Archive for the The Temple of Mercury Category

Speak! Speak Not!-New Moon in Gemini and Retrograde

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Esbat, Gemini, Mercury, New Moon, Retrogrades, The Temple of Mercury, The Temple of the Sun, Waxing Moon on May 18, 2015 by themagickalpen

May 18.2015

New Moon in Gemini

Mercury Retrograde
May 18 @ 9:50pm – June 11

The Moon waxed New in the early hours of the morning in the astrological sign of Gemini. Gemini is the sign of mind and communication. So, this New Moon brings with it the opportunity to re-craft how we communicate and more importantly build in a waxing effort the creative expression of that communication. As the New Moon also announces the soon to be transition of Sun into the same sign, beginnings and fresh starts are additionally enhanced when the Sun spends a complete solar cycle in that sign’s energy giving it the strengthening and support that began as the gentle flow of Mother Moon’s caress.

In this cycle, the Moon arrives at Gemini prior to the Sun moving into place. This means that Father Sun is in its last burst of the fertile and firmly anchored Taurean energy before it transits into its astrological Temple of Gemini on Thursday, May 1st. This energy lights the way for a more structured and manifest foundation and forging the connection between heaven’s ebb and flow  and earth’s cradle of solidarity.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and the deft hand and agility in moving from one expression to the other typically opens the way for interactions and the sharing of thoughts, ideas and creative efforts is in peak form. The day’s energy began that way, but the Mercury Retrograde that will take hold tonight will slow things down and make clarity a bit more tenuous to achieve.

The general feeling for this Moon and the next few weeks ahead will be one something like the conversation that occurs when bits of information randomly slip out and the speaker catches themselves quickly and abruptly shutting up so as not to spill more details that should remain in unsaid. This is largely because of the Mercury Retrograde that tends to slow down the normally rapid processing of Gemini’s style of communication and it is this slowing down that is the caution of communications being  misunderstood and left to shoddy translation.

Speak Not!
Mercury Retrograde

Astrologically, when a planet changes direction in its normal path of progression through the zodiac, this is called a “station”.  The planet’s progress slows down in is orbit until it appears to pause in its motion giving the appearance of moving backwards. The Retrograde Station occurs when the planet begins this slowing down and seeming movement backwards.  The Direct Station occurs when the forward motion of the planet begins again.

Whatever astrological sign the planet retrogrades in gives added emphasis and more intensity to how the planet expresses its own energy now given a full and prolonged dose of the sign’s own specificities.  These highly potent effects can be building or waning (depending on which end of the station you find yourself) for days prior or after. Much like, the concentrated effort needed in slowing down to come to a traffic light, pausing, and then having to carefully and incrementally apply enough gas to reach your top speed again.

Mercury remains retrograde through June 11th. which is approx. half of the Solar cycle of Gemini. The usual ability to strengthen and give more clarity to communication in all of its styles will be dimmed a bit by the focus on reiteration and further digesting of what has already been said and done. And, although many bemoan the dreaded Mercury Retrograde, this can be a truly rewarding time to give more attention to what is being presented to you.

We live in a highly active society where barely a second can pass before that text is answered and another is on its way. We are bombarded with video and audio stimuli continually and even in the quiet of our rest at night, if there is reliance on the cell phone for  a waking alarm, the subtle waves of technology are communicating with sleep cycles and more. With these statements being made, I will also suggest that a mercury Retrograde is exactly the hiatus much needed to re-tune us to a place of greater observation and deeper connection simply by listening more intently to what is being said, communicated or otherwise expressed.

So, as we enter this ebb and flow of waxing moon kicking us off in the direction of “speak not-unless it be profoundly filled with attention and presence in the moment” I will honor this New Moon as one that allows me to breathe into my communications in preparation for the lessons to be learned in the space of silence created y Mercury’s pause.

Other Readings:

Temple of Mercury
Temple of the Sun: Gemini

Full Moon in Gemini- Your Call Cannot Be Connected As Dialed…..

Posted in Esbat, Full Moon, Gemini, Jupiter, Lunar, Magick, Sagittarius, The Temple of Mercury, The Temple of the Sun with tags , , , , , , on December 5, 2014 by themagickalpen

Full Moon in Gemini
December 6.2014
7:27am (EST)

Sun in Sagittarius

The Moon waxes Full tomorrow morning at 7:27am (EST) in the astrological sign of Gemini (Mutable Air). The opposition of astrological energy that naturally occurs during a Full Moon phase is the tug of war between what appear to be opposing energies. In this lunation that thought is best expressed as the “party line” or shared phone line where two conversations are vying for attention at once. Each is communicating in their own unique style, but the bits and pieces of detail are lost in the gaps between who is listening to who. The strength of Solar energy is mid-point in dynamic Sagittarius; expansive in its outreach and continually seeking new trails to blaze. Now, the cooling waters of Mother Moon are ready to talk it up and stimulate the mind as She finds her voice in communicative Gemini.

The quality of Mutable Air as catalyst in stirring up the emotional seas and the Fires of expansive Sagittarius seeking to spread out and claim their own path of networking and communication can produce a highly emotive and combustible effect. Whenever Mind comes on line, particularly the Gemini mind that can change direction as easily as a chameleon adapts to its surrounding’s color we have a potential for emotions being expressed that were fleeting and pertinent in the moment but dissipate as soon as rationale enters the picture. Add to this the Solar expression of Sagittarius, that seeks and seeks and seeks to find suitable burning ground and you have the dynamics for kindling sparks of idea, fueled by a desirous heart that may overextend and burn out before any real progress is made. Using the analogy of a phone call, imagine several lines of connection that get tangled in the transmission causing miscommunication to ensue with neither party reaching the intended recipient.

Please Hang Up and Try Again…..


The solution lies in the effort of trying. For each and every bright area that courses through the night sky of fully lit waters, just breathe and allow it to move of its own accord and land where it may. Although intent is the key ingredient in successful magickal work, so is knowing when to simply allow the desires to flow and let them blaze their own paths of connection. This also means standing firmly in a place of trust, that all will be communicated in the way that it should.

From a perspective of elemental correlate, we have the opposition of Sun in Sagittarius or Fire of Fire and Moon in Gemini- Air of Water. Water is the natural opponent of Fire as it extinguishes and heals what has been burnt. Air both feeds and extinguishes Fire; one setting the blaze higher and the other by its blustery gust creates lights out. So how do we use this info? My favorite analogy and one that I apply frequently to this particular astrological set-up is setting an exposed wire (Fire) in a pan of water (Water) and Electricity (Air and communication) sparks and sputters creating light.

This is an excellent Full Moon configuration for creating new pathways of thought pattern and using the emotional to guide the current of electrified charge that runs through it. Brainstorming and then passing these ideas through the filter of how they “feel” and what desires to bring them to life (Light) get fired up can go a long way towards reaching out a little further beyond what your normal selective process would be.

So plug in, and let those calls flow from mind to heart. Be receptive to what is communicated and then continue to leave that line open as you move through the waning of the Moon. What is viable and a stable and reliable connection will establish itself as that which is frequently called for insight and clarity. You may get a few busy signals as you tap into the greater network of other’s similar seekings, but keep the line open and try again.   With persistence you will soon have all of the circuit board lit up, effectively networking and beginning new ways of dialing in.

Chicago-CTA Switchboard-Operator-Merchandise-Mart-1957

Image: Switchboard Operator. Yes this was how phone calls were relayed way back when!

Resources and Reflections

Gemini in Related Posts:

Temple of the Sun: Gemini
The Temple of Mercury
New Moon in Gemini:Brainstorming
Waxing Moon in Gemini:Talking Waters

The Temple of the Moon:
Day Twenty-Five: The Epiphany of Silence: Waning Moon in Gemini
Day Twenty-Four: Talk It Up: Waning Moon in Gemini

Bonus Post
December 8.2014
Jupiter Retrograde


Next Post

A Tree of Fiber-Optics


Sun in Virgo – The Details of the Tree

Posted in The Temple of Mercury, The Temple of the Sun, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on August 31, 2014 by themagickalpen


Each crevice is etched deeply
And each tells the greater
Story of my many years.

Water has moved through
Insects have burrowed deep
And found shelter from
Weather’s piercing bite.

I stand tall and strong
Because of the many
Segments that make up
The core of my being.

My bark is roughened
And my branches spread
In a canopy of grace
Each reaching back into
The furrows of my
Creviced trunk.

As we enter the Temple of the Sun, Qabalistically we are entering into connection with the central sphere on the Tree of Life, Tiphareth. The name given this sphere is Beauty and the energy is one of synthesis through sacrifice and integration through refinement of the sum of all of its parts. This is much the same energy that we experience in the course of a Solar year. The energy of each of the Zodiacal signs, their element and modality are modified and expressed through the brilliance of the Sun. And, in keeping with the evolutionary process of movement from one sign to the next, each is informed by the previous sign’s energy and contributes a part of its dynamic into the sign that follows. Please see the end of this post for recommendations about learning more about the Tree of Life.

Virgo and Mercury on the Tree

Astrologically, we have learned that Virgo is ruled by the master communicator- Mercury. Every interaction we have, every thought and idea, and every act of creative expression is a form of Mercury’s endeavors to inform, share and interconnect.

Within the Qabalistic Tree, Virgo and Mercury hold sway in the Sphere of Hod and the Paths of the Tree – 12th and 2oth. When we speak of the energy of Virgo as offering the details of the Tree we are considering the primary directive of Virgo to establish detailed and concise energy that can be effectively communicated and used to create in a concrete and physical way. This energy is expressed in the details of each of the spheres energies and the synthesized action of the connecting paths in processing this pure essence. We find this informed action expressed in the pure mind of the Qabalistic sphere of Hod.

