Archive for the Uranus Category

New Moon in Capricorn-Take it Slow

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, capricorn, Eclipses, New Moon, Uranus on January 5, 2019 by themagickalpen

January 5.2019
8:28p.m. (EST)

Partial Solar Eclipse
8:41p.m. (EST)

We stand in the shadow of a New Moon in earthy astrological Capricorn, fired in the backdraft of Uranus stationing direct on January 2nd. New Moons flow abundantly in the potential of what can be. We have the additional support of the Solar Month cloaked in the strength of Capricorn; the energies of Mother Moon and Father Sun holding the power and cardinal energy of scaling the heights as you plunge into the depths (the Sea-Goat of Capricorn).

Uranus is a planet of electrical impulse. It is the higher amplification of Mercury’s communicative style. Mercury aligns as the phone’s switchboard and Uranus is the motherboard of a computer that is instantaneous and lightning speed in relay. When this planet stations retrograde, the build up of neuro-electric energy is palpable. People become short tempered and irritable as information pulses through at speeds that are not easily traversed. So, this New Moon is directly in the line of Uranian energy that provides the backdraft to light things up as new trails are blazed.

Capricorn’s energy is one of slow and precise placement. As an earth sign, this lends a heavier action to all that proceeds from this Sea-Goat’s movement. The tendency is often to remain solidly anchored in place’ hesitant and unsure of the footing, despite having the innate and organic balance and stability much like the goat traversing a very steep slope.

Partial Solar Eclipse

In the waxing light of the New Moon, a partial Solar Eclipse is underway at 8:41p.m.

In the dance Divine, the Sun and Moon line up (see diagram) with the Moon passing through Earth and Sun. We have a triad of earth energy flowing. Fire (Sun) of Earth (Capricorn)- Water (Moon) of Earth (Capricorn) and Earth of EARTH (our planetary home).

What a grounded way to launch the first New Moon of 2019! This night will launch beginnings that are solid and filled with the power of manifest form. This night will gather the enlivening of the Sun-flowing into the healing of the Moon as we stand in bounty of Earth and all of her glory. Take it slow and ease into what you wish to bring into fullness as the Moon waxes Full in Leo on January 21st…

Many blessings in this New Year!

Rekindling Hope! Full Moon in Aries

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Esbat, Full Moon, Libra, Retrogrades, Uranus on October 4, 2017 by themagickalpen

October 5.2017
Full Moon in Aries

The Harvest Moon glows brightly and large in the night sky on Thursday in the astrological sign of Cardinal Fire, Aries. This moon brings with it the fires of new beginnings (Cardinal) around how we choose to act ( or react) and exert our will. And, it also brings the gift of refreshing the fires that hold us strong in our power.

The Harvest Moon is the full moon closest in date to the Autumnal Equinox (September 22.2017, this year). So, we might say that esoterically, this Full Moon brings with it the energy of a balanced point of space (the Equinox) allowing for the synthesis and integration of what has preceded it and flowing into what will come. This is also bolstered by the annual transit of the Sun into Libra, balance of mind and refinement of what evolves and flows into the next solar month of Scorpio.

We are all feeling charred and dampened down in spirit after the events of these past two months. Natural disasters, irrational and deadly behaviors and everywhere loss of life and or the security of home. We have all been effected by these, whether we have been in the midst of the crisis or safe and secure watching from afar; we are all part of the human experience and condition. And, so we feel the rippling out of waves of fear and loss of hope.

This full moon is an opportunity to revisit the enthusiasm and unstoppable hope that the innocence of childhood brings. Aries, is the first sign of the Great Wheel and being Cardinal Fire is the catalytic first spark that sets into motion the story woven through each of the astrological signs and stages of development that occur from there forward. It is exactly this energy that we can use to reset our emotions and feed and reignite the flame of hope we carry within.

Uranus Retrograde

The planet, Uranus, carries the full pulse of electrical charge that is the higher amplification of Mercury’s communicative flash. Its energy is one of pure impulse and works directly on the neural pathways. The Uranus retrograde ( since August 2nd – January 2.2018) has methodically exposed the raw nerve that electrifies our neurological system and the resultant flight or fight instinct. As events have been amping up in intensity and impulsiveness, our autonomic responses have also been heightened. Let’s scale that electrical impulse back a bit and allow the Moon in Aries to cancel out some of the overwhelming charge.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, another reactionary energy whose prime directive is that of action and movement. What is often overlooked with Mars energy is that we have choice as to whether we move forward, charging blindly ahead and without a plan or take the time to fuel the fires of its action in a planned and intention-filled way that will pull us forward and out of the mire that weighs us down without simply spinning our wheels in futile anxiety driven effort. So, what I am proposing is to allow Uranus to open the pathways and then fill them with the inspiration of Aries’ fires of renewal and let them flush through the darkened emotion ladened waters (Moonscape) bringing light and a vision of hope that is guided by youth’s undaunted spirit.

The Sun in Libra

The Libran Sun seeks balance and the restoring of harmony filtered through the conceptualization of thought (Libra is an Air sign). Add this to the mix of renewed hope and clarity and let the strengthening of the Sun restore balance and allow you to see with clarity and purpose. In this way, we are able to choose our battles, speak on behalf of those who have lost their voice, contribute our energy to restoring hope to those who have lost the most and much, much more. In other words, refill your storehouse so that you have the reserves needed when you are called upon to help another.

I stand outside bathed in a warm glow of light and the Harvest Moon whispers to me…

I know your secrets
I know your joys
I know your sorrows
I know who you are.

I have seen all that
Has been is and will be.

I have seen evolution and growth
Devolution and decay
And the ebb and flow of
My waters have brought from
The sea of creation life that
Will begin the cycle anew.

Peace and community
War and famine
Building and destruction
Wisdom and arrogance.

I have know all of these
Things and yet I remain
Watchful and filled with hope
For the potential I see.

The land is filled with
Potential for what the next
Planting and harvest will bring.

You are filled with potential for
What your next actions and offerings
Will bring.

I know your secrets and now
You know my mysteries and the
Gift of your place within them.

I invite you to take 25 minutes and join me in a pathworking to stabilize and refuel as the Harvest Moon looms large and glows with the warming orange light of renewal.

Rekindling Hope! A Pathworking of Renewal

Link to File on Bandcamp

Link to File on Teachings on the Path Main Webpage

Want to know more about the Harvest Moon; Moon names and more…

Check out EarthSky

The Solar Eclipse of Great Shadow

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Lunar, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto, Retrogrades, Saturn, Solar, Uranus on August 17, 2017 by themagickalpen

August 21.2017

New Moon in Leo
Total Solar Eclipse in Leo

Many are primed and focused on this upcoming Eclipse and much has already been written about it. And, given many of the recent events both nationally and internationally, more has been written about the connections, etc. So, for what it is worth, here is a very simple take on how this energy has potential to be used and the far more long reaching impact of other astrological occurrences that will carry forward what is taken from the eclipse.

The astrological energy of Leo is one that can be particularly challenging, especially if applied to raw and exposed neurological matter. Meaning that we have all been amped up neurologically in a very deliberate and evolutionary way for some time now. Think technology and how much has progressed in such a short amount of time, almost to the point where we are unable to keep pace with the advancements. Now, think about everything within you that responds in much the same way as technology and requires upgrading and modification to keep pace with the increasing pressures we feel to meet all of the demands of a fast-paced society and its expectations.

Leo is the Lion who when on the hunt, will mercilessly take down its prey fueled by a heat and intensity that is ferocious, primal and self-centered. Add to this emotional landscapes (Lunar) that are either overflowing or severely depleted from the parching of heated reaction and the boiling point is soon reached. Neurons fire and we lash out taking down whatever lay in front of us- primal, instinctual. I am not making these observations as good, bad or neutral. They just simply are and how they are rallied and used determines the identification that is placed upon them as being of one kind or another.

