nature’s beauty and refined grace, Venus. We experienced the energy of each interaction we have, every thought and idea, and every act of creative expression as a form of the planet Mercury’s endeavors to inform, share and interconnect. Now, within the harmonious balance of Libra, the feminine aspect of these qualities is transformed as mind is replaced by heart and the feelings evoked and responses chosen are honed by Venus’ hand of creation’s beauty.

Within the Qabalistic Tree, Libra and Venus hold sway in the Sphere of Netzach and the Paths of the Tree – 14th and 22nd. When we speak of the energy of Libra as offering the space of refinement and grace within the energy of the Tree, we are considering the natural tendency of Libra to offer up its exquisite sense of balance and creative efforts spawned by the desire to give expression to the emotion that is flowing. This energy is expressed in the seeking of balance within each of the spheres and the wild beauty of their expression as a source of transformation. This desire to create and express is found in the fires of the Qabalistic sphere of Netzach.

Netzach (Venus) and Tiphareth (Sun)

Colored Tree

Tiphareth and the Sun

Each of the Sephiroth and connecting Paths of the Tree of Life holds correspondence with a planetary and/or zodiacal energy. The physical Sun stands centrally within our solar system, providing light and heat. Tiphareth provides the space of transformation and the full force generator that distributes what is processed so it may be utilized and transmuted by whatever it emanates its energy into. This is the sacrificial aspect of this sphere. This is the action of enlivening within its own source to ensure the continuation of the creative process begun within the other components of the Tree. So we begin in this central hub of universal energy and move out towards the flow of energy represented by the essence of Victorious Creative Fires that is the sphere of Netzach.

Netzach: The Sphere of Refined Creation

Deep within the heart
Of the emerald jewel
Lay the great mysteries
Of time and love.

The lamp is lit
And glows within
Edges sharp where
Line and point
Intersect poignantly
At the place of equilibrium.

From the wellspring rises
Form of beauty and
Intelligence refined
As Pleiades dance
In response to the
Sound of planets’

And, all is held gently
Contained in beauty’s grace
As she unites with clarity of
Mind and focus of heart.

Netzach is the Seventh (7) Sphere. Within the energy of the number 7 lay the many paths of higher expression and development. Seven is the number of the Pleiades, the number of the Elder Planets of Astrology, the Seven Sacred Vowels and the Seven Major Chakras within the subtle bodies. This is also the number of synthesis, having moved from the harmonious balance of the number six to a point of gathering all of those experiences into a place of multiple options and outcomes for further expression and exploration. Netzach’s English name is “Victory”. There are many ways in which we may become Victorious in our expression, but in all circumstances the vital ingredient is that of continually weighing and measuring the worth and effect of what we set out to conquer.

Netzach is assigned the element of Fire. Within the energy of Netzach we can identity this Fire as that of longing, desire and the impetus that coerces the creative urge towards manifestation. Creativity in all of its forms, most particularly the arts and nature’s beauties flow from the refined efforts of Netzach. These fire flow strongly through the Natural world and Netzach reaches deeply into Gaia’s womb of creation to draw inspiration from Her living body.

The Sphere of Self-Awareness

The energy of Netzach is one of Consciousness that has come to a place of awareness of its own inherent nature or state of being. Balance or living the place of the middle way can only be achieved when we acknowledge the areas where we over indulge and those areas where effort is lacking. To formulate this discernment requires being fully apprised of our own basic nature. Once this has been established the necessary fine tuning, balancing and bringing to a state of equilibrium can occur. Netzach is the sphere of love, beauty and refinement. It is through the process of refining the parts of self that we can finally acknowledge and truly love the beauty of the resultant outcome. And, that conscious awareness of the newly found self is our place of greatest Victory.

The 22nd Path: Libra and Venus

22nd Path

My fires will burn away what
You have aggressively sought.

I will give way to your power
I will seek your healing
I will come to understand
Your necessary action.

And the Soul that will emerge
Will have steadfastly persevered
Having claimed its victory and
Triumphed over its personal inequity.

The 22nd Path is one of equalizing. The energy of the spheres of connection provides the means to clearly and concisely remove what is excess before it reaches the central core of harmony and synthesis. The second phase of sacrificial release will be imposed by the energy of Tiphareth in its distribution back towards Geburah as the process begins anew. The midpoint of coalescence of the combined energies functions to calibrate what is set forth on flow of offering.

The Planetary/Zodiacal Energy


Venus is the ruling planet of the astrological sign of Libra (and Taurus). As we have seen, Venus as ruler of astrological Taurus provides the incentive(why/who) for creating a solid and stable manifest foundation. Wanting a place of security and home for those you love and care for are the primary focus of Taurean energy.

The planet Venus was called Phosphorus by the Greeks, which translates to “Lightbearer” and Nogah in Hebrew and means “The Shiner”. Venus shines most brightly in the sky in the morning. Within the energy of the Tree and acting through the sphere of Netzach, Venus is the light that illuminates and refines what the mind would keep devoid of emotional connection. Its action is one of stimulating the flow of passion and the desire to create in a productive way, by infusing each inventive thought with the fires of carefully applied will.

To read more about Venus’ energies, review the posts in:
The Temple of Venus

Libra is of the element Air and approaches each new task giving first attention to the architectural thought that will provide the blue prints for completion. As Venus’ energy emerges, the fires of creative inspiration fueled by emotional response take hold and the strivings are now that of producing something of rare and lasting beauty. The same approach of balance and beauty is applied in creating the beautiful mind that balances intellect and logic, rational and inventive thought. If all is successful what issues from this skillful juggling will be the finest representation of what is being expressed and each part will harmoniously be balanced by and with the other.

These energies placed upon the 22nd Path ensure that what is drawn into the synthesized core of Tiphareth has received justifiable cutting away within Geburah. The exacting balance of Libra’s energies work to maintain conscious awareness and preserve what will prove useful as it enters the burner’s of Tiphareth’s Sun.

Another Path of Expression: Venus on the 14th Path

The 14th Path: A Supernal of Communication

14th Path

Remain strong as upholder of the polarity
That is birthed from the seed of force
And held in the womb of endless form.

This is the fire of creation and the
Breath of life that expands and fills
The dark waters where life is held
Waiting for its birthing tides to begin.

The 14th Path holds the honor of providing the base of the spheres of primordial creation (the Supernal Triangle). This path is the space of polarization through the actions of Binah (Feminine) and Chokmah’s (Masculine) energies as the conception of what will be brought into manifestation in the energetic birthing from the Great Mother, Binah. This flow of energetic exchange is directed towards a singular goal of unifying what lay in opposition to produce the space of neutrality where positive and negative give pause and ultimately produce the spark of creative outpour.

The Planetary Energy

Cool soft lavender,
Blending and merging
Into a sea of powder blue caress
Loving faces with arms outstretched
The butterfly kiss of a child’s soft lips
On rosy red cheeks flushed with love.
Soft, silky panels enfolding gently
Like a lover’s embrace
And vibrant color of passion and
Scent of Sandalwood of soft skin of ecstasy.

The heart yearns to unite with another
And the sweet intoxication
Of a moonlight tryst
Beckons and awaits the paramours.

Kiss, caress, transcendence and
Heart-felt love spilling forth
To all humanity declaring itself
As a magnet of attraction
Desiring nothing but the Beloved.

