Archive for the Full Moon Category

Full Moon in Gemini: The Perfect Timing to Reboot!

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon on December 12, 2019 by themagickalpen

December 12.2019 aka 12.12.2019
12:12am (EST)

Uranus Retrograde in Astrological Taurus

As we near the end of this year-and a 10-year cycle within the year 2000, there is a lot of energy, change and shifts afoot. For many this year has been an especially challenging one at all levels. Climate change, political tensions, injustice, death, natural disasters and more have bombarded us with stressors beyond the norm that our technology driven day to day life imparts. And, today as Lady Moon rides high in the astrological sign of talkative Gemini and electrically charged Uranus remains retrograde it is the perfect time to “reboot”!

In technological jargon a “reboot” means that a device needs to be restarted, most notably after stalling or installation/introduction of a new program or application. The existing power is not terminated, as in shutting down and requiring a generation of start-up; instead I like to think of it as a momentary pause for integration and recognition of what has been newly added, while maintaining the initial energy used to start the entirety of the device itself. In other words, we don’t always need to let go if the momentum when we introduce something new to the mix. Especially if that something new holds the component of an upgrade to what exists with sole intention of making it perform or respond better.

The overlays of several potent astrological markers in this Full Moon’s venue offer maximum opportunity to upgrade, refine, open new lines of communication and reboot your being as we are soon to enter a new year. These are some of the highlights that you may wish to use in forming an intention for this moon’s work and/or the coming year:


Some very interesting iterations of numerical patterns such as the date of 12/12 and the moon waxing Full at 12:12a.m. this morning.
The number 12 is envisioned as a separate identifier of the month and the day; and 12 ( 1+2) = 3 when reduced. We have a double iteration of 3 (month) and 3 (day). Two layers of a triune nature. Think, Maiden, Mother, Crone Youth, Father, Sage. Using this pattern we have a 3 of Feminine energy and polarity(not gender, rather the quality of the energetic signature) and 3 of the Masculine energy. The receptive nature and that which seeds that receptiveness when combined providing the space of creation.

And, where is the product of that creation: 12:12a.m. Two coalescing to produce within itself a mirror reflection !2 (3) : 12(3)a.m. of what is held in the potency of today’s date and month.

The second iteration is yet to come as the promise of something transformative and foundational in its expression- this being the last full moon of a 10-year cycle and heralding the nearing of crossing into the year 2020.

This last full moon of a 10 cycle is the final stamp of “pass through” that is energetic nature of the number 10. 10 evolves from the number 9-last of the single digits and the space of finality, crossing thresholds, death and rebirth. 10 marks the return to the singular nature of “1” now standing in collaboration with the “0” of the limitless all, infinity and all potential. This new way of being that is offered by the number 10 speaks to having learned the lessons as the singular being and choosing to be reborn now knowing one’s place as part and parcel of the Divine (the 0).

This is the potency and potential we carry into the year 2020 and that full moo;s light that guides the way as herald from this cycle into the next. 2020 reduces to 2+2=4; and as such this upcoming year promises to bring about new foundations (the ultimate gift of 4-think about the strength of a 4-sided cube and the support on all sides) and changes that will redesign how we perceive ourselves in this world and how the world perceives our philosophies and actions.

The Full Moon and Uranus Retrograde

The astrological sign of this Full Moon is Gemini; the quintessential master of communication, shape-shifter in ability to change course instantly and Mutable (flexibility and resilience) Air (mind, intellect, breath) that is sharp as a knife and just as insightful to change philosophies, agendas and blueprints to accommodate the currents of change. Add to this the intensity of a Uranian retrograde and everything is now amplified, aped up and running at micro-speed. Uranus and Mercury are reflections of one another. The latter being the higher amplification of communication’s gifts (think computer email) and the former being grassroots style (think of phone call), up close and personal. An additional component of Uranus is how it works directly on our neurological system because of its potency serving as an electrical current vs a battery (Mercury). Whenever Uranus stations retrograde, life forms, in general feel more agitated and neurologically stimulated than at other times; primarily because all life forms are electricity themselves.

Time to Reboot!

What do you want the memory of this year to be?
What do you wish to bolster and carry with you into the New Year?
What will you retain in its original form and seek to upgrade as you leave this 10-yr. cycle behind and start anew?
What do you seek in the deepest of places of your heart to rekindle and awaken to serve you in your highest and most human forms?
How will you deepen the connection of communication between your fullest and most compassionate nature in alignment with your most inspired mind?

Give pause on this Full Moon to allow the reflection of all that have brought to this point in your journey to shine in its fullest-good-bad and indifferent. Take time to offer up gratitude to all that you are now and make oath to yourself that you will keep the lines of communication open within all of your parts of self. And, perhaps most importantly, allow the electrified light of you-just simply you-to fill the world with the joy of your gifts.

Blessings on this most auspicious of Full Moons….

