Archive for May, 2015

Speak! Speak Not!-New Moon in Gemini and Retrograde

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Esbat, Gemini, Mercury, New Moon, Retrogrades, The Temple of Mercury, The Temple of the Sun, Waxing Moon on May 18, 2015 by themagickalpen

May 18.2015

New Moon in Gemini

Mercury Retrograde
May 18 @ 9:50pm – June 11

The Moon waxed New in the early hours of the morning in the astrological sign of Gemini. Gemini is the sign of mind and communication. So, this New Moon brings with it the opportunity to re-craft how we communicate and more importantly build in a waxing effort the creative expression of that communication. As the New Moon also announces the soon to be transition of Sun into the same sign, beginnings and fresh starts are additionally enhanced when the Sun spends a complete solar cycle in that sign’s energy giving it the strengthening and support that began as the gentle flow of Mother Moon’s caress.

In this cycle, the Moon arrives at Gemini prior to the Sun moving into place. This means that Father Sun is in its last burst of the fertile and firmly anchored Taurean energy before it transits into its astrological Temple of Gemini on Thursday, May 1st. This energy lights the way for a more structured and manifest foundation and forging the connection between heaven’s ebb and flow  and earth’s cradle of solidarity.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and the deft hand and agility in moving from one expression to the other typically opens the way for interactions and the sharing of thoughts, ideas and creative efforts is in peak form. The day’s energy began that way, but the Mercury Retrograde that will take hold tonight will slow things down and make clarity a bit more tenuous to achieve.

The general feeling for this Moon and the next few weeks ahead will be one something like the conversation that occurs when bits of information randomly slip out and the speaker catches themselves quickly and abruptly shutting up so as not to spill more details that should remain in unsaid. This is largely because of the Mercury Retrograde that tends to slow down the normally rapid processing of Gemini’s style of communication and it is this slowing down that is the caution of communications being  misunderstood and left to shoddy translation.

Speak Not!
Mercury Retrograde

Astrologically, when a planet changes direction in its normal path of progression through the zodiac, this is called a “station”.  The planet’s progress slows down in is orbit until it appears to pause in its motion giving the appearance of moving backwards. The Retrograde Station occurs when the planet begins this slowing down and seeming movement backwards.  The Direct Station occurs when the forward motion of the planet begins again.

Whatever astrological sign the planet retrogrades in gives added emphasis and more intensity to how the planet expresses its own energy now given a full and prolonged dose of the sign’s own specificities.  These highly potent effects can be building or waning (depending on which end of the station you find yourself) for days prior or after. Much like, the concentrated effort needed in slowing down to come to a traffic light, pausing, and then having to carefully and incrementally apply enough gas to reach your top speed again.

Mercury remains retrograde through June 11th. which is approx. half of the Solar cycle of Gemini. The usual ability to strengthen and give more clarity to communication in all of its styles will be dimmed a bit by the focus on reiteration and further digesting of what has already been said and done. And, although many bemoan the dreaded Mercury Retrograde, this can be a truly rewarding time to give more attention to what is being presented to you.

We live in a highly active society where barely a second can pass before that text is answered and another is on its way. We are bombarded with video and audio stimuli continually and even in the quiet of our rest at night, if there is reliance on the cell phone for  a waking alarm, the subtle waves of technology are communicating with sleep cycles and more. With these statements being made, I will also suggest that a mercury Retrograde is exactly the hiatus much needed to re-tune us to a place of greater observation and deeper connection simply by listening more intently to what is being said, communicated or otherwise expressed.

So, as we enter this ebb and flow of waxing moon kicking us off in the direction of “speak not-unless it be profoundly filled with attention and presence in the moment” I will honor this New Moon as one that allows me to breathe into my communications in preparation for the lessons to be learned in the space of silence created y Mercury’s pause.

Other Readings:

Temple of Mercury
Temple of the Sun: Gemini

From the Center of My Being-Full Moon in Scorpio

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on May 1, 2015 by themagickalpen


May 3.2015
Full Moon in Scorpio
11:42pm (EDT)

The Moon waxes full in the astrological sign of Scorpio late Sunday evening. It uses the cover of darkened night to exert the mystery and hidden truths that are part and parcel of Scorpion energy.