And who is the “Beloved”
It is the harmonizing energy that
Surrounds it is what captures the
Spirit and carries it aloft
Poised on wings of breath.

The Beloved we all yearn for
Is the shimmering reflection of
Our Higher Self bathed in
The light of Divine embrace
Transformed in the Womb of the Mother
And revealed only when we surrender
To our heartfelt longing.

Read the poem above and allow the images to flow of your own making. This is the energy of the 14th Path in its action as creators.

Tarot Key III – The Empress

stephanie law_dreamscapes3_tarot_the empress_med

Image: Dreamscape Tarot by Stephanie Law

Note: Each of the Paths of the Qabalistic Tree has the assignation of a Tarot key placed upon it as further correspondence to its energy. The Paths 11-32 are represented using the Major Arcana cards.

Tarot Key IIIThe Empress is the Mother of all life. She sits in quiet repose and strength in the verdant landscape of her own domain. She is the sexual energy that is ripe being both pregnant in her fertility and exquisite in the afterglow of promised union. Placed upon the 14th Path, the Empress offers the vision of what will become and will bear fruit from her union with Chokmah and the manifest and spiritual fruits this union will yield. She is the promise of continued life and expression of that life in all of the elemental worlds over which she reigns supreme.

When we consider the nature of Venus’ energies and Her intended goal of creation, the Empress embodies the wisdom that arises from experience and maturity. She is no longer the flattered ingénue who is easily flattered and anxious to begin the courtship of a romanticized physical journey. She has the composure of selectively and carefully weighing all of the suitor’s gifts before choosing the appropriate vessel to receive the fires of her passionate embrace.

In Conclusion:
As we consider the attributes of Libra and its ruling planet Venus and their impact on the Tree of Life the prominent focus is one of awareness and appreciation of all aspects of the Tree as it seeks to balance its varied nature. The key lay in the responsiveness of desire’s will and the reaction to that desire with catalytic intent. As we come to know more of our wild beauty and connection to nature in all of its permutations, we find the grace of being able to see the beauty in the imperfections.

The ability to apply the finely honed process of carefully weighing the possibilities and stripping away the glamour of unbalanced potential is the gift of discriminating mind that is found in Libra. Its desire to refine through balanced harmony flows through the Tree seeking the source of its inception and the Fires of union that gave it life.

As the light of Tiphareth (Sun) shines brightly and radiates its vision of magnetic attraction throughout the multilayered branches of a tree that reaches far and wide in its expanse and impact we are reminded that in this vision of creation’s most exquisite form and its desire to share the gift of that expression, we are the manifest product of its own loving nature.


If you are not familiar with the Qabalistic Tree of Life, I would recommend reading through the article posted in my other blog, The Magickal Pen entitled “Geburah’s Might” to give you the necessary overview for an introductory base of working knowledge about the Tree. It can be found here:

WitchVox: 13 Keys- The Victory of Netzach

The Magickal Pen: Geburah’s Might

13 Keys to the Qabalistic Tree of Life

The Inner Chamber Series. R. Fennelly
Volume One: It’s Written in the Stars (2013)
Volume Two: Poetry of the Spheres (2013)
Volume Three: Awakening the Paths (2014)
Order at author’s website: Robin Fennelly


Next Post

Full Moon in Aries- Back to the Beginning

October 8.2014

Sun in Taurus: An Anchor of Light in the Tree

Posted in The Temple of the Sun, Venus with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on April 27, 2014 by themagickalpen


My strength flows through leaf and branch
I offer the stability that allows for growth
I am steadfast in my fertility and power to create
My body is the temple that gives life form
My roots dig deeply into anchoring the light
That emanates from Mother’s sacred womb
And Father’s potent seed.

As we enter the Temple of the Sun, Qabalistically we are entering into connection with the central sphere on the Tree of Life, Tiphareth. The name given this sphere is Beauty and the energy is one of synthesis through sacrifice and integration through refinement of the sum of all of its parts. This is much the same energy that we experience in the course of a Solar year. The energy of each of the Zodiacal signs, their elements and modality are modified and expressed through the brilliance of the Sun. And, in keeping with the evolutionary process of movement from one sign to the next, each is informed by the previous sign’s energy and contributes a part of its dynamic into the sign that follows.

Tiphareth and the Sun

Each of the Sephiroth and connecting Paths of the Tree of Life, holds correspondence with a planetary and/or zodiacal energy. The physical Sun stands centrally within our solar system, providing light and heat. Tiphareth provides the space of transformation and the full force generator that distributes what is processed so it may be utilized and transmuted by whatever it emanates its energy into. This is the sacrificial aspect of this sphere. This is the action of enlivening within its own source to ensure the continuation of the creative process begun within the other components of the Tree. So we begin in this central hub of universal energy and move out towards the flow of energy represented by the foundational anchor of the astrological sign of Taurus.

If you are not familiar with the Qabalistic Tree of Life, I would recommend reading through the article posted in my other blog, The Magickal Pen entitled The Might of Geburah to give you the necessary overview for an introductory base of working knowledge about the Tree. It can be found here:

The Magickal Pen: Geburah’s Might

Tiphareth and the Sun

Each of the Sephiroth and connecting Paths of the Tree of Life, holds correspondence with a planetary and/or zodiacal energy. The physical Sun stands centrally within our solar system, providing light and heat. Tiphareth provides the space of transformation and the full force generator that distributes what is processed so it may be utilized and transmuted by whatever it emanates its energy into. This is the sacrificial aspect of this sphere. This is the action of enlivening within its own source to ensure the continuation of the creative process begun within the other components of the Tree. So we begin in this central hub of universal energy and move out towards the flow of energy represented by the foundational anchor of the astrological sign of Taurus.

Taurus and Venus on the Tree

Astrologically, we have learned that Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Venus also rules the astrological sign of Libra (Air and Cardinal Modality). This bears note when we look at Venus on the Tree. Her planetary energy is found in three places- the sphere of Netzach, Paths 16 and 14. With this duality of astrological rulership, the influence of Air (Libra) and Earth (Taurus) are molded by the energy of relationship, durability and striving towards flow of balance. Although one of these signs may take the lead in directing the expression and form of Venus’ energy, the other is always present as the informing silent partner.

The Foundations of Victorious Venus

On the Tree of Life, the sphere of Netzach holds the pure energy that is the active principle of Venus expressed through earthy Taurus. The English name for this sphere is Victory. The work of Netzach is one of refining and balancing the energies of emotion and response to what has been achieved and what could be considered victorious about that achievement. The sphere of Netzach is the place of establishing the balance of hedonistic and aesthetic ideals. Love is the primary focus, but not at the expense of over indulgence in physical pleasure. These points of focus are all very Taurean in their energy, being firmly and concretely of the physical realms. This is also the place of expression of Love of Nature in all of her forms. The connection between beauty and the energies that are contained within the force of Nature is a strong one. Even in the Natural world’s more disruptive expression, the order and intelligence in design applied in her shaking free from her mantle those disruptions of energy is done with a sense of order, intent and aestheticism. Nature is expressed through Taurus in the overt attribution of an animal, the Bull, to its energies and the dominant theme of physical and manifest expression.

This sphere is noted as the Vision of Beauty (and harmony) of nature and all of its components, human, animal, mineral and plant life. There is also a sense of appreciation of all the finer things and the highest ideals to be achieved. This is present in both the physical concepts of the sphere as well as the spiritual and etheric levels. This is the place of triumph over the baser self. Of organized effort to bring refinement and the orphic delights of the arts to fill the container or structure that is being created before it is released into the place of the intellect that can further define and order it.