With that being said, I view this Eclipse as a space to be used for moving into the shade offered by the cloaking of our intuitive/emotional (Moon) as we wrap its density around, for many, what feel like battered (energetically, physically or metaphorically) bodies (Earth). And, in opposition to ramping up and drawing from the potency of the Sun, I am suggesting dimming your fires, pulling them within and allowing the shadow of the Moon to pass uneventfully, carrying forward none of the precious Light that we will need in the months (perhaps years) ahead.

Nothing occurs in isolation and this is especially true of the energy being emitted by five (5) planets as they are in varying progress in their Retrograde stations. Five (5) is the number of change. CHANGE that occurs through radical measures and pushing the boundaries of we we believe to be our carefully laid foundations. This is change that reaches deeply when applied to ourself. And, given all of the choices and changes occurring in our world, our beliefs, values and ethics are being pushed to their boundaries daily.

In that regard, the power of this infrequently occurring Eclipse and the additional planetary energies at play are demanding that find the courage of the Lion and master and hone our instinctual nature to be of service for the greater good of all.

Whether we choose to align that energy in a partnership of bolstering and stabilizing is entirely up to the individual and what you are hoping to achieve of strength and stability moving forward…..

Retrogrades of Contractive Focus

Saturn in Astrological Sagittarius  (Mutable FIRE)
(Flexible and Expansive) Order and Structure casting a Broad Net
End Stage Intensity (Mutable-Cardinal) Direct: August 25

Mercury in Astrological Virgo   (Mutable EARTH)
(Flexible and Expansive) Communication that is Analytical and Orderly
Retrograde – 3/4 Stage (Mutable) Direct: September 5

Uranus in Astrological Aries   (Cardinal FIRE)
(Initiating) Electromagnetic Catalytic Beginnings
Beginning (Cardinal) Direct: January 2.2018

Neptune in Astrological Pisces   (Mutable WATER)
The (Flexible and Expansive) Illusory Depths of Compassionate Grace
Mid Stage (Fixed) Direct: November 22

Pluto in Astrological Capricorn   (Cardinal EARTH)
(Initiating) Death and Rebirth Converging into An Anchored Center
Mid Stage Direct: September 28

In this configuration of planetary astrological signs, we have all but AIR (which would add the ration of reason and logic) represented within the intense focused energy of the retrograde planets. And, the modality that provides stability and a vessel of synthesis of what in Cardinal (beginning) flow enters into it and what as Mutable (flexible, and connective) receives its more refined product is represented by the Major players of Sun and Moon in Fixed Leo (Fixed and un-relentless Fire).


Find your place of shade and peer at the sun through well protected glasses…
The natural inclination when something is trying to hide your light (voice, will, fill in the blanks) is to stoke those fires even more. This generally out-pictures as reactionary defense. This shadow of passing will eclipse the light for its duration regardless of how you struggle to amplify your fires of re-action. Remain steady and as the shadow moves in place, look deeply and introspectively into what lay in the depths of your inner fire. And, offer up freely to this shadow what you wish to have it absorb from you that will encourage a greater clarity (and appreciation) of where the fiery tendrils of your Will need to be extended.

And, The Day After….

August 22.2017
Sun and Moon Transit into a Solar Month of Virgo (Mutable Earth)

This is the month to sort through, analyze and get all of your ducks in a row in the areas of Will and action (the Solar Principle) and Heart and emotion (The Lunar Principle). If you have emerged from the shadow of the Eclipse and did not allow its flares to overheat and agitate, you can make good use of this time to take a closer look at any rough surfaces and imperfections that can be refined and reshaped to be more closely in alignment with what your beliefs and values truly are. Think of a jeweler with magnifying eyepiece and forehead lamp, scrutinizing very carefully the rough stone that will become the gem of great worth with further polishing and refinement. You are that gem and the light of the Sun and your honest evaluation of all you are and who you wish to become are just waiting to be smoothed and polished.

Scry Deeply For Your Vision of Change! Inauguration Day2017

Posted in Auspicious Days, Solar, Uranus on January 19, 2017 by themagickalpen

January 19.2017
Sun in Aquarius
4:24p.m. (EST)

4th Qrt. Waning Moon in Scorpio

Today marks the eve of Inauguration Day. A day that has had a build up of a contentious campaign, questionable election and uncertainty about what this new presidency will bring. Change is inevitable, but the change that is upon us requires that each of us give clarity and possibly re-definition to our beliefs, allegiances, actions and ultimately what our contribution will be in the years to come.

And, so with these thoughts in mind, this post is not a political commentary; but, is instead, a reminder of the tools we can access to to help those steps of personal definition come to light.

Sun in Aquarius

For many, we entered this New Year carrying more trepidation about how those things we hold near and dear would be honored and sustained than in year’s past. The Sun was strong in Capricornian energy, lending the gifts of sure-footedness and foundation. And, if called upon, where there could have been hesitation in moving forward, there was in its place alignment with the strength of manifest reality to reshape our perceptions of the change we could effect. Hopefully, we made use of some pieces of this energy to bolster our confidence in forging ahead and even though there may have been some slips and faltering, a stronger sense of who we are and what we claim as our truths emerged.

This afternoon, as we leave the legacy of this Cardinal(impetus) Earth (manifestation), we open ourselves to the (stabilizing) Fixed quality of mindful Aquarius (Air). I am purposefully using the word “mindful” here, as that is a state of attention that is absolutely needed now, more than ever. Mind-ful(l) of our actions; Mind-ful(l) of where we place our energies towards effective and palpable change; Mind-ful(l) of who we are in the grander scheme of the world-not just locally, but also globally as citizen’s of the world. Aquarius can assist with this mind-opening expression as it draws together all that has come before and projects easily into what the potential outcome may be as it synthesizes and calls it all into the inspired mind of the present. This new solar month is ripe with opportunity to see the bigger picture and through our individual actions project that image outward. Aquarians are known for their innovative, albeit, quirky viewpoint and although everything is not viable in the moment, their is often enough to stimulate in those around them a brainstorming of creative solutions.

Additionally, Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus. Uranian energy is electrical (fire = neurological impulse) in application;being a higher amplification of Mercury’s communication expertise and agility. Think about this energy in this way – the difference in posting a letter (Mercury) vs. email (Uranus). Both reach the intended destination; one eventually, the other immediately. Uranus is currently in the astrological sign of Aries- Cardinal (Initiating) Fire (action/will). Doubly amped up and ready to communicate each inspired thought to the whole of your being. Each cell receiving the impulse of what you wish to claim as your own via release or refinement a little further.

Moon in Scorpio…

Scorpio loves its secrets and goes to great lengths to keep them exactly that-secret. Making use of this desire to not expose too much (prematurely) of your inner plans and workings can be used productively as the stages of your own transformation unfold, quietly and without the distractive input and commentary on how you are proceeding. When the time is right, these transformation will no longer be held in secret as they arise from a new state of being that has honed and settled in more deeply to what runs below the surface and gives nuance to what is chosen to be out-pictured. The Phoenix is used as one of the symbols for this sign and what arises from the ashes of what you relinquish rises to even grander heights in the flaming action, truth and will that it displays. The 4th Quarter Waning Moon is the time of pruning and culling what no longer serves us. Go with the flow of release that the Moon’s tides offer, carrying out to those deep oceans what must seek a new home.

The Scorpio Moon lends itself well to deeper exploration of who we are. Not at the level of who we project ourselves to be, but truly and unabashedly who we are, imperfections and beauties that are only revealed when we no longer feel vulnerable, judged or pressured to be someone else. As we move through the months/years ahead in a tense political environment the stuff that we are made of will be tested time and time again. What we choose to show in that testing is entirely of our own making. How we chose to respond will be guided by the self-reflection we have imposed on ourselves. There is a saying….