Hod (Mercury) and Tiphareth (Sun)
Virgo Master Tree

Tiphareth and the Sun

Each of the Sephiroth and connecting Paths of the Tree of Life holds correspondence with a planetary and/or zodiacal energy. The physical Sun stands centrally within our solar system, providing light and heat. Tiphareth provides the space of transformation and the full force generator that distributes what is processed so it may be utilized and transmuted by whatever it emanates its energy into. This is the sacrificial aspect of this sphere. This is the action of enlivening within its own source to ensure the continuation of the creative process begun within the other components of the Tree. So we begin in this central hub of universal energy and move out towards the flow of energy represented by the essence of Pure Mind that is the sphere of Hod.

Hod: The Sphere of Pure Mind

Scintillating mind of reason and intellect
Whose course is drawn from
The halls of libraries’ tomes.

Echoes of the One emanate down
Into the hollow of conductivity.

The blueprint of electric charge and
Inspiration’s whim creating the
Alchemical tube to hold the elixir of
Manifest form.

Teachings and truths spun together
And finally issued forth flow on
The currents of communication
And Hermes sets in stone the power
Of mind and word.

Hod is the eighth (8th) Sphere. Within the energy of the number 8 is great power and the sacrifice of contraction and expansion. The holding and funneling of what wishes to expand and then the ultimate release into a great circle of expansive formlessness. It is also the doubling of the stability and foundation expressed by the number four. It is the mirroring of two bases of four sides that reflect back to one another in perfect symmetry. The union of Higher and Lower Mind, the duality and polarity of pairs that have been elevated upon a strong and durable foundation.

Hod is assigned the element of Water. This water is typified as the flow of mind in constant and continual movement. It is the constant stream of download that runs a pure and unspoiled course with the singular goal of informing whatever is in receipt of its inspiration. Some of this channel will be collected and brought further down into the filters that will determine final manifestation, but most will remain in constant movement of flow until one droplet of viable potential ripples outward in its effect.

The Sphere of Communication

The Planetary ruler of Hod is Mercury, so it is fitting that this sphere is considered the sphere of communication. Within its rationale and reasoning are the tools that may be used in discovering the deeper mystery contained within information. It is through the crystal clarity of pristine thinking that enables a better and more efficient means of communicating what knowledge has been extracted. It is also this modality that makes Hod the ideal energetic support for ritual work. Effective ritual and devotional practice are honed from clear and purposeful intent. If that intent is not objectively informed the resulting product of that ritual will not be as strong or as durable in form and focus. If, however, objective thought and clear Higher Mind is working in accord with focused intent, the results become the inroads and precursors to future successful magick, devotional or spiritual practice.

To read more about Mercury’s energies, review the posts in:

The Temple of Mercury

The 20th Path: Virgo and Mercury

20th Path

My physical form glows from
The discipline of my practice.

My body of light revealed in
The actions and will of my
Greater work upon the path.

I fuel its light with the devotion
Of service and the breath of the
Divine flows in response to the
Circuit of light held within.

The 20th Path is one of tempering will. The energy of the connecting spheres is powerful and both have risk of overwhelming the other. The pure essence of merciful and right action held within Chesed and the willingness to sacrifice and act as catalytic force held within Tiphareth are best used when collaboratively informed. The lesson of their coalesce energy is one of achieving a state of grace that has been cultivated through accountability and justifiable action.

This path expresses the power of reclaiming control of the will and reaching up towards a more balanced way of expressing that will. Without the conscience as guide will can exert itself aggressively and become the tool of tyrants and manipulators. If conscience guides the way, merciful action may step in to lead the misguided will towards a state of grace. Chesed has the broader perspective and the experience of Geburah’s might as resource.

The Planetary/Zodiacal Energy

Mercury is the ruling planet of the astrological sign of Virgo. In its expression of interaction with Virgo, communication is a result of careful analysis and applied categorization of its effects in manifest form.

Virgo is of the element Earth and provides the foundation strength that is the base of the highest mountain or the deep reaching roots of the tallest tree. It maintains the structure based upon planning and exacting only what is needed in the precise amounts so that all is orderly.

These energies placed upon the 20th Path provide the tools of anchoring necessary to insure unwavering determination that can receive the expansive energy of broader vision. The nature of duality that is inherent within Mercury enables flexibility and adaptability as the potency of expansion is exacted upon Tiphareth’s state of refining process. The preciseness of Virgoan energy presents as knowing when to stop providing air to the balloon so it will not burst under the force of overdone expansion.

Another Path of Expression: Mercury on the 12th Path

The 12th Path: A Supernal of Communication


The silence breathed and life
For a moment paused
Waiting for lengthy
Exhale towards Mother’s womb
Life still un-quickened takes form
And from pain and suffering
Comes the gentle hand of
Father’s great love and grace.

The 12th Path, just as the 11th Path, serves as the beginning of opening the vessel that will become the incubator of what the Divine desires to manifest. Here we have the connection to the feminine principle of collective form and the place from which the combination of seed and ovum can emerge in descent towards final manifest form. This act of conception is the dividing of the cells of the singular whole in order to prepare the waters of quickening.

The Planetary Energy

The planet Mercury is typified by its communicative style, duality and adaptable persona. This energy is dynamic and profound in what it can draw to itself and what it can ultimately create from the information gathered. Placed upon the 12th Path, Mercury presents as the informant, ready to adapt to what is needed as the creative process takes hold within Binah’s womb as the Godhead of Kether oversees and modifies to insure the viable continuation of its emanation.

The Magician



Note: Each of the Paths of the Qabalistic Tree has the assignation of a Tarot key placed upon it as further correspondence to its energy. The Paths 11-32 are represented using the Major Arcana cards.

Tarot Key I – The Magician is the conduit of wielding the flow of universal energy from the ephemeral realms of the Divine and the manifest foundations of the Physical world. We see within the Magician the ability and knowledge to effectively create drawing from the universal laws that govern the magickal and the mundane. There is composure and assuredness in this power, yet the realization that he as well is subject to the transformative energies he is choosing to be vessel for. This is a state of control that has been finely honed and exacted with just the precise amount of force and form to produce the product of power and magick. The Magician is the interface that we hold within that contains all that is needed to produce new life and new form of Being. But, its energy may only be accessed when the all of the tools (parts of self) are acquired and mastered.

I Love this image of the magician. It has the feel of manifestation being brought into the realm of concrete reality. Sorting, analyzing and organizing very carefully planned actions. And, when all has been appropriately identified there is a pause of reflection as the master of magick contemplates the paradox of his/her work.

In Conclusion:

As we consider the attributes of Virgo and its ruling planet Mercury and their impact on the Tree of Life the prominent focus is one of creative expression of all of the finer aspects of the Tree. The key lay in the detail and when time is given to seeking those details a deeper perspective of the Tree can be developed. When we breathe into the space of what lay between what is overt we are opening to the mystery of communication that courses through our physical being in resonance to the many layers of our subtle and spiritual selves.

The stable foundation provided by Virgo’s grounding in what has been learned by diligence, hard work and truly looking at every aspect of the equation is of no value if never shared and made useable. Its seeking and outreaching style flows through the Tree reaching up towards the realms of the creative source, seeking the answers to questions of purpose and Soul’s intent. And, this stream of palpable inquiry continues in downward emanation, standing the further testing of Yesod and in the act of ultimate analysis and refinement makes its way into the manifest realm of Malkuth.

As the light of Tiphareth (Sun) shines brightly and radiates its vision of magnetic attraction throughout the multilayered branches of a tree that reaches far and wide in its expanse and impact we are reminded that in this light of curiosity and the inquisitive seeker bringing the light of newly informed foundation to all who will step upon its broad base of knowledge.


If you are not familiar with the Qabalistic Tree of Life, I would recommend reading through the article posted in my other blog, The Magickal Pen entitled “Geburah’s Might” to give you the necessary overview for an introductory base of working knowledge about the Tree. It can be found here:

The Magickal Pen: Geburah’s Might

WitchVox: 13 Keys: TheBeauty of Tiphareth

13 Keys to the Qabalistic Tree of Life

The Inner Chamber Series. R. Fennelly
Volume One: It’s Written in the Stars (2013)
Volume Two: Poetry of the Spheres (2013)
Volume Three: Awakening the Paths (2014)
Order at author’s website: Robin Fennelly

Mercury Stations Retrograde Tomorrow AM

Posted in Auspicious Days, Mercury, The Temple of Mercury, The Temple of the Sun with tags , , , , on June 6, 2014 by themagickalpen


Mercury Retrograde
June 7 – July 1.2014

We are mid-point in the Solar Month of Gemini and the ruling planet Mercury is ready to station retrograde at 7:56am tomorrow morning. Gemini’s energy has been full throttle all month having the illumined spotlight of the Sun. This retrograde offer the opportunity to “hover” in the full outpouring of Gemini’s energy and reach back into the stores of past communications, styles of expression and dual nature that are all of Gemini’s domain.

We have until July 1st (Solar Month of Watery Cancer) to explore how we interact and relate to others. The duality of Gemini is the tendency for mixed (or misunderstood) messages (even when Mercury is not Retrograde) because of the speed of processing and sharing of what the Geminian sets mental sights to. This retrograde has the added advantage of Sun being in its Zodiacal sign of rulership, so there is ample strength of will and purpose (Sun) that can be called upon as Mercury’s rapid flight slows a bit and enables a bit more integration before moving on to the next task at hand.