Read More:

Full Moon in Gemini
Full Moon in Gemini-Keep It Simple and Speak the Truth
Full Moon in Gemini: Deep in Conversation

Uranus Retrograde
Uranus Retrograde: Deflecting Light



The Full Moon of Spring’s Promise

Posted in Astrology, Equinoxes, Full Moon on March 19, 2019 by themagickalpen

March 20.2019
Full Moon in Libra and the Vernal Equinox
9:43p.m. (EDT)

This Spring Equinox holds the power of a Full Moon in astrological Libra, a sign of elemental Air and Cardinal modality. Mother Moon is shining brightly, radiant in her mantle as Spring Goddess and Mother Creatrix and in the beauty and harmony of astrological Libra. This energy holds the potential of being able to see not only the beauty that is held in the potential of Spring’s grace but also in the mantle and cloak that is presented. Whether it be the care and nurturance of the Mother or the youthful exuberance of the Maiden, life flows strong and abundantly this time of the year. The Equinox provides the pause to “smell the roses” that will be and to see the first shoots of what is pushing up through cold ground.

The time of the Vernal Equinox is represented as the Maiden Goddess moves and awakens the fertile energy of the green world’s seed of potential for enlivening. An Equinox occurs at the mid-point between Solstices and the space of equal day light and night. This can be used as the point of integration and synthesis of the work and effort offered beginning at teach of the Solstices.

The Vernal Equinox holds the product of renewal and the stirrings of the increasing state of awareness illuminated by the potential that is held within the fertile space of manifest form. We find the space of balance within ourselves and seek out the opportunity to shine that light more brightly as it has strengthened and we open to taking in more of the light that surrounds us.

Astrological Libra supports these efforts of seeking harmony and balance. Libra is concerned with the mental process, that identifies what is beauty and how that beauty translates in terms of what we consider to be balance. Not equality, but a more subtle and refined balance that occurs only when the mind (consciousness) allows the veil of illusion to be lifted and all can be discerned with clarity. Libra is of the Cardinal modality, which means that its primary directive is one of beginnings and “quick” starting if need be whatever is needed in the chain of process that produces new life.

The fullness of this moon’s grace sheds its light on the fertile soil of seedlings quickening. The harmony flows in what will take root and what is not viable, no matter ow beautiful in its visage. Remember that weeds, arise from this fertile soil, as well. Weeds, considered as the ugly harbingers that crowd out the beautiful flower and food. But, consider that without these weeds to activate the soil, and to bring our attention into actively nurturing what we wish to cultivate and grow, those tender, beautiful seedlings may wither from neglect.

For those who are so inclined, I suggest that you read through the article I posted on A Witch;s Sacred Journey and scroll through to the pathworking that concludes it. This will give you all that you need to know about how to most effectively use this Full Moon’s blessing on the first day of Spring’s light…

Happy Equinox…

The Maiden’s Breath

Read More About Libra:

Lean Back…Full Moon in Libra
The Magick of Libra

February’s Super Full Moon-Pulling at the Tides

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon on February 19, 2019 by themagickalpen

February 19.2019
10:54a.m. (EST)

Super Full Moon in Virgo


This morning the moon waxes Full in the astrological sign of Virgo, and holds the auspicious designation of being a “Supermoon”. Virgo is of the earth energy and as a Mutable Modality, that structure and strength of manifest strivings out-picture as analytical scrutiny and filter of whatever comes into the purview of Virgo’s application. In this case, the watery depths of emotion’s gate-Mother Moon in her glorious fullness-receives the potent restraints and filters of earth’s shorelines.

Additionally, this moon is a “Supermoon”. A supermoon occurs when the moon is closest to the Earth and in this case when Full it appears (to the naked eye) slightly larger and its effects on the tides is felt more significantly particularly, 2-4 days after the Full Moon occurrence.

On my way into work this morning (still dark) I came out of my house to greet a beautiful, bright and huge moon that remained along my route to work. It was a surreal moment of almost feeling as though I was able to drive straight into the Moon herself. This image alone, pulled at my emotions and a welling up of response from the beauty, sheer mass and radiance of this celestial body reminded me of my place in the cosmos and the privilege of seeing such a sight.

Read here about the astronomy of a Supermoon:
EarthSky: World’s Biggest Supermoon February 19th


Althought eh emphasis is on the brightness and light of the Full Moon there is the antithesis to this that lay more occultly cloaked as the Black Sun that polarizes this Full Bright Moon. The Black Sun has many things assigned to its use, qualities and meanings, but in this case I am calling on its energy to stand as the counter weight – Sun and Moon in constant dance with one another – as feminine and masculine, form and force – play out their dynamics.

Add to this a polarity of Light to what lay in the darkness (the Moon has no natural light of its own) and Darkness of what blazing in the light of Sun’s grace. And, the time is ripe for Virgo to weave the magick of sorting through what can be drawn together, refined and ultimately remade and readied for manifest expression. This Moon’s potential lay in refining and enhancing what and how we feel.

Pulling at the Tides

I propose that we dive deeper into the waters that lay hidden beneath this full moon of light. The resultant pulling on the tides of the waters we hold within and our floodgates of heart and intuitive gnosis have the opportunity for a clearing away and filtering of what will provide the composting of wisdom that lay within the Light of the Sun and its dark reflection on a Moon of potential.

How To:

The recording is approximately 30 minutes, Be sure to select a space where you will not be disturbed. Headphones will make the experience more personal. Have your space dark and have some water and a small snack, chocolate or coffee to ground following.