Netzach (Venus) and Tiphareth (Sun)

Taurus on Tree

Netzach is assigned the element of Fire as is the Sun of Tiphareth. Within the energy of Netzach we can identity this Fire as that of longing, desire and the impetus that coerces the creative urge towards manifestation. This is the Fire that initially burns very hot and very bright but if not tended carefully will spread out of control and consume that which created it.

Venus’ energy reigns supreme within this sphere with Taurus as an adjunct to that energy and although, Taurus is an Earth sign, the energy of earth is expressed through the Fires of Venusian interactions. Here the theme of Fire is that of the underpinnings that is the molten core within the earth. The Fires that heat the soil to quicken the seeds held within, which in turn stretch upward towards Sun’s light. Although not directly connected via a path that is of Taurean or Venusian dynamic, Tiphareth and Netzach react and radiate one to the other through the 24th Path.

Path 24
A Path of Fire

The 24th Path represents the synthesis of the fire of the heart (Netzach) and strength of sacrifice (Tiphareth) working in dialogue and exchange with one another. If we think in terms of heart felt will and the courage of personality centered sacrifice, this is the action of moving from a place of balanced compassion (Netzach) that willingly offers its energy up to become part of a filtered and transfigured outpour (Tiphareth). The underlying strength of Turaus held in this configuration of Netzach/Venus and the Sun of Tiphareth is the process of regeneration that takes the raw stuff supplied and renews and restores each to its enlivened form.

Read more about Netzach and Venus at:
Temple of Venus: The Victory of Netzach

The 16th Path of Connection: Taurus/Venus


The spheres of Chokmah (Wisdom/The Zodiac) and Chesed (Mercy/Jupiter) are connected by the 16th Path on the Tree of Life. There is great determination (Taurus) held within the 16th Path. It is the upper most support of The Pillar of Mercy and in emanation downwards, what is cultivated within this path is what will later inform the interactions (Venus) between Chesed and Netzach. The energy of Earth (Taurus) within the 16th Path is that of durability, strength and control. The collaborative energies of Wisdom (Chokmah) of the mysteries of the creation of the cosmos(Zodiac) and the Mercy (Chesed) cultivated from experience, choice and expanded(Jupiter) perception from the foundations selected to coalesce these energies that are not only fertile but also prolific in their sustaining powers.

The Hebrew Letter placed on the 16th Path is Vau, which means Nail in English. A nail is used as a tool of binding or attaching one thing to another. The expectation is that this attachment will be durable and long lasting and not easily pried apart. The same is true of the spiritual energy placed upon the 16th Path. As a connecting path on the Pillar of Mercy, this is the path of anchor and endurance. What is cultivated within the merciful being will be elevated to a place of access to what may spawn further creations of this sort. The nail acts to hold firmly these energies so that nothing may separate their dynamic energy as the flow of their combined truths move down into the manifest world of expression.

We could summarize this energy in this way: The stable (Fixed modality) container of Taurus’ manifest form expressed in the refined and creative (Venus) aspect of merciful and benevolent emotion (Chesed) expands from its source (Chesed) and aspires upwards towards the cosmos (Chokmah) to co-mingle with the force of release and seeding (Chokmah) of all that sustains life and maintains order of the heavens and thus by its loving (Venus) reflection also on earth.

Another Path of Expression: Venus on the 14th Path


The planet Venus is placed on the 14th Path, which connects the spheres of Chokmah (Wisdom) and Binah (Understanding). The 14th Path holds the honor of providing the base of the Supernal Triangle of the spheres Binah, Chokmah and Kether. This path is the place of polarization through the actions of Binah (Feminine) and Chokmah’s (Masculine) energies as the conception of what will be brought into manifestation as these coalesced energies emanate from Binah. This flow of energetic exchange is directed and towards a singular goal of unifying what lay in opposition to produce the space of neutrality where positive and negative give pause and ultimately produce the spark of creative outpour. This is the fecundity and fertility of Taurus as it supports the action of Venus.

This path represents the element of Earth (Taurus) raised to the level of Divine action. Form has become formless in its ascent and what we conceive of as foundational earth, its structure and all of its evolving components have now evolved as the support and structure required for the blending of male and female, positive and negative, force and form. We think of earth as being the strength and the constant through which viable substance may pass and yield the fruits of that fertility. This is also true of the 14th Path. Through the support and structure of this path the fruits of emanation are yielded.

In Conclusion:

If we consider the attributes of Taurus and its ruling planet Venus and their impact on the Tree of Life the prominent focus is one of anchoring in the physical experience. Taurus is the reminder of the joys and power in being manifest in form and having the ability to recreate that form of manifestation. This is the space of fertility and the creation of an anchor of stabilizing and immovable (remember the stubborn Bull) nature of digging deeply in and strengthening the roots.

As the light of Tiphareth (Sun) shines brightly and radiates its vision of magnetic attraction throughout the multilayered branches of a tree that reaches far and wide in its expanse and impact Taurus reaches deeply into the fertile soil crafting the foundational work that once begun takes root and spreads into all facets of your mundane experience.

Next Post:
Tuesday, April.29th
New Moon in Taurus: Dig Deep, Stand Strong and Soar



The Magickal Pen: Geburah’s Might

WitchVox: 13 Keys: The Victory of Netzach

13 Keys to the Qabalistic Tree of Life



The Inner Chamber Series. R. Fennelly

Volume One: It’s Written in the Stars (2013)
Volume Two: Poetry of the Spheres (2013)
Volume Three: Awakening the Paths (2014)

Order at author’s website: Robin Fennelly

New Moon-New Year 2014!

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, New Moon, Uncategorized, Venus with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 1, 2014 by themagickalpen

New Moon Capricorn

January 1.2014 New Moon in Capricorn   6:14 a.m.

We kick off the New Year with the Moon New in the astrological sign of Capricorn- the Sea Goat. Capricorn is of the element Earth which gives its energy one of foundation, strength and the ability to manifest.  It is a Cardinal sign meaning that its energy is one of initializing and acting as the first outpouring for what will be gathered into form as it flows into the Fixed sign of Aquarius on Thursday afternoon.

This timing offers a triple bolstering of new and vibrant energy to draw from.  The first day of a New Year boasting a New Moon phase in a Cardinal (Beginnings) astrological sign. We are also still in the hold of a Venus Retrograde so, the opportunity to connect the re-balancing of heart (Venus) and weave that energy into the new paths available with a New Moon in an Earth sign are all supportive towards plummeting the depths (Capricorn- Sea) and sure-footedly scaling the heights (Capricorn-Goat) to lay the ground work for lasting and durable change.

Capricorn’s planetary ruler is Saturn, so structure, order and timeliness are keywords for accessing the sea-goat’s energy.  Self-discipline creates the boundaries that can fertilize and inseminate the fertile ground of our manifest form.  The aspect of determination in achieving the goal desired and the appropriate pacing of energy, focus and adequate time for expansion and contraction of that focus establish a rhythm and orderliness that ensures an outcome.  Notice that I did not say positive, as the determination of whether the outcome is positive or detrimental is all in how discipline is applied and the correct timing for the planting of the seeds.  A detriment of Capricorn is that the individual can get so caught up in the process; creating barriers and faulty structures that are self-perpetuated that what should be glorious success withers into frustrated repetition.  This is where Saturn as the Gatekeeper of time exerts his will in stirring up the pot so it can move freely and of its own accord if the lessons are heeded.