I invite you to read the post in the Temple of Mercury for more information and ideas relating to a Mercury Retrograde.

Meet Me at the Station

So, take a deep and sigh into the informed communication of what needs your attention and closer scrutiny. Breathe with intention and analytical observation of what rises to the surface as you allow the mental processes to slow a bit giving space and pause to fill those lungs deeply and exhale an authentic form of communication and expression that is uniquely yours.

Sun in Gemini- The Talking Tree

Posted in Mercury, The Temple of Mercury, The Temple of the Sun on June 1, 2014 by themagickalpen

I draw on the mind stream that
Flows within my veins and roots
Liquid light shines through
Beaming with pride at how
The expanse of my reach spreads
Reaching out in solemn communication.

As we enter the Temple of the Sun, Qabalistically we are entering into connection with the central sphere on the Tree of Life, Tiphareth. The name given this sphere is Beauty and the energy is one of synthesis through sacrifice and integration through refinement of the sum of all of its parts. This is much the same energy that we experience in the course of a Solar year. The energy of each of the Zodiacal signs, their element and modality are modified and expressed through the brilliance of the Sun. And, in keeping with the evolutionary process of movement from one sign to the next, each is informed by the previous sign’s energy and contributes a part of its dynamic into the sign that follows. Please see the end of this post for recommendations about learning more about the Tree of Life.

Gemini and Mercury on the Tree

Astrologically, we have learned that Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. Mercury also rules the astrological sign of Virgo (Earth and Mutable Modality). This bears note when we look at Mercury on the Tree. His planetary energy is found in three places – the sphere of Hod, Paths 12, 17 and 20. With this duality of astrological rulership, the influence of Air (Gemini) and Earth (Virgo) are molded by the energy of breath and foundation. Although one of these signs may take the lead in directing the expression and form of Mercury’s energy, the other is always present as the informing silent partner.

Hod: The Sphere of Pure Mind

On the Tree of Life, the sphere of Hod holds the pure energy that is the active principle of Mercury expressed through talkative Gemini. The English name for this sphere is Glory. To learn more of Gemini and its expression in the sphere of Hod, please read this posting in The Temple of Mercury:

The Glory of Hod

Hod (Mercury) and Tiphareth (Sun)

Tiphareth and the Sun

Each of the Sephiroth and connecting Paths of the Tree of Life, holds correspondence with a planetary and/or zodiacal energy. The physical Sun stands centrally within our solar system, providing light and heat. Tiphareth provides the space of transformation and the full force generator that distributes what is processed so it may be utilized and transmuted by whatever it emanates its energy into. This is the sacrificial aspect of this sphere. This is the action of enlivening within its own source to ensure the continuation of the creative process begun within the other components of the Tree. So we begin in this central hub of universal energy and move out towards the flow of energy represented by the think tank of pure mind that is the sphere of Hod.

Hod Tree
Gemini/Mercury (and Virgo) on the Tree

One of the goals of Gemini, and its ruling planet, Mercury on the Qabalistic Tree is opening the lines of communication and dialogue throughout the Tree. The underpinnings of these Paths are found in the expression of Air (flowing mind and intellect). Depending on what spheres are acting as the primary flow through the paths each will exemplify a form of Divine Mind acting as place of disbursing and communication. This is the action of informed intent that is both adaptable (Gemini) and grounded in the analysis of what information (Virgo) is being offered.

The 17th Path of Connection: Gemini/Mercury

17th Path
I give you the jewel of my womb
That your light may strengthen
Its form and the mystery of its
Creation may stand in full sight
For all who have cultivated their
Own Inner Light of discernment.

The 17th Path is the point of connection and awakening of the heart of Tiphareth through the gnosis of the pure essence of form. In this energy Binah stands as the Great Mother and Tiphareth as the sacrificial Father in receipt of her emanation. The 17th Path is the conduit of drawing down a portion of the pre-conceived form that strives towards being fully realized and brought into manifestation. Tiphareth (Sun) becomes the necessary place of polarization and distribution of a spark of this new life to be sent out to the other paths of connection.

This energy is one of awakening and preparing the heart of the Tree to the potential held in emanation from the division of the singular one. It is a statement of the immanence of Kether in all emanations and thus in all of creative efforts towards manifestation.

The 17th Path is assigned the element of Air. Air in this form is that of continued flow and movement. The spheres of connection are Binah, the primal birthing waters and Tiphareth, the place of tempering that flow in preparation for greater distribution. This is also the air of mind that maintains the presence of mind needed for selective application of the potent waters of Binah.

Gemini’s Gift of Duality

Mercury is the ruling planet of the astrological sign of Gemini. Quick tongued and communication specialist par excellence enabled by this energy of duality. It is this quick and adaptable nature that is represented on the 17th Path. The duality of polarized opposites of Binah (The Mother) and Tiphareth (The Father) synthesized as the primary seeds sensual awareness and discernment about what final product is offered to enliven the Tree as a whole. This is communication that is based upon the experience of holding life within the fertile waters of the sacred womb of Binah and the action of disbursement and distribution of that understanding through the essence and action of Tiphareth.

The 12th Path: The Path of Air

12th Path

The silence breathed and life
For a moment paused
Waiting for lengthy
Exhale towards Mother’s womb
Life still un-quickened takes form
And from pain and suffering
Comes the gentle hand of
Father’s great love and grace.

The 12th Path is assigned the element of Air. In its action upon this path the quality of air is one of churning the waters of the creative womb. The 11th Path provided the Air of flow and receipt that set this movement in action. On the 12th Path this flow prepares the Root of Water (Binah) for receipt of the seed of potential through the force of Chokmah. Kether as the pure essence of the Root of Air breathes the flow of its Life force into these birthing waters readying for the contraction of discharge crossing the abyss.

The 12th Path, serves as the beginning of opening the vessel that will become the incubator of what the Divine desires to manifest. Here we have the connection to the feminine principle of collective form and the place from which the combination of seed and ovum can emerge in descent towards final manifest form. This act of conception is the dividing of the cells of the singular whole in order.

Placed upon the 12th Path, Mercury presents as the informant, ready to adapt to what is needed as the creative process takes hold within Binah’s womb as the Godhead of Kether oversees and modifies to insure the viable continuation of its emanation.

Another Path of Expression: Mercury on the 20th Path

20th Path
The Planetary/Zodiacal Energy

Mercury is the ruling planet of the astrological sign of Virgo. In its expression of interaction with Virgo, communication is a result of careful analysis and applied categorization of its effects in manifest form. Virgo is of the element Earth and provides the foundation strength that is the base of the highest mountain or the deep reaching roots of the tallest tree. It maintains the structure based upon planning and exacting only what is needed in the precise amounts so that all is orderly.

These energies placed upon the 20th Path provide the tools of anchoring necessary to insure unwavering determination that can receive the expansive energy of broader vision. The nature of duality that is inherent within Mercury enables flexibility and adaptability as the potency of expansion is exacted upon Tiphareth’s state of refining process. The preciseness of Virgoan energy presents as knowing when to stop providing air to the balloon so it will not burst under the force of overdone expansion.

The 20th Path is one of tempering will. The energy of the connecting spheres is powerful and both have risk of overwhelming the other. The pure essence of merciful and right action held within Chesed and the willingness to sacrifice and act as catalytic force held within Tiphareth are best used when collaboratively informed. The lesson of their coalesce energy is one of achieving a state of grace that has been cultivated through accountability and justifiable action.

The Element of Air is placed upon the 20th Path. Air takes its form as the intuitive mind creating flashes of vision and insight into what will become as formlessness takes shape in the manifest world. Each of the Paths has a Tarot card of the Major Arcana placed upon it. On the 20th Path that card is The Hermit. This is the quintessential card that speaks of introspection, turning within and taking a closer look at what comprises the real “you”. This is the recluse that that turns to dialogue with him/herself finding solace and great knowledge in opening to communication of all parts of self. If we think about the nature of Mercury and its focus of intent upon expression and add the overlay of Virgo’s earthy and analytical methodology, the Hermit is an apt image for this Path and its energetic signature.

In Conclusion:

As we consider the attributes of Gemini and its ruling planet Mercury and their impact on the Tree of Life the prominent focus is one of adaptability, duality and expression. Gemini brings the swiftness of mind and agility of focus and clarity and thus breathes life into the Tree, making it more dynamic. The planet Mercury hones these skills of Gemini and then further refines them through the lens of Virgo as its other sign of rulership. The pairing of Air (Gemini) and Earth (Virgo) is the breeze that moves the soil upon the land exposing new paths of exploration. The strength of the mountain built by that shifting of the land serves as the wall of diversion as the hardy winds blow and funnels and redirects what would obliterate by its sheer force along currents more aptly suited.

As the light of Tiphareth (Sun) shines brightly and radiates its vision of magnetic attraction throughout the multilayered branches of a tree that reaches far and wide in its expanse and impact Gemini soars carried on the winds of breath and mind that communicate the lessons of the Tree and its informed experience.