Access the pathworking (on bandcamp) here:
Into the Black Sun of Moonlight

Many blessings on your journey…R

Read More About Virgo:

Let Me Break It Down: Sun in Virgo
The Magick of Virgo
Analyze This! Full Moon in Virgo

Full Moon in Gemini: Deep in Conversation

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Gemini, Mercury, Retrogrades on November 21, 2018 by themagickalpen

Full Moon in Gemini
November 23.2018
12:39a.m. (EST)

Mercury Retrograde
November 16 – December 6

Neptune Direct
November 16.2018

Sun in Sagittarius
November 22.2018


Wow! Lots going on and lots to talk about! This early morning Full Moon bathes in the energy of astrological Gemini, the quintessential archetypal energy of communication and mental agility. Father Sun has transited into the solar month of astrological Sagittarius, the direct opposite (on the zodiacal wheel) as usual of Mother Moon’s flowing waters of lunation. In this case, astrological Sagittarius fires up the solar energies and begins the process of sending out those electromagnetic bursts (think Sagittarian arrows) seeking collaboration, community and networks. Both Moon and Sun are in signs of the Mutable Modality which gives the necessary ebb and flow required of outreach that is potent and active inits intention(Sun in Sagittarius) and the rising waters  that adapt and change (Moon in Gemini) all the while reflecting an intuitive light held within.

As if that isn’t enough, we have….

Mercury Retrograde in Astrological Sagittarius
(mutable)Fire of Air(mutable)

It just so happens that Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini, giving this Full Moon in Gemini an additional level of intensity. This planet holds the archetypal energy of messengers, tricksters and to a large degree shape shifters able to turn on a dime in their conversational manner and redirect it in whatever way serves their intellectual fancy. The bad rap Mercury Retrograde gets is based in its deftness at demanding a slower response in all communication endeavors. Just as it operates at lightning speed in its normal flow of orbital energy, the retrograde “slow down” reflects the call for more scrutiny. This causes great frustration, particularly in the fast-paced setting of today’s society. Quick decisions are prized and misunderstandings run rampant as a result of not allowing pause to contemplate and reflect on all the possibilities available.

The energetic connection between this Full Moon’s mantle and its occurrence during a Mercury Retrograde provide the opportunity to allow what arises in the fullness of the Moon’s emotive light to be fully examined and the adaptability of Gemini’s grace to inform what is revealed. In other words, slow down, pause and really digest the intentions and concepts presented to you within the lunarscape of your intuitive and flowing (Moon) mind (Airy Gemini). This becomes the Intelligence of the Heart. Mind and heart aligned and informed by one another.


Neptune Direct in astrological Pisces
(Mutable) Planetary Water in its Ruling Sign

Water of another sort flows as the underpinning of this Full Moon. Neptune stations direct after a bit of a slowing in astrological Pisces, its natural astrological sign. Neptune swells with tides that plunge deeply into waters that hold mysteries and await the courageous diver who seeks the treasure of deep gnosis. This direct movement pushes all that flows from Full Moonlight and revelation and carries it forward to become the deep and crashing waves affecting change.

In alignment with the Gemini’s spark of mental acuity, Neptune’s energy boasts flexibility that enables the stretch and contraction required to set deeply informed and introspective communication in motion. The inherent Mutability cloaking each (Gemini Moon and Pisces Neptune) is the gift of creating thresholds of endings that become the quick start for rebirth.

Solar light in mutable Sagittarian Fire

The transition, on the 22nd into a solar month of Sagittarius sets the stage for Gemini’s Full Moon waters. The fire of the Sun changes its intensity and mutable Sagittarius prepares its arrows to be launched, the goal one of setting ablaze new means of action and lighting the way for what will support the subsequent endeavors.

Deep in Conversation

Where do we go from here and what intentions will we set along the way? Technology is a wonderful thing and allows us to stay connected and reach further than we were able prior to cell phones, social media and more. It has also become a way to remain detached, overly brief in our communications and missing out on the intimacy of conversation that is reflected in a heartfelt gaze and thoughtful response -the cornerstones of being more deeply connected.

This full moon allow the depths of feeling that flow from Neptune’s waters; the experiences that have built up as Neptune paused in its retrograde to move you to a state of compassion. Embrace the light of the full moon’s grace to enhance a more heart-felt communicative style as Mercury’s retrograde takes hold in calling you to take time to reflect, ask questions, and get to know those whom you choose to interact with. Put down the cell, and just show up for a face-to-face conversation. Step away from the computer and make memories and new experiences in person and not vicariously through the pictures of other’s activities.

And, finally use the entirety of the Sagittarian solar month to network, connect and seek out community. Reach out actively to quicken some new alliances and allow Mercury Retrograde’s slowing to let those small fires burn more deeply rooted as new paths and experiences are set ablaze in your newly found strength of engaging in deep and fulfilling conversation.

Read More:


The Magick of Gemini
Full Moon in Gemini-Keep It Simple and Speak the Truth


Under Pressure, Again! Neptune Stations Direct

Mercury Retrograde

The Temple of Mercury-What’s Up?
Speak Slowly and Clearly into the Microphone-Mercury Retrograde


Sun in Sagittarius: Aim High, Breathe Deep and Just Let Go! Fly-The Magick of Sagittarius


October 2018-The Hunter’s Full Moon!