A New Moon Working in Capricorn*:

Workings may include: career- ambition-organization- stabilizing- structuring

My intent for this New Moon (New Year) is one of building a solid and heart-centered foundation for personal growth this upcoming year.


I will light a white candle to illuminate my mind and thoughts as I reach deeply into the stores of memory. I will sit quietly and reflect on what I have carried forward from this past year.  My achievements, my goals and those things that I did not quite hit the mark in the way I had hoped.

I will light a black candle as the fertile space of incubation and setting held within the mask of the New Moon’s shadow of veiling.  I will draw from each of these memories the seeds of new planting to begin the fertile ground for this year. I will breathe my Intent and Will  into this candle and these seeds of aspiration. I envision it as lit from within ready to shine fully and brightly at the next Full Moon.

So Mote it Be!

* A side note.  

In astrology, each of the zodiacal signs rules a specific house (1-12) when placed in order around the flat wheel. Capricorn sits as ruler at the place of the Midheaven in the 10th House of  the flat astrological wheel (This is the wheel that follows the order of the Zodiac from Aries in the 1st House counterclockwise around to Pisces in the 12th House and is not associated with anyone’s birth).  The Midheaven is the point in the natal astrological chart where “you shine”. It is the space where recognition for achievement and success are held as potential. Capricorn carries this as  latent energy wherever it shows up.  

The Temple of Venus – Last Call for Love!

Posted in The Temple of Venus, Uncategorized, Venus with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 27, 2013 by themagickalpen

Venus ClipImage1

We end our exploration of Venus taking a look at ways to incorporate its energy into our magickal workings. The flexibility of this planet and its ability to transform through relationships and the building of stable foundations is a staple of the human and spiritual connections we forge. Acting from a heart-centered (Venus) place brings balance and integrity to all workings.  There are many ways to utilize Venus’ energy for Magickal workings and access its power:

Anything requiring harmony, balance and compassion:

• Relationships

• Finances

• Jobs

• Health

Some keywords for consideration:

• Matters of the Heart

• Structure

• Refinement

• Stability

• Values

• Balance

• Creativity

• Inspiration

• Justice

• Fertility

Daily Magick:

We can use Venus’ energy for empowering its given planetary day- Friday– and any important tasks that require collaboration and refinement. And, if we wish to be more specific in use, we can access Venus’ planetary hour of any given day and focus our intent for that time period on strengthening our relationships, accessing deeper emotional levels and realigning how we interact. This could be used in preparation for a business meeting or in navigating a challenging appointment.  For more information about the Planetary Days and Hours, check out the post below:

Day 23- Temple of the Moon- Go Quietly in the Night

One of the actions of Venusian energy is that is awakening love through refinement. Placed in action upon the emotional self, there is great potential to reveal what truly matters in your life and what is just superficial infatuation.  As physical beings we have great capacity for love and have the means to express that love in all of its manifest forms.  This is the energy of attraction, relationships, love and beauty.  Love is the key word here and its application to all of your endeavors.  Self-love conquers self-doubts and fears and allows you to be receptive to drawing love to yourself.  Love for another person forms a bond of relationship and the lesson of acknowledgement that you are not a singular being unto yourself. Maintaining a focus of love in all your interactions insures that you will assume the best nature in all with whom you interact and then allow for adjustment to be made accordingly to the depth of that interaction.  When you stand in the place of this beauty and truth the choices that are made and the process of refining, analyzing and restructuring is guided by an inner strength that becomes the foundation from which all of your experiences unfold.

Solar/Lunar Magick:

Aligning with the phases of the Moon and Solar astrological cycles that have Venus as planetary ruler calls upon a gentle and flexible energy that can be further refined by using the lens of the element and modality of that astrological sign. Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra, so the opportunity here is to access the qualities of manifest foundations and stability (the Earth Quality of Taurus) infused and balanced by the desire for an informed (the Air Quality of Libra) heart-centered outcome. The collaborative effort of a Fixed Modality and Cardinal Modality primes an intent that has the ability to create structure for what will be newly conceived.

Solar Magick

During the astrological solar months of Taurus (April-May) and Libra (September-October) we have several weeks of Venus’ energy to be drawn upon in a steady stream of balanced and informed compassion made manifest and enlivened by the solar dynamics. The emphasis will be different with each. Taurus is elemental Earth bringing solid and fertile ground upon which to build new foundations. Libra is elemental Air and hones in on the inspired flow and movement of what strives towards beauty, balance and perfection.

You could effectively use this energy for a month long working to improve the ways in which you create relationships with others and the foundations from which these are built.  This is also an excellent time to bring to light those things that “feed your soul and spirit”.  What inspires you? And, where do you find beauty and harmony? The energy of Taurus will serve to manifest what you desire and the Libran energy will harmonize and refine it to mold to the specifications that fit just right.

This is a good time to use Venus infused by the solar energy for any longstanding disagreements or disputes.  Taurus will help you hold your ground towards right action and anchor your decisions in concrete reality.  And, Libra adds the dynamic of merciful justice (remember the Scales) and provides the opportunity for weighing the pros and cons before making final decision about the outcome.  The energy of the Sun serves to light up those places that may have been murky and perhaps contributed to less than clear thinking spurring on discord. Remember, that any interactions that are truly heart-centered generally have the most productive (which could be positive or negative) outcome that is in the best interest of all.  The application of Venus and the electromagnetic quality of the Sun sets up a circuit of like attracting like and responding in accord with the cosmic laws to the product of that attraction.

Lunar Magick

Lunar Magick follows the cycles of the moon as it waxes and wanes and makes use of that energy to enhance workings. To get you started here are some Moon phase basics:

Waxing and Waning

The Waxing Moon is the time between the New Moon and the Full Moon

The Waning Moon is the time between the Full Moon and the last day of the last quarter– just prior to the New Moon

Although Magickal working can be done at any time, there are specific times during the lunar cycle when your workings can be enhanced. One of the first considerations is what type of New Moon energy is used for beginning a working. It is the initial and quickening stage of what will become. What is planted here will determine the outcome at the time of fullness.

The Waxing of the moon, from New to Full, provides a crescendo or building effect

Full Moon energy is used to strengthen and support the apex of the working having reached a space of ripeness, maturity and readiness to be fully acted upon.

The Waning of the moon from peak of Full to the subsequent New Moon allows for release and diminishing of energetic effect

Dark Waning Moon energy is used as a time to release, cut away and make ready the soil for the planting of new seeds.

Venus’ energy can be applied when the lunar phase is in one of the astrological signs its rules – Taurus or Libra. Because the Moon cycles through each of the astrological signs in the course of a month, you can access both of these signs qualities.  A working for setting up the fertile foundations of the working may be started during a Taurus Moon and balancing and refining those foundations could be emphasized when the moon moves into Libra.  These are some of the types of workings that could be considered.

New Moon in Taurus/Libra – Venus Planetary Ruler – Workings may include:

  • Restructuring your values and taking concrete action towards maintaining and preserving them.
  • Reassessing what you consider home, family and those individuals that fill this space.
  • Work towards manifesting a sustainable relationship*

* Note: I am not talking about love spells or any working that has the intent of manipulating another to your will. That is unethical and not good practice.  Instead, this work could take the form of acknowledging what is lovable within yourself, and then doing the appropriate work to bring these positive attributes to a place where you set forth the intent of attracting to yourself another. 

