Archive for September, 2013

Full Moon in Pisces

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, Moon Tide, The Temple of the Moon, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on September 19, 2013 by themagickalpen


Full Moon in Pisces

Sun in Virgo

The Mutable Water of Pisces expressed within the Mutable Earth of Virgo

Today the moon is Full in the astrological sign of Pisces. Pisces offers the energy of compassion and intuitive sight and is considered the path of understanding. It is the last sign of the Zodiac and could be considered the Elder in the cycle. This sign stands at the place of endings and heralds in the bridge that will move towards the re-birthing of Aries- the youngest of the zodiac signs. Drawing on what has preceded from the other signs, each in turn and finally brought to conclusion, Pisces is driven by emotional response. Although, there is not always the appropriate discernment applied to determine what is real and what is illusion. Just as the older person looks to past experience to draw their conclusions in the present, Pisces gathers everything to itself, but is not always well equipped to sort through with the same emotional dexterity that youth would bring.

The ruling planet of Pisces is Neptune (with a co-ruler of Jupiter). This presents as emotional release that is expansive and can become all pervasive, drowning the holder of this energy in their own emotional outpour. If allowed to flow in this way, these energies are non-productive and compassion becomes martyrdom. This overflow is the by-product of its co-ruler Jupiter, whose primary function is expansion without consideration of the container within which it exerts its potency. The modality and element of Pisces is Mutable Water. This is the place of flexibility of emotions and insight with the caution given to be mindful that the flexible nature does not over stress the container. Therefore, the need to create stronger and less permeable boundaries is of high priority. In this way the waters may be guided towards the appropriate space of opening to which they will become the new source feeding into the greater river of humanity as healer and source of compassionate sanctuary.

The support of this Full Moon’s energies is found in the Solar Month of Virgo. The astrological sign of Virgo is Mutable Earth. This provides a flexible, yet fertile foundation upon which to sort through the details of what will newly be started. This is the opportunity for analytical and precise organization and inventory of those emotions and insights of the Pisces Moon that serve and those that drain and water-log progress. Taking time to see our flaws and weaknesses in the strength of the sun allows us to heal and grow through transformation. Healing is the work of Pisces and aligning with your intuitive self opens those flood gates so that what is contained behind their restrictive bars may flow freely; hidden and locked away no longer.

Making use of the attributes of the Moon and the Sun and their respective astrological signs the opportunity is one of Water (Pisces Moon) of Earth (Virgo Sun). These are the waters that are needed and thirstily drawn in for fertile and productive growth on the land. These are the waters that smooth and polish the ragged rocks of our daily experience that provide resistance to the natural river’s flow. These are the waters that provide safe haven and hold the mysteries of the depths that make up the vast amount of the earth’s surface; teeming with an even greater diversity of life. These are the waters that ebb and flow at the moon’s call, responsive and reactive to the universal energy and ever flowing in the cycle that comes to its peak of potential at each of the full moons.

Suggestions for Meditative Focus or Esbat Working:

These themes may be used in mediation tonight or woven into a working for your Esbat ritual.

A Clear Flowing Stream

Spend some time thinking about where you have recently felt drained emotionally. Breathe deeply into this area of feeling. As you exhale, allow these feelings to move as though flowing gently in a stream of water. Look upon the waters as they flow and see them as clear running waters flowing out and away from you.

A Pathworking of Healing

The Healing Temple

Sitting in a space where you will not be disturbed, take a moment to make conscious note of your surroundings and the physicality of your being in this space. Gently close your eyes and turn your awareness to the pattern of your breath. Allow your breathing to lengthen and relax into a calm and steady rhythm.

Shift your attention to the space between your brows and the inner screen of your meditative conscious mind. Sit as observer of this screen, taking note of the form of this inner landscape. Now see yourself standing and walking towards this inner screen. A pin- point of violet light forms just ahead of you and begins expanding in diameter as you walk towards it. When you arrive at the place of being immediately in front of this violet veil, it has expanded, stretched and opened to become an arched gateway. The faint glimmer of starlight flickers within its opening and you feel called to step into this place.