Posted in Astrology, Full Moon on October 24, 2018 by themagickalpen

Photography by John Entwhistle

October 24.2018
Full Moon in Taurus
12:45p.m. (EDT)

Todays Full Moon is called the Hunter’s Moon and marks the second of the Fall Full Moons; September’s Harvest Moon being the first. Lady Moon waxes Full in the astrological Fixed and Earthy sign of Taurus, the Bull. I’ve written much about this astrological energy and although, I don’t normally use the “names” given to the moons, in this case it felt natural to use that as the focus for exploring the potential of this energy.

I just finished teaching a series of classes entitled Ma’at and Order in the Chaos. The focus was on use of the Hermetic Principles (aka: Universal Laws) that provide the template for creation’s action and the need for the balance of chaos and order for the cycles of existence to continue. We talked about having intentional transparency in working with these principles in all of our experiences, mundane and spiritual/magickal such that they are aligned so seamlessly with how we move and act in this world that they become enabled as needed by the direction of intentional awareness. And, in the general climate domestically and internationally that is playing out, we are awash with chaos and the struggle to find some sort of order.
…….Stay with me now!

So, my next stream of thought went to the name of this spectacular Moon – The Hunter’s Moon. Success for the hunter is never assured; but the odds can be greatly tipped by intention, practice, knowing the landscape, the behaviors of the animal hunted and most importantly, knowing yourself and responses when finally being able to make a clean kill, offer gratitude for the sacrifice and feed your family. This integral act for survival is fraught with chaos and the resultant feeling of even with best laid plans, not having control. Until the goal is obtained, structure and chaos interweave in their seductive dance and the hunt may feel never ending or over in a split second.

It feels to me that we have been in the midst of many hunts lately. Hunting to find the right in what has been wrong action. Hunting to find our voices and speak out and up about the small things as well as the large. Hunting to find our place in an ever changing world that may often feel distanced and unwelcoming of who we are. Hunting to find home and belonging. Hunting to extend beyond what is presumed and assumed and create what is reality.Hunting to find love and hunting for those who are worthy of our precious gift and will honor and give in return. I’m sure you could add to this list and it would stretch well beyond what we would hope to be the understanding and grace of humanity at this evolutionary stage.
……..Ok, just breathe….

What I am proposing for this Moon’s light is not over analysis of the astrology or the names given. I am saying simply take that name and this Moon at face value. Use its huge fullness to provide the light as you decide what in your life you have hunted for long enough and now you wish to capture and use as the nourishment for your heart, your mind, your Soul. This requires patience, ethical action and honoring what will allow its energy to serve you in your growth and sustenance. It also requires acknowledgment that this “hunt” is guided by your desire to be successful in achieving and willing to the catalytic energy of chaos to stimulate you towards a new hunt fed by the last. Mother Moon looks down upon you giving of her light and expertise and the cosmos steadies your course as the Universal Laws inform your actions.

Stay with me! Just breathe and step into the light of the Hunter’s Full Moon!


For those who want to know more of the astrology:
A Fiercely Beating Heart: The Sun in Taurus
The Magick of Taurus

Very cool resource I subscribe to for the astronomy:

Meet Me in the Middle-Pause,Reflect Then Go!

Posted in Astrology, Esbat, Full Moon, Magick, Retrogrades, Solar on June 27, 2018 by themagickalpen

Full Moon in Capricorn – Sun in Cancer
June 28.2018

Seems as though everywhere you look, people are seeking balance. Balance in the personal; balance in the private; balance in the public and balance in the world!Now when I say balance, I don’t mean equanimity. Balance means compromise and finding just enough of something to weigh in and complete what has been lightened of the load. I chose this perspective in working with this Full Moon.

Let’s start with a few astronomical details. When the Moon waxes Full, it is opposite in placement to the Sun on the astrological wheel. Traditionally this alignment, or opposition, is considered a place of tension between two conflicting energies. Tension is a good thing! Tension produces a new outcome from two things that act in friction with one another. It also requires us to stretch and grow in ways that may be uncomfortable for a space of time, but if you apply the pressure wisely and seek the space of compromising balance the rewards are a birthing of the best attributes of each.

So, what does this all mean? The Full Moon (Water-emotions,intuition, healing) is in the astrological sign of Earthy Capricorn; a Cardinal (new beginnings and the catalytic thrust) modality. The Sun (Fire-strength, power, magnetism) is in Watery Cancer, another Cardinal modality. Elementally, this gives us the benefit of Fire, Water and Earth. The opposition of Water (Moon) flowing within the realm of Earth’s manifest form (Capricorn) pulling on the opposite energy of Fire (Sun) heating up the Waters (Cancer) of emotions that flow from the space of family and home (Cancer). IF not tended correctly, those moody waters that span the depths and the heights(Capricorn) of expression can overrun and flood what hold the potential of quickened and enlivened (Solar enlightened) feelings that arise from the safety and comfort of a self-chosen home and family (Cancer). The sweet spot is what lay in the middle that gives the promise of just enough strength (Sun) and loving support (Cancer) that moves with assurance (Capricorn) as it explores how far its powerful reach extends; just like a gentle ebb and flow of the tides (Moon) as the shoreline is reshaped and reformed by its efforts. Here’s the fun part in working with these energies….