Take a look at the posts below for the Waxing Moon in Libra for an idea of Venus’ influence through the filter of Libra.

Waxing Moon in Libra- Day 7 – Temple of the Moon – It All Balances Out

Waxing Moon in Libra- Day 8 – Temple of the Moon – Refining and Polishing

Full Moon in Taurus/Libra – Venus Planetary Ruler – Workings may include:

  • Bolstering and acknowledgement of the continued progress of any workings begun at the new Moon.
  • Acknowledging the aspects of yourself that have remained strong of purpose and mindful of balance in all things.
  • Strengthening the intent of harmonious interactions in all relationships.
  • Restoring harmony within a place of discontent or discord.

Take a look at the post below for the Full Moon in Taurus for an idea of Venus’ influence through the filter of Taurus.

Full Moon in Taurus – Stand By Me

Dark Waning Moon in Taurus/Libra- Venus Planetary Ruler – Workings may include:

  • Release of negative commentary about the self.
  • Release of what is not in harmony with continued growth of any workings begun at New Moon or weaknesses revealed at Full Moon.
  • Release of any stagnant or unproductive relationships.
  • Release of material hold that keeps you tied to unfulfilling relationships.

Take a look at the Post below for Waning Moon in Taurus and an idea of Venus’ Energy through the filter of Taurus.

Day 22 of Temple of the Moon- Holding Ground

To read more about Lunar and Solar Magick check out Lesson Nine from A Year and A Day on the Wiccan Path


The energy of Venus can be called upon to enhance a reading or as a tool for meditation and deeper reflection on the archetypal energy of the planet. The Key aligned with Venus is that of The Empress.

Key 3- The Empress

My children are many and I tend them

with loving care.

My wisdom born in the belly of the earth.

Within its mantle I sit in gentle repose.


 I am fertility and creation

and through all that you see

I exert my natural will.


 I am harmony and within nine stellar gates will

I open the radiance of light

held in my mental abode


 I hold the key to love’s radiance and beauty

moves like water through

the verdant splendor

of my domain. 


The Rider-Waite Deck depicts the Empress as one who has gained mastery over herself; emitting confidence and the abundance and beauty of true grace. She sits in calm repose- a beatific smile of promise and mystery gracing her countenance and all around her is the splendor and ripeness of the Earth.   She is the expression of the High Priestess in the form of the Great Earth Mother.  Where the High Priestess commands the Spiritual realms, the Empress is the Supreme Mother of the physical, earthly plane of manifestation.  The Empress represents those instinctual and intellectual parts of self that are the Creatrix- not in the manner of destruction and tearing away to rebuild, but with the quiet assurance that all she creates will be borne of great patience and guidance from a Higher Power, and governed by the stability and foundation of Earth.  The tablet at her feet bears the symbol of the planet Venus and feminine energy. She is at once Virgin, Lover and Mother.  And within her womb is contained the promise of creation formed by the merging of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom.

In the Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti, The Empress is depicted as the fullness of feminine form and energy, pregnant and guarding all of life that she has overseen in birth previously. She holds the mystery of seasons and wields her energy through the elements.  This is the balance and refinement of nature in a harmonious state of flow.  This is the seductive energy that draws us towards those who can master the energy of the Empress.


Energetic and Healing Practice:

In energetic and healing practice each of the planets aligns with specific areas of our subtle and physical anatomy. Each of the fingers on the hands is assigned a planet. Chakras and the Seven Sisters (Endocrine System) are each assigned a planetary energy. The implication here is affirmation of The Universal Law of Correspondence– As Above , So Below, As Within, So Without and the cosmic and celestial inter-connectedness of man and his world.

The Hands- Mudras

Within Eastern Practice, Mudras are described as hand positions. Each area of the hand has a reflex reaction in a specific part of the brain. A Mudra locks and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. The Mudras redirect the energy flow, linking the individual pranic energy with universal force. Each finger represents the energy of a planet, a determinate quality, and emotions. The thumbs represent the ego(1)

Below is a picture of the Venus Lock Mudra. The mounds at the base of the thumbs represent Venus; sensuality and sexuality. (2)



For Men: Interlace the fingers with the left little finger on the bottom. Place the left thumb in the webbing between the thumb and index finger of the right hand. The right thumb presses the fleshy mound at the base of the left thumb.

For Women: The thumb positions are reversed and the right little finger goes on the bottom.

Effect: Channels sexual energy, promotes glandular balance, ability to concentrate easily.

Planet: Venus; sexuality, sensuality and balance.


Healing Work 

Venus resonates with the heart chakra – the center of compassion and love.  As you do your daily chakra clearing or meditation, engage the heart chakra with gentle focus and intent.  Envision it filled with the energy of Venus and the ability to give and receive love, understanding and great compassion. Imagine the glyph of Venus placed at your heart center. Breathe into this space and fill it with the color vibration of emerald green. Breathe into this space and feel the expansion and opening of that center. Right action, mercy, justice, inter-connectedness and harmony all flow from this central space.

There is an interesting concept about the Intelligence of the Heart (3.) that refers to the concept that was explored by scientist and metaphysician, R.A Schwaller DeLubicz during his studies of Egyptian spiritual and alchemical practices. He speaks to the innate wisdom of the heart and its power towards mastery and synthesis of all parts of self in collaboration with the inspiration of creative pure mind.

Venus Man

When we attune to the energy of Venus we are calling upon the healing waters that refine and restore a sense of peace and balance to whatever has entered a state of dis-ease. These are the basic energies of the healer and the energy called upon to bring balance to the energetic systems.  If we think of the fertility aspect of Venus, it is easy to conclude that the productive flow of its energy is always with intent of producing something of, yet separate from itself.  Something more that is perfected.  It is this fertility that dispels what ails and replaces it with what nurtures and inspires growth.

The glyph itself incorporates the circle of eternity, wholeness and the Cross of descent into matter, or as above so below (vertical line) and as within so without (horizontal line). From this center sphere of wholeness stable and structured energy flows to co-mingle with the upwards energy of matter and spirit. This is the ultimate expression of Venus; the ability to bring into the physical realm the downpour of all loving compassion, resilience and beauty in an eternal cycle of flow and receipt.

Auspicious Occasions:

Call on Venus to infuse romantic encounters with powerful seductive and attractive energy.  Call upon Venus when love is most needed to quiet and soothe the heart that has hardened.  Call on Venus to be present each day and to bless all of your interactions that they may be fruitful and all of your actions that they may be guided by a balanced desire and anchored in foundations which are infused to sustain and remain steadfast.  Call upon Venus as you set out on this journey of humanity and life and let her supreme wisdom of the heart light your way.

These are but a few of the many ways to access and engage with the harmonious and healing energy of Venus. Be creative in your approach, allow your mind and thoughts to open to the possibilities and see how effortlessly you can attune to staying in communication.

I hope you have enjoyed our journey through the Temple of Venus and as always, I welcome comments and your experiences with these amazing Temples! I finish this post with a poem I wrote while attending a concert of Philadelphia Sinfonia that my daughter was playing in:


The music is held closely to my heart
It reverberates through the passages
And corridors passage of what lay within.

