Archive for the Eclipses Category

New Moon in Capricorn-Take it Slow

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, capricorn, Eclipses, New Moon, Uranus on January 5, 2019 by themagickalpen

January 5.2019
8:28p.m. (EST)

Partial Solar Eclipse
8:41p.m. (EST)

We stand in the shadow of a New Moon in earthy astrological Capricorn, fired in the backdraft of Uranus stationing direct on January 2nd. New Moons flow abundantly in the potential of what can be. We have the additional support of the Solar Month cloaked in the strength of Capricorn; the energies of Mother Moon and Father Sun holding the power and cardinal energy of scaling the heights as you plunge into the depths (the Sea-Goat of Capricorn).

Uranus is a planet of electrical impulse. It is the higher amplification of Mercury’s communicative style. Mercury aligns as the phone’s switchboard and Uranus is the motherboard of a computer that is instantaneous and lightning speed in relay. When this planet stations retrograde, the build up of neuro-electric energy is palpable. People become short tempered and irritable as information pulses through at speeds that are not easily traversed. So, this New Moon is directly in the line of Uranian energy that provides the backdraft to light things up as new trails are blazed.

Capricorn’s energy is one of slow and precise placement. As an earth sign, this lends a heavier action to all that proceeds from this Sea-Goat’s movement. The tendency is often to remain solidly anchored in place’ hesitant and unsure of the footing, despite having the innate and organic balance and stability much like the goat traversing a very steep slope.

Partial Solar Eclipse

In the waxing light of the New Moon, a partial Solar Eclipse is underway at 8:41p.m.

In the dance Divine, the Sun and Moon line up (see diagram) with the Moon passing through Earth and Sun. We have a triad of earth energy flowing. Fire (Sun) of Earth (Capricorn)- Water (Moon) of Earth (Capricorn) and Earth of EARTH (our planetary home).

What a grounded way to launch the first New Moon of 2019! This night will launch beginnings that are solid and filled with the power of manifest form. This night will gather the enlivening of the Sun-flowing into the healing of the Moon as we stand in bounty of Earth and all of her glory. Take it slow and ease into what you wish to bring into fullness as the Moon waxes Full in Leo on January 21st…

Many blessings in this New Year!

Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse and Retrograde Mars Opposition! Envision That!

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Eclipses on July 27, 2018 by themagickalpen

July 27.2018

Full Moon in Aquarius
4:20p.m. (EDT)

Total Lunar Eclipse
Begins 6:24p.m. (UTC)
Peak 8:22p.m. (UTC)
Ends 10:19p.m. (UTC)

Sun in Leo
Retrograde Mars in Aquarius

To say that there is a lot going on today in the celestial skies above would be an understatement. Full Moons always shake things up a bit; the ebb and flow of the Lunar tides calling us into the presence and space of our intuitive nature. The dance of opposing energies that play out between the Moon and Sun-always this choreographed movement during a Full Moon – engage our Will and Strength (Sun) to exert just enough tension (opposition) with our more Nurturing and Heart-Felt (Moon) state of being to make for interesting dynamics and the opportunity for renewed perspective about the role each of these Lunar and Solar qualities have in our life’s experience.

Add a Total Lunar Eclipse (not a usual event) where the Moon turns red as it passes in its entirety through the shadow of the Earth, now poised mid-point between Sun and Moon. You could also say that to some degree the Earth metaphorically becomes the point of fulcrum between either spectrum of placement of Sun and Moon. It is after all the focal point of our world view.

And, just to make things interesting, retrograde Mars; another expression of will and action that asserts and inserts itself where it is needed, is in a rare alignment joining the oppositions created by the Moon and Earth, and is placed in opposition to the Leo Sun’s charismatic magnetism. Whew! What a configuration for envisioning action (Mars) infused by w(W)ill and cooled by a lunarscape of visionary breath. Let me break that thought down for you…

Sun in Astrological Leo

Five days ago (July 22nd) we transitioned from the comfort of a solar month of watery astrological Cancer into the fires of astrological Leo. Leo is ruled by the Sun, so the energy during this solar month is always heated, electrically charged and serves as a place to exert yourself and stand in the bright light of your will-filled power. Leo is after all the Lion that issues the warning roar of protection and can be the most tender of beasts for those it brings into its pride.

