Archive for March, 2016

A Delicate Balance: Full Moon in Libra

Posted in Astrology, Full Moon, Libra, Lunar on March 22, 2016 by themagickalpen


March 23.2016
Full Moon in Libra

Lunar Eclipse

Sun in Aries

Mother Moon waxes Full at 8:01am (EDT) tomorrow morning in the astrological sign of Libra. Libra is represented as Cardinal (catalyzing and initiating) Air (mental processes and movement). This is an airy energy that moves in a more refined way so it can actualize what it aspires towards.

This is a Full Moon of opportunity to establish a harmonious and more centered mental outlook. The Full Moon occurs at the peak of the lunar cycle and as such brings the dynamic of realized potential that is illuminated, expansive and heart centered.  Libra’s symbol is that of the scales, so balance is a theme of this sign; not equanimity; rather a balance that occurs when everything is as it should be with the appropriate amount of energy in dominance that will bring about refinement and productivity.

At the pole of opposition is the Sun, now in the astrological sign of Aries, Cardinal Fire. On the Zodiacal Wheel, Fiery Aries is directly opposite Airy Libra. Both are Cardinal signs; these being the prompters and starters of whatever elemental energy is present. Flowing through this Full Moon’s story is that of an emotional (Moon) landscape informed by the flow of new ideas (Libra) that stimulate the desire to strengthen (Sun) the sparks that will feed a newly lit flame (Aries) of creative action. Mind and Heart have the opportunity to unite with just enough tension (balance and the opposition of Sun and Moon) to produce a beautiful and harmonious outcome.

Add to this potential, a Lunar Eclipse and Earth (manifestation) as the recipient….

The Lunar Eclipse

lediagram1c 2

When a Lunar Eclipse occurs, the Earth finds itself mid-point between the Sun and Moon. I see this as an opportunity to infuse the earthly and manifest realm with the strength of the Sun as it gathers to itself the healing of the Moon. In the action of reciprocity, the manifest realm becomes the place of filter for the Sun’s enlivening and the Moon calls into itself a dynamic potency that has been “flavored” by physicality.

Esoteric Implications

This is another way to utilize and contemplate the Lunar Eclipse.

Within the practice of Esoteric astrology the Sun has a tri-fold nature. Its physical energy is that of the fohat, pure electromagnetic dynamics. The spiritual overlay is that if Prana, pure life force energy that sustains and enlivens us. And, at the level of the individual the Sun is the space of awakened consciousness. The potential of what we strive towards as spiritual beings that has been charged by the flow of solar energy in our physical form.

The Moon is the storehouse and keeper of memory and the subconscious space of desires, want and need. This is the space of reconciliation between our physical and mental processes and what it is that our Soul truly desires to make it whole. This is often the deeper disparity between what we feel to be true and what we know to be true. When these are working collaboratively there is no separation between mind and heart as each informs the other.

The Earth is the place of our inner and outer journeys. The outer is one of physical experience and the weight of responsibility held in what that physical experience has as offering. The inner journey is one of recording the lessons of these experiences, the acceptance of the effects of what we cause to be and what visions we infuse to quicken this lifetime. This is the place of service and the yearnings to make whole that service in offering to the Divine.

The experience of these three planets of alignment as the lunar eclipse comes into focus of energy is one of wholeness. It is one of moving into a collaborative state with the physical you, the will-filled you and the you that remains outside of space or time that is reflected in our Higher Self.

Please enjoy an audio recording that may  be used as a reflective meditation as the Moon rides high in Libra….

 A Delicate Balance

Coming Soon…

On March 25th Saturn joins Jupiter (Retrograde on Jan. 7)and stations Retrograde in the fiery sign of Sagittarius.

A Gift of the Heart: New Moon in Pisces

Posted in Auspicious Days, Neptune, New Moon on March 8, 2016 by themagickalpen

March 8.2016
New Moon in Pisces

8:54pm (EST)

Sun in Pisces
Total Solar Eclipse

The Moon begins its waxing towards fullness tonight entering its time of the New Moon. This March moon aligns with the astrological sign of Pisces, mirroring its Solar companion also in its Solar month of watery and compassionate Pisces.  Additionally, we have the auspicious event of the first Solar Eclipse of 2016.

The overall effect for this activity is one that can be gathered towards healing, a deepening of compassionate and empathetic understanding and flexibility to navigate changes that are coming. In its less than positive nature, non-productive self sacrifice and/or becoming entangled needlessly in another’s drama hoping to change what cannot are also expressions  of this configuration. Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces and as such the depths to which we have access are often murky and clarity is difficult to come by. This requires a sensorial experience that is much more than just physical sight and what can be tangibly observed, hence the mystical and dreamy nature that flows through all things Piscean.

As usual, the New Moon phase heralds a cycle of fresh beginnings. At this time of the year, as well as this year in particular, for many, opening up the heart center in a way that promotes healthy discourse and interactions is vital to maintaining calm and focus despite the storms that may circulate, pulling us off course.

 The Solar Eclipse


Credit: Space Telescope Science Institute

A Solar Eclipse occurs only at the time of a New Moon and when the Moon passes between Sun and Earth, partially or fully blocking the sun’s light. I think of this as a veiling of the Sun’s Light with the Moon’s energies acting like the polarized lenses of glasses. You are aware that the sunlight is strong and intensely bright, but the glare has been filtered and the shading serves to bring out the deepest and richest colors and details that would otherwise be lost in the brilliance of the light.



New Beginnings

A Total Solar Eclipse means that the Sun is fully covered by the Moon and for some this is seen as a deprivation of the much needed Sun’s light on the body of Earth. I have always viewed the Solar Eclipse as a time when my emotional bodies (the moon) and intuitive senses are strengthened and illuminated by the Sun’s direct potency. This energy then can be drawn into my physical forma and manifest experience (Earth).

With both Sun and Moon in Pisces, the opportunity at this time is one of heating and strengthening the flow of waters that can be both healing to others as well as restorative to oneself.  This is further supported by the energy of the Spring Equinox, later this month and a space of balance of sunlight and darkness. This is the potential for harmonious flow between what would ordinarily be the extremes and the promise of fertile growth and flowering of what seeds are planted in these rich deep watery (Moon) beds of body (Earth).

A Gift of the Heart

At this time of celestial flow, I offer a pathworking that I recorded for another purpose much like this. Find a space of quiet,  light a candle if you wish, and allow the words to wash over you as you remain flexible and receptive to the message. Because of space constraints, teh recording is accessed on my other site. Click here for the audio….

A Gift of the Heart

May the richness and flexibility of this Moon flow through you…

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