You step through this archway and find yourself in the center of a circular room. The walls are a shade of light sky blue and the floor is emerald green marble. You look upwards and see that the room appears to open and the vast panoramic view of stars twinkling offers view overhead. The room smells of Frankincense and is quiet and serene in ambiance. As you look around at the walls enclosing this space you take note of the sensation that the blues are variant in color and the impression is almost one of being encased within a glass structure and submerged in the depths of a clear beautiful ocean.

The floor sparkles like the facets of a freshly polished emerald and light and shadow co-mingle; entwined like lovers moving in the ecstasy of union. Take a moment to breathe deeply and take in the calming energy of this space. As you exhale you see that a chair is placed centrally in the room. It is ornately carved and made of fragrant wood. You approach and sit down, feeling the resiliency and gentle support of this chair. You sit for a moment and allow your body to rest in its supple support.

As you breathe slowly and deliberately you begin to form the intent for this healing work. Draw up in your mind’s eye the vision of yourself, whole and functioning in a thriving and healthy manner. Now, speak softy the intent of this healing. Speak the words that form this intention of what needs healing and what needs release so that process may begin. As you begin to speak you see that the space of floor around you glows in vibrancy. Each word enlivens and informs this space of living energy. You continue to speak the words of release of what needs healing and they drop away from you, falling into this living mass of vibrant healing green energy. You pause now to allow the intent to fill the space surrounding you. The energy of green veil rising upward and encircling you as it draws from the space the words of release you have spoken. Sit in the energy of this healing release; quietly and simply observing each and every word as it is absorbed by this healing green energy.

The green veiling subsides and withdraws back to the floor beneath. You feel energized and have clearer intent about what you now wish to call into your being and this space as whole, enlivened and healthy energy. As you think on what these words shall be, you notice that the energy of the blue walls moves gently inwards towards you. You begin to speak the words of power and healing that affirm your renewed and whole state of being. Each word is held for a moment in a soft veil of blue soothing energy and then is enlivened and transformed into a sparkling bead of blue light. You continue with the affirmations and take note that the blue beads are increasing in amount and the vibrancy of their glow is palpable in feeling and intent. Speak all that you need, amassing as much of this transformed energy as you feel is needed. The air surrounding you is electrified with the energy of these intentions you have formed and you feel energized and enlivened. When you have spoken all that is needed, take a moment to sit and observe the beauty and power of this veil of pulsing blue light encircling you. Make note of how alive and responsive each of these intentions is. Affirm the potency of their nature and the power held within the core of their being.

As you sit observing you see that the vibrancy of the blue is pulsing more quickly now and with light that is increasing in brilliance and intensity. Each breath you take seems to offer more vibrancy to the growing light held within each. This is the brilliance of healing white light holding the intent of mind, heart and will. You close your eyes in response, as the intensity and brilliance of light continues to expand filling the Temple. You breathe in and with intent and focus draw this energy into you. Each inhalation draws more of this vibrant light of brilliant healing into the core of your being and each exhalation moves it into the areas of your body that need healing and renewal. Each breath fills you with this vibrancy and each breath encourages healing and strength. Continue in this way until you feel complete, strong and revitalized.

You open your eyes and see that the room has cleared of the brilliance of this light and looking upward you take note that the stars appear to be twinkling more brightly. You feel completely at one with all that surrounds you and offer up gratitude for the healing and renewal that has occurred. Remain quietly held in this space of gratitude and renewal for as long as is needed.

When you are ready, you stand and feel a surge of strength coursing through you and a deeper sense of your own power to affect change within your self. You look around once again and the walls are now a more vibrant blue and the floor shimmers like millions of small green emeralds, each separate yet more powerful and vibrant in their combined efforts. Take a deep breath in and feel the energy of this place. Declare it as your own space of healing and renewal and affirm that you will visit this space whenever you have need for healing and enlivening.