The vibration pushes against
Each door and the scared sound
Once being heard unlocks the
Most secret and secure of chambers.

Notes of breathless beauty
Flood my senses filling all of my
Being with arpeggios of light
That dance delicately into
The furthest and darkest corners.

Music fills my mind
The geometric visions unraveling and
Opening the currents of flow
Crystalline webs spun.
Each intent upon catching
Within its center the cosmic
Sustenance of the Soul.

Each note hangs as though
Suspended in mid-air
The point within the field
Of Divine Creation.

Each note in harmony
With the other creating
The urge of impulse that
Forms the threshold to the unknown.

The door to the great unseen
Flung open wide
As the key turns the lock
Sound, rhythm and vibration of
Energetic seed in consummate union
With the womb of sacred intelligence.

Music and mortal embrace
Resonance and harmonics
The essence of genetic and celestial being
And in the symphony of silence
Life becomes the progeny
Of creative emanation.


1. The Secrets of Yoga

2.The Healer’s Journal

3. The Intelligence of the Heart posted on The Magickal Pen


Wednesday – January 1.2014 – New Moon in Capricorn

February 2014- Sun in Aries –  Join me in the Temple of the Sun

The Temple of Venus-Stop! In the Name of Love!

Posted in The Temple of Venus, Uncategorized, Venus with tags , , , , , , , , on December 23, 2013 by themagickalpen


Venus began her cycle of Retrograde on Saturday the 21st at 4:53pm (EST).  This is was also the day of the Winter Solstice and the longest night of the year to herald in the waxing of the Light from here forward until the Summer Solstice.  Venus stations direct on January 31.2014 allowing plenty of time for her energy to be felt and acted upon.  Although a Venus Retrograde does not take center stage in the same way that a Mercury retrograde does, the areas ruled by Venus gain in intensity and the call for reaching back is at hand.  Primarily this will be in the areas of relationships and re-connection or disconnection through reevaluation.

Venus  stationed in the astrological Earth sign of Capricorn which gives breadth and scope to the areas she shines her light brightest upon. If we take into consideration what we know about Venus so far and the elements of strength (Taurus) and refinement towards balance (Libra) we can use these attributes to bolster whatever areas of disruption and change that Venus reaches out towards.  Her energy is feminine in nature and with that is a depth of intensity and introspection that brings great insights to the foreground regarding those people and things in our lives to whom we have given our hearts and our trust.

* See The  Personal Note at the end of this post!

A Venus retrograde often brings the opportunity to reconnect with those who had in the past been part of our lives and enables us to reevaluate what they brought to nourish our sensibilities in the first place.  This allows space to reassess their current value in potentially reintroducing their energy into our lives now.

Every 18 months or so a Venus retrograde will occur and will last approximately six – seven weeks.  Astronomically, Venus us the brightest light in the heavens taking third place only to the Sun and the Moon.  It is also the planet which is easiest to see with the naked eye and has an orbital path that varies very little (by approx. 2-4 degrees) in the movement along of its eliptical path. Let’s begin by taking a look at the scientific definition of a retrograde.

Astronomy 101: What is a Retrograde Motion? 


An animation showing the retrograde motion of Mars in summer of 2003.
Credit: Eugene Alvin Villar

“Typically, the planets shift slightly eastward from night-to-night, drifting slowly against the backdrop of stars. From time to time, however, they change direction. For a few months, they’ll head west before turning back around and resuming their easterly course. This is “retrograde motion”. Though it baffled ancient astronomers, we know now that retrograde planets are an illusion caused by the motion of Earth.” Astronomer: Christopher Crokett (1.)

The Stations of Activity and the Zodiac

Astrologically, when a planet changes direction in its normal path of progression through the zodiac, this is called a “station”.  The planet’s progress slows down in is orbit until it appears to pause in its motion giving the appearance of moving backwards. The Retrograde Station occurs when the planet begins this slowing down and seeming movement backwards.  The Direct Station occurs when the forward motion of the planet begins again.  Whatever astrological sign the planet retrogrades in gives added emphasis and more intensity to how the planet expresses its own energy now given a full and prolonged dose of the sign’s own specificities.  These highly potent effects can be building or waning (depending on which end of the station you find yourself) for days prior or after. Much like, the concentrated effort needed in slowing down to come to a traffic light, pausing, and then having to carefully and incrementally apply enough gas to reach your top speed again.


Hedonistic Pleasures and the Pursuit of Happiness

In previous posts I’ve talked about the dynamics of Venus and the natural strivings towards achieving beauty and pleasure from relationships and every facet of physical life and expression. Looking at this retrograde energy from the perspective of hedonistic philosophy, the “no holds barred” intent becomes prime directive.  It is often from this place of pursuing the delights of sensorial gratification that the aspiration and pursuit of happiness is hoped to be found.  For many, enthusiasm is replaced by disillusionment and boredom takes hold in the space of what is not truly satisfying at all levels. The happiness quotient dwindles and new ways of reviving that happiness have to be continually explored.  This is the energy of Venus in full expression of her beguiling and seductive nature.  The vacillation between boredom and excitement is just the tipping of the scales in the effort to achieve a place of balance where pleasure and happiness are co-creators of forming the life we wish to have.  Retrograding Venus stirs the pot and forces a closer look at what gives us true joy and where we find balanced gratification.  This exploration provides the new foundations that become the bar of measure and value of what fulfills until the next space of scrutiny.

Revamp and Refine Relationships

Venusian energy is one that allows deeper insight into the basic nature of the emotions and the foundations that we structure them upon. When Venus retrogrades this is the prime time to take a look at those emotional foundations and see if they have been built upon faulty ground.  The house may have been constructed in accord with the owner’s specifications, but shifting ground will ever so slightly begin to erode away what keeps it in balance.  This is the action of Venus retrograding.  Shifting emotions and the addition and release of those relationships that we have created as our space of home and comfort may take on decidedly different functions and begin to shift ever so slightly either in the direction of ultimate release or a deepening of commitment.  The results may be a complete overhaul and revamping of all our relationships so that the new structure becomes a different type of architectural support, complete with new venue and supportive resources.

Focus On The Self; So You Can Give Freely To The Other

The same energy of intense evaluation regarding emotions and things of the heart that guides a Venus retrograde is the foundational energy we can use to redefine our definition of the love we offer ourselves.  If we cannot see ourselves as being loved and loveable, we can never truly feel the balance and anchoring of sharing our love completely and fully with others.  The Venus retrograde provides the space to reinvent ourselves, the way in which we see ourselves and ultimately how we use this persona in our interactions with others.  Shifting this focus of unconditional love, insight, understanding and compassion towards our own development causes a reinvention of who and what we value within our own being.  As we refine these definitions of who we are we can learn to fall in love with that person we have become. We can see the beauty in that transformation and appreciate the refinement that has occurred from this balanced and cohesive method of self-introspection.

In the Name of Love!

Here’s another thought! The Sun moved into the astrological sign of Capricorn on the 21st and the Winter Solstice occurred on this date as well. Capricorn is another Earth astrological sign of the Zodiac.  This is the Earth of Cardinal modality; the initial catalyst and flow that move towards stability. This is the first layer of soil that with time and weathering becomes the fertile mound. Venus rules the Earth sign of Taurus; a Fixed sign (re-read last week’s post about astrological Venus) that takes the initial outpouring of the Cardinal energy and gathers it to itself to provide structure and container for what has flowed into it. This is the warm mound of fertile soil that is the incubator that produces greenery.

