Archive for April, 2015

You’ve Been Served! Pluto Retrograde

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Retrogrades, Saturn, The Temple of Pluto on April 16, 2015 by themagickalpen


April 16.2015

Pluto Retrograde
11:51 p.m. (EDT)

Under the cover of a night sky and just prior to crossing the threshhold into a new day, Pluto will station retrograde this evening. It remains retrograde through the waxing of solar light and heat and begins its path forward once again in late September, just as the First Harvest begins.

Pluto’s planetary energy holds the potency of reaching deep into past experience, just beyond what is the normal level of introspection and rooted in what has first hand knowledge of death. Mythologically, Pluto is Lord of the Underworld and allows nothing to escape his intense scrutiny. Pluto was known more commonly as Hades and, as the son of Saturn, God of time and structure, learned the measure of time and order as the ultimate place of judgement at the end of life. Pluto stood in good company, his brothers being Jupiter and Neptune; one of expansive force and the other having control over the seas. Pluto took his place as final judge of the dead when the ebb and flow of breath and the waters of life were no longer part of a living being. In much the same way, Pluto stands as the final determiner as we evolve from what we believe of this world and pass into those territories lesser known.

Pluto begins its Retrograde at the mid-point degree (15’33) of the astrological sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is an Earth sign of the Cardinal (first stirrings) modality and as irony would have it, Capricorn’s ruling planet is Saturn. Here we have Pluto wearing the garb of his Father, Saturn, so that structure and order that is typical of Capricorn will be the underpinnings of Pluto’s energy. That statement has even greater depth of meaning given that Saturn is currently Retrograde (March 15th) and in its earliest degrees of astrological Sagittarius. Here we have Saturnian energy fired up and ready to send out its streams of light, always with goal of forging connections. Retrograde Saturn as the dutiful parent is adding his catalytic energies to that of Pluto’s making ready those who will pass through his Gates.

The retrograde stationing of a planet allows for that planet’s energy to be focused fully and directed in such a way that is similar to be under the spotlight of that energy for the duration of the retrograde. The work begins as an in-drawing of breath and energy, distributes itself wherever provocation will provide reaction and then allows the final products to be exhaled forward and out to what becomes the outward expression of what has been changed. Change will always occur, and as they say, you can go kicking and screaming in resistance or surrender to the process and learn from the ride, no matter how bumpy in spots.

Pluto is calling forth the darkness of our underworld and what we thought we had escaped laying them to rest as old and dead issues. Reaching int the darkness of Pluto’s energy also means we are moving into the coldest and furtherest reach we can, with very little concrete information to go on; it largely being an excursion into those “forgotten” realms. I say “forgotten” because we have access to the full breadth of our timeline and its experiences, but have forgotten how to extricate ourselves from the concept of linear time.

Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio, and although it is not in the sign of Scorpio the afterglow of its companionship still remains. These are the subtleties of expression, much like those that we acquire the more time we spend with friends and loved ones. Mannerisms, traits and at times more, shimmer through our own individual nature. Scorpio is intense and prone to addictive behavior if not balanced and stabilized. It is also the penultimate sign of change and literal transmutation when accessed in its higher expression. Much like the experience of Death itself that is only the leaving behind of what is known and the passing into a new transmuted form of expression. Sounds like Pluto, huh! This Plutonian gift can be either an echo or a guiding force that navigates the Retrograde from depths (Capricorn’s Sea Goat again) unfathomable to heights unimaginable.

You’ve Been Served!

This Pluto Retrograde is a space where all the joys and garbage of our lifetimes is going to come back full cycle for re-addressing and the calling of ourselves to stand in the place of judge and jury as to what may finally find peace and gain admittance into our own underworld. These will come suddenly and seemingly out of the blue and knowing precisely where you have left yourself most vulnerable.

When you begin opening to these planetary energies, it’s really interesting to note how you can sense the changes coming on a few days (or at times weeks) prior. The air has been thicker as of late and several people I have interacted with have been increasingly dredging up old issues spanning the gamut of emotions and thoughts. This is one of the Capricornian effects. The Sea Goat who is equally at home in the waters (emotions) and the heights of the this air of the mountain tops(mind).