Full Moon in Astrological Aquarius

Just as the Sun stands in light and a power that is laden with sheer will, action and strength, the Moon offers the necessary healing and care that the fluidity of ebb and flow (contraction and expansion) offers just as the waters of the oceans cradle and guard the life that is abundant within them. Aquarius is primed as a sign of Air to stimulate those waters, fill them with life-sustaining oxygen and change the cause of direction to one that can only be imagined and envisioned as to what that final reach may impact. There is a wisdom that now flows in the light of the Full Moon that can become the milky scrying surface that disperses the clouds of illusion and sets its sights on what can be-come.

Retrograde Mars in Astrological Aquarius

Mars is vibrant, pure action and the dynamism of assertion driven purely by self-motivated will. How that will out-pictures is the sticking point within Mar’s energy and also the reason for the often bad rap that Mars gets as being overly aggressive in force. We tend to gather around those ideals that reflect harmonious and peaceful sentiments, but the reality is that too much passiveness is just as detrimental towards real growth and forward momentum as too much force. Finding and fueling the skills of self-awareness and moderation allow for the use of both standing your ground and charging full speed ahead, adapting with flexibility and in accord with what is necessary for the imagined outcome. The additional potency of Mars being retrograde can be thought of as an opportunity to really think and feel before acting. Yes, things will feel uncomfortable, because any Retrograde brings an intensity of introspection on those qualities that are in resonance with the planet’s raw energy. And, I would also add that awareness of this Mars retrograde, particularly in light of the state of affairs both domestically and globally, can be used productively in thinking and feeling before you react in a way that fuels and feeds the fires you are most strongly opposed to.

Alignments, Oppositions and Full Moon Intentions

This is one way to use the energy and power of this cosmic opportunity. Imagine yourself as the embodiment of the Earth; stable, strong and life-sustaining as vessel and abode for your own humanity. The Moon fills you with the light of its fullness, the wisdom of its intuitive vision and you engulf it in the shadow of your embrace. You stand facing the beauty of this Moon’s grace and the red blush of blood’s wisdom and love’s ardor moves through the milky white peaks of cresting waves of insight. Breathe into this wisdom and into the space of Earth.

You feel, also the heat of the Sun behind you. The strength and charge of its magnificence and brilliance of its never-ending Light pour onto and into you. That which is your primal nature of protection and ferocity peaks and you are empowered in a way that pulses with magnetic resonance.

Energy wells up within you and you are called to action as Mars aligns with you; Moon, Mars and Earth, now receiving from one another as the Sun shines in a line of opposition to you. The power of movement and action loosened what has held you inert and feeling powerless. And, the wisdom of seeing multiple outcomes from your actions (Mars in Aquarius), now seeps into you, stirring you, awakening you.

A Final Thought…

Fire (Sun, Leo, Mars) and Air (Aquarius) prime the Waters (Moon) of the Earth we have manifested, inhabit and embody. The tension created between that Fire and Air (Leo and Aquarius) are the reminder that to be in opposition means that what may fan the flames may also extinguish. The message here is that temperance and allowing each to find its place of dominance. This tension is one that brought the cosmos into being, and if we are not mindful and respectful will cause irreparable change and destruction.

Blessings of this Celestially Auspicious Date!


Some Great Links:

Century’s Longest Eclipse
Brightest Mars Since 2003


An Eclipse of the Heart-New Moon in Cancer

Posted in Auspicious Days, Eclipses, New Moon on July 12, 2018 by themagickalpen

New Moon in Cancer
10:48p.m. (EDT)

Partial Solar Eclipse
9:48p.m. (EDT)


Lady Moon begins her new journey towards fullness tonight at 10:48p.m. (EDT) as she wears the cloak of astrological Cancer’s soothing home. As with each New Moon, the Sun and Moon share the same astrological sign and in this case the heartbeat of Mother Moon will move more deeply across the face of Father Sun as the second Solar (Partial) Eclipse of 2018 occurs beginning at 9:48p.m. (EDT).