“What does not break us, makes us stronger”.. and I would add to that “only, if you Know Thyself”

Use this year and this Solar Month to get to know the deepest core of what is important to you. Be honest about all of the tiny lines of stress fracture that if given too much pressure (without being bolstered and repaired) will chip away at your beliefs and your confidence to effect change. Be ruthless in what you chose to break apart that holds you inert and the glamor of their reality keeps your truth from being revealed. Know yourself well enough to know when you are simply spinning your heels and getting caught up in other people’s emotions and as the Scorpion, know when the time to strike will be most productive in making your presence known. An excellent way to begin (or continue) this process is to use the power of reflection and the ancient technique of scrying.

Scry Deeply…

Scrying is an ancient technique used to obtain hidden(occult) information. The common method was to use a reflective surface such as water or a mirror; form the intention/inquiry; open the mind and heart and give note to images or symbols that appear on the surface of what you are gazing upon. you could also think of this as an exercise in meditative quality-quieting the mind, closing the eyes and allowing the scene(s) of peace, inquiry or devotion to play out as you sat as observer of your inner screen.

The power of the Moon and its watery intuitive stimulation and the astrological sign of Scorpio (Fixed Water) help to coalesce what we call as answer into the stilled waters of insightful reflection.

What is your vision of change? Where do you fit into the equation? Who will you stand with? And, WHY?

Blessings of this auspicious day….


Read More:

Aquarius: The Motherboard-Sun in Aquarius

Scorpio: Open the Flood Gates and Lift the Veils-Sun in Scorpio

Waters of Informed Light Flow – Full Moon in Aquarius

Posted in Astrology, Full Moon, Lunar, Uranus on August 17, 2016 by themagickalpen

4944750 - aquarius zodiac background

August 18.2016
Full Moon in Aquarius
5:26 a.m. (EDT)
Lunar Eclipse

Sun in Leo

The Moon waxes full in the electric sign of Aquarius early tomorrow morning. The atmosphere is filled with tiny charged particles of an electric stimulant that typifies the Aquarian thought process. The ruling planet of this airy sign is Uranus, whose impact moves full force with a strong pulsing current that provokes radical change and heightens the neurological system as it prods the entirety of the being to evolve.

Uranus is currently retrograde so that impulse of electrical current is increasingly amping up its wattage and having found its natural companion in Aquarius this moon’s energy is one of pivotal change.

Aquarius is a mental sign of the Fixed Modality. This lends itself quite well to providing a structure and container that synthesizes with the agility of a computer. Abstraction and processing at the speed of light are how this sign sorts through information which lends the added benefit of being to see all perspectives and alternatives of action to arrive at a very logical outcome. This is the energy that places Aquarius as the sign of humanity; that is the collective of humanity and the good for all-even if it means the sacrifice of the one.

The Lunar attributes of healing, intuition and feeling were this cloak of Aquarius and those soothing qualities are now colored with an “intelligence” of the heart that provides a level of discernment and balance so that feeling and mind can come to a place of co-existence. This is the space of waters that are energetically charged with impulse and quickened to produce quickly moving and potent flow that carves new paths of exploration that open the way for new visions of what can be to arise.

The Lunar Eclipse

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When a Lunar Eclipse occurs, the Earth finds itself mid-point between the Sun and Moon. I see this as an opportunity to infuse the earthly and manifest realm with the strength of the Sun as it gathers to itself the healing of the Moon. In the action of reciprocity, the manifest realm becomes the place of filter for the Sun’s enlivening and the Moon calls into itself a dynamic potency that has been “flavored” by physicality.

Esoteric Implications

This is another way to utilize and contemplate the Lunar Eclipse.

Within the practice of Esoteric astrology the Sun has a tri-fold nature. Its physical energy is that of the fohat, pure electromagnetic dynamics. The spiritual overlay is that if Prana, pure life force energy that sustains and enlivens us. And, at the level of the individual the Sun is the space of awakened consciousness. The potential of what we strive towards as spiritual beings that has been charged by the flow of solar energy in our physical form.

In this month’s eclipse energy, the Sun is in Leo and the call is to bring center and focal point to the actions and efforts of the individual. Leo is protective of what is under its care and that protective nature is another way of garnering attention and movement into the space of leadership. 

The Moon is the storehouse and keeper of memory and the subconscious space of desires, want and need. This is the space of reconciliation between our physical and mental processes and what it is that our Soul truly desires to make it whole. This is often the deeper disparity between what we feel to be true and what we know to be true. When these are working collaboratively there is no separation between mind and heart as each informs the other.

The Aquarian Moon temporarily disrupts the magnetism of Leo’s nature and provides the necessary information that will help to determine what is true and valid qualities of a leadership style that is productive and for the greater good. 

The Earth is the place of our inner and outer journeys. The outer is one of physical experience and the weight of responsibility held in what that physical experience has as offering. The inner journey is one of recording the lessons of these experiences, the acceptance of the effects of what we cause to be and what visions we infuse to quicken this lifetime. This is the place of service and the yearnings to make whole that service in offering to the Divine.

The Earth energy stands as the central point of measure that reminds us of our humanity (Aquarius) and the singular (Leo) contributions we can make to the collective that are productive and growth-filled. 

The experience of these three planets of alignment as the lunar eclipse comes into focus of energy is one of wholeness. It is one of moving into a collaborative state with the physical you, the will-filled you and the you that remains outside of space or time that is reflected in our Higher Self.

Waters of Informed Light Flow

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The traditional image of Aquarius is that of the water-bearer pouring their dynamic waters out to flow on land or sea. I chose the image above as a reminder that those healing waters that contain the light of knowledge and vision. Another point of reminder is that the importance of this image for Aquarius is not only the waters emanating from a vessel of form and containment, but the space of vacuum and emptiness that awaits the filling of whatever you wish to place within it. Turn these waters back onto yourself. Allow the flow of light to wash over you as you envision the future that you desire to fill the space of potential that remains.

Father Sun, now in the charismatic astrological sign of Leo, demands his “Lion’s Share” of attention. The natural tension that occurs between these two signs (Sun and Moon opposing in the configuration of a Full Moon) is one of the vision of the “I” (Leo) and the collective “We” (Aquarius). We can use the full light of this vision to find our place of self awareness. We can seek the vision of our strength in our manifest world and the gift of our Light in the spiritual. This is a Full Moon of seeking a future that is inclusive of all yet celebrates the uniqueness of all that contribute to that whole.

Pour out your waters of electrified wisdom; bathe in the gifts of its vision and fire up your Mind in the cool waters of Mother Moon.

Please enjoy a vision of Mind’s gift…

 Electrified Mind: A Vision of Self

A Recorded Meditation

All Systems, Go!

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Retrogrades, Saturn, Uranus, Venus on December 26, 2015 by themagickalpen

December 21.2015
Winter Solstice
Sun enters Capricorn

December 25.2015
Full Moon in Cancer
6:11am (EST)

Uranus Direct

These past few days have been packed with celestial events that punctuate the soon to be ending of a year of highs and lows. The Solstice of December 21st. marked the longest night of the year and as the Sun transited in Capricorn at 11:49p.m., once again we entered the quickening of new Light and the hope that is birthed with that awakening. The Moon waxed in another Earth sign, Taurus and provided a triad of Fire (Sun)-Water (Moon) and Earth (Capricorn and Taurus). The Cardinal(new beginnings and first flow) energy of Capricorn’s Sun moved into position to feed its outpouring of new light into Lady Moon’s birthing waters that stood ready in the Fixed (stabilization and structure) energy of Taurus. Earth is the sign of manifestation, so the potential of what was begun at this Solstice is one of stable and manifest creation.

A few days of synthesis and continued expansion culminated last night as the Moon waxed Full in its native sign of Cancer at 6:11am (EST). What was birthed at the Solstice now has the nurturing of a heart filled with the fullness of unconditional love. The watchful and gentle light of Mother Moon shines brightly on her creation and the beauty of that creation is front and center for all to see.