This retrograde will be one of earth experience and hit home at the level of the physical and all that is part of your own secure little world. Issues of health with the recurrence or flair up of what has lain quiet are potentially things that will need to be dealt with and the replacing of old habits that are not in support of longevity and health could use the analysis and rigors of Pluto’s intense focus. Do not be surprised if you feel more weary than usual. It’s a long way out to reaching Pluto and what is occurring at the subtle levels of your being is that long stretching of everything you have as the foundations and reserve of your lifetime (s) not ricocheting back at you. This takes great effort and fortitude with much of this exertion transparent in the space of your conscious awareness.

Pluto’s first stirrings are at the unconscious level and with enough prodding they are brought into the subconscious, often as dreams. Be aware of your dreams during this period. These will give glue to what is being jostled free from those furtherest recesses. The choice then lay within you as to how much further into your waking self you allow them to rise.

There is much to be learned in the dark and the opportunity to cultivate new ways of seeing and navigating. Take this experience of Pluto’s “unknown factor” and use it as an opportunity to reinvent ourself. Use the Capricornian energy to manifest in your present life a resiliency and sure-footedness that keeps you strong and stable on the path of your life’s choosing. Nurture yourself as the son/daughter of a demanding Father (Saturn as the Lord of Time) and call forth the experience of the Primordial Mother that births the universe (Saturn and its Qabalistic relationship to the sphere of Binah, the Great Mother). As Pluto is king of the land of Death, he is also the psychopomp and mid-wife to the new life that will lay in wait to be eventually birthed from that Death in the never ending cycle of time.

Read more about Capricorn here: The Temple of the Sun-Capricorn
Read more about Scorpio here: The Temple of the Sun-Scorpio
Read more about Saturn Retrograde here: Time to Clean House-Saturn Retrograde

Under Pressure – Jupiter Stations Direct!

Posted in Auspicious Days, Jupiter on April 9, 2015 by themagickalpen


April 8.2015
Jupiter Direct in Leo

Jupiter Stationed Direct yesterday at 12:58p.m. This planet of expanse and flexibility began its retrograde last year on December 8th and has been responsible for a stretching of the norm and contracting in more deeply than is usual. It began its retrograde in the Fiery light of Leo and remains in this astrological sign until August of this year so anything that needs broader awareness takes center stage.

You may have noticed in yourself and/or others responses that seem strained and pressurized. You may have felt on the brink of the bursting point whether it was negative or positive in feeling. You may have felt as though you could not take on one more project, idea, product, etc. These were all the effects of Jupiter, hovering just above and making sure that its presence was drawn into the very center of your world, filling it with abundance.

The lessons gained from this purposeful expanding are those of a now much broader perspective of everything. The energy of Leo helped to heat things up and shed the spotlight precisely wherever it “chose”-note that I did not say “needed”. What could not survive the reshaping into a more malleable product succumbed to the organic dissolution that occurs when anything is stretched beyond its means. This may have erupted as the disconnect you suddenly felt in an area that you have long clung to as your reality. This reality was suddenly given a broader view and filled with the abundance that we all yearn for in all of our endeavors (but are, at times, not quite ready for). Problem is, if it has not been suitably prepared through careful planning, tending and testing for viability, the sudden thrust of increased energy shatters and tears apart what cannot be leaving us shaken and feeling off-balance.

Each of the astrological signs is designated by an expanse of intensity from 0-29-degrees. Breaking these down further into thirds we can liken these to stages of growth and the gaining of experience. Each third contains 10 degrees of further expression towards the next: (A little numerology seed for deeper contemplation)

0-9-degrees of any sign represents that signs’ first stirrings towards its full potential. Much like the infant to the young adult in how each stage brings a deeper level of knowing and more mature perspective. (This third ends with the number 9. Nine (9) is the great initiator; the threshold of endings of what was and the stirrings of what will now be. When we arrive at the energy of the young adult, we leave behind what we know of ourselves as a child, put away childish things and step into the unknown of the adult and realization of your individuality as the singular one (1))

1-19-degrees of any sign represents the time of responsibility, parenting and standing in the fullness as an adult forging their way and creating their own destiny. This energy is reflected in the stability of that’s sign area of expertise. These are the goals striven towards and the results of efforts of work offered towards those goals. (This third ends with the number 19. Breaking it down this is 1 and 9, side by side. The singular 1- you – and the next level of initiation (9) into the mysteries of the responsible adult who parents (not only children), creates home and pursues the success of their intended career. And the end point of this phase, you know who you are and have forged your place in the world. And, you have developed the importance of relationship and your place as no longer the singular but part of the collective (2))