Next Post:

June 8.2014
Temple of the Sun: The Magick of Gemini


If you are not familiar with the Qabalistic Tree of Life, I would recommend reading through the article posted in my other blog, The Magickal Pen entitled The Might of Geburah to give you the necessary overview for an introductory base of working knowledge about the Tree. It can be found here:

The Magickal Pen: Geburah’s Might

WitchVox: 13 Keys: The Glory of Hod

13 Keys to the Qabalistic Tree of Life


The Inner Chamber Series. R. Fennelly

Volume One: It’s Written in the Stars (2013)
Volume Two: Poetry of the Spheres (2013)
Volume Three: Awakening the Paths (2014)

Order at author’s website: Robin Fennelly

Full Disclosure -The Sun in Gemini

Posted in Mercury, The Temple of Mercury, The Temple of the Sun with tags , , , , , , , on May 20, 2014 by themagickalpen


Sun in Gemini

10:59 pm (EDT)

Planetary Ruler: Mercury


Arc of Time

Master of illusion
And Mistress of time
I am the mirror reflection
Of that which is reflected
Mind and its gymnastics
Of intellect move at
A speed envied by most.

I am the air that
Moves in form
Of aero-acrobatics.

Seemingly steady and
Straight in course
And then, playing at the
Antics of daredevil who
Dives and peaks in response
To the next intriguing distraction.

Unwavering persistence is not
My natural state
But, the flexibility of
Persistent exploration down paths
Of all manner of endeavor
Is my greatest strength.

For between the pillars of my glyph
Lay the secrets of manifestation.
And the inward arc of line at top and bottom
Are the inpouring of air’s inspiration
Reaching as above, so below
Towards the reflection of duality.

The Sun transits into the astrological sign of Gemini, late this evening. This speaks volumes about the nature of Gemini and the mental processes that it represents. Often the most inventive ideas seep into our mindscape under cover of the veiling of night and remain dormant until they are awakened and called forth into the next Light of day. The astrological sign of Gemini is one of the element of Air and the Mutable Modality. Its planetary ruler is Mercury, whose greater mystery is held in its transformative powers through the act of communication. The natural energy of the Sun, that of shedding great light on whatever is in its spectrum is now amped up to become the spotlight that shines fully on what needs telling, inventing and ultimately inspiring. This solar month has maximum potential for defining and scrutinizing how you interact with others, your spiritual nature and with all those seen and unseen who act as guardians and guides in your evolutionary process. Gemini brings this energy to the place of adaptability and having the ability to see both sides of the solution or problem, so this is an excellent month to explore all sides of each inventive possibility.

The caution is one of realizing that for everything that is lit to its fullest potential, the opposite side remains in darkness. This is one key to the duality of Gemini and application of the saying “you never know what you will get” is more than appropriate to this dynamic Geminian energy. All of the Air signs fully embrace and thrive in the mental realms and none more so than Gemini. The downside to this however is potential for indecisiveness and confusion.

The Element of Air

The energy of Air is that of mind and intellect and the expression of thoughts and ideas through the vehicle of the mental process. It is movement and flow as it expands whatever it is applied to. Expressed through Gemini, this air presents in rapid-fire debate, discussion, action and decision making. Communication in all of its forms is the tool of the Gemini native, wielding it like the most skilled of swordsmen and cutting through any hesitation. Air is the breath that stirs the waters of the emotional self and stimulates the fires that provide the support of action.

A Mutable Modality

The energy of the Mutable signs is one of expansiveness and flexibility that is now able to move with assurance having had the structure and the stability of the Fixed (Taurus) energy that preceded it. This is the energy that signifies the end of the cycle of movement as well as the preparation for being acted upon again when it revisits the Cardinal Modality anew (Cancer).

Flow moves in spirals
Of return and release
As its magick of repurposing
Is applied to what next
It encounters.

Allow the breath of air
That acts as billows on
The sails of the boat
That carries you to
Your destined shores.

Feel the increase in gain
From lessons learned and
Stability of foundation
Was your master of form.

Breathe deeply into the potential
With the knowledge that all
Will return to the place of
Endings so it may call forth
The message of its
Unrestrained rebirth.

The Next Step

Knowing how each sign moves to the next and the interaction between each as they evolve towards completion (and threshold of renewal) of the wheel in Pisces tells its own unique story of the astrological wheel. Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac, and completes the triad of the modalities Cardinal to Fixed to Mutable, each flowing into the other. Being of a Mutable Modality, the quality of Gemini is that of flexible expansion. It is this flexibility that offers up the potential for beginnings and endings. This is the ultimate duality that is expressed by the “Twins” of Gemini. Both emanating from one single source, but having split and diverged each expresses its own particular quality of polarity.

If we look at the dynamics of energy thus far, beginning with the cardinal sign of Aries, we could think of the three signs that begin the astrological wheel as the quickening fires (Aries- Fire) within the body of manifestation (Taurus- Earth) that gives rise to aspiring towards the heavens (Gemini- Air).

Mercury is the Ruling Planet of Gemini and Lord of communication in all of its forms. Speech, art, music, writing, etc. all are held within the energy of Mercury. The infamous effects of a Mercury retrograde speak of failure of technological and human communications. Warnings to read the fine print before signing contracts or entering into agreements and misunderstandings and arguments seem to increase during this time period. This type of activity is an expression of the energy of polarity that is held within Gemini. Negative-positive, male-female, clarity-confusion and all that lay between these extremes are natural expressions of the Gemini mind.

Read more about the dynamics of Mercury in:
The Temple of Mercury

This solar month will also see the second Mercury Retrograde mid –month on June 7th through July 1.2014

Preparing the Way

At this time of the year in the Northern hemisphere, we see the potency of Gemini expressed as the weather warms, we move out of doors to enjoy the beauty of the natural world and opportunity abounds for meeting, chatting up and communicating. The vibrancy of the Sun and flow of Geminian energy pours freely inspiring the sharing of ourselves with others.

The work of Taurus was that of providing the earthy container that held the attraction of polarized opposites, drawing to itself the delights and pleasure of a manifest expericnce. Gemini is the expansive nature of what was conceptualized within the vehicle of Taurus and is now ready to spread its informed lesson to all who will hear the telling.

In the Southern Hemisphere the emphasis is the reversed as all continue in their preparation for the waning of the Sun’s light. What was taken from the earth and the fires of energy expended in reaping its product found stabilization as the foundation of container was formed in. Everything that was learned and accumulated from that process now is ready for expression through planning, interpreting and mentally sorting out what worked and what didn’t. This generating of ideas and the flow of communication also turns inward as we rest as the armchair inventor awaiting the burgeoning light of the upcoming Solstice.

Both are states of airy flow and require the clarity of mental process to relate their findings. The lessons and information gained are refined and adaptively modified for multiple manner of expression. The goal is one of stimulating the mind so the emotions can respond and what was purely inventive mind has potential for manifest expression. This state paves the way for the next phase of growth and expansion when the Sun transits next into the Cardinal sign of Cancer.

Full Disclosure:

This solar month is one bursting with communication. This is typically the month for graduations, weddings, vacations and other venues that require communication, planning and a sharing of ideas.

In the chronology of the Zodiac, this is the space of time to use the foundations of our physical connections made and what we have learned of our manifest nature as the inspiration for sharing these lessons learned. This is the transitional phase of the pre-teen who is bursting to share everything new they encounter and is just beginning to grasp who they are becoming through that communication. The inquisitive mind of the pre-teen moves at a pace that is non-stop. This is the phase of the “I want to be” and “when I grow up, I can do this or that”. Everything is within the realms of possibility and holds no limitations to what is imagined.

And, so in the spirit of talkative Gemini and we call forth the energy of the Sun as it continues its zodiacal cycle, once again we repeat the invocation that opened the Gate to this Temple. As you read through it think back to your talkative pre-teen years. You had so much to share and to tell and plenty of people to interact with, all having their own unique perceptions and stories. Think back to how you allowed yourself to become completely and utterly lost in the inventiveness of what you imagined your future life would be- and your very important role in it. This is one of the greatest gifts of humanity. This is the ability to interact and to fully disclose as much or as little about themselves as they wish. As you read through the invocation, think about what each line of reference is trying to communicate. What keys to the greater knowledge of RA’s power is hidden within the words put to paper. This is the power of communication and its ability to transform. Use this gift wisely this solar month as we invoke the Solar month in Gemini and awaken those fires of RA to enliven each exchange with another you have.

Hymn to RA

All Hail to Thee, Mighty RA
Blaze of noon day sun.

Your fiery orb high in the
Sky above as we kneel
Beneath the heat of
Your radiance.

All the Gods bow to your radiance
All the Goddesses sing hymns of praise
To Your glory and man
Lays prostrate in humility
And devotion at the altar of
Your making.

Sweet music of adoration and offerings
Brought forth from the Black Land
Rise up in praise and thanks for
Your Sustaining Light.

All darkness flees at the touch of Your hand
All ceases its movement as Your expansive
Rays stretch across the morning sky.

The lotus opens to receive Your Touch
And the sands glisten as rare jewels
As You gaze upon each grain washed
Clean in the boundless ocean that
Reflects the brilliance of your face.

All Hail to Thee
All Hail to Thee
Who sits high
Above the world.

Khepra in the East
Atum in the West
Whose eye holds the
Point of Life and the
Trifold Arc of Power.

Your eyes see all and
You are the place of return
Within the glowing blackness
Of the Midnight Sun.

All Hail to Thee
All Hail to Thee
Amun, Amun, Amen!