A Full Moon signifies the opposition of Sun and Moon. In this case we have the strength, solidity and straight forwardness of the earthy Taurus Sun feeling the passive aggressiveness of a moody emotional landscape filled with hidden surprises and carefully guarded secrets that is the life’s blood of a Scorpio Moon. Scorpio is known for its mystery and the ability to intuit information as it dips deeply into areas that prefer their privacy. The challenge is one of remaining too long in this space of introspection and the effects of becoming prisoner of your own darker nature. This is also why Scorpio is prone to obsessive and addictive behavior.  Now, although this can become a detriment, that same obsessive and addictive nature can be re-tooled to become the passion that guides the course to success and the stability of habitual and predictable response that holds steady the course when everything around is in chaos.

So, how can this energy be used at the Full Moon? It’s a great time to do some soul searching and call to the foreground what keeps you motivated at an emotional level. What are your passions and what form of disciplined action will you create that becomes your positive and productive addiction? My natal Moon is in Scorpio, so I use the energy of a moon in Scorpio to sit in reflection, allow myself intuitive nature to rise up and become the healing waters that transform. An aspect of Scorpio that is often overlooked is that of healing. One of its associations is that of Death. Any death leaves the space for new growth to begin. Having Mother Moon cloaked in Scorpio’s death pall ensures that wherever there is release, healing is soon to follow.

Saturn (Mid-March) and Pluto (Mid-April) are Retrograde:

We are only two weeks into the Pluto Retrograde and already there are signs that many people are feeling its effects. Tightly wound and seeming to be vibrating within with pent up energy that is just about ready to burst is not uncommon and put a group of this energy together and the effect is much like the vibrating tray of metal balls- some bumping into each and causing others to fall off!

I had mentioned in the last post that Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio, and although it is not currently in that astrological sign, it still provides one of the underlying currents of this Full Moon’s energies. Mother Moon will provide additional light into those darkened recesses and what has been percolating at a personal level will have the opportunity for closer inspection.

Another Aspect to Consider

Mercury will form an aspect in opposition to (Retrograde) Saturn. Mercury is the planet of communication and Saturn likes to keep order and structure with tight control. With the dynamic of these two in opposition, and the added emphasis of Saturn’s nature while retrograde think on the concept of censorship and difficulty getting everything out that you wish to express (Mercury) because it has just been re-written by the CEO of micromanagement.

Much of what will be communicated will be restricted in its content and interpretation, so as you sit in reflection or have desire to allow the full moon to inform, be mindful that you will only be receiving part of the communication intended. Take what is given and then allow Time (another of Saturn’s focus)to fill in as it will what was not able to be fully received.

Mercury is gearing up for its retrograde on May 18th, heralding a Trinity of Air (Mercury), Fire (Saturn) and Earth (Pluto); all highly focused and directed by their planet’s retrograde.

From the Center of My Being:

Let the fullness of the Moon’s Light and the healing of Scorpio’s waters purify and open up the space of integration and inner work that has been called into action in the very core of who and what you are. This is the time for a bit of breathing room from the rigidity exacted by Saturn as Pluto dug deeply to retrieve and reveal to you what the past held and the future promises. Allow the sting of the Scorpion’s tail to part the internal veiling that has left you feeling at odds and off-center.

Let the deep water’s of Mother Moon’s grace provide the light by the lessons learned from Saturn’s structure may be carried on the wings of Scorpio’s keen sighted Eagle. And, as this flooding of purifying light bursts forth let its fires transform what is ready to receive the blessing of Scorpio’s Phoenix. These steps are the necessary healing that must occur as we enter the next round of retrograde Saturn and Pluto’s catalyzing energy.

Remember, one step at a time. A time for assessing. A time for re-ordering. A time for integration and agitation. A time for transformation. A time for purifying and preparation and a time for things ti begin anew so the next level of steps may be realized.

Read more here:

Pluto Retrograde-You Have Been Served
Saturn Retrograde-Time to Clean House

Read more about Scorpio:
Temple of the Sun-Scorpio

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