20-29-degrees of any sign represents the most developed aspects of that energy. This is the soon to be retiree who has a wealth of experiences to draw from and can settle into the confidence that all actions from here forward must be used in their fullest possible way. These are the energies that recognize the timeliness and value of making all pursuits rich and densely filled with the joys of final journey. These are the energies that know of the cycle of life and death and in that knowledge bridge the space of endings and the new beginnings of the next sign’s energies. (This final third ends with 2 and 9. The two (2) that knows itself in relation to others and the collaborative energy offered whether or not you have a mate. The 9 of initiation is the peace to be found and wisdom gained in that understanding of relationship as a means of initiation and crossing through the threshold into what will emerge as something new (the beginning if the next astrological sign at 0-degrees). These are the degrees that define how the next iteration of energy will flow and what portion of prior experience will inform and what will lay in wait for another return to this marker.)

Jupiter is beginning its forward motion in the astrological sign of Leo at 12-degrees. The brilliant light of Leo, a Fire sign of the Fixed mobility has provided stability and a container for synthesize of what has expanded and what has been the source of contraction, This is the space of allowing yourself to be a source of magnetic attraction as you draw to yourself what is needed for your own growth as well as reflecting back the strength of purpose held in that self-awareness. And in this 12th degree, a mid-point, Jupiter has added the capability to expand and contract in a way that could ultimately bring you into the glorious daylight of your own potential and magnetic state of being.

This is your life opened to the awareness of what it truly feels like to breathe in the magnificence of the Universe and allow it to fill your being completely and fully. As Jupiter expands into this mode of attraction, we can continue the inner work begun during its retrograde. Breathe into the spaciousness that now lay within. Breathe into the potential of being prosperous at all levels of being; not simply financial gain, but also the prosperity of resiliency and flexibility of Spirit, mind and body.

Under Pressure

The image below is how I perceived this energy to moving through and in the space surrounding.  You will note that the point of connection (or intersection) is at the level of the throat. This is the space of communication. The spoken truths about our realities are scattered out to all from the place of the vocal chords. The inhale of expanding breath and the exhale and contraction of its release pour forth from the throat center. The conical center of expansion in downpour from Jupiter’s purposeful intent and the drawing in of that expansive form into the very core of our inner being. One size does not fit all so this energy contracts and finds its own way into the stream of our consciousness and upon arriving at the Throat center has synthesized and formed its center point of focus.


In receptivity to this energy, what has now been taken in and reduced can be expanded upon as it is sent out to every cell of our being. The abundance that we seek is now within us. Moving inwardly towards outer expression and informing all that we allow to be immersed in its dynamic. This is what causes the pressurized feeling. We are not accustomed to such expanding force and our bodies (subtle, and eventually physical) will struggle and resist. But that feeling of fullness, of prosperity of thought, action and heart is palpable and unmistakable in its presence.

When we become more attuned and familiar with the planetary energies, Retrogrades, eclipses and other cosmic events become laden with possibility for growth rather than the often negative connotations associated with them. In accord with the laws of polarity everything has the potential of being the antithesis of the other. And likewise, everything has the potential of being the enhancement of the other. Giving consideration to these broadened perspectives allows for the real magick to begin to flow and the surrendering to positive and negative as merely a different reflection of the same lesson to be learned.

So, as we move forward with Jupiter’s energies allow it to open the aperture a little wider as you take in the abundance of life, the prosperity of relationship and the experience of yourself communicating this attitude back into the world.

Read more about Jupiter here:

Jupiter Retrograde: Expanding Spaciousness

Image: Alice Levene

Full Moon in Libra- Weighing In

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon on April 3, 2015 by themagickalpen


April 4 .2015

Full Moon in Libra
8:05a.m. (EDT)

Sun in Aries

Total Lunar Eclipse
5:01 am (EDT)

I see the many
Truths of my being
As time weighs and
Measures their value.

I stand strongly in
The light of their power
And hold this strength
Within the core of my
Manifest form.

I move with the tides
Of ebb and flow that
Is held within a mind
That seeks balance.

The fires rise from
The great depths of
Healing and what is
Birthed from these
Waters if quickening
Is Beauty in all of
Its forms.