Take a moment to simply “be” in the full light and downpour of Mother Moon’s loving gifts. Drink in the light of Father Sun’s potency in seeking the magnetic radiance of a most special solar child within waters that soothe and transform. Think and feel both of these extremes; the coolness of the Moon and the heat of the Sun; rays of each other’s brilliance interwoven as streams meandering and etching their imprint in the foundation of earth’s beauty-of your beauty.

Now, reflect on how this energy feels as it pours in from either extreme of night and day; light and dark. What will you allow each of these gifts to bathe in their gifts? Where will you find the place of centeredness and balance? Your Heart (Water) and your Will/Intention (Fire) are ready to coalesce and reshape the foundations and landscape (Earth) of who you perceive yourself to be in this world; and deep in your vessel of corporeal form. Reflect- mirror back to yourself the image of yourself as Sun and Moon, as Earth and Water.

Then, Go! 
Breathe and go! Run with this image of you in all of your parts, a newly birthed being of Sun and Moon finding that point of tension and resolution of Fire (Sun) and Water (Moon) flowing through a form and way of being (Earth) that is a compromise and composite of opposing energies.

I don’t know about you, but this Full Moon I need something more to flow through the lunar gates. I need a new perspective on learning to bridge the inherent cycles that cause the Sun and the Moon to move in their celestial dane through the Solar Year and the Lunar Months. As they say, I need to see both sides of the coin and somewhere within the differences that present is a mid-point of outpouring. So, maybe for this moon you will meet me in the middle!

Read More:

Take Me Home-Sun in Cancer
Full Moon in Capricorn-Step by Step
Full Moon in Capricorn-Earth Waters

A Study of the Elements

In the Afterglow…Waning Full Moon

Posted in Full Moon, Waning Moon on May 31, 2018 by themagickalpen

Waning Gibbous in Capricorn
May 31.2018

Full Moon in Sagittarius
May 29.2018


…The arrows arc and carve deep paths
Etched in the growing shadows.

Tiny beacons of flame and light
Seeking the fertile ground of breath
That will fan and fuel their permanence…

Traditionally within magickal workings, the phases of the Moon and their specific energies may be accessed over the course of a 3-day period. This is the day prior, the actual date itself and the day after. In fact, it is most desirable to initiate the working on the day prior using the Cardinal or catalyzing kick-start of the astrological energy to serve as the surfboard that moves along the crest of the fullness/newness or darkness of wave towards its destination.

The day of the event integrates and synthesizes what has begun, much like the Fixed nature of providing the necessary container for productivity. And, the day after, I call the afterglow of energy exerted. Much like the Mutable energy of coalescence and balance found and now the space of breathing into what has been and will be the sustained creation. This not being a stopping point, but just as Mutability offers the threshold of endings and beginnings, so too, this afterglow signals work now complete and ready to flow into the new beginnings of what has been created.

I have used the analogy of astrology’s three modalities- Cardinal-Fixed and Mutable to broaden your perception of these as they relate to the energy of the astrological signs, but not limited to these concepts alone. So how might this apply to our recent Full Moon?

The astrological mantle Mother Moon  was draped within was that of Sagittarius. This is the energy of the Archer, its symbol one of preparedness to am, shoot and set forth flames of expansive and communal visions. Sagittarius is a sign of the Mutable modality, so its work is one of expansion, as the natural result of an initial contraction in setting the intention of where that expansion will find its mark. The cocking of the bow, the tension and concentration, the inhale and the release that is in rhythm with the exhale of creative sight set the arrow of flame into the inspiration of air as it interacts with and repels the currents that flow organically in this atmosphere into which it has been released to find its way.

Take A Long Drag…..

Moon Conjunct (retrograde) Saturn and (retrograde) Pluto

Sagittarius flows into the next sign of Capricorn. Fire finds its way into the enlivening of earth, and if precise in its impact the quickening of seeds awaiting the heat of manifestation. Capricorn is the Cardinal/catalzying push from a grounded and manifest place that provides the building blocks of what  “foundation” may become. Capricorn as an earth sign feels the weight of its endeavors and takes its time in navigating both emotion and mind to ensure that each step is taken rooted and anchored in the surety of the one prior.

This waning Moon is conjunct (in the same astrological sign within a few degrees of one another) two retrograde planets, each powerful in their directive and all three in Capricorn’s foundation. Saturn conspires to regain order and structure with no regard for the “why”. Pluto holds the key to the eternal, past-present and future all converging as information and experience create the new form that emerges from the death of what is required to compost the new. And, all plays out in a very concrete and manifest way.

Time to get your affairs in order (Saturn) and really engage in how you wish to embrace a new (Pluto) way of Being in this world, at this time. Even if there was no intention for this Full Moon’s energy, you can still bask in the mutability (flexibility) of the afterglow. Envision where and what you would like these embers of sacred flame to find their mark. What do you wish to connect to that will provide you with the stable foundation.