So, using this information, consider the potential held with the added bolster of Sun in Earthy Capricorn as Venus, ruler of Fixed Earth Taurus stations retrograde (reaches backwards). The Sun offers the electromagnetic power of strength, renewal and life giving properties. The Sun is the electrical impulse that flows through the all of the foundations we have created.  In this case, the foundations are of the Earth (Capricorn/Taurus) or manifest realm.  Those things and people that we concretely wish to attract to our lives.

With Venus (or heart) stationing its outpouring towards what we have established as our foundation of compassion and interaction occurring  as the Sun (life force) lights the way for the manifestation of  stability and strength (Earth), there is great opportunity to shine in the brilliance of Venus’ light.

*A Personal Note:

This posting was late as the result of a personal emergency that occurred.  On Thursday, I took my mother to the Emergency Room thinking that her escalated confusion and discomfort in walking was the result of a UTI.  She did have an infection, but what we didn’t know was that she also had bleeds on both sides of her brain.  A CAT scan revealed this additional news.  The next 48-hrs. forced me to face the mortality of my mother, the relationship we had and the overwhelming feelings of guilt and remorse that go hand in hand with the thought of suddenly losing a parent. Emotions rose to overflowing and I thought I couldn’t stop crying.  I thought about all the experiences, negative and positive I have had with my mother and each one brought me to a place of thinking long and hard about how I would change some of the future interactions.  She has had brain surgery and is doing well, but we are still not out of the woods.  Of interest is the fact that my natal Venus is in the astrological sign of Pisces and my Mother’s natal Sun sign is Pisces. I can’t help but think that this was an opportunity to look back and readjust some of the feelings I’ve held about my Mother and refine the way our relationship flows moving forward. 



1.  Earth Sky Blog by Christopher Crokett

Next Week:
We’ll conclude our time in the Temple with information about Venus and Planetary Magick.

The Temple of Venus- The Victory of Netzach

Posted in The Temple of Venus, Venus with tags , , , , on December 13, 2013 by themagickalpen


This week we will take a look at the expression of Venus through its attribution on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.  Venus is the Planetary energy of the sphere of Netzach. In order to fully understand the nature of this sphere you must have a bit of knowledge about the Tree of Life, itself and the other spheres that form the greater whole.  Although this broader information may not seem to directly relate to the Temple of Venus it is an important piece of this dynamic planets energetic signature.  The lesson to be gained from this exploration is an affirmation of the expansive, yet stable quality of Venus’ outpouring of compassionate mind and heart. In other words, replace the name of Netzach with that of Venus wherever you see it used!

Applying this overlay of a mystical system that expands and easily maps in accord with its topic of application in much the same way Venus envelopes and enfolds all that enters its realms, opens new doors of experience and interconnectedness found within all of the planetary temples.  The inherent wisdom of these energies permeates all levels of understanding, philosophy and teachings.  The semantics may differ, but if you have the basics down, you can easily identify Venus’ (or any of the planets) place in the equation.  So, as we open further to the beauty of Venus in all of its forms let’s begin our journey into the Tree of Life.

Note: The introductory QBL information below is a reprint of what was offered in the temple of Mercury.  Although, it may seem redundant in nature, reinforcing and restating this preliminary information will begin to set into place a pattern of deeper understanding and the connection of the planetary energies with the tree of Life.  Even, if you are familiar with the Tree of Life, rereading the basics will often reveal new layers of meaning that have developed as you have progressed in your understanding.  With subject matter such as this, any opportunity to review is an opportunity to grow!

Qabalah Boot Camp – Just the Basics

The subject matter of the Qabalah is one that many people do not easily gravitate towards; either deterred by the sheer mass of its scope or feeling that this particular overlay of system has no reference to the purely magickal systems.  Although, rooted in the Judaic mystical system the Kabbalah (spelling is Judaic form)/Qabalah (spelling used to distinguish as Western Hermetic overlay) this construct of energy, thought and working is a suitable companion to any magickal and spiritual system. The sheer fact that a statement such as that can be made offers testament to the enduring scope and permanence of its application over a broad and diverse

spectrum.  Within the Tradition to which I belong, The Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, the principles of the Qabalah are strongly and consistently used throughout all of our covens and the enhancement to the magickal workings and rituals is undeniable and the change evoked through its deeper exploration is palpable among those who incorporate it into their lives.

The Qabalistic Tree of Life describes the descent of the divine into the manifest world, and methods by which divine union may be attained in this life. It can be viewed as a map of the human psyche and of the workings of creation, both manifest and un-manifest. Some of its components are:

10 Sephiroth (Spheres) each having their own specific energetic signature and action.

22 Paths that connect the spheres and act as the synthesizing conduits of connection

3 Pillars of Application of that energy. The Pillar of Severity (Hod-Geburah-Binah), The Pillar of Mercy (Netzach-Chesed-Chokmah)- The Middle Pillar (Malkuth-Yesod-Tiphareth-Kether)

4 Worlds of Action– Each of the spheres exists in each of the four worlds and has a slightly different emphasis of intent depending on which of the worlds is acting upon it.

The Qabalistic story of the creative action of manifestation from the Source of All/Godhead down to the realm of physical and manifest form can be described in this way:

In the beginning there was nothingness- the absence of substance and form (Ain); and as the nothing became aware of itself it also realized the limitlessness nature (Ain Soph) of its being. This realization expanded and with more awareness came the birthing of limitless light (Ain Soph Aur). This limitless light felt the urge to create- and from it emanated Divine Intelligence – Kether. All things needing balance- in its wisdom Kether split and from this source of being the remaining nine (9) spheres became emanations of the varied permutations of Wisdom, Understanding, Mercy, Severity, Beauty, Victory, Glory, Foundation and finally coming to rest in the Kingdom of Earth- Malkuth.

10 Sephiroth (Spheres) of Emanation

The Sephiroth are States of Being and act as vessels to contain the Divine energy that spills forth from the God-Head or Crown of Kether (being the highest expression of the Divine) down into Malkuth, the densest and manifest physical world of Man. The spheres at the top of the tree are more refined in energy – more transparent and expressive of pure Light. As we descend down the tree each sphere gains more density- less clarity of brilliance of light until we come to rest in the earth plane of Malkuth. Each sphere has both an English and Hebrew name and countless correspondences attributed to each. These are keywords only to a larger tome of mystery.  The pictures below show the diagrams of:


Fig. 1– The Tree, the names of the spheres, the number in order on the Tree

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Fig. 2- The Planetary Correspondences to Each Sphere


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Sphere 1-Kether – The Crown- The Crown of Attainment- the ‘Cause of causes”- the unknowable- The Mystical Consciousness- (Modern- Uranus)

Sphere 2-Chokmah– Wisdom- The Word of God- true Will untainted by the material nature- The Radiant Consciousness- The Zodiac (Modern- Neptune)

Sphere 3-Binah– Understanding- The Great Sea- absolute belief- The Sanctified Consciousness- Saturn

Sphere 4-Chesed– Mercy- Majesty- The place of greater awareness and pure compassion-The Settled Consciousness- Jupiter

Sphere 5-Geburah– Might – Strength and Justice- excision and the necessary cutting away- The Rooted Consciousness – Mars

Sphere 6-Tiphareth– Beauty- Sacrifice- the receptive place of the flow of emanations from Kether- The Transcendental Influx Consciousness- The Sun

Sphere 7-Netzach– Victory- The Beauty of Nature- The Hidden Consciousness – Venus

Sphere 8-Hod– Glory- Splendor- the sphere of science and craft- the analytical nature and communicative learning- The Perfect Consciousness – This is the place of Mercury

Sphere 9-Yesod– The Foundation- sphere of the subconscious- the Lunar Gates- dreams and illusion – the astral – The Pure Consciousness – The Moon

Sphere 10-Malkuth– The Kingdom- the plane of physical existence and manifest reality- the elements and all of manifest Life- The Scintillating Consciousness – Earth

The Sphere of Compassion

Deep within the heart
Of the emerald jewel
Lay the great mysteries
Of time and love.