Light reigned supreme in its return. Mother Moon and Father Sun stood proudly in revealing their creation and Uranus brought all to a culminating point of blasting the bounty of this energy into the far and greater reaches of cosmic connections…

Uranus Stations Direct

Uranus, was the last of six(6) planets that stationed Retrograde in 2015 to station Direct on the 25th. Each of these planets had a very specific flow of energetic change to weave into the stories we co-created in this year’s journey.

Jupiter in Leo heralded in its expansive wisdom at the start of 2015 (having been retrograde from December 8.2014). Leo expressed itself as the burner, whose flames rose and fell in accord with wherever the intention for increased flexibility that provoked change was focused. April 8th brought relief from this intensity as Jupiter stationed Direct.

Read More:
Jupiter Retrograde-Expanding Spaciousness
Under Pressure-Jupiter Stations Direct

Saturn in Sagittarius took up the work of Retrograde Focus on March 14th. The Master of Time and Mistress of the Primordial Womb, let fly the arrows of fiery connection and seeding that sought its place of catalyzation. All the while, time stood still and opened up the space of re-organization that would become a more viable structure for strong intentions. Saturn stationed Direct on August 1/2.

Read More:
Time to Clean House-Saturn Retrograde 2015
Loosening Its Hold- Saturn Stations Direct

Pluto in Capricorn called us to reach deeply into the stores of memory that hold the key to the best and worst of our manifest efforts. Its Retrograde on April 16th marked the point of linear time that provided the first careful stepping into the synchronicity of our past and future experiences. Appropriately, within a few days of the Autumnal(Vernal) Equinox, Pluto stationed Direct, gathering with it a balance of all that had been revealed at the mid point of the present.

Read More:
You’ve Been Served-Pluto Retrograde
Back to the Middle and Around Again-Pluto Direct

Neptune Stationed Retrograde in its Native sign of Pisces on June 12th. Waters ran deep and the depths of our feeling nature flowed strongly in all of our endeavors. The intensity of this focus pulled us into a heartscape that pulled to the surface what had been long buried and forced choice of either drowning or swimming more strongly in all that motivates us at the very core of our being. As the last push of tidal waters beat against a newly etched shoreline, Neptune stationed Direct on November 18th leaving the treasures of the deep seas on sands freshly bathed.

Read More:
Lifting the Veil-Neptune Retrograde
Under Pressure, Again!-Neptune Stations Direct

Venus in Capricorn turned heads as her grace and refinement poured abundantly, stationing Retrograde on July 25th. This Venus was one of earthy beauty and a call to exploring how we balance our mundane and spiritual selves. Where do we seek beauty and how we create that which exceeds expectations, keeps us grounded and moves into the depths of what our Soul desires. These were difficult lessons and the defining moments of what we truly desire in our manifest life were often unexpected. Venus stationed Direct on September 6th carrying into the time of Harvesting (or Seeding) a new vision of what a more harmonious potential.

Read More:
But I Thought You Were My Friend?-Venus Stations Direct

Electrical Beginnings:

Uranus in Aries stationed Retrograde hot on the heels of Venus on July 26th. And in keeping with the dynamic and stimulating electrical impulses that are the process of Uranian change, this focus has been one of extreme intensity and un-relentless pursuit in refining and reformatting our electrical systems. The neural system was the recipient of this intensity, making for some very challenging months depending on your responses to being primed for amping up.

Read More:
Uranus Retrograde-Deflecting the Light

All System’s, Go! and The Blasted Tower

As we stand at the brink of crossing into the New Year of 2016, all systems are GO! for the changes that are yet to come. Challenge goes hand and hand with change, so there is no avoiding what will provide a year of change-and growth. How we respond to these changes; whether we choose to go kicking or screaming or to move with resilience of intention is a matter of how we express our free will.

What lay in the great beyond of worlds we have only imagined is just on the horizon and we are rapidly developing the tools required to gain sight of a loftier vision of what is possible. Science and Spirituality are no longer disparate streams, but do require that we broaden our personal perspectives, seeking the threadings of connection that run through each.

16-tower 2

I leave you with the image of the Tarot Key: The Tower

Imagine the Tower as the construct of your mind’s opinion, beliefs and boundaries of perception. The lightening bolt of Uranus’ electrical charge flashes and splits open that fortress you have built that, in reality, has held you captive in your own self-imposed limitations. Those that form the polarized conflicts (and mental debates) and allow entry only to those they find to be in accord with and non-threatening to their fortress are now cast out, no longer viable stewards of this newly changed structure. And, what remains is the foundation, unscathed, and perhaps stronger, that now may be rebuilt upon and re-inhabited with the creative potential of the unknown.

All systems, Go! Blast that tower! Open that mind! and Build high and strong into lands awaiting discovery!

Many blessings of this stellar ending to 2015 and abundance, prosperity in the coming year…. Robin

Destiny Calling, Again! The Blue Moon of July

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Neptune, Pluto, Retrogrades, Saturn, The Temple of Pluto, The Temple of Venus, Uranus with tags , , , , , , , on July 30, 2015 by themagickalpen

ngm.nationalgeographic Full Moon in Aquarius (Blue Moon)
July 31.2015
6:43am (EDT)

Sun in Leo

The Blue Moon of July waxes full tomorrow morning at 6:43a.m. This is the second full moon to occur this month. The first punctuating the first day of July and this one underscoring the last. And, these two full moons were held in Father Sun’s mantles of polarity calling forth the power of Nurture (Sun in Cancer) and Nature (Sun in Leo).

The Full Moon of July 1 set the stage for healing at both the emotional and the levels of will. The foundations and earthiness of Capricorn provided the structure for those lunar waters to flow strongly and productively. Father Sun gently warmed those Cancerian waters to bolster, strengthen and nurture what lay within and provide just enough electromagnetic stream to attract what would serve.

Curtain up and lights full blaze as this Full Moon steps into the spotlight calling to itself what it requires-what it demands and what it will claim as its own to ensure success. Father Sun now wearing the brilliance of Leo’s power sets the waters of an Aquarian Full Moon ablaze as the emotional landscape opens itself to uncharted streams and rivers that lead out to a sea of new vision. The will to survive and to create is fueled by the desire to know and the instinctual actions taken to sustain.

This Full Moon offers a date with destiny as solar will attracts to itself the tools and emotional adjustments required to allow the revelation and truth of your power at all levels of your being. We, as a collective whole have been changing and evolving just as surely as the planets and stars have been moving into dialogue and positioning themselves just so in their orbital paths. Individually, the increased dynamics of cosmic energy we have experienced, this year alone, has affected even the most stable and grounded of persons; taking them outside of their comfort zones.

As we embrace the fullness of this moon’s dynamic, remember to reach back into the space of nurturing and honoring oneself that has been established. Then, allow yourself to be open to the experience of seeing beyond the horizon of what you believed yourself to be capable of achieving.

The Fantastic Four (FIVE)

There have been some very interesting events over the past few months that have stirred the underpinnings of life as we know it. Potent Solar flare activity electrified our planet’s energy fields at multiple levels and those sensitive to the solar fires felt the amplification up of neurological function.

And, with the retrograde of Venus last week on the 25th and Uranus the next day, we currently have five planets in “pause”. Saturn will station direct on August 1st., but the Lord of Time’s impact has been felt as boundaries of linear time and the resultant shattering of an outdated structure have re-assembled and reconfigured to maximize our greatest potential for growth.
                             Read more …..Saturn Retrograde- Time to Clean House

As Saturn loosens its point of focus, four planets will remain in retrograde:

Venus in Capricorn- July 25 through September 6
 Venus Retrograde- Stop in the Name of Love!

Pluto in Capricorn April 16 through Sept. 25
Pluto Retrograde- You’ve Been Served!

