Archive for October, 2017

The Beauty of a New Darkness-New Moon in Libra

Posted in Astrology, Esbat, Libra, New Moon on October 19, 2017 by themagickalpen

New Moon in Libra
3:12p.m. (EDT)

Sun in Libra

The moon waxes new this afternoon in the astrological sign of Cardinal (beginnings and catalyzing) Libra. Libra is of the Air element and its symbol is scales of balance. Its focus is that of balancing and harmonizing the mental process through the vision of beauty and refinement; think of image of Venus on the half shell.

I decided to do something a little different for this writing and placed the energies available for this moon’s phase in the context of astrological fiction. The piece is entitled, “The Beauty of a New Darkness”, an astrological tale in 3-parts.

As the solar energies are in their very last potency aligned with Libra and readying to transit into a new solar month of Scorpio on October 23rd. and we are nearing Samhain’s gates, it seemed like an appropriate expression of creativity to offer. Enjoy…

The Beauty of a New Darkness

Prelude: Part One
Act One: Part Two
Act Two: Part Three

Rekindling Hope! Full Moon in Aries

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Esbat, Full Moon, Libra, Retrogrades, Uranus on October 4, 2017 by themagickalpen

October 5.2017
Full Moon in Aries

The Harvest Moon glows brightly and large in the night sky on Thursday in the astrological sign of Cardinal Fire, Aries. This moon brings with it the fires of new beginnings (Cardinal) around how we choose to act ( or react) and exert our will. And, it also brings the gift of refreshing the fires that hold us strong in our power.

The Harvest Moon is the full moon closest in date to the Autumnal Equinox (September 22.2017, this year). So, we might say that esoterically, this Full Moon brings with it the energy of a balanced point of space (the Equinox) allowing for the synthesis and integration of what has preceded it and flowing into what will come. This is also bolstered by the annual transit of the Sun into Libra, balance of mind and refinement of what evolves and flows into the next solar month of Scorpio.

We are all feeling charred and dampened down in spirit after the events of these past two months. Natural disasters, irrational and deadly behaviors and everywhere loss of life and or the security of home. We have all been effected by these, whether we have been in the midst of the crisis or safe and secure watching from afar; we are all part of the human experience and condition. And, so we feel the rippling out of waves of fear and loss of hope.

This full moon is an opportunity to revisit the enthusiasm and unstoppable hope that the innocence of childhood brings. Aries, is the first sign of the Great Wheel and being Cardinal Fire is the catalytic first spark that sets into motion the story woven through each of the astrological signs and stages of development that occur from there forward. It is exactly this energy that we can use to reset our emotions and feed and reignite the flame of hope we carry within.

Uranus Retrograde

The planet, Uranus, carries the full pulse of electrical charge that is the higher amplification of Mercury’s communicative flash. Its energy is one of pure impulse and works directly on the neural pathways. The Uranus retrograde ( since August 2nd – January 2.2018) has methodically exposed the raw nerve that electrifies our neurological system and the resultant flight or fight instinct. As events have been amping up in intensity and impulsiveness, our autonomic responses have also been heightened. Let’s scale that electrical impulse back a bit and allow the Moon in Aries to cancel out some of the overwhelming charge.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, another reactionary energy whose prime directive is that of action and movement. What is often overlooked with Mars energy is that we have choice as to whether we move forward, charging blindly ahead and without a plan or take the time to fuel the fires of its action in a planned and intention-filled way that will pull us forward and out of the mire that weighs us down without simply spinning our wheels in futile anxiety driven effort. So, what I am proposing is to allow Uranus to open the pathways and then fill them with the inspiration of Aries’ fires of renewal and let them flush through the darkened emotion ladened waters (Moonscape) bringing light and a vision of hope that is guided by youth’s undaunted spirit.

The Sun in Libra

The Libran Sun seeks balance and the restoring of harmony filtered through the conceptualization of thought (Libra is an Air sign). Add this to the mix of renewed hope and clarity and let the strengthening of the Sun restore balance and allow you to see with clarity and purpose. In this way, we are able to choose our battles, speak on behalf of those who have lost their voice, contribute our energy to restoring hope to those who have lost the most and much, much more. In other words, refill your storehouse so that you have the reserves needed when you are called upon to help another.

I stand outside bathed in a warm glow of light and the Harvest Moon whispers to me…

I know your secrets
I know your joys
I know your sorrows
I know who you are.

I have seen all that
Has been is and will be.

I have seen evolution and growth
Devolution and decay
And the ebb and flow of
My waters have brought from
The sea of creation life that
Will begin the cycle anew.

Peace and community
War and famine
Building and destruction
Wisdom and arrogance.

I have know all of these
Things and yet I remain
Watchful and filled with hope
For the potential I see.

The land is filled with
Potential for what the next
Planting and harvest will bring.

You are filled with potential for
What your next actions and offerings
Will bring.

I know your secrets and now
You know my mysteries and the
Gift of your place within them.

I invite you to take 25 minutes and join me in a pathworking to stabilize and refuel as the Harvest Moon looms large and glows with the warming orange light of renewal.

Rekindling Hope! A Pathworking of Renewal

Link to File on Bandcamp

Link to File on Teachings on the Path Main Webpage

Want to know more about the Harvest Moon; Moon names and more…

Check out EarthSky

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