Next Posting: Wednesday, May 28th.
Brainstorming- New Moon in Gemini

In Communication- The Temple of Mercury

Posted in Magick, Mercury, The Temple of Mercury on October 30, 2013 by themagickalpen


We end our exploration of Mercury taking a look at ways to incorporate its energy in our magickal workings. The diversity of this planet and its ability to change direction and focus on a dime are one of the aspects that make this planetary energy very accessible and relevant. There are many ways to utilize Mercury’s energy for Magickal workings; its versatility a reflection of the potential held in communication itself. Mercury lends its energy to any magickal working whose intent is to open those lines of communication. These are some of the ways to access its power:

Anything requiring exchange, flow and communication:

• Relationships
• Finances
• Jobs
• Health

Some keywords for consideration:

• Mental pursuits
• Learning
• Teaching
• Study
• Travel
• Movement
• Duality
• Invention
• Inspiration
• Commerce
• Flow of Finances
• Healing

Daily Magick:

We can use Mercury’s energy for empowering its given planetary day- Wednesday– and any important tasks that require creative and active communication. And, if we refine further, we can access Mercury’s planetary hour of any given day and focus our intent for that time period in getting our ideas and thoughts moving and flowing. For more information about the Planetary Days and Hours, check out the post below:

Day 23- Temple of the Moon- Go Quietly in the Night

Solar/Lunar Magick:

Aligning with the phases of the Moon and Solar cycles calls upon Mercury as astrological ruler and can be further refined by using the lens of the element and modality of that astrological sign. Since Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, the opportunity here is to access the inspired flow of communication through the quickening of mind and intellect (the Air Quality of Gemini) and drawing it down into the space of inventive form (the Earth Quality of Virgo). Both are of the Mutable modality so the burgeoning quality of beginnings is present giving the potential for a catalytic nature.

Solar Magick

During the astrological solar months of Gemini (May-June) and Virgo (August-Sept) we have several weeks of Mercury’s energy to be drawn upon in a steady stream of illuminating flow enlivened by the solar dynamics. The emphasis will be different with each. Gemini is elemental Air and hones in on the mental processes and flashes of inspiration. Virgo is elemental Earth bringing what is inspiring down in to the manifest realm after the testing of analytical assessment and curing.

You could effectively use this energy for a month long working to improve the ways in which you articulate your thoughts. This would be a good time to also begin creative projects that emphasize developing new paths of communication, improve relationships or stimulate your financial flow. Writing is bolstered during this time, so working on a book, articles, essays or reports should produce some interesting results.

Lunar Magick

Lunar Magick follows the cycles of the moon as it waxes and wanes and makes use of that energy to enhance workings. To get you started here are some Moon phase basics:

Waxing and Waning

The Waxing Moon is the time between the New Moon and the Full Moon

The Waning Moon is the time between the Full Moon and the last day of the last quarter– just prior to the New Moon

Although Magickal working can be done at any time, there are specific times during the lunar cycle when your workings can be enhanced. One of the first considerations is what type of New Moon energy is used for beginning a working. It is the initial and quickening stage of what will become. What is planted here will determine the outcome at the time of fullness.

The Waxing of the moon, from New to Full, provides a crescendo or building effect

Full Moon energy is used to strengthen and support the apex of the working having reached a space of ripeness, maturity and readiness to be fully acted upon.

The Waning of the moon from peak of Full to the subsequent New Moon allows for release and diminishing of energetic effect

Dark Waning Moon energy is used as a time to release, cut away and make ready the soil for the planting of new seeds.

Mercury’s energy can be applied when the lunar phase is in one of the astrological signs its rules- Gemini or Virgo. These are some of the types of workings that could be considered.

New Moon in Virgo/Gemini – Mercury Planetary Ruler – Workings may include:

Opening (or reopening) up lines of communication.

Planting the seeds of intent for successful writing projects or any creative ventures.

Having goal of cleared understanding of any intellectual pursuit; a new area of study and learning, or preparing to teach a new workshop or class.

Take a look at the posts below for the New Moon in Virgo for an idea of Mercury’s influence through the filter of Virgo.

Waxing Moon in Virgo- Day 6- Temple of the Moon – Still Waters All Around

New Moon in Virgo- Analysis and Building

Full Moon in Gemini/Virgo- Mercury Planetary Ruler – Workings may include:

Bolstering and acknowledgement of the continued progress of any workings begun at the new Moon.

Analytical scrutiny of what areas of your mental processes need refinement.

Strengthening the intent of harmonious interactions in all relationships, contracts and agreements.

Dark Waning Moon in Gemini/Virgo- Mercury Planetary Ruler – Workings may include:

Release of negative commentary about the self.

Release of what is not in harmony with continued growth of any workings begun at New Moon or weaknesses revealed at Full Moon.

Release and blocking gossip, ineffectual communication.

Take a look at the Posts below for Waning Moon in Gemini and an idea of Mercury’s Energy through the filter of Gemini.

Day 24 of Temple of the Moon- Talk it Up

Day 25 of Temple of the Moon- The Epiphany of Silence

To read more about Lunar and Solar Magick check out Lesson Nine from A Year and A Day on the Wiccan Path


The energy of Mercury can be called upon to enhance a reading or as a tool for meditation and deeper reflection on the archetypal energy of the planet. The Key aligned with Mercury is that of the Magician.

Key 1- The Magician

I am the master of two worlds
I am the conduit of Divine Inspiration and physical Desire
I have passed through the veil of the Fool
and have emerged transformed
The perfect synthesis of As Above So Below
I am that which is attained at the end of Desire

The Rider-Waite Deck depicts the Magician as one who has mastered control of the above so the below. The lemniscate of eternity and duality hovers above the mind/intellect. His is the quintessential form of communication; that of the Divine SELF and the Mundane Self. The Magician represents the perfect union of Divinity and Humanity. He has successfully traversed the leap of faith of the Fool and made the choice of pursuing the Path of Divine Inspiration, open and ready to serve as both conduit and generator. This card speaks to both the virtues and the vices of the mundane and the spiritual. Without control over one’s lower nature, the Higher Self will never be realized. An Ego driven spiritual practice will result in short-lived control, anchored neither in the real world or the higher realms of the spiritual.


In the Toth Tarot Deck- The Magus (Magician) is depicted as Hermes/Mercury outright. The vortex of mind, thought and illuminating energy all emanating into and from him.


Energetic and Healing Practice:

In energetic and healing practice each of the planets aligns with specific areas of our subtle and physical anatomy. Each of the fingers on the hands is assigned a planet. Chakras and the Seven Sisters (Endocrine System) are each assigned a planetary energy. The implication here is affirmation of The Universal Law of Correspondence– As Above , So Below, As Within, So Without and the cosmic and celestial inter-connectedness of man and his world.

The Hands- Mudras

Within Eastern Practice, Mudras are described as hand positions. Each area of the hand has a reflex reaction in a specific part of the brain. A Mudra locks and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. The Mudras redirect the energy flow, linking the individual pranic energy with universal force. Each finger represents the energy of a planet, a determinate quality, and emotions. The thumbs represents the ego(1)

Below is a picture of the Buddhi Mudra, using the fourth finger which is attributed to the planet Mercury and the thumb (Ego). (2)


How: Touch tip of little (fourth) finger and tip of thumb. Other three fingers are straight.

Effect: Creates capacity to clearly and intuitively communicate, stimulates psychic development.

Planet: Mercury; quickness, mental powers of communication.


Healing Work 

Mercury resonates with the throat chakra – the seat of communication.  As you do your daily chakra clearing or meditation, engage the throat chakra with focus and intent.  Envision it filled with the energy of Mercury and the ability to inform and communicate clearly and effectively.  Imagine the glyph of Mercury placed at your throat:

Large Mercury Man

The glyph itself incorporates the lower crescent of the Moon (emotions intuitive sight), the circle of eternity, wholeness and the Cross of descent into matter, or as above so below (vertical line) and as within so without (horizontal line). From this center sphere of wholeness intuitive energy flows to co-mingle with the upwards energy of matter and spirit which issues forth as communication, words and expression.

Auspicious Occasions:

The Archetypal energy of Mercury as Psychopomp can be called upon when engaging in ritual, meditation or other workings to connect with the ancestors. You may offer up request to send messages of inquiry to them or the return of information to you. Samhain is typically the time for this work, although not limited to. You may also call upon Mercury to guide your loved one and to ease their passing.

See the Samhain Article- Parting the Veils and Opening to the Ancestors for a Pathworking that could be used with the focus of Mercury’s energy in mind. 

These are but a few of the many ways to access and engage with the dynamic energy of Mercury. Be creative in your approach, allow your mind and thoughts to open to the possibilities and see how effortlessly you can attune to staying in communication.

I hope you have enjoyed our journey through the Temple of Mercury and as always, I welcome comments and your experiences with these amazing Temples!

1. The Secrets of Yoga
2. 3HOKundalini Yoga 


Sunday, Nov. 3rd.- New Moon in Scorpio                 

 Join me in the Temple of Venus- Sunday, December 1.2013

Meet Me at the Station: Mercury Retrograde

Posted in Mercury, The Temple of Mercury with tags , , , , , , , on October 23, 2013 by themagickalpen


Monday started like any other day, except that I couldn’t log on to my brand new computer. A colleague arrived late for a meeting that she had scheduled just days ago. The sales clerk couldn’t comprehend that I wanted a small coffee not a large chai and words on the page of the report I needed to read, just weren’t sinking in even after the third read! Of course, the dreaded Mercury Retrograde was to blame and would be on the receiving end of this blame until November 10th- the date of my youngest daughter’s milestone 21st birthday. I hope I don’t send the card a week late!

Technological snafus and crashes, misunderstandings, brain fogginess and lack of mental acuity and articulation are some of the cautions when talkative Mercury slows its course. This posting is not going to belabor the miseries of Mercury retrograde. I hope instead to offer a creative and positive way of looking at a space of pressurized expansion of how we think and communicate.