Neptune in Pisces June 12 through November 18
Neptune Retrograde- Lifting the Veil

Uranus in Aries July 26 through December 25
Uranus Retrograde- Deflecting Light

As we move through the next several months the place of emphasis and potential for reshaping these areas will relate strongly to what we have crafted as our foundations of past effort and the relationships cultivated in our current world of manifestation (Pluto and Venus in Capricorn), boundaries of compassionate and healing flow (Neptune in its natural ruler of Pisces) and stimulating enough disruption to the status quo to create the fires of will that are undaunted by challenge (Uranus in Aries).

Being mindful that these dynamics are at play and spurring us on towards healing our past and accepting accountability for our future will add the component of intention to each challenge we face. Intention that knows when to surrender to our Higher Will and nurture all that is the best and the worst in us. And, intention that realizes the need to act and follow our natural and instinctual drives that make us uniquely human and connected to all of life on this planet.

Time to Simply Be…

In the fullness of this Moon of Aquarius. I will simply “Be”
I will not script out a ritual or working. I will simply “Be”
I will allow the energy of the day to move through me. I will simply “Be”
I will sit in the evening’s light looking up to the fullness of my Lady. I will simply “Be”

And, in this space of quiet, surrender and communion
I will simply “Become”

Join me in the Temple of Uranus
Beginning August 2015

Sun in Aquarius – A Future Tree

Posted in Astrology, Qabalah, The Temple of the Sun, Uranus on February 11, 2015 by themagickalpen


A Tree of vision
Reached far beyond
What was known.

Its roots spun down
Into stardust as the descent
Into the mundane
Was Begun.

All shifted in the chaos
And new life was
Spawned in the
Inventive mind.

A Tree of Vision
Pours its heart
From a vessel
Deep and strong.

And what issues from it
Is birthed from a mind
That seeks solace in
The loving embrace of
Its Creatrix.

A Tree of Vision
Shows the blinding light
That flashes as dreams become
Manifest reality and guide

The way of the seeker.

A Tree of Hope holds the key
That created the worlds of
Starlight in a
Velvety black sky.

As we enter the Temple of the Sun, Qabalistically we are entering into connection with the central sphere on the Tree of Life, Tiphareth. The name given this sphere is Beauty and the energy is one of synthesis through sacrifice and integration through refinement of the sum of all of its parts. This is much the same energy that we experience in the course of a Solar year. The energy of each of the Zodiacal signs, their element and modality are modified and expressed through the brilliance of the Sun. And, in keeping with the evolutionary process of movement from one sign to the next, each is informed by the previous sign’s energy and contributes a part of its dynamic into the sign that follows. Please see the end of this post for recommendations about learning more about the Tree of Life.

Aquarius and Uranus (Saturn) on the Tree

Astrologically, we have learned that Aquarius is ruled by the planet of electrical, rebellious and dynamic flow, Uranus. We have experienced the focus of an astrological energy that is quick and resolute in its forward moving direction, blazing the way for what will follow. This is the energy of the water-bearer and when we consider the archetypal image that is associated with Aquarius is one of continual flow and disbursement, its planetary ruler is the perfect system of support. Although an Air sign, Aquarius acts very much like water and the symbol of glyph that are two wavy lines are evocative of that nature to move in wave pattern. The secondary ruler of Aquarius is Saturn. We know of Saturn’s ability to bring structure and order. This is the directive of Aquarius when its energy begins to heat up and move in ways that establish a new set of order.

Within the Qabalistic Tree, Aquarius and Uranus hold their power in the Sphere of Chokmah and the Paths of the Tree – 28th and 11th. When we speak of the energy of Aquarius as an experience of great vision, the reference is to the ability to arrive at conclusion via the shortest and most concise route. As an Air sign, Mind is of the highest priority and the Illumined Mind is the ultimate goal.

This is the way of the Tree itself; to provide a vision of the potential. To provide a vision of what could be improved upon and to provide a vision of how by informed collaborative effort, the sheer brilliance of Divinely inspired Will shall prevail. These are the Cosmic ideals that flow through all of the zodiacal energies, the starry patterns, the planets and more. This is the great expanse of Chokmah, the sphere of wisdom that is born of the Universe’ knowingness.

Chokmah (Uranus) and Tiphareth (Sun)


Tiphareth and the Sun

Each of the Sephiroth and connecting Paths of the Tree of Life holds correspondence with a planetary and/or zodiacal energy. The physical Sun stands centrally within our solar system, providing light and heat. Tiphareth provides the space of transformation and the full force generator that distributes what is processed so it may be utilized and transmuted by whatever it emanates its energy into. This is the sacrificial aspect of this sphere. This is the action of enlivening within its own source to ensure the continuation of the creative process begun within the other components of the Tree. So we begin in this central hub of universal energy and move up towards the flow of energy represented by the essence of Wisdom found in the sphere of Chokmah.

Chokmah: The Sphere of the Cosmic Father’s Wisdom

The swirlings of cosmos
And the dust of galaxy
Wind around me
Drawing my being
Into the vortex
Of formless unity.

He looks upward
And the light
Of a million stars
Pointedly glare back.
Each flowing into
Its own rhythm of
Celestial course.

He looks downward
And form moves
And stirs beneath
The scrutiny of HIS gaze
All is quickened by this
This illumined SELF-awareness.

Formless brilliance flashes
Its point of beacon
Drawing HIS gaze
And in response
The path is opened.

The singular eye of
The primal void
Focuses as droplets
Of soul filled
Tears issue forth.

This torrent of force
Now having seen
Its vision of SELF
Becomes a floodgate
Of potentiality.

The sphere of Chokmah is part of the Supernal Triad – Kether – Chokmah and Binah. These are the spheres of creation.

Chokmah is the Second Sphere on the Tree of Life. Within the energy of the number 2 is the finding of collaboration and relationship. The singular 1 (Kether- The Source) has moved beyond itself and formed alliance with another in order to create. At the level of the supernals, all flows in harmony; each path, each sphere working in tandem with one another in the creative effort. Additionally, each component offers a different perspective or dynamic to contribute to that outpour. Three faces, each in support of the other yet one in the same and emanating from the One.

Chokmah is assigned the element of Root of Fire. Each of the elements has the attribute of containing essences of the other three elements contained within and being reflected in varying degrees in accord with their power of exertion. In keeping with this thought, fire is expressed as Air of Fire, Water of Fire, Earth of Fire and in its most pure essence Fire of Fire. The three Supernal spheres of Binah, Chokmah and Kether are all ascribed the pure essence of the element they represent, as they themselves are of the Highest and most refined nature of all the sephiroth of the Tree.

Within the energy of Chokmah we find the Father/Stimulator. His is the seed that ensures that the egg of potential will not remain inert and unviable. It is the nature of the male to provide the seed of life. Without this outpouring, the feminine principle that gives it life and provides the space for gestation and release into a manifest form of existence (or being) would never occur. It is from this principle that the Wisdom of Chokmah is made evident. This is Wisdom of the cyclical and continued nature of energy, life and the Universe. It is pure unadulterated “knowing” that simply exists because it knows no other way “to be”. In descent from Kether, Wisdom is the first attribute of the great Divinity received by Chokmah. On ascent from the manifest plane of Malkuth, Wisdom is the last gift that is received and as such this all knowingness destroys the boundaries and limitations of the world, as we know it, including our perceived notions of ourselves. It is for this reason that in discussion of these Higher Supernals, metaphor and analogy that resonates and is comprehensible to us as human beings is all that can be used; for these are the spheres and energies that cannot be articulated or described in any manner that one in physical incarnation could comprehend. They are the ideals we are striving towards as translated into a human experience.