The lamp is lit
And glows within
Edges sharp where
Line and point intersect
Poignantly within the
Space of equilibrium.

From the wellspring rises
Form of beauty and
Intelligence refined;
As Pleiades’ dance
In response to
The sound of planets’
Harmonious symphony.

And, all is held gently
Contained in beauty’s grace
As she unites with clarity of
Mind and focus of heart
Birthing the perfected one
Whose victory mirrors
The beauty of the sun’s
Radiance streaming
Down from above.

The Planetary ruler of Netzach is Venus, so it is fitting that this sphere is considered the sphere of beauty, relationship and love. It is also the place of establishing the balance (Libra) of hedonistic and aesthetic ideals. Love is the primary focus, but not at the expense of over indulgence in physical pleasure. This is also the place of expression of Love of Nature (Taurus) in all of her forms. The connection between beauty and the energies that are contained within the force of Nature is a strong one. Even in the Natural world’s more disruptive expression, the order and intelligence in design applied in her shaking free from her mantle those disruptions of energy is done with a sense of order, intent and aestheticism.

Netzach is known as the sphere of Victory. The principle of victory here is not one of wanton take-over and infringement of another’s space, but rather victory that is found within the triumph over obstacles, whether perceived or real. This over coming is brought to a place of clarity and scrutiny primarily through the action of revealing the true nature of the experience. The resulting balance that occurs is the interaction between Hod and Netzach, academia and pleasure, science and art. This is the work of a polarizing effect. The balance of male and female principles, expansion and contraction, mercy and severity of nature are those obstacles which when brought to a place of control and exertion of will form the basis of foundation for creative outpour.

Netzach sits at the base of the Pillar of Mercy, being the closest sphere towards the manifest form of Malkuth on this pillar.  This is the perfect vantage point for drawing down into itself the Higher expressions of Love held within the spheres above it (Chesed and Chokmah) and then setting to its work of harmonizing and refining (the scales of Libra) this energy to create a thing a beauty that inspires the emotions reach upwards in adoration.  This is Mercy in its highest expression; the cultivating of what will inspire so that all may reach the pinnacle of their potential.

The Element of Fire

The sphere of Netzach is assigned to the element of Fire; despite the appearance that its should be a sphere of Water given the strong component of heart centered emotion and creative outpouring. Within the energy of Netzach we can identity this Fire as that of longing, desire and the impetus that coerces the creative urge towards manifestation. The nature of this Fire is to quicken and then spread and reach towards distribution through the flowing waters of Hod (Mercury and Mind). This is the Fire that initially burns very hot and very bright but if not tended carefully will spread out of control and consume that which created it.

The Intelligence of the Heart

Intelligence of the Heart refers to the concept that was explored by scientist and metaphysician, R.A Schwaller DeLubicz during his studies of Egyptian spiritual and alchemical practices. For most, the concept of intelligence is confined to the physiology of the mind and those senses that the mind effects. To the ancient Egyptians, the “heart” was the holder of these attributes of intelligence and deep gnosis.

This way of thinking is deeply reflective of the principles of heart centered Netzach and its force of impact upon the rational mind. Without this innate intelligence that serves to provide the deeper understanding (realized through expansion and issuance of those qualities of Divine Love) pure reason will never have the necessary glue to produce thoughts of substance and viability. They will always remain within the world of ephemeral and lofty ideals that never come to full fruition.

The Illusion of the Sphere: Lust, Promiscuity and Manipulation

The Illusion of Netzach is that of lust and promiscuity. The highly idealized and divinely infused love contained within the sphere of Netzach can readily be used as a means of only gratifying oneself under the guise of spiritual practice. Many an unscrupulous spiritual leader has seduced the unwitting practitioner into sexual servitude by promising a way to higher enlightenment through the energies of the sex act.

In reality, the sacred sexual practice of Tantric Yoga would fall within the sphere of Netzach. In contrast to the vice of the sphere, in this practice of Tantra, sexual union and the highly refined and potent energies it produces are solely used for the purpose of spiritual development and benefit with the practitioners receiving very specific trainings in technique and undergoing various levels of initiation.

Manipulation is most easily accomplished through matters of the heart.  Where logic may have thwarted the efforts, when love and compassion come into the picture reason, logic and concern for one’s own well-being often go out the window.  We see too often the scenario of the abused spouse remaining in the relationship despite the warning signs of safety and financial loss.  The emotional bond is a strong one and the vice of Venus’ energy can be all pervasive and all consuming (remember the Fire attribution!) in leaving nothing in its wake but destruction and death.

Connecting to Venus Through Its Expression in Netzach

It has been said that spiritual growth occurs in accord with the flexibility and resilience of the heart working in conjunction with Higher Mind. We saw with Mercury that much of its intent is directed via an outpouring of communication. Taking what is within and modulating it in adaptation to whatever the desired goal is.  Venus works from an opposing principle.  Her goal is to gather into herself all of the outer experience of the world, turn the exploration within to the deepest chamber of the heart, transform and transmute it and then send it back out into the world in a form that will attract and engender similar action in all that are held within its loving embrace.

Love is what serves as bridge between disparate energy.  Love is the great healer in times of greatest need.  Love calls to the soul and brings it to its victory in what can be accomplished in a given lifetime.  Heart begins the conversation that inspires those to the Great Work and its is the sustaining of the heart center in that work that allows false pride, selfish ego and personality to fall away revealing the mystery of the Divine within.  We call upon the Fires of Netzach to quicken our resolve and it is within the core of their flames that we find the wisdom of the Heart.

An Exercise in Claiming Your Victory

This week’s exercise involves journaling.  The tactile and kinesthetic quality of journaling is one that fuses the emotions with the thoughts flowing through the hands as word is set to paper.  When we journal we are allowing ourselves to open deeply to what is held in our heart’s mind and capturing the essence of those feelings in safe space and private working.  In this exercise you will be calling up a personal moment of Victory to be relived and recorded.


  • Select a time in your life when you felt you had great insight and clarity into a situation.  The word “victory” in this sense relates to moving through the illusion of what you think is true and seeing and sensing a deeper level of meaning and understanding from this newly opened perspective.
  • As you write about this experience, allow any additional insights that you may have to flow uncensored.
  • Then, after finishing, go back and take a look at what you have written. How much more clarity or definition can you add to this writing. What new insights arise as you red through what you have written?
  • Do this for several more rereads. Finally, go back to the beginning writing and make note of the differences, additions, and deletions you may have made after spending some time looking more deeply into the facets of this writing gem.

Next week: Venus stations Retrograde on the day of the Winter Solstice- December 21@ 4:53pm (EST). What does this mean and how to use its influence?



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