You see the archway through which you entered just ahead of you and begin to walk towards the entryway. Each step is now stronger in its placement and more purposeful in its intended destination. You arrive at the entry way and see that the violet veil of energy is sparkling more brightly and you feel its density and plasticity of form as you step through it. You emerge and find yourself once again sitting as observer of this inner screen. You breathe into the energy of your experience and with each inhalation and gently exhale you become more fully aware of your breath; the rise and fall of your chest and the physicality of your body sitting in the space in which you began. Gently flutter your eyes open and take a few more, very deep breaths offering the intention of gratitude, health and a renewed state of being.

So Mote It Be!


The Magickal Pen Blog

The Healing Temple Pathworking

Books by R. Fennelly:
Info at

The Inner Chamber: Volume One
It’s Written in the Stars

The Elemental Year
Aligning the Elements of Self

New Moon in Virgo: Analysis and Building

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, Moon Tide with tags , , , , , , , on September 5, 2013 by themagickalpen

September 5.2013

crowsnestNew Moon in Virgo

Sun in Virgo

Let Me Break it Down

Describe to me again
In detail what it is
That you want me to do.

If you can give me
Sufficient information
I can draw a finely
Tuned conclusion.

But, if you omit the
fine points I will be
forced to search until
I have the information
I need.

I can be impetuous at times.
And, occasionally I appear to be
The neophyte who is thought
To not have nearly enough experience.

These are the qualities that
Allow me to seek and unravel
The deepest of mysteries.
I see with the eyes of
One who has not been
Jaded and corrupted by
Pre-conceived assumptions.

My attention to detail
Is rivaled by none
And my organizational skills
Are something that many
Wish they could master.

I am shrewd and analytical
And will stand strong if
Any analytical mind
Is questioned.

Some may see me as
Inert and caught up in the web
Of over-analysis and detail.
Others would praise my
Orderly and inquisitive nature.

So, next you have need
Of one whose hand moves
With meticulous grace
Seek me out.

And let me
break it down
for you.

Today the moon is New in the astrological sign of Virgo.  New Moon energy is that of beginnings and the culling together of the resources that will seed what you wish to bring to peak at the next phase of the Full Moon. The Sun has been in the sign of Virgo since August 22 and is now poised at mid-point in the strength of its energetic outpouring of Virgo’s qualities.  The combination of both sun and moon in the same astrological sign (typically the case at the time of the New Moon) gives an extra bolster to the weaving of solar light and strength and lunar shadow and emotional flow. Forged as one they are the exemplary energy of the astrological sign they hold alnd the potential for drawing fully on its resources is maximized.

Virgo is of the Mutable modality.  This is the energy of flexibility and gentle expansion so that its reach and impact will ultimately become the initializing catalyst towards something newly birthed and transformed. Mutable signs are those of endings and beginnings and they become the gateway that contracts and expands in forward movement.  Virgo is an Earth sign and as such this flexibility in terms of earth becomes the soft clay that is organized, restructured, and through careful analysis and planning is sculpted into what becomes the foundation of solid form.  This is the scaffolding upon which great endeavors can extend far and wide and the time spent in detailing and refining this priming state will stand the tests of time.

The ruling planet of Virgo is Gemini.  This is the energy of communications and creative use of all expressions that serve to inform.  Analysis and reforming conclusions based upon what is brought to light  are key components in working with Virgo’s energy.

When the moon is New in Virgo, workings and meditations that uncover the strengths and weaknesses of what you are hoping to set as your foundations for growth and expansion are maximized.  The trick is in remaining deliberate and unbiased in what your assessments are without being over judgmental with misplaced attention on what is not the priority.  Enter into this process of detail with perfect love and perfect trust, knowing that your highest good stands as the foundational core of what is produced from these efforts.

Take some time this evening to reflect on what it is you want to craft as a new foundation from which to grow.  What are those aspects of your current state that have become outworn and are no longer serving as stable supports to what you really want?  What has remained strong and viable that you wish to expand upon and bring to a greater depth of core stability?  As you call up these strengths, envision them as the scaffolding that will bolster what is in process and be the standing point to move upwards from as you build anew. As the days move towards the Full Moon on September 19th see the image of this new building growing and strengthening infused with loving care and attention to detail.

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