The Sphere of Active Flow

The energy of Chokmah is one of Consciousness that radiates out the pure essence of consciousness in its primal state of illumined activity. Just as Binah is the origin of the form of the idea of consciousness and as such is the essence of that form as well as a state of that consciousness, Chokmah is the product of pure consciousness unrestricted and flowing freely from Creator to Creation. Its consciousness is not bound by time or space as it resides in all time and all space. It is in this way that true wisdom is reflected. A state of being that encompasses all and holds the key to the manifest world waiting to be used in opening as it flows towards Binah.

The 28th Path: Aquarius and Uranus (Saturn)

28th Path

I remember the grace of mastery
I remember how it felt to create
I remember the joy of expression
I remember the victory of my efforts
I remember the thrill of final selection
I remember the beauty that surrounded
I remember the pain of being deceived.

The 28th path is considered the Natural Intelligence. It is our natural state to produce beauty and to be creative in our expressions. The fact is that our existence and the forms we have constructed for ourselves that are ever changing, renewing and sustaining is a creative act in itself. Opening to the Higher intelligence that works in preservation of the physical forms that we hold, the Divine essence of our Soul and the lessons we are to master in these forms is our natural state of being. In this manner of acknowledging our true connection to the Divine and the birthright we have access to claim, we show a form of intelligence that transcends mere mind and intelligence. This is the work of Aquarius. It is mind that shows the truth of our Divinity.

The Planetary/Zodiacal Energy

Uranus and Saturn are co-ruling planets of the astrological sign of Aquarius. Uranus is the great electrifying current that rebelliously stirs up whatever its force is put upon. This planet is considered the higher octave of the planet Mercury, the great communicator. The communication set into motion with Uranian energy is that of blazing its way through the circuit boards and enlivening and quickening instantaneously.

The planet Saturn is the great organizer and structure, time management and order are its directive. Saturn is considered the Gatekeeper of time and as such what passes through in accord with time’s perceived progression is strictly and rigidly monitored for its efficacy in application.

In numerology the 28th Path, or 2+8 reduces to the number 10/1+0. The number Ten represents the beginning of a new cycle that has crossed the threshold of death and reinvented itself from the past experience. In the spirit of Aquarius and collaborative effort, the 1 + 0 could be considered in the context of the singular 1 and the limitless all of 0 standing side by side, each informing the other.

Tarot Key XVII – The Star

Tarot Star
Image: Thalia Took

Note: Each of the Paths of the Qabalistic Tree has the assignation of a Tarot key placed upon it as further correspondence to its energy. The Paths 11-32 are represented using the Major Arcana cards.

Tarot Key XVII – The Star, is placed on the 28th Path. The reference is one of comfort within the realms of manifest form and remembrance of the cosmic connection and stellar birthright we carry within us. The stars of the Pleiades shine brightly above and the feminine principle pours the waters of life upon the ground of foundation and in return to the sourced of its taking. She is naked under a celestial sky.

The energy of this Tarot Key on the 28th Path is one of connection to the source of our creation. This is the reminder of our access to the creative impulse that gave birth to the heavens and our ability to call that into creation in the manifest world.

Another Path of Expression: Uranus on the 11th Path
The 11th Path: A Path of Emanation

11th Path

The 11th Path is the first point of connection of two spheres in emanation from the Godhead of Kether. This is the space of the point of the One and its awareness of its singularity becoming the first of what become the two of creative outpour. This path is the first of the Lightening Flash of involution moving in flow downwards towards it ultimate goal of manifestation. This Path is the conduit of Life and Death. In this case, the death is that of the spiritual self now enfolded as a part of the singular whole. It is also the place of beginnings. The first seed of action that prepares the way for what will be birthed in the sphere of Malkuth.

The Planetary Energy


Alone, the Singular One cried out
Seed of potential and the flow
Of brilliant Light issued forth.

Cosmos of stars and planets
Worlds of dark and light all
Drawn toward the one point
Of Divine Creation’s Mind.
What will be offered up to the
Downpour of Spirit’s intent
What will become of this
Dynamic flow of becoming?

Trust in the process
Step into the unknown
The Light of All-knowing
Guides and illuminates all
Who stand in the dynamic
Flow of Its creative potential.

Uranus is the great electrifying current that rebelliously stirs up whatever its force is put upon. This planet is considered the higher octave of the planet Mercury, the great communicator. The communication set into motion with Uranian energy is that of blazing its way through the circuit boards and enlivening and quickening instantaneously. Place upon the first path of emanation from the Source of Kether into the vessel of Chokmah as the Divine Father insures that the seed will be potent and the flow will be dynamic in its outpouring.

In Conclusion:
As we consider the attributes of Aquarius and its ruling planet Uranus and their impact on the Tree of Life the prominent focus is one of inventive mind. Being able to use this raw inspiration and creative process of what can be as a springboard for what will become is the natural flow of emanation that is inherent within the Tree. Aquarius provides the stuff of dreams, and Uranus electrifies the atmosphere so that like will attract like and the circuit of energy sparks into brilliance.

As the light of Tiphareth (Sun) shines brightly and radiates its vision of magnetic attraction throughout the multilayered branches of a tree that reaches far and wide in its expanse and impact we are reminded that in this vision of light extending towards light and darkness forming the paths of the space between, we realize the gift of humanity that continually connects us the higher aspiration of Divinity.


If you are not familiar with the Qabalistic Tree of Life, I would recommend reading through the article posted in my other blog, The Magickal Pen entitled “Geburah’s Might” to give you the necessary overview for an introductory base of working knowledge about the Tree. It can be found here:
WitchVox: 13 Keys- The Wisdom of Chokmah
The Magickal Pen: Geburah’s Might
13 Keys to the Qabalistic Tree of Life
The Inner Chamber Series. R. Fennelly
Volume One: It’s Written in the Stars (2013)
Volume Two: Poetry of the Spheres (2013)
Volume Three: Awakening the Paths (2014)
Order at author’s website: Robin Fennelly


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The Magick of Aquarius

Aquarius Pic

The Motherboard – Sun in Aquarius

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Retrogrades, The Temple of the Sun, Uranus on January 20, 2015 by themagickalpen


Sun in Aquarius
4:44 am (EST)

New Moon in Aquarius
7:59 am (EST)

Waters flow within the
Circuitry of electric form
The aperture opens to
Let in more light and
Macrocosm stretches
Beyond the horizon of gaze.

Borne on wings of creative endeavor
And fervor for the unimagined
The space of physical being
Soars above the fields
Of that which is only
Seen by the keenest of eyes.

Fixed and unshakable
The swirlings of mind
Coil out from the lower
Reaches of the Divine
Returning upon themselves
Upwards towards the apex
Of more refined Light.

And, Man in all his
Glory embraces the
Light body of another
Yet to be realized, but is
Seen through the lens
Of the visionary as
The word ‘namaste’
Is uttered in the
Sacred Silence.

The Sun transited into the astrological sign of Aquarius in the wee hours of this morning at 4:44 am (EST) and 3 1/4-hours later the Moon waxes New into the same sign. A double dose of mind and new beginnings of an astrological sign that brings the Flame of inspired Mind (Sun) of will and the Visionary heart (Moon) of detailed foresight into alignment.

In accord with the subtle irony that permeates an astrological sign that is most at home in the communication of its mental explorations, today is the set-up for Mercury (communication) to station Retrograde tomorrow at 10:54am.(EST) and remain so until February 11th.

I told my tales and spoke my truths
Words taking form quicker than
Tongue could send them forth.

I shared my visions
Of a world and people
Guided by Thought’s greatest gifts.

And on the day when all
Would be seen and the
Visions would come to life
Breath hovered mid-air
Waiting for breeze of forward flow

And all remained silent held

In Mercury’s ecstatic embrace.

Aquarius – The Water Bearer

The astrological sign of Aquarius is one of the Element of Air and the Fixed Modality. Its planetary ruler is Uranus; the dynamo of electrical charge that catalyzes and prods change from the status quo. The natural energy of the Sun, that of shedding great light on whatever is in its spectrum, now has the assistance of stable mind that is expressed in lightening thought and creative invention. The Sun in Aquarius goes about its work of inspiring everyone to think outside of the box and explore the nether reaches of the vision of what could be. This is the opportunity to embrace technology, science and the Cosmos as you find your place of inspiration within it.