The Moon waxes full in the astrological sign of Libra tomorrow morning at 8:05am(EDT). Libra is a sign of balance and harmony through refinement.It is also a sign of Air or Mind/Intellect and a Cardinal Modality which give emphasis to the catalytic nature of mind and thought. The energy of this Moon is one of realizing our power over mind and the ability to harness the natural flow of mind to be productive in its creative efforts in restoring inner and outer balance.

This is not the balance of equilateral scales, but the dissonant harmony that occurs when the correct amount of action is exerted leaving enough of a lack in its opposite form that creates something of refinement and beauty of its own accord.

We have the support of Father Sun in these endeavors in its mid-point of Aries fiery energy. The Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are directly opposite the other in astrological sign. The combination here provides Fire (Aries) of the Mind (Libra).

The Lunar Eclipse

Last weekend I taught a workshop entitled Celestial Magick. One of the components was about the energy of the eclipses. When a Lunar Eclipse occurs the Earth finds itself as mid-point between the Sun and the Moon.

I see this as an opportunity to infuse the earthly and manifest realm with the strength of the Sun as it gathers to itself the healing of the Moon. In the action of reciprocity, the manifest realm becomes the place of filter for the Sun’s enlivening and the Moon calls into itself a dynamic potency that has been “flavored” by physicality.

The total Lunar eclipse will begin at 5:01am (EDT). Read more about it here::::

The Total Lunar Eclipse

“In New York City, the moon will be below the horizon at 6:36 a.m. although the partial eclipse from that location would actually end at 9:44 a.m. They only get to see the beginning of the eclipse,” Edelman said.

Those in the Eastern U.S. will likely not have the best viewing conditions anyway due to clouds, but especially in New England, which will be facing stormy weather, Meteorologist Mark Paquette said. Elsewhere, Paquette said conditions look average in the mid-Atlantic and the Ohio and Tennessee valleys, with good viewing weather for Florida, the Mississippi Valley and western Great Lakes.

On Oct. 8, one early riser arrived at work early enough to capture the lunar eclipse next to the Corning Tower in Albany, N.Y. (Photo/Matt Pollock‎)

The blood moon moniker is derived from the red color that is cast over the moon from light refracting in Earth’s atmosphere.

“The red portion of sunlight is what makes it through our atmosphere to the other side, bent toward the eclipsed Moon, so that even though the Moon is within Earth’s shadow, the red portion of the Sun’s light can give the Moon this ghostly illumination,” Edelman said, adding that how red an eclipsed Moon gets depends on the characteristics of the atmosphere on that day such as clouds, and temperature. (Accuweather)

Esoteric Implications

This is another way to utilize and contemplate the Lunar Eclipse.

Within the practice of Esoteric astrology the Sun has a tri-fold nature. Its physical energy is that of the fohat, pure electromagnetic dynamics. The spiritual overlay is that if Prana, pure life force energy that sustains and enlivens us. And, at the level of the individual the Sun is the space of awakened consciousness. The potential of what we strive towards as spiritual beings that has been charged by the flow of solar energy in our physical form.

The Moon is the storehouse and keeper of memory and the subconscious space of desires, want and need. This is the space of reconciliation between our physical and mental processes and what it is that our Soul truly desires to make it whole. This is often the deeper disparity between what we feel to be true and what we know to be true. When these are working collaboratively there is no separation between mind and heart as each informs the other.

The Earth is the place of our inner and outer journeys. The outer is one of physical experience and the weight of responsibility held in what that physical experience has as offering. The inner journey is one of recording the lessons of these experiences, the acceptance of the effects of what we cause to be and what visions we infuse to quicken this lifetime. This is the place of service and the yearnings to make whole that service in offering to the Divine.

The experience of these three planets of alignment as the lunar eclipse comes into focus of energy is one of wholeness. It is one of moving into a collaborative state with the physical you, the will-filled you and the you that remains outside of space or time that is reflected in our HIgher Self.

Weighing In

How will you align strength of will(Sun/Aries), body(earth) and healing mind(moon/Libra) at this Full Moon? he eclipse offers the power to infuse body with the Fires of Will and the Healing of Mind and our perceptions. I will call to the fullness of a state of balance that vacillates between will and mind, at times each having more weigh in than the other. I will call to the continued flow of healing and refinement of where that healing exerts more of its weight in response to my need. I will contemplate my place as manifest form in the stream of Father Sun’s Light and the compassionate reserves of Mother Moon. I will become the scales that are flexible and resilient in their receipt and offer freely from what has been accumulated as the treasure of greatest worth- the wholeness of my being….

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