A New Moon signifies an opportunity to reset or begin a new path towards what you wish to bring into fruition and fullness at the next phase of Full Moon. This may take several iterations for completion or simply be a goal that is easily fulfilled within one lunar month’s cycles of New/Full/Dark Waning. Now, dress that intention with whatever astrological sign Lady Moon is wearing. This moon wears the watery face of Cancer and appropriately this astrological sign is Cardinal in modality, which gives an added boost to starting things anew. The Cardinal Modality is one of initiating and catalyzing whatever is set upon its course. The aspect of water here is one of support offered by the Moon Herself, as Queen and holder of the mysteries of deep emotion, healing, intuitive openings and all that pulls at the heartstrings of ebb and flow. Cancer adds the quick start of water that lay close to home and hearth, and gently ripples through all that we know and call family, support and home. This is the space of emotional security.

The Solar energy of astrological Cancer, now at its mid-point, acts as the supportive Father providing just enough heat and movement to initiate an offspring that will bask in the security of Mother (Moon in Cancer) and Father (Sun) who seek the best integration of heart (water) and will (fire) used appropriately to effect change and growth.

A Partial Solar Eclipse:

….“An eclipse of the Sun (or solar eclipse) can only occur at New Moon when the Moon passes between Earth and Sun. If the Moon’s shadow happens to fall upon Earth’s surface at that time, we see some portion of the Sun’s disk covered or ‘eclipsed’ by the Moon. Since New Moon occurs every 29 1/2 days, you might think that we should have a solar eclipse about once a month. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen because the Moon’s orbit around Earth is tilted 5 degrees to Earth’s orbit around the Sun. As a result, the Moon’s shadow usually misses Earth as it passes above or below our planet at New Moon. At least twice a year, the geometry lines up just right so that some part of the Moon’s shadow falls on Earth’s surface and an eclipse of the Sun is seen from that region.

The Moon’s shadow actually has two parts:

1. Penumbra – The Moon’s faint outer shadow. Partial solar eclipses are visible from within the penumbral shadow.
2. Umbra – The Moon’s dark inner shadow.Total solar eclipses are visible from within the umbral shadow.
When the Moon’s penumbral shadow strikes Earth, we see a partial eclipse of the Sun from that region.”… Read More at

A (partial) Eclipse of the Heart:

…..”The partial solar eclipse of July 13, 2018, will take place almost entirely over open water. Because the eclipse will arrive during the Southern Hemisphere’s winter, most of Antarctica will be experiencing “polar nights.” During these periods, the sun does not rise for days, weeks or months at a time. But the partial solar eclipse will briefly pass over the illuminated edge of the continent that lies just south of Australia. Skywatchers on the very southern coasts of Australia and New Zealand might catch brief views of the eclipse.

This partial eclipse will begin at 9:48 p.m. EDT on July 13 (0148 GMT on July 12), reaching its maximum magnitude of 0.3367 at 11:01 p.m. EDT (0301 GMT). Eclipse magnitude is what fraction of the sun’s diameter is covered by the moon”…. Read More at

I thought this was quite interesting when I read the above, given the potential for this New Moon and seeking what will serve as the starters for healing. The intimate exchange between Sun and Moon occurs over a space of open water. Perhaps, this is the space of our personal awakening of a heartscape that is receptive to moving calmly along the tides’s rise and fall. Emotions flare and ebb, just as the tides and in the current environment it is all too easy to allow emotions to flood through us, submerging us in waters that churn in an unproductive cycle of anger, mistrust and disbelief.

I choose to turn my intent towards the dreams, hopes, healing and wishes (Moon) that arise as I bask in the solar enlivening energy, rising higher from the manifest world (Earth) of form. Or, another way to think on this is that I choose to let heart (Moon) and will (Sun) move into the dane of the Higher Self in communication (Middle Self) with all that I am in this physical space of Earthy flesh, bone and mind that seeks healing and hope. I choose an eclipse of the heart that catalyzes change…

What will you choose?

Read More:

Astrological Cancer
Bonus Pathworking: The Hall of Cancer
What If? New Moon in Cancer
The Magick of Cancer

Solar Eclipse
The Solar Eclipse of Great Shadow

Moon Phase Magick
A Year and A Day on the Wiccan Path: Solar and Lunar Magick

The Parts of s/SELF
Magickal Alignment:The Parts of Self

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