The caution with Aquarius is moving so far from the human experience as the mind reaches further and further away from the perceived limitation of human form that a cold and detached demeanor can develop. Aquarius is considered the great the humanitarian; but the truth of that humanism lay in the ability to willingly sacrifice the one for the greater good of the all. Uranus’ emphasis on an electric like style of communication further complicates this tendency as each new experience lights up the individual continually piquing an already ever seeking curiosity. In this way, the impression becomes one of a knowledge “junkie” ever seeking the next fix in new experience, new book and new world’s to greedily assimilate.

Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius. Its quality is that of pure energy and catalytic stream that pulses life into everything it encounters. In Aquarius this manifests as having the ability to act as a catalyst to spur humanity on towards its highest expression. Thoughts move through the Aquarian mind like downloads of information, often making it difficult to articulate in an emotional and meaning-filled way. With the energy of Uranus, Aquarius becomes the “Motherboard “ of the master computer without whose components the computer would not work nor be able to bring to light the varied forms of communication and information needed for advancement.

Saturn is the co-ruler of Aquarius which brings the dimension of self-discipline and great structure to the energy that Aquarius offers. Saturn’s aspect of time gives the overshadowing that in the Aquarian expresses as being conversant of all time- past-present and future- concurrently and in a way that can extract the best and most viable material that is gathered into the next great invention. The regimented approach of Saturn’s energy expressed through Aquarius gives the appearance of being unwavering in their stance and opinion and having total disregard for others input. The Aquarian sees this structure as a necessary means towards a goal that is yet unrealized by most.

The Element of Air

Aquarius is an Air sign. The quality of air expressed in Aquarius is a mind that has the ability to absorb great amounts of information and then analyze, organize, sort and glean exactly what is needed for the solution. We saw mind expressed as Gemini and the ability to circumnavigate and change course instantaneously as its communicative style. And, we experienced the balanced and harmonious mind of Libra seeking to refine all that enters into the equation. Now, we have arrived at the place of synthesis of both of these styles and their conversion in a product with greater potential for expression that reaches far and wide in its impact.

A Fixed Modality

As we have already experienced with the Fixed signs their primary directive is that of taking all that lay on either side of its stability- the initial catalyst and the flexible ending- and provide the structure and boundaries that will allow them to interact and interweave their singular strengths. The first Fixed sign we encountered was one of Earth- Taurus- and provided the ultimate container of strength and stability in manifest form.

The second of the Fixed signs was expressed through a Fire sign, Leo and served to bring into the spotlight what needed restructuring and what would act as the magnetic source attracting to itself more of this brilliant light. This energy stood strong in its convictions and had the strength of will and the courage to defend its actions required to develop the necessary discipline to hold true to the course.

The third of the Fixed signs was expressed as Watery Scorpio. This is an energy, whose goal is one of dipping deeper into the hidden motivations that are the seedings of an inspired heart. These are the waters that seek appropriate boundary on the shores of one’s own experience and carve the inlets that will quench the thirst of a desire to become and to know more of one’s true nature.

Arriving in the space of Aquarius and the inventive mind, the Fixed quality is expressed in being able to direct the flow of thought both an involutionary and evolutionary flow. This circuit is the basis of retrieving information that is both relevant in the present and cutting deeply into the emerging future. The experience of the past serves as background reference, having been retrieved from Scorpio’s probing in the unconscious self, and is quickly left behind as warp speed carries the Aquarian towards future plans.

Strength and stability
Are the footprints left
On earth’s foundational
Form and I stamp my foot
In acknowledging my
Own presence.

The Sun beats down hot
And un-relentless in what
It will extract from my essence
And calls me to be courageous
As I move forward on my path.

I step into the cool waters
To soothe a burning heat
That has held me strong
And secure in my determination
The waters rise in recognition as I 
Sink into their inly black depths.

I rose from the turbulent surface
Up towards the heavens and into
The blackness of time and space
My thoughts the constant companions
That guide me across star filled sky.

I dream and see the visions of a
Newly dawning day and now
Ablaze with information’s light
Descend to answer humanity’s call.

The New Moon in Aquarius

The Moon waxing New in Aquarius provides an extra bolster of energy to explore the recesses of your thoughts and inventive inspirations. Brainstorming and problem-solving with creative outlook as the primary directive are well suited to Aquarian energy. Calling upon Uranus can expedite the mental pursuits, although overload can also result much like the flow of electrical current that is too strong for what the amps can withstand. Let your imagination take center stage knowing that this is often the greatest source of “thinking outside the box”. Although the emphasis is on the “I” with Aquarian energy, that “I” can be experienced as the Higher Self and the information sought and received that of illumined mind.

The Next Step

Knowing how each sign moves to the next and the interaction between each as they evolve towards completion (and threshold of renewal) of the wheel in Pisces tells its own unique story of the astrological wheel. Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. Capricorn acted as the testing ground for what could become reality and served as the affirmer of the resilience and sure-footedness that can be achieved in the steepest of heights and the deepest of depths.

Aquarius’ image is that of the water-bearer; pouring its life giving waters out for humanity to drink. The mystery lies not in the water being poured, but in the empty space left in the vessel now awaiting the filling of water that will next sustain. Nature abhors a vacuum so the implication is that we must freely give of our resources so that we may receive what will be needed anew.

If we look at the dynamics of energy thus far, beginning with the cardinal sign of Aries, we could think of the three signs that begin the astrological wheel as the quickening Fires (Aries- Fire) within the body of manifestation (Taurus- Earth) that gives rise to aspiring towards the heavens (Gemini- Air). Now enlivened by the desire to “know”, the healing and nurturing (Cancer- Water) of what no longer serves this goal is brought front and center into the Light of Day (Leo-Fire) to be strengthened as it is readied for the detailed analysis of Virgo (Earth) that seeks to create a new form for its manifestation. Libra (Air) applied the finishing touches to what Virgo had reduced to the most essential components. Using the adaptability and deftness of a mind that could easily calculate and mentally weigh both benefits and detriments, Libra moved with skill and grace to accomplish what was made ready.

The energy of Scorpio provided the necessary prodding to explore the deeper aspects of the emotions and access the hidden keys of memory that has been hidden and within the fires of Sagittarius, the forging of what was tempered in the waters of transmutation into a more flexible and expansive form is at hand. Sagittarius looked out at the night sky and did not see only darkness, but imagined the beauty of what lay beyond sparkling from the heat of stellar light that are the wishes, hopes and dreams released to be share by the Cosmos. This vision shone brightly within the realm of the human experience as Capricorn moved through terrain that is unforgivable, yet still finds its place of acclaim atop the highest mountain. Now, having gathered all that is needed to proceed fully informed and ready to reach new levels of understanding, Aquarius releases its inventive spirit and visionary insight for all to make use of.

The Motherboard


This solar month is one of focus on the steps taken towards achieving each goal. This energy relates directly to what and how the Mind processes information and then provides all that is needed to create anything from it. Aquarius rules the 11th House of the Zodiac. This is the house of alliances, partnerships and organized community. Aquarius serves as the glue that continually shifts the direction of those alliances and organizations prodding them always forward towards future goals. This is the Solar month of identifying where your inventive skills lie and being open to the possibilities as technology advances and new products and ways of communicating develop at a rapid pace. Aquarius loves the future and all that is available to enhance the process of retrieving information.

In the chronology of the Zodiac, this phase of this Solar journey carries us into Aquarius and the opportunity to envision a brighter future and then support its creation with fact, formula and sound information. This is the energy of the maturing man or woman who leads by example and provides the blue print for what soon will be. The knowledge achieved in Aquarius is what carries forward next into the final sign of the Zodiac- Pisces. Having placed the final touches on what can be achieved by seeing more, the heart opens to an understanding of all loving compassion and the wisdom of humanity serving humanity as a collective and Divine whole.