As for me, I am going to breathe deeply into being fully present in the trajectory of what has been set free on fiery arrows of changes both personally and in the world I inhabit. The beauty is that the work never ends in refining and honing your skills as part of humanity. Every thought and every action, every intention and every hope are like those Sagittarian arrows, seeking a home where the fires can take hold and in the rendering down to ash, the Phoenix can arise in all of its beauty.  Now in the afterglow and as the light appears to wane, a new fire illuminates the way…

Read More:

All A Quiver: Full Moon in Sagittarius Fly: The Magick of Sagittarius
As Above, So Below: Sun in Capricorn
Saturn Retrograde
Time to Clean House: Saturn Retrograde
Pluto Retrograde
You’ve Been Served: Pluto Retrograde

The Raging Bull: Full Moon in Scorpio

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Jupiter, Pluto, Retrogrades, Saturn, Scorpio on April 27, 2018 by themagickalpen

April 29.2018
Full Moon in Scorpio
8:58p.m. (EDT)

Sun in Taurus

The moon waxes full on Sunday, April 29th in the astrological sign of Scorpio. So, you may be wondering why my title for this post alludes to the bull of Taurus. This reference is made because there are a whole lot of dynamics occurring between elemental water and earth right now and many are getting stuck in the mud as you struggle to break free….

The moon is Full wearing the garb of watery Scorpio and is in opposition to a Sun that burns hotly in earthly and robust Taurus. Both are signs of a Fixed modality which means that there is staying power to whatever/wherever their energy is applied. The annual solar month of Taurus inherently offers the ability to stand strong in what you have created as your foundational and earthy realm; finances, possessions, relationships and anything that provides grounding and anchor to you thrive in Taurus’ light. The flip side is that this stalwart and very earthy energy can also encourage you to remain stuck in what has become outworn and “comfortable” but not necessarily productive. We are almost at the mid-point of this energy, which means that we may also access a more mature level of understanding as to how and what we choose to acquire as manifest space in our lives, and what should be left behind. These thoughts are the first layer of this current earth-water dynamic.

The Moon, already ripe and full with emotion and watery flow, is in Fixed Scorpio’s waters that ebb and flow through multi-layers of transformative outpouring. We have choice to remain guarded, hidden and introspective as the Scorpion of this sign’s energy; rise upwards into the light as the Eagle choosing a path that is more discerning in how those waters flow; or take the leap of faith required as the Phoenix renders to ash what it has laid bare and rises anew as a the stable current of fiery waters that carves out its own emotional landscape. Scorpio has always been one of those astrological signs that presents more like Fire than true Water; but then again, all of the elemental energies carry varying amounts of each of the other within them. This Fixed water of Scorpio can flow in a directed course or enter into stagnation o the desire to move is not appropriately placed. This provides the second layer of the current earth-water dynamic.

I mentioned earlier that the Sun and Moon are in opposition to one another. This is the traditional configuration of a Full Moon in alignment with the Solar Sign. Many hear opposition and identify this with conflict and avoidance. I have never perceived it that way. In fact, I view any opposition as an organic and healthy dialogue between polarized energies that seek a state of tension so that one or the other may find resolution at the appropriate point of interchange. Depending on the intention and what outcome may be needed, one may reach across and almost touch that id-point of equilateral balance, but this never quite happens in a moving state- the perfect mid-point actually meaning a stagnant place of stillness where neither receives the neutrality of a catalyst to transform the other. In the case of this Taurus and Scorpio exchange, the tension is one of manifest foundation (Taurus) striving towards the adaptability of transformation at multi-levels of being (Scorpio), and with each iteration of the application of tension, a newly created form emerges. A good analogy is to consider the birth of a Butterfly emerging from the cocoon, having shed the foundational blueprint of it caterpillar form.

Assistance from the Retrogrades:
Any retrograde is an opportunity to give more scrutiny and care to the energies emanating from that Planet. It is typified as a slowing down of the planetary orbit and as such provides a closer look at what could be tweaked, reshaped and reformed. Three (3) planets are currently Retrograde- Two in Earth signs and One in Water

Jupiter is Retrograde in Scorpio, so we have a resonance between the Great Expander and the Full Moon. Jupiter is noted for its expansive quality and much like the ebb and flow of the Moon’s tides, Jupiter also breathes in a rhythm of contraction and expansion. This is why Jupiter is often used for financial matters. There is an organic flow that moves through what we consider to be prosperity and the times of contraction (or lack) are necessary to allow for the bounty and prosperity to fill the coffers of what you desire. The gift here is one of harnessing this expansive nature as with each incremental striving towards the transformative power of Scorpio’s Phoenix, we provide time to rest and integrate within the “in breath/inspiration” gift in the contraction back to itself.

Saturn and Pluto are Retrograde in Capricorn, the earth sign of potential. Potential to reach deeply into the depths of emotions waters and the ability to retrieve and bring to the surface and higher what has been made manifest and revealed as the Sea-Goat navigates the heights of breath and mind. Saturn provides structure and orderly guidance as it oversees the process of pitfalls and failures. Unfortunately it can also become stuck and sluggish in advancement, not trusting that what is provided is enough.

