Archive for August, 2015

My Beloved! The Full Moon in Pisces

Posted in Astrology, Esbat, Full Moon, Lunar, Magick, Mercury, Neptune, Waxing Moon on August 29, 2015 by themagickalpen


August 29.2015

Full Moon in Pisces
2:35 p.m.

Sun in Virgo

Step softly into my arms
Feel the feathery brush of my kiss
For you are my Beloved
And I tremble within your embrace.

Our hearts beat strongly as one
Our bodies no longer defined and
I rest in the sweet breath of your exhale
Gazing back into your loving face.

Our union in rapture complete
Soul’s yearning finally at peace
The Illuminated One my beloved
Mirror of SELF in Divinity released.

The Moon waxed Full just a few hours ago and the atmosphere is filled with a quiet and gentleness that has not been so for some time now. It is a momentarily reprieve from some very dynamic and charged astrological energy and much like the solace found in the arms of a loved one after the battering of the world; this is a time to renew and languish in the healing waters. Mother Moon is in the astrological sign of Pisces, the mistress of compassion and healing;  and although She squared off with Saturn in Scorpio early this morning, the tension between the two is offset by Retrograde Neptune also in Pisces, the astrological sign it Rules.

Water is everywhere, Pisces and Scorpio- the Moon and Neptune – and Saturn has a part to play in the order it is striving towards much like the Mother that accepts nothing but the best for her beloved and will stop time itself to provide what is needed. The intuitive heart of Scorpio (Saturn) guides this process but what it reveals may not be what you feel is needed. Put aside fear of reaching into those dark waters and remember that change and ultimately transformation are the same components needed to heal a wound or repair a heart that has been broken.

There is a great depth to felt with this Full Moon; Neptune supporting that deeper reach into waters that are filled with unseen potential, but carry the gift of bioluminescence to protect and to light the way. Saturn in Scorpio provides the Gate to probe into those deeper mysteries of our emotions and intuitively seek what is needed to bring structure to a compassion that flows freely and strongly (Pisces) often without regard to its own nurturing. This is the tension of a conflict (square) that is balanced by foundational sides that are not so dissimilar in nature; each having a valid point and perspective in a tug of war between giving too much and holding back. 

We can call upon the aid of clarity from the Sun in Virgo. Here we will find the balance of will and strength that has practiced long the work of analyzing, sorting and finding the best that can be had towards productive result. Here we have informed (Virgo being ruled by Mercury, the master communicator) Will that stimulates this flow of waters that rise high and reach deeply. Compassion, for self and others, loosened the hardest of hearts. Deep and abiding love for self and others, unblocks any challenge that wish to pull us away from a path of understanding. And, a heart that knows what lay on the surface as well as what remains in the abyss below can bring resolution to what prevents us from seeing the truth of the world.

Tonight I will hold my beloved
Tonight I will honor my ability to feel deeply and strongly
Tonight I will allow the hand of the Divine to guide me
Tonight I will breathe deeply into the gentle light of my compassionate self

Tonight I will hold my beloved
And the illusions of the world will fall away


Lions and War and Love! Oh, My!

Posted in Astrology, New Moon, Retrogrades, Venus on August 13, 2015 by themagickalpen

August 14.2015

New Moon in Leo
10:53am (EDT)

Sun in Leo
Venus Retrograde in Leo
Mars in Leo

The Lion roars and all know that raw power is soon to be exerted. Tomorrow mid-morning Lady Moon calls to Father Sun in her garb as maiden. She heralds new beginnings that are infused by passion (Venus) and aggression (Mars). Four celestial bodies are clothed in the regal Fires of Leo heating up the energetic plains as the Lion stands in authority.

Three of these energies, Sun-Moon and Retrograde Venus are aligned in an astrological aspect of conjunction. A conjunction occurs when two planets are very close to one another (within a 10-degree span) at any given time. This is much like a dialogue that is supportive and sustaining, particularly when the planets energies’ involved are compatible. Imagine an acquaintance leaning in to tell you something they wish to share with only you. In this current dialogue the duos of the Sun (dynamic force) and Venus (relationships and refinement) and the Sun and Moon (as always when a New Moon occurs) are in deep conversation as the polarities of Masculine and Feminine find the place of cohesion.

The New Moon in Leo offers ample opportunity to bring those emotions and passions that flow a little cooler normally, front and center. The catalyzing aspect of Fire are well used in this beginning flow that will ultimately find its fullness of expression as the Moon waxes towards its next phase on the 29th of the month.

Venus stationed retrograde in late July and the focus of its attention has been directed in refining relationships, expressing the beauty and love that can be achieved when that “extra effort” is given. Additionally, this Venus retrograde now resting within the pride of Leo can explore a deeper approach to matters of the heart. This dynamic energy is not limited to romantic pursuits, but flows into all aspects of our life. Wherever we experience the rising of passion for whatever is the object of that excitement a deeper connection and opening to the reciprocity of this flow will occur. This is one of the reasons why addictions can be so insidious and unexpected. What begins as a harmless yearning, has potential to become a driving force that consumes rather than feeds.

Read more about Venus:

The Temple of Venus: Learning to Love 

Add to this mix Fiery Mars. Assertion, aggression, challenge and explosive change are all within the directives of this planet’s basic nature. A little extra Fire and action that is driven by fierce will are what is necessary for the Lion (Leo) to sustain all that it considers part of its territory. This is the desire and need of a passionate tryst that ignites the consummate union of lovers whose loving action creates new life in the months that follows.

This is the  perfect recipe for any working that needs an extra boost of quickening, that will persevere through every challenge (Mars), engage at the deepest seas of refined relationship (Venus) and flow through the emotional landscape (Moon) held lovingly in the strength (Sun) of a light that guards, protects and releasing the Roar of its own power (Leo).

Lady Moon moves silently
Cloaked in the womb of
Newly birthed form.

Father Sun lights
The way of a heart
That seeks its
Fierce mate.

Passion Stirs
And what was
Unsure and afraid
Of its own desire
And hunger pushes
Forward in pursuit
Of its prey.

Loosening Its Hold-Saturn Stations Direct!

Posted in Astrology, Retrogrades, Saturn on August 1, 2015 by themagickalpen

isly-ballet-tee-8Saturn Stations Direct

The planetary energy that is the controlling structure of Saturn has begun the process of loosening its grip as it stations direct Aug. 1/2 (10:53pm-Pacific and 1:53am-Eastern). Saturn has imposed its standards of rigid order and opposition to timeliness since March 14th.

Whenever Saturn looms large in the equation, authority rises to the surface; guiding and directing each action that is taken. Think back to being a teenager and Mom and/or Dad put up roadblocks to your most imaginative (and fun) plans of rebellion. Time stood still under this watchful gaze and you strained and stretched to find creative and covert ways around this mature intervention. Much of the straining at the lease that we have seen in others and world events was the stressful energy of Saturn trying to call to order what it perceives as chaotic and unstructured.

The good news is that if you found points of surrender in this rigid atmosphere and allowed the productive work of establishing order to come to the foreground, you have probably grown and matured in all of your perspectives. Now, as Saturn loosens its hold, it’s time for the fledgling to take flight and find appropriate ways of sustaining a state of order that allows for smooth and steady progress towards any goal perceived.

Change is inevitable, but how we adapt and re-order our lives to move in accord with that change is something that takes time, patience and the authority we allow over ourselves to exercise Free Will.

Read more about the Saturn Retrograde:
Time to Clean House

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