Mercury began its cycle of Retrograde on Monday at 6:29am (EDT). Other than a Saturn Return, the Mercury retrograde can be one of the most frustrating of times primarily, because this planet’s energy is all about communication. The Retrograde period usually occurs 2-3 times per year and lasts approximately 21-28 days and is distinctly marked as a time when communication and their supportive devices come to a screeching halt and misunderstandings are the norm. Let’s begin by taking a look at the scientific definition of a retrograde.

Astronomy 101: What is a Retrograde Motion? 

An animation showing the retrograde motion of Mars in summer of 2003.
Credit: Eugene Alvin Villar

“Typically, the planets shift slightly eastward from night to night, drifting slowly against the backdrop of stars. From time to time, however, they change direction. For a few months, they’ll head west before turning back around and resuming their easterly course. This is “retrograde motion”. Though it baffled ancient astronomers, we know now that retrograde planets are an illusion caused by the motion of Earth.” Astronomer: Christopher Crokett (1.)

The Stations of Activity and the Zodiac

Astrologically, when a planet changes direction in its normal path of progression through the zodiac, this is called a “station”.  The planet’s progress slows down in is orbit until it appears to pause in its motion giving the appearance of moving backwards. The Retrograde Station occurs when the planet begins this slowing down and seeming movement backwards.  The Direct Station occurs when the forward motion of the planet begins again.  Whatever astrological sign the planet retrogrades in gives added emphasis and more intensity to how the planet expresses its own energy now given a full and prolonged dose of the sign’s own specificities.  These highly potent effects can be building or waning (depending on which end of the station you find yourself) for days prior or after. Much like, the concentrated effort needed in slowing down to come to a traffic light, pausing, and then having to carefully and incrementally apply enough gas to reach your top speed again.

Repeat yourself.
If you like it, do it again.
If you don’t like it, do it again. (2.)

In previous posts I’ve talked a lot about the dynamics of Mercury and how facile this energy is in providing information through varied means of communication and creative style. A Mercury retrograde offers up the opportunity to refine that style and if you slow down with the process rather than fighting against the presumed outcomes you will find there is much to learn about how you communicate. This is a time of amplifying and heightening the awareness of how we move through our daily exchanges and process information. The caution of giving more scrutiny to agreements and contracts provides an opportunity to take the time to really internalize and be sure that you clearly understand the effects of the cause you will be setting into motion. This space of pause and deeper reflection means that there is also greater depth to the amount of change you can exert before you have backed yourself into a less than optimal outcome.

Allow events to change you.
You have to be willing to grow. Growth is different from something that happens to you. You produce it. You live it. The prerequisites for growth: the openness to experience events and the willingness to be changed by them. (3.)

Everyone makes mistakes and finds themselves at the mercy of the consequences of what that mistake created.  We also often use circumstances as the reason for not allowing ourselves to fall, fail and start over again with a fresh perspective. Think of the Mercury retrograde as a petri dish in which to cultivate that fresh perspective at an organic level. What we change of our emotional reactions can become informed and insightful responses that affect the way we communicate those responses. Instead of falling prey to the annoyances of delays and miscommunication, allow yourself the pause to be creative in how you choose to respond.  Don’t allow the excuse of  “oh well, Mercury is retrograde, so….”  to enable you in avoiding a growth opportunity. Remember that Mercury is the trickster, but there is also the element of duality to that slyness.  Try to view the delays and less than articulate interactions as points of polarities. Each, having their extremes with the goal being to try to stabilize and balance out those extremes so that the smooth flow of communication can begin anew. Remember, Mercury/Hermes was the Messenger of the Gods.  What messages are you sending when you don’t slow down and reevaluate.

Slow down.
Desynchronize from standard time frames and
surprising opportunities may present themselves. (4.)

We live in highly energized times and are largely at the mercy of perceived “time” and most often feel rushed with each decision we make.  Even when the message is loud and clear that we need to stop and/or reverse our decision we hesitate, feeling that we are being weak in our communication and ineffectual in our results. The Mercury retrograde allows the space of disengagement from our regular way of doing business.

Slow down a bit from your ordinary frenetic pace. Unplug for a few hours voluntarily (and before the computer crashes or the cell phone loses its signal) and put some space between the compulsive need to instantly react to every new path technology calls you to. You may actually find that you like this new freedom of being unfettered and at the beck and call of technology. Those interruptions of signals of communication that frequently crash or reroute during a Mercury retrograde are metaphors for the disruption of our own communications by relying too heavily on devices to keep us talking and communicating instead of creating our own network of personal interface.

Light it up!

Here’s another thought! The Sun moves into the astrological sign of Scorpio today, October 23rd. Scorpio is a Water sign of the Fixed Modality. The water aspect relates to depths of emotions and the Fixed quality brings a stability and structure to help form a suitable container for their flow. One of Scorpio’s compelling attributes is the quality of taking what is hidden and deeply buried and pulling it up to the surface to be used either in a destructive way or as a positive lesson. The Sun in this sign serves to shine its light to illuminate those dark, dusty corners of mind and heart that like to remain hidden from sight.

With this additional overlay upon Mercury’s retrograde, there is great opportunity to shine this spotlight of strength and courage on what bubbles to the surface about how we connect to others and communicate our needs and wants. We can examine where we may be less than honest with ourselves regarding the agreements we have with ourselves and the effects these have on our communication with others. We can redefine where we rely to heavily on artificial means of communication and how to free up our more inspired and creative mind supported by those hidden talents we’ve kept under wraps. We can also use this energy to push full throttle and see just what we are capable of when we allow the dynamics of Mercury’s full power to exert it creative flow.

So, for better or worse a Mercury Retrograde awakens new ways to problem solve and rewire your communication hard drive. On a practical note, it wouldn’t hurt to back up important files on your computer, make sure important appointment dates are confirmed and carry an extra battery, just in case for anything requiring one.

An Interesting Side Note:

What I left out is that if you have a retrograde Mercury in your natal chart, many are immune to the “side effects” of this period of time.  That heightened sense of awareness about communication skills, goes into overdrive and  tends to make the individual more verbose and able to navigate largely unscathed.  So, I apologize for the wordiness of this post.  I am one of those Retrograde Mercurians!


1.  Earth Sky Blog by Christopher Crokett

2-4.  The Incomplete Manifesto for Change by Bruce Mau

Next Week:
We’ll conclude our time in the Temple with information about Mercury and Planetary Magick.

The Temple of Mercury-The Glory of Hod

Posted in Magick, Mercury, The Temple of Mercury with tags , , , , , , , , on October 16, 2013 by themagickalpen


This week we will take a look at the expression of Mercury through its attribution on the Qabalistic tree of Life.  Mercury is the Planetary energy of the sphere of Hod. In order to fully understand the nature of this sphere you must have a bit of knowledge about the Tree of Life, itself and the other spheres that form the greater whole.  Although this may not seem to directly relate to the Temple of Mercury it is an important piece of this dynamic planets energetic signature.  The lesson to be gained from this exploration is an affirmation of the flexibility of Mercury’s mind and style of communication. In other words, replace the name of Hod with that of Mercury wherever you see it used! 

Applying this overlay of a mystical system that expands and easily maps in accord with its topic of application just as fluidly as Mercury’s movement, opens new doors of experience and interconnectedness found within all of the planetary temples.  The inherent wisdom of these energies permeates all levels of understanding, philosophy and teachings.  The semantics may differ, but if you have the basics down, you can easily identify Mercury’s (or any of the planets) place in the equation.  So, in the spirit of drilling deeper into what Mercury looks like in another of its forms, take a journey into the Tree of Life.

Qabalah Boot Camp – Just the Basics

The subject matter of the Qabalah is one that many people do not easily gravitate towards; either deterred by the sheer mass of its scope or feeling that this particular overlay of system has no reference to the purely magickal systems.  Although, rooted in the Judaic mystical system the Kabbalah (spelling is Judaic form)/Qabalah (spelling used to distinguish as Western Hermetic overlay) this construct of energy, thought and working is a suitable companion to any magickal and spiritual system. The sheer fact that a statement such as that can be made offers testament to the enduring scope and permanence of its application over a broad and diverse spectrum.  Within the Tradition to which I belong, The Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, the principles of the Qabalah are strongly and consistently used throughout all of our covens and the enhancement to the magickal workings and rituals is undeniable and the change evoked through its deeper exploration is palpable among those who incorporate it into their lives.

The Qabalistic Tree of Life describes the descent of the divine into the manifest world, and methods by which divine union may be attained in this life. It can be viewed as a map of the human psyche and of the workings of creation, both manifest and un-manifest. Some of its components are:

10 Sephiroth (Spheres) each having their own specific energetic signature and action.

22 Paths that connect the spheres and act as the synthesizing conduits of connection

3 Pillars of Application of that energy. The Pillar of Severity (Hod-Geburah-Binah), The Pillar of Mercy (Netzach-Chesed-Chokmah)- The Middle Pillar (Malkuth-Yesod-Tiphareth-Kether)

4 Worlds of Action– Each of the spheres exists in each of the four worlds and has a slightly different emphasis of intent depending on which of the worlds is acting upon it.