Pluto is the planet of regeneration and concerns itself with death so that life may continue. I also seePluto’s energies as those of being able to reach into the far past, bring forward the necessary experiences and lessons as a new future is being created from the point of synthesis that wraps and enfolds the present. It too is in earthy Capricorn, and the potential for use this energy in a lateral way to further guide your efforts is potent in a retrograde focus.

The Raging Bull

In all of these cases, there is a pulse of rhythm, a natural ebb and flow/contraction and expansion/descent and ascent that is flowing through these solar charged waters. This is the Bull of the Taurean Sun, that is not content to stand still and in its movement causes upheaval and what appears to be collateral damage, but in so doing affirms life in its most manifest and passionate way. This is also a call to allow your primal nature to light the way, as the intuitive waters of Scorpio’s heart fuel your course with passion. Breathe into this ability to be adaptable (Moon in Scorpio) and stretch and reach (Jupiter in Scorpio) towards the Gates that hold the keys (Pluto in Capricorn) to what has been learned and what can be created with your intention. These are the Gates that provide the foundational structure Saturn in Capricorn)that may become the blueprint of success as you navigate these challenging times.

Lest you have the image of negative connotation in the word, “raging” my hint to you is held in the protective nature that is held in Taurus energy. Protective of home, family and those things that are the manifest image of that state of security and comfort. The raging bull is the guardian of all you hold dear and spiritually, it is the keeper of a wisdom that gifts its user with anchors that reach deeply into a manifest reality of your own highest creation.

Blessings of this Full Moon… Robin

Lean Back…Full Moon in Libra

Posted in Astrology, Full Moon, Libra on March 30, 2018 by themagickalpen

Full Moon in Libra
March 31.2018
8:37a.m. (EDT)

Sun in Aries

I lean back into the healing waters of the Great Mother. Light that is filled with purpose and intention shines down on my upturned face and I am at peace. The waters that hide the tears of my sorrow and pain rise up around me, now transformed into the gentle caress of joy and comfort. I am whole in these waters. I am free.

The waters rock gently and I, cradled as the most beloved child am carried under star and moonlight’s beauty. Ebb and flow, undulating and moving like the pans of a scale finely calibrated and holding the most precious of gems to be measured. Pain and comfort, sorrow and joy each filling one of the two and in their own time and space each becomes the dominant as the other quietly acquiesces to harmonious balance.

This balance is one of the Great Mother’s promises. The gift offered at the birthing of new life that would in time succumb to death. The gift offered with each challenge that would stimulate the necessary growth to continue on in this journey of life. The gift of beauty where most would see none and the discernment of what lay hiding in the shadows, thinking itself not worthy.

My mind floats on this sea of light and my heart surrenders to the imminent waterfall that lay at thee most unexpected of turns. Just around the bend. Just in the line of sight, yet ever unnoticed and unheeded until the leap of faith and plunging of great depths calls its seeker home. I open my eyes and the light of fullness is more than I can bear, its all consuming beauty swaddling me in what cannot be articulated and measured by these graceful hands.

Just breathe I tell myself and the waters flow into a thirsty mouth and throat longing to be bathed in the purity of its healing light. And, filled with the buoyancy of this light I arise, holding the scales of healing. I arise reaching into the expanse of the Great Mother’s heavens.

This is the night of my be-coming. This is the re-making of myself in wholeness and strength. This is the ocean I will seek at each turning of the Full Moon as I lay beneath a surface that reflects the Love of my Mother’s comforting embrace.

A Time to Re-group

The Moon waxes full in the Cardinal Air sign of Libra tomorrow morning and restoration of the balance and healing is needed. These short weeks between the last full moon and this have seen sorrow and loss rising like tidal waves with barely a breath caught in between. Nationally, locally and personally death has reached out taking with it unexpected loss. Perhaps at the rising of this Full Moon we can reset and find healing.

The astrological sign of Libra desires that beauty be found in all places and the resultant gift is one of balance. I am not speaking of a balance that is equilateral in nature; nor is it bound to our human desires for “fairness”. Balance includes those states that are uncomfortable as well as those that bring pleasure; for without the predominance of one at any given time, the other will never rise in its due time. Libra is Cardinal Air; cardinal being the action of catalyzing and motivating and air being the element of movement, perception and the “idea” that becomes the result. All of these attributes and archetypal energies when placed in the fullness of the Moon’s Feminine principle of form and creation provide the tools for beginning the process of healing.

Will you lean back into these healing waters with me? Will you hold the intention of seeking the place of balance that is born of challenge as well as ease? Beauty is found in your surrender….

Analyzing the Light: Full Moon In Virgo

Posted in Astrology, Full Moon on March 1, 2018 by themagickalpen

March 1.2018
Full Moon in Virgo

As Mother Moon makes Her way from the fiery sign of Leo and transits into fullness later this evening in the earthy sign of Virgo, we too, are trying to make sense of the trauma and recent tragedies that have occurred far too frequent lately. These unsettling events stir up our emotional sensibilities and actions towards safeguarding what we hold dear rises on those waters to the foreground. But, first and foremost we have to take a deep look at what is not working as we sort through what should be a better way. This is the energy of this Full Moon’s experience.

