Archive for November, 2017

New Moon in Scorpio: The Waters of a Fiery Creation

Posted in Astrology, New Moon, Scorpio on November 17, 2017 by themagickalpen

November 18.2017
New Moon in Scorpio
6:42a.m. (EST)

Sun in Scorpio

The Moon waxes New in the watery astrological sign of Scorpio tomorrow morning at 6:42a.m. The Sun is in its last days of solar Scorpio and all of this potent occult energy emerges from the recent parting of the veils at Samhain.

Scorpio is unique in that it is the only of the twelve (12) astrological signs that expresses itself three very distinct ways; the Scorpion, the Eagle and the mythical Phoenix. Many mistakenly think of Scorpio as being a Fire sign, rather than water, largely because of its active and catalytic nature. And, this assignation is not that far off, since all of the elements contain within themselves each of the other three (3) as modifiers of their energy, such as Water of Water, Fire of Water, Earth of Water and Air of Water. Think if it this way, the actor (Water) wears different costumes (the other 3 elements moving through the primary element/actor) to portray different characters, archetypes and energies. Underneath it all, the actor (water) remains who and what its dominant and core energies are, but adapts that core to model a portion of what overlays it (one of the other elements).

Scorpio, displays this beautifully in its three forms. The Scorpion is earthy and deeply rooted in primal instinct. Its foundation is one survival and this includes remaining hidden in its actions so as not to attract the attention of what would consume it. Earth of Water provides the container for the water to remain or to flow. If the earth container is too rigid, the water will evaporate (survival instinct!) and become stagnant in the process. If the earth provides flexibility, the active flow of the water’s need to move and remain enlivened creates new pathways and the beginnings of a flowing body of healing waters can emerge. You could consider this model as the metaphor for shadow work. That which flows in the deep waters below and carries the sting of the Scorpion, can become the healing waters that stir us to movement in creating new pathways of understanding and intuitive nature.

The Eagle soars in the light, and because of its keen sight and ability to fly above what could destroy it, the Eagle has the benefit of both land and air. Air of water can be placed here. This is the breath of inspiration. The currents that carry the seeker towards its pinnacle and its goal. And the brilliance of a plan that will ensure success in finding and capturing the prey needed to survive. This is the survival of the Scorpion refined and honed in its enacting and rising above as the Eagle.

The Phoenix is the final result of the scorpion’s healing waters and the eagle’s keen sight aloft. These are the Fire-filled waters that render down what no longer serves and from the ashes (another return to earthy wisdom)something of beauty that is both hidden and in plain sight is born.

Beyond the traditional astrological assignations of Scorpio, wherever Scorpio has its imprint, change and opportunity is at hand. Another aspect of Scorpio’s energy is that of its waters being of the Fixed modality. This fixed nature is ready to receive from what has been catalyzed (Cardinal energy) and to expel what has been synthesized and given structure from its fixed container into the adaptive and flexible expansion of Mutable energy.

I’m going to add another layer to the triune nature of Scorpio, so just breathe! The qualities of those three modalities I just referenced – Cardinal (beginnings and initial catalyst) – Fixed (synthesis and structure) – Mutable (expansive and flexible) – also describe the potential held in Scorpio.

The nature of Scorpio as the scorpion is one of cardinal energy in the organic process of transformation offered. We use the scorpion to cloak and hide ourselves from the light. It is of no matter why we are doing this, the intention is still the comfort and safety felt when you don’t reveal too much of yourself and your emotional nature for fear of exposing the soft underbelly. Control and primal instinct are often not good bedfellows, but by learning to navigate in the recesses of our emotional earthiness, we are able to jumpstart movement into the light.

The nature of Scorpio as the eagle is one of fixed energy. We now are ready to synthesize our experience as the scorpion and our fear of flying. Flying out into the light where all can look up and see the glory and beauty of our wings carried within the container of sky and earth. We breathe in the air and the light and the transformation and integration of survival and discernment now are available. From the vantage point of rising above we can be discerning and accurate in what our next actions will be and where and how we choose to expose our emotions to the world.

And, finally, the nature of Scorpio as the Phoenix is complete transmutation that is mutable. The need to expand beyond what was thought to be capable, and to reach across the threshold of death (endings are also of the mutable nature) as manifest form is quickened. This is also the synthesis emanating from the Eagle’s fixed form, allowing the dissolution of limitation. No longer are the emotions and the desires held at bey, they now become the healing flames that ebb and flow in waters that have been purified and consecrated by trial and error for the express purpose of rebirth.

The New Moon of Quickening

This New Moon is an opportunity to set a new course. To dive deeply into the waters of emotion that lay hidden and allow a more intuitive way of navigating those dark waters to emerge. That initial burst of energy can be used as you visualize how much more discernment you will have as you make choice of which of these drops of dark waters can be carried into the light and used to form new rivers and streams that will eventually fall from the heights, cascading down as waterfalls. And, most importantly, allow the possibility for change to seep into every cell of your body. The possibility of rising in beauty and power, all because you willingly let drop the guard that held the most useful of those emotions and intuitive gifts to remain hidden.

Wax towards the fullness of your own lunar potential as you emerge catalyzed by the fiery waters of Scorpio’s creation! Blessings on this auspicious day….

Read more About Scorpio:

Meeting on Solid Ground-New Moon in Scorpio
Sun in Scorpio: Open the Floodgates and Lift the Veils
Flaming Sea-New Moon in Scorpio

Astrological  Gifts– Scroll down to:

April 22.2016- Full Moon in Scorpio
Light Arising from the Moon

October 22.2016- 4th Qrt. Moon in Leo-Sun in Scorpio
The Hall of Scorpio

To Learn More About the Alchemical Elements and the Sub-Elements:
The Elemental Year-Aligning the Parts of SELF
R. Fennelly.February 2013

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