The Qabalistic story of the creative action of manifestation from the Source of All/Godhead down to the realm of physical and manifest form can be described in this way:

In the beginning there was nothingness- the absence of substance and form (Ain); and as the nothing became aware of itself it also realized the limitlessness nature (Ain Soph) of its being. This realization expanded and with more awareness came the birthing of limitless light (Ain Soph Aur). This limitless light felt the urge to create- and from it emanated Divine Intelligence – Kether. All things needing balance- in its wisdom Kether split and from this source of being the remaining nine (9) spheres became emanations of the varied permutations of Wisdom, Understanding, Mercy, Severity, Beauty, Victory, Glory, Foundation and finally coming to rest in the Kingdom of Earth- Malkuth.

10 Sephiroth (Spheres) of Emanation

The Sephiroth are States of Being and act as vessels to contain the Divine energy that spills forth from the God-Head or Crown of Kether (being the highest expression of the Divine) down into Malkuth, the densest and manifest physical world of Man. The spheres at the top of the tree are more refined in energy – more transparent and expressive of pure Light. As we descend down the tree each sphere gains more density- less clarity of brilliance of light until we come to rest in the earth plane of Malkuth. Each sphere has both an English and Hebrew name and countless correspondences attributed to each. These are keywords only to a larger tome of mystery.  The pictures below show the diagrams of :

Fig. 1– The Tree, the names of the spheres, the number in order on the Tree

Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 10.39.53 AM

Fig. 2- The Planetary Correspondences to Each Sphere

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Sphere 1-Kether – The Crown- The Crown of Attainment- the ‘Cause of causes”- the unknowable- The Mystical Consciousness- (Modern- Uranus)

Sphere 2-Chokmah– Wisdom- The Word of God- true Will untainted by the material nature- The Radiant Consciousness- The Zodiac (Modern- Neptune)

Sphere 3-Binah– Understanding- The Great Sea- absolute belief- The Sanctified Consciousness- Saturn

Sphere 4-Chesed– Mercy- Majesty- The place of greater awareness and pure compassion-The Settled Consciousness- Jupiter

Sphere 5-Geburah– Might – Strength and Justice- excision and the necessary cutting away- The Rooted Consciousness – Mars

Sphere 6-Tiphareth– Beauty- Sacrifice- the receptive place of the flow of emanations from Kether- The Transcendental Influx Consciousness- The Sun

Sphere 7-Netzach– Victory- The Beauty of Nature- The Hidden Consciousness – Venus

Sphere 8-HodGlory- Splendor- the sphere of science and craft- the analytical nature and communicative learning- The Perfect Consciousness – This is the place of Mercury

Sphere 9-Yesod– The Foundation- sphere of the subconscious- the Lunar Gates- dreams and illusion – the astral – The Pure Consciousness – The Moon

Sphere 10-Malkuth– The Kingdom- the plane of physical existence and manifest reality- the elements and all of manifest Life- The Scintillating Consciousness – Earth

The Sphere of Communication

The Planetary ruler of Hod is Mercury, so it is fitting that this sphere is considered the sphere of communication. Within its rationale and reasoning are the tools that may be used in discovering the deeper mystery contained within information. It is through the crystal clarity of pristine thinking that enables better and more efficient means of communicating what knowledge has been extracted. It is also this modality that makes Hod the ideal energetic support for ritual work.

The Element of Water

The sphere of Hod is assigned to the element of water; despite the appearance that its should be a sphere of Air given the pure thought, reasoning power and intellect. Simply put this is the action of Water of Air.  The watery aspect insures fluidity and movement as well as the eroding and smoothing away of what is presenting obstacle. This is the breath of mind that is carried on the varied and great streams of consciousness that diverge and reunite again as new tributaries and channels are opened.  Regardless of the route they all resynthesize and become part of the One as the destination of return to Source is achieved.

Capacity of the Mind

Hod is the first sphere on the ascent of the Tree that has multiple paths of connection including the place of sitting at the base of the Pillar of Severity. It is also connected via a Path to Tiphareth (the central sphere of the Tree) to the left of Netzach (the base sphere of the Pillar of Mercy) and reaching upwards out of the Moon sphere of Yesod. Just as the mind and brain have many chambers, corridors and paths contained within, Hod offers many routes of emanation from its core to be opened and awakened as the place where structure, order, categorization, analysis and making sense of it all. Hod also serves as the distributor of what work has been accomplished in the manifest realm of Malkuth and the discernment of Yesod upwards towards its more refined spheres. 

The Illusion of the Sphere: Falsehood, Dishonesty

The Illusion of Hod is false ego based on faulty knowledge. It is the allowance of what is subjective and personality-filtered information to fill the coffers of our minds disguised as unbiased thought. Furthermore, claiming credit for those brilliant seeds of inspiration when they are nothing more than the over inflated toutings of one craving acknowledgement for being wise, breeds the dishonesty of validation that is not merit based, nor is it sound in its reasoning.

As the time honored thought on this matter goes- true wisdom cannot be found within the knowledge of book learning and course study. True wisdom is what is the result of experiencing at the level of connection to a Higher Consciousness what has been learned through books and study and transforming it into an enlivened part of oneself that cannot be disputed, argued, reasoned away or often even explained to others who have not also had similar experience on the path towards Wisdom.

Connecting to Mercury Through Its Expression in Hod

Many of the modalities we use to establish connection to the greater and lesser worlds, inner and outer worlds are directed through the energy of Mercury as its core component.  We desire the ability to understand and comprehend what we perceive by way of information and we act to recreate those moments when we experience clear, palpable and penetrable communication from a Divine source.  We evoke and invoke Deity by way of fusing mind and heart with desire and will and establish sacred space through communication of movement, action, intent and the power of the word and breath.

As example, Mindfulness Meditation is an expression of Mercury’s mental prowess. The premise is simple in the goal of simply offering acknowledgement to each thought that presents itself in the continuous stream of consciousness; and by so doing allowing them to flow easily beyond the field of distraction.  As simple as the premise is, the difficulty in wrangling the mind to “think” in this highly organized and methodical way is one of determination and dedicated discipline. I think this is Mercury in its pure essence of form.  Speed that must be directed in order to slow the cognitive functions in alignment with what the desired product of manifestation hopes to become. 

An Exercise in Opening to The Mind

As you move through your day, take a few minutes in the morning, at lunchtime and before bed to check in with your thinking self. Try to be aware of where some of these perceptions and thoughts have originated. Were they the products of interaction with others? Were they the products of you sitting quietly and mindfully “brainstorming” the solution to a problem? Were they the products of inspired reading or did they seem to flow from the muses themselves?

Although we use the faculty of thought regularly throughout the day, the quality and receptivity of that process are often the results of being on autopilot, without much attention to what is actually happening. Try to set aside some time each day (15 minutes is a good starting point) to sit quietly and be fully engaged in what thoughts, ideas and inspirations are moving through you. Write down these ideas. They are often the seeds of a great idea or even potential answers to something that at a subconscious level may have been of concern. By establishing a routine time to simply “be” with your thoughts, you are facilitating a greater opening to the Universal and Cosmic ideology that surrounds us. And, once that connection is made, you are then opening to the Divine.

Next week: Mercury Goes Retrograde on October 21@6:29am (EDT) What does this mean and how to navigate its influence?



13 Keys: The Glory of Hod

Thirteeen Keys to the Qabalistic Tree of Life: Over view

On-line course of study:

A Year Within the Tree of Life: 


The Inner Chamber Volume Two: Poetry of the Spheres-Qabalah
By R. Fennelly.Serpent’s Gate.2012

The Temple of Mercury-Is Anybody Out There?

Posted in Magick, Mercury, The Temple of Mercury with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 9, 2013 by themagickalpen


Wednesday, October 9.2013- Wk. Two

NOTE:  Last week there was an error in attribution of Planetary Day. Mercury rules Wednesday, so posts will be on Wednesdays.

As we discovered last week, Mercury is “the planet of communication, inquiry and dissemination through all creative acts of connection and interaction. In summary, Mercury always wants to know “What’s up?”; and then spread the news received.” Not only does it want to get the information out there but also wants response to that dissemination and the knowledge that people actually “got” what was being conveyed.

The astrological wheel and natal chart of an individual are the ultimate Mercury experience.  Information is held in each planet, astrological sign and house in which it is placed and the resultant aspects they form.  The more you peel back the layers of this information, the depth you find within your own natal blueprint.  This enables you to respond to your potential strengths and transform your weaknesses in a way that sets up the lines of communication and creativity within you.  The possibilities are endless and makes us more curious about our world and those in it.

Astrological Mercury

So, in that spirit of curiosity, this week we’ll take a look at the energy of the planet Mercury and its Astrological persona. Mercury is the ruling planet of two astrological signs- Gemini and Virgo. These Astrological signs are of the Mutable Modality; meaning that they hold the energy of flexibility, expansion and thresholds of endings and new beginnings. Looking deeper, they are of the elements of Air (Gemini) and Earth (Virgo). And if we consider them together we have the basic Mercurian goal. That of taking those inspired thoughts, sending them out in all manner of airy flow and movement; having them stand the test of analysis and sorting so they may be brought down into a place manifest reality (Virgo) and ultimate creation. This is the primary directive of any type of communication- to have it brought to life in a concrete and useable way!

Mercury – The Exhale of Communication and the Vehicle of Expression

Element: Air/Earth
House: Three and Six
Astro Sign of Rulership: Gemini/Virgo
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Medical: Nerves & Lungs

The Astrological Houses

Mercury is the ruling planet of the Third and Sixth Houses.  The Third is the place of expression, personal and spiritual.  The Sixth is that of service and creating/offering something useful to others. These are considered Cadent Houses and as such offer the potential for growth and expansion.  You could liken this to the Mutable modality in that both are expressions of taking what has been gathered and drawing it to a final state of being before the cycle of expansion begins anew.