We can use this month of March to begin the process of sorting through our beliefs, philosophies and culling down to manifest actions taken that are rooted and grounded in the collaborative place we share in this world. Jupiter stations retrograde on March 8th in the watery and transformative astrological sign of Scorpio and the month concludes in the same phase in which it began, a second Full Moon in the airy balance of Libra. What happens in between, is your story to create. Let’s start with today!

The astrological sign of Virgo is that of the Element of Earth; manifest, palpable, anchoring and grounding in how it expresses itself. This out-pictures as attention to the nuances and details of any endeavor and a very structured and orderly manner in which everything becomes accounted for and “accountable to” what has begun this process of making intentioned change. Virgo is also of the Mutable Modality which gives this energy the possibility of flexibility, be and flow and the choice of expansion or contraction in accord with the outcome desired. Applying these basic principles to the Moon’s gifts and emotions inner and outer seas provides the tools for heightened awareness and the demand for a greater level of detail in where and how we place our efforts.

If this energy is used to its fullest, we can prepare the vessel of our physical and spiritual being to receive the expansive Jupiterian energy that continues to support that flexibility and ebb and flow. Jupiter stations retrograde on march 8th, so the intensity of feeling the pressure to reach further and into the deepest corners of our being builds. Jupiter will be garbed in the energy of astrological Scorpio, which means that the opportunity to reach into the recesses of our sub-conscious self (the Scorpion attribution of Scorpio) and initiate the natural order of contraction from that expansion as we draw up to the surface of our consciousness those pearls that may be exactly the assertive and dynamic energy required to put into place our plan determined by Virgo’s hand.

This contractive (and retrograde) gift breathes out the wisdom derived from analysis and carried on the wings of the Eagle (the second attribution of Scorpio) fills the space that we occupy as part of humanity.

As this expansion continues and at the time of the Vernal Equinox on the 20th, Father Sun transits into the first sign of the Great Wheel- Aries. This exuberant and newly born fire becomes the transitional ash of the Phoenix (the last attribution of Scorpio) that rises renewed and reborn, ablaze with and eager to quick start those new paths of understanding and plans for change that Virgo set into motion back at the beginning of the Month.

The second Full Moon heralds the end of March’s transition into new beginnings set by the hand of analysis, and detailed scrutiny and Mother Moon stands cloaked in Libra’s dynamic Air as She holds the scales of measure that are the bounty of what has been created as a plan of action. Astrological Libra is of the Air element and the opportunity to conceptualize and bring into harmony what the waters of our moon-filled emotions and the analytical logic of mind wish to bring into fruition. What flowed through these fertile waters filtered and guided by Virgo’s “no-nonsense” attitude receive their final test of merit in Libra’s grace of balanced and orderly plan. Virgo provided the “what”, Libra offers the “how”.

Whew!I know that was a lot to take in. So, here is another How.

Spend some time tonight or tomorrow and offer up peace and healing to those who are grieving loss. Envision your collective intentions filling and extending into the moon-lit sea of emotions that are over-filling right now and do not necessarily have a viable course plotted. Envision these thoughts, responses, frustrations, plans all moving within this larger sea and now envision the light of Mother Moon streaming down and drawing from this sea those beliefs and ideas that are yours. See each scooped out of these waters as a shell, laid on a sandy beach of shoreline.

And, now as the Sun rises and Dawn heralds a new beginning, you look with clarity and intention at each of those shells. Breathe into what you see laid before you and pick up only those that call to you for a closer look. As each is picked up engage all of your senses in the experience and when you have gathered what are of purpose, sit on the sun warmed beach, lay them out before you and allow your inner wisdom to identify each as a palpable piece of a larger plan that reveals your strength of action in holding the light in the darkest of times.

This is a month of change. This is a month of becoming a haven of stability and clarity that may be offered to the collective whole. What that offering looks like is up to you. It may be a prayer sent out each morning and evening that right action and the highest good for all prevail. It may be volunteering at a shelter or speaking up ion behalf of someone who has lost their voice. It may be extending gratitude and appreciation to those who are tasked with our safe keeping. You will know where your efforts will be of most use.

Many blessings on this month’s journey… Robin

Read More About:

Under the Microscope:Full Moon in Virgo
Let Me Break It Down

The Magick of Scorpio
Open the Floodgates and Lift the Veil

Harmony of the Creative Mind and Pathworking

Jupiter Retrograde
Expanding Spaciousness

The Pagan Experience Monthly Gathering

A Space for Local Pagans to Meet, Socialize, Share, and Build Community

Inspirations of Life

Petals of Creative Change

78 Keys of Tarot

Opening the Gates of Inner Sight

Musings From the Mystic Path

A Monthly Newsletter published by Coven of the Mystic Path, ASW

From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew

The Call to Light Press - Spiritual Messages for Changing Times.

The Pagan Experience

Writings From the Pagan Community

Teachings on the Path

A Path of Continued Learning


Sharing My Love of Symbols



Magickally Human

A Blog of Experience


mindfulness, relaxation, thought provoking images and poems

300 stories

A continuing mission to produce flash fiction stories in 300 words (or less)