Archive for February, 2017

Full Moon in Leo and Lunar Eclipse:Receptive Ground

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, pathworking, Retrogrades on February 9, 2017 by themagickalpen
Image: Holly Sierra

February 10.2017
Full Moon in Leo
7:33p.m. (EST)

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
5:34p.m. (EST)

Sun in Aquarius

Tomorrow evening the Moon waxes full in the astrological sign of Leo. We remain in the solar month of Aquarius and the earth will cast its shadow on the Moon in the first eclipse of 2017. This auspicious event is considered a penumbral eclipse which occurs when the outer (or penumbral) shadow of the Earth blocks part but not all of the Sun’s rays from reaching the Moon. And, in terms of the cosmic line-up, Earth stands midpoint as the Moon travels behind and the Sun is in front.

Apart from the astronomical/astrological import, the spiritual nature and metaphysical overlays of these archetypal energies can be accessed most effectively in aligning Strength and Will to Action (Sun) – Manifest Form (Earth) – and, Intuitive Flexibility (Moon). If we take this approach to the work at hand, we become the midpoint as earthy representative and call into ourselves the polarized aspects of Father(Sun) and Mother (Moon); Aquarius (Air/Mind and Vision) and Leo (Fire/Will and Guardianship).

If we choose to be the central conduit for these palpable energies, we are making conscious decision to open to the strength we have as human/manifest which is very much earth like in our composition and to take in waters of healing that are heated from a fire that burns brightly and magnetically. This is the Leo Moon heating the waters that lay without creative catalyzing and although healing and intuitive sight may arise, the process lacks the flame of spark that will set the waters in agitation (think boiling water) and make ready the space for new life to begin. And, for many of us, given the start of this 2017 year and the uncertainty and imposing change that is at each turn, claiming our place as catalyzers of birthing waters that are heated by the fierce and protective action of Leo’s will is a good place to begin the work of standing strong.

The Solar impetus to be  received is that of broad vision and electrical charge that moves at the speed of  cosmic light; inspiring and informing all that lay in its path. This is a Sun that strengthens and lights up the neurons and neurological pathways that produce the blueprint and ideologies of pure thought. Aquarius occupies its intention with the greater good for all, and although the individual is frequently left out of the equation, the outcome is one of future potential. Having reached the mid-point of a Solar month in a sign of inspired vision is a gift of clarity. Being able to synthesize and stabilize (this is the action of the Fixed signs) our will towards Highest Expression while being mindful of the impact for all concerned, amps up the charge of what we are compelled towards, rather than what we randomly are agitated and unproductively stimulated by.

We also have the additional and rare event of Comet 45p coming very near to earth. Icy particles, gasses and dust comprising the stuff of the solar system light the sky as trails of what is burnt off are dispersed throughout. This is the lesson of action requiring disruption and the necessary fall-out that may occur as a by-product as the path is pursued and the course is scripted whatever it “will be”.

Jupiter is Retrograde

Adding some expansive energy to the cosmic recipe,  the planet, Jupiter stationed retrograde on the 5/6th of this month.  Jupiter is wearing the mantle of Cardinal Air, Libra, so the nature of this expansive introspection is one of seeking refinement of what is balanced and harmonious. The mental aspect of this energy will play out in the areas of what you “perceive” to be in balance with what is reality and where you draw inspiration to cull away what is not in accord.

Jupiter gives pause to allow us to inhale the dynamic energies of Sun and Moon. Think of an hourglass. Each end is expansive in fanning out as base for whatever comes into it. But at the center point all is contracted and narrowed to allow the precise amount of flow in a timely fashion that is regulated by the diameter of opening. What we pull in from our outer experience/world is filtered/regulated by the space of receptivity we allow and what passes through is breathed out to fill all that is (the widened base of) our inner state of being. Jupiter is both the ebb and the flow; and in the astrological sign of Cardinal (initializing energy) Libra, each is important for a specific outcome; and each will ultimately be lesser and/or more on the scales in accord to what is needed for the most refined product. The goal being one of organized existence that can flex and expand regardless of the extent of chaos that naturally exerts its force.

Receptive Ground
The opportunity at this lunation is one of becoming the receptive ground that coalesces and anchors into itself the lights of Higher Purpose (Solar Aquarius) and Healing Quickening (Lunar Leo). And, from the fixed (and focused) nature of Mind and Will, manifest form aligns with awareness that stewardship and the power of our planet is also the measure of our Great Work of stewardship and the power of our corporeal form.

Please enjoy an audio pathworking that may be used as catalyst for sustaining the work of this auspicious day:

Receptive Ground

Note: you will directed to Teachings on the Path webpage for all audio. 

Read More:

The Magick of Leo
On the Prowl: Full Moon in Leo

The Motherboard: Sun in Aquarius

Jupiter Retrograde
Jupiter Retrograde: Expanding Consciousness

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