HOUSE THREE       Self- Expression/Presentation- What you possess and how you express/define yourself by these acquisitions. 

House Type Cadent
Ruling Sign: Gemini
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Element Air
Modality Mutable

HOUSE SIX             Service/Career- That which is your calling?  Where you feel responsibility and act upon it.  Harmonious collaboration. And, how freely and where you offer your gifts and talents to sustain connectivity.

House Type Cadent
Ruling Sign: Virgo
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Element Earth
Modality Mutable

The Archetypes


All Deities of communication would fit into the scope of Mercury’s qualities; the most well known of these being Hermes, the Divine Messenger of the Gods.  He is portrayed as protector and patron of travelers, shepherds, thieves, orators and wit, literature and poets, athletics and sports, invention and trade. In some myths he is a trickster; and, so quick is his tongue and mind that he could talk his way out of or into any situation he desired.  It was also the duty of Hermes to act as psychomp, guiding the souls of the dead down to the underworld. He was closely connected with bringing dreams to mortals in answer to the queries they had. Hermes is usually depicted with a broad-brimmed hat or a winged cap, winged sandals and the heralds staff (Caduceus in Latin). It was often shown as a shaft with two white ribbons, although later these were represented by serpents intertwined in a figure of eight shape, coiling upward towards a dual winged tipped. The clothes he was shown wearing are usually that of a traveler, or of a workman or shepherd. Other symbols of Hermes are the cock, tortoise and purse or pouch.  His Roman counterpart was named “Mercury”.


The connection to Medicine and the mercurial caduceus which is its universal symbol speak to the need for clear, concise communication in the healing arts.  This communication may take the form of physiological neural pathways, energetic resonance or simply good bedside manner, which encourages the patient to be compliant in their treatment.  At the energetic level, there has been much research done regarding the correlation of mind/thought and the ability for the body/manifest form to heal and maintain the health of itself.

The Planetary Glyph


The Planetary glyph of Mercury also offers layers of meaning. It is composed of three basic geometric shapes.   Once you have the basic understanding of these symbols you can draw your own conclusions about the glyphs of the other planets.

The Circle:

Slide1Eternity – Cycles – Connectivity

The Crescent:


Eternity Parceled – The Moon – Involution

The Equilateral Cross:


The Four Quarters – Point of Intersection – Cross Polarity

So we could think of Mercury as drawing down into itself the wisdom of the higher and intuitive realms; moving it through the varied cycles of connectivity and producing the potential for manifest realms at the point of intersection of the inpouring of the four elements and the space of Malkuth or the manifest realm.

No journey would be complete through this exciting realm of Mercury if it did not include a pathworking to capture the essence and vibrancy of the Mercurian Mind.  In keeping with Mercury’s informative nature read through the information prefacing the pathworking for suggestions about getting more from the experience.

Good– Read through the pathworking each time you want to use it.  Make note of pausing in the reading wherever it feels like more time would be spent in the specific train of thought.

Better- Read through the pathworking several times and as you do so, try to set up key points that are stored in the memory.  In this way, you can create your own scenarios using the structure of the original pathworking without having to read through the text each time.

Best- Employ the physicality of recording the pathworking in your own voice (which produces an effective recognizable neurological imprint inducing physiological response and imprint) to listen to.

When you are ready to make the recording be sure to select a space where you will not be interrupted and has minimal background noise.

Be sure to speak slowly (more so, if you tend to speak quickly and do not annunciate well) and clearly and to give pause where it would naturally occur if you were reading aloud.  There may be some points in the pathworking where you will want to spend several minutes in the locale that is being presented.  Remember to give adequate time of silence for this. Do not stop the recording, simply pause and restart it. Allow the amount of time you wish to have to fill the space on the recording and then resume the reading of the pathworking.

Regardless of what method you use, remain open and receptive to what presents to you beyond what has been scripted through the pathworking. Having a journal to record your impressions can serve as a valuable tool if you plan to use the pathworking again.

Quicksilver Speak

A Pathworking in the Temple of Gemini 


Turn your focus and attention to your breath. Allow the space of your consciousness to move with the rise and fall of your chest and the filling and release of the lungs. Continue in this manner for several breaths; allowing each to become softer, smoother and slower. With each breath your physical body appears to become lighter and your center of consciousness floats upwards towards the inner eye. You feel enveloped by the mist of transition between the Physical and Astral. And as this veil thins you step through a veil of dark blue mist and find yourself standing centrally in a circular room. As you look around you see that this space opens out to a star lit night sky. The velvety blackness above holds a twinkling of starry light that fills the panoramic view above. The walls encircle you and are of a deep bluish purple. As your eyes adjust to this room you notice an archway just ahead of you.  The glyph of Gemini, the Twins hovers in the entryway.

As you step through the orange glow of the Glyph of Gemini you see two perfectly mirrored twins sitting having a conversation.  They are both blonde and although they appear androgynous, as many children do, there are slight nuances and physical features that separate them as being male and female. They pause in mid-sentence for a moment, turning to acknowledge your arrival, and then turn back to one another continuing the same thread of thought. Question, answer, and statement flash back and forth between the two at lightening speed. You feel both energized and a bit exhausted as your mental processes are not of this mind-set and cannot keep pace with the chameleon like changes in rhythm, clarity and intonation. You turn your attention to the room and see that books line shelves which encompass all four walls; and papers are strewn about haphazardly as though they had recently been impatiently rifled through and then carelessly left wherever they were put. You stand off to the side and observe how each of the children seems to change their mental position at will. One will agree on what statement has been made and then completely disagree about another. The other seeming to mirror every change of its twin with a steady and regulated pace.

They are discussing their favorite activity of reading and as the conversation becomes more excited, they stand and begin to gesture and point to make clearer their statement fact. As they move around the room going from one conversation to another surrounding this book or that you sense that somehow although appearing to be two, they are actually of one mind. That the duality you are seeing is actually the mental acrobatics of a mind that shifts and moves in accord with wherever the stronger enticement lay. This is the secret of their mental agility. The sheer ability to adapt and change at will to suit the needs of the situation. Although you are excited to have solved this one piece of the puzzle and are beginning to feel more at ease in following the direction, speed and flow of their conversation, your attention is drawn to one corner of the room.

You see a beautifully decorated standing mirror placed diagonally in the corner space between two of the walls. As you move towards it, the sound of the conversation seems to fade and just as you come to standing directly in front of the mirror you turn to see if the twins have fallen silent, and see that you are in the room alone. As you turn back towards the mirror you see more clearly your own reflection. You are a bit surprised, because although you recognize the reflection as being yourself, you also notice that there is the slightest bit of difference.  It is not something you could concretely describe or even attribute to distortion of the glass; but rather, more of a perception.

Thoughts of the Coney Island fun house mirrors flood your mind, but those are more straightforward in their deception. This is almost transparent in its subtleness. Your eyes focus on the images of the room behind you that are also reflected. And, again the same feeling of something being ever so slightly different bubbles up.  As you stand looking at this mirrored image, you notice that your mood has somewhat changed. You had felt energized and excited, but now as you stare into the glass, you feel a heaviness of mind in trying to solve this perplexing state of vision.  It seems as though the longer you stare into this reflection, the more withdrawn and irritated you feel. You take a deep breath, sighing heavily.  Just as you release the last bit of exhale, you hear the sounds of heated debate and conversation flooding back into the space.

You turn and see that the twins are once again sitting at the table and debating which game is the most challenging. As the sounds become louder, your mood begins to lift as well. You look back at the mirror and are surprised to see that your image, as well as the room behind you are just as you thought they should be.  You think on the changeability of perceptions and ideas and how there are always two sides to every process of thought. You think on the flexibility that approach from this aspect permits, but you also remember the sheer exhaustion of that flexibility and the never ending cycle that can be created by not fully committing to one stream of thought.

You look towards the twins once again and see that they too have succumbed to the mental acrobatics. Each rests a blonde curly head on the table-top, eyes closed. You imagine that even in their dreams they are exploring new topics of discussion, new ways of problem solving and always sensing the dual nature of each expression.

As you deepen into these musings, you are surprised to find that you are once again standing centrally in the circular room. You make mental note that there had been no obvious transition from one space to the other and you think back to the trickery of the mirror you gazed into. Giving this no more thought, you look upwards towards the night sky and it seems as though a few of the stars are shining a bit more brightly now than when you first entered. You take a deep breath in and as you exhale, you feel enlivened and at peace in this space of celestial beauty. You know you can visit again and the thought fills you with anticipation of what each of your journeys will reveal. You gently close your eyes and when you open them you are surrounded by the blue veil of energy that carried you to this inner sky. As you take a few more deep breaths and fill the intent with awareness of your physical being and return to your physical space, the mist clears and the smells, sounds and sights of the room in which you began our journey floods your senses. You feel the floor beneath you and the chair on which you are sitting. Noises of the mundane world come back filling ear and mind with thoughts of going about the rest of your day or evening. You take a deep breath in, savoring the vestiges of your astral journey and the insight it provided, and strongly exhale out affirming your oneness with the present moment of physical time and space.

Pathworking Excerpted from: It’s Written in the Stars.R.Fennelly.2012

Recommended Reading:

Lyn Birkbeck. Divine Astrology-Enlisting the Aid of Planetary Powers
Linda Goodman: Star Signs
Linda Goodman: Sun Signs
Steven Forrest. The Inner Sky
Alan Oken. Soul Centered Astrology
Lindsey River and Sally Gillespie. The Knot of Time: Astrology and the Female Experience

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