Archive for January, 2019

4th Qrt Moon in Scorpio-Descent

Posted in Astrology, Bonus Posts, pathworking, Scorpio on January 28, 2019 by themagickalpen

January 28.2019

I chose to wait for today to post, rather than join in the plethora of posting regarding the recent Super Full Moon. Today the Moon wanes in 4th Qrt. and astrological Scorpio is ever present in the world’s affairs. Scorpio promises an opening of your senses, both psychic and physical, but you must first be willing to surrender to those darker waters and descend into a realm of complexity and mystery. This, of course is only one aspect of the trinity of Scorpio’s assignations- the Scorpion (much darker and unpredictable)- the Eagle (more selective and discerning in its energy) and the Phoenix (the rendering of resistance and the blazing energy that heals and conquers).

What I have chosen for today is the much darker aspect, the space of allowing yourself to surrender and dissolve into the darkness of your nature, so that healing and reconciliation may begin, rendering you empowered and strengthened in the Light of your being. I am proposing that you engage all of your senses in this exploration and release all expectations of what you will find on thus journey of descent into the core of your being.

Lady Moon is donning the mantle of her 4th/Last Qrt. phase. A time of release and rest. A time of gathering all that will be needed to actualize and fulfill her promise of burgeoning brightness when next she dons her cloak of Newness. We too are in the midst of this cycle. And, we as children of this Divine presence are capable of biding our time; pulling the darkness closer around and trusting that the Light that we are infused with will blossom into the path of productivity and hope we desire.

I am offering you two pathworkings to begin this work. One, which provides the keys towards your descent into becoming the fertile darkness that holds the mystery of renewed and regenerated life. And, the second is one of rekindling the spark and allowing the space of hope and healing to become the synthesized YOU ready to begin anew at the next New Moon. May your journey be full and enriching and may what you create from those efforts inform all of your actions….

Access the pathworkings on Bandcamp…
Teachings on the Path with Robin


A pathworking of surrender

And, to allow the Healing and Synthesis to Begin:

Rekindling Hope

A Pathworking of Renewal and Healing


To read more about astrological Scorpio:

Sun in Scorpio: Open the Flood Gates and Lift the Veils



New Moon in Capricorn-Take it Slow

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, capricorn, Eclipses, New Moon, Uranus on January 5, 2019 by themagickalpen

January 5.2019
8:28p.m. (EST)

Partial Solar Eclipse
8:41p.m. (EST)

We stand in the shadow of a New Moon in earthy astrological Capricorn, fired in the backdraft of Uranus stationing direct on January 2nd. New Moons flow abundantly in the potential of what can be. We have the additional support of the Solar Month cloaked in the strength of Capricorn; the energies of Mother Moon and Father Sun holding the power and cardinal energy of scaling the heights as you plunge into the depths (the Sea-Goat of Capricorn).

Uranus is a planet of electrical impulse. It is the higher amplification of Mercury’s communicative style. Mercury aligns as the phone’s switchboard and Uranus is the motherboard of a computer that is instantaneous and lightning speed in relay. When this planet stations retrograde, the build up of neuro-electric energy is palpable. People become short tempered and irritable as information pulses through at speeds that are not easily traversed. So, this New Moon is directly in the line of Uranian energy that provides the backdraft to light things up as new trails are blazed.

Capricorn’s energy is one of slow and precise placement. As an earth sign, this lends a heavier action to all that proceeds from this Sea-Goat’s movement. The tendency is often to remain solidly anchored in place’ hesitant and unsure of the footing, despite having the innate and organic balance and stability much like the goat traversing a very steep slope.

Partial Solar Eclipse

In the waxing light of the New Moon, a partial Solar Eclipse is underway at 8:41p.m.

In the dance Divine, the Sun and Moon line up (see diagram) with the Moon passing through Earth and Sun. We have a triad of earth energy flowing. Fire (Sun) of Earth (Capricorn)- Water (Moon) of Earth (Capricorn) and Earth of EARTH (our planetary home).

What a grounded way to launch the first New Moon of 2019! This night will launch beginnings that are solid and filled with the power of manifest form. This night will gather the enlivening of the Sun-flowing into the healing of the Moon as we stand in bounty of Earth and all of her glory. Take it slow and ease into what you wish to bring into fullness as the Moon waxes Full in Leo on January 21st…

Many blessings in this New Year!

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