And, so with the innovative vision of Aquarius, we call forth the energy of the Sun as it continues its zodiacal cycle. Once again we repeat the invocation that opened the Gate to this Temple. As you read through it think back to a point in time when you were amazed by a scientific finding or received your first computer, tablet or smart phone. The excitement and the power you felt in having this information readily available and the joy in being able to share what you had learned. This is the gift of Aquarius.

As you read through the invocation, think about what each line of reference evokes within you and stimulates your own desire to hold as mystery that only you can reveal as you seek its deeper meaning. What goals are stirred as you read of RA’s power as expressed within the heart felt words put to paper. This is the power of planning and standing strong in your humanity as you pursue these goals. Use this gift wisely this solar month as we invoke the Solar month in Aquarius and awaken those fires of RA to quicken your surrender to the death of false perception and the rebirth of who you truly are.

Hymn to RA

All Hail to Thee, Mighty RA
Blaze of noon day sun.
Your fiery orb high in the
Sky above as we kneel
Beneath the heat of
Your radiance.

All the Gods bow to your radiance
All the Goddesses sing hymns of praise
To Your glory and man
Lays prostrate in humility
And devotion at the altar of
Your making.

Sweet music of adoration and offerings
Brought forth from the Black Land
Rise up in praise and thanks for
Your Sustaining Light.

All darkness flees at the touch of Your hand
All ceases its movement as Your expansive
Rays stretch across the morning sky.

The lotus opens to receive Your Touch
And the sands glisten as rare jewels
As You gaze upon each grain washed
Clean in the boundless ocean that
Reflects the brilliance of your face.

All Hail to Thee
All Hail to Thee
Who sits high
Above the world.

Khepra in the East
Atum in the West
Whose eye holds the
Point of Life and the
Trifold Arc of Power.

Your eyes see all and
You are the place of return
Within the glowing blackness
Of the Midnight Sun.

All Hail to Thee
All Hail to Thee
Amun, Amun, Amen!

Uranus Retrograde: Deflecting Light

Posted in Auspicious Days, Retrogrades, Uranus with tags , , , , , , on July 21, 2014 by themagickalpen


10:53 p.m.
Stations Direct: December 21.2014*

By definition deflection is… the act of changing or causing something to change direction (Merriam Webster Dictionary). I’ve chosen this analogy for the Uranus Retrograde as a way of defining the potential held in being able to actually feel the impact of an energy that normally moves rapidly and transparently through our being. We flip the light switch in our home and the room is illuminated. We don’t think about the process that has gone into the efficiency of that action and at times we even perform that action as transparent habit. But, everything that goes into the speed of connect between transformer, wiring, switch and hand transforms the space we are in and thus our perception and abilities to perform optimally in that space. This is the energy of Uranus.

Uranus Stations Retrograde in the astrological Fire sign of Aries of the Cardinal modality at 10:53 pm (EDT) tonight. Being expressed through the energy of an astrological Fire sign adds to the intensity of this planet’s energy and the pulsing of electrical current that runs much like high amp voltage throughout. Uranus is the planet of upheaval largely because the energy and inspiration from it comes quickly and seemingly unexpectedly. The key word here is “seemingly” because in reality the groundwork has been laid, although often in a transparent way, and once the path is open for use energy pours through effectively and efficiently. The rebellious attribution associated with Uranus refers more to the natural byproduct of disruption that will occur pushing us out of our comfort zone and/or apathetic state and less to it being the youthful upstart that simply wants to reek havoc because he/she can. There is purposeful action in Uranus’ breaking through and the end goal is one of making sure that all lines of communication are open, ready to receive and disburse and respond quickly when needed.

Uranus is the great electrifying current that rebelliously stirs up whatever its force is put upon. This planet is considered the higher octave of the planet Mercury, the great communicator. The communication set into motion with Uranian energy is that of blazing its way through the circuit boards and enlivening and quickening instantaneously. During this retrograde everything will feel slightly off-course, primarily because of the build-up of energy that has now slowed its speed and exerts pressure wherever an obstruction is found. If it can’t get through, it will most definitely go around, which will feel like additional pressure in areas that may have ordinarily been the outliers. If the electricity can’t go through the wire directly it will back up and short-circuit or disperse fiery charges all along the path.

Additionally, Uranus acting as a motherboard of communication moves at the speed of light, which means this energy quickens and transforms by agitation and exciting the “cells” of whatever it is placed upon. Physiologically, this out pictures as an over stimulation of neurological function. No doubt you may have felt particularly “ansy” for no reason. Because Uranus will for the next several months be hovering in its focused intent it will have the feeling similar to that of pent-up energy that is held in a container that must remain still. Think back to how you felt as a child wanting to ask a question of a parent who was busy at the moment, and you were told to sit quietly and wait until Mom or Dad were off the phone!

Saturn stationed Direct yesterday, July 20th so the rigid container and need for ultimate structure that Saturn has imposed begins its process of loosening as it returns to its forward movement. That doesn’t mean that there still won’t be the tug of war between organized Saturn and scattered Uranus, but the responsibility will now lie within the prevue of Uranus to hold firmly on to what it ignites and allow focused will to form the suitable container for it to be released in time.

Neptune in astrological Pisces and Pluto in astrological Capricorn still remain in their retrograde pattern so we can, if desired, apply the Uranian charge to the deep waters of Neptune as use them to cauterize and heal wherever e feel an overload of electrical discharge. Additionally, Pluto in earthy Capricorn can bolster those over heated wires with re-calling into our physical mundane activities the memories of strategies and coping skills that kept us moving with confidence and assuredness even when we were the most energetically challenged.

Bottom line is that there is lots of shuffling and shifting of emphasis as the planetary energies move into their next dance of interaction. Where you choose you focus these energies depends greatly on what you are hoping to gain by way of change. If you wish to clearing those blockages (of mind or will) that keep you from feeling the energy and pulse of quickened life use the cobalt blue streams Uranian electrical fires. If you want to focus on stirring up what fuels your compassionate and healing nature work with the intention of green flow of Neptune (stations Direct in November).

And, if you wish to manifest the forgotten pieces of your existence move through the yellow stream of Pluto’s(stations Direct in September) synthesis of form. And, the life’s blood that carries the DNA and collective memory of you as a being of Light flows through the red stream. These are the multiple streams of light that are refracted through the prism of your energetic and physical fields. How that light is deflected into the singular beam of pure brilliant Light depends on how we choose to use these retrogrades of transformation. Be kind and gentle with yourself during these next few months, offering the least resistance so that the opening to a new way of shining that inner light can take hold.

Tomorrow the Sun enters the Fixed Fire sign of Leo and things
are going to heat up even more during this Solar Month.


* Triple Header: Uranian energy begins to awaken from its pause of intensity on the date of:

The Winter Solstice

This will be the longest night of the year as we stand ready and waiting the glimmer of dawn’s Light and the beginning of the waxing of the Sun. This is the point where we are able to gather to ourselves what we wish to bring forward from the dark landscape within for closer scrutiny and what we choose to remain behind. This would include those catalytic impulses that have been building up steam and readying to be propelled forward in typical Uranian style.

New Moon in Capricorn and Sun Transits into Earthy Capricorn

Bear in mind that Capricorn is an Earth sign of the cardinal Modality. Its prime directive is that of manifesting in the earthly realms. This is a sign of physical and very concrete realities, so with the boost of New Moon (beginnings) energy and a Cardinal (catalytic components for beginnings) Earth (physical) astrological sign of Capricorn holding the space for Uranus’ energy to push through any blockages we have created for ourselves using whatever we have energized during the retrograde to be brought into our physical and manifest existence.

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