Archive for April, 2017

New Moon in Taurus-Calling the Four Holy Creatures

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Esbat, New Moon on April 26, 2017 by themagickalpen

April 26.2017
New Moon in Taurus

Sun in Taurus

 The Moon began its waxing journey New this morning a 8:16am (EDT) in the astrological sign of earthy Taurus, The Bull. Beyond the usual astrological attributions of Taurus, a deeper meaning and energy of Taurus can be accessed as one of the Four Holy Creatures.

Read More about the gifts of astrological Taurus:
A Fiercely Beating Heart: The Sun in Taurus

The Four Holy Creatures

The Four Holy Creatures are the expression of those parts of self that live in corporeal form, yet remain always as points of connection and aspiration towards our Divine nature. Those parts of our being that align with the elements, both in their alchemical and metaphysical states form the cross points within and from which we engage the process of evolving and reaching beyond our physical form and consciousness.
These Fixed signs of the astrological Great Wheel represent sustainability, longevity and permanence; each of the four holding the blueprint of one of the elements:

Taurus- The Bull/Earth
Leo- The Lion/Fire
Scorpio- The Scorpion:EAGLE:Phoenix/Water
Aquarius- The Water-Bearer (Human)/Air

In their evolved states, as the Four Holy Creatures, they encompass the necessary foundations and components to produce Form (manifest life) from that which is Form-less (Spirit).
In their designation as the Four Holy Creatures, each is winged, denoting elevation or an arising of their core energies to a state of higher awareness and use. They are represented as:

The Four Holy Creatures
Ox/Bull Lion Eagle Man
Strength Courage Swiftness Intelligence
Patience Nobility Aspiration Devotion

We could think of these energies in this way:

In It’s Mundane State….

Taurus, the Bull represents the strength, fecundity and anchoring of an animal that is large and sturdy in its presence. It will charge if provoked, and is ruled by its instinctual needs for survival.

The Winged Bull has now taken those instinctual directives and elevated them to be used in the building and anchoring of the Spirit. We tend to cast aside what we consider to be our “baser” nature as a human when on the quest for spiritual growth, which, given that we have chosen corporeal, human (animal) form is another way we disconnect and see our spiritual nature as being something separate from our physical drives. Each are vital to the whole of the experience we have chosen this lifetime and cultivating the higher forms of what serves our survival in this realm will allow the manifestation of survival in the realms of Spirit.

In It’s Mundane State….

Leo, the Lion represents courage and responsibility for its community. The Lion is a fierce hunter and even fiercer guardian of its pride and lands. It commands attention and the bellow of its roar speaks of its dominion as a predator.

The Winged Lion commands its place as master of its spiritual nature; having gained mastery over predicating what no longer serves and weakens the needs of the collective. This energy is one of claiming, through effort and skill, the Divine Kingship that is our birthright. These are the Spiritual Fires that electrify and magnetized all that we are as human and Divine.

In It’s Mundane State….

Scorpio, as the Scorpion is its most traditional assignation. The creature that lurks below and issues a deadly sting if disturbed; and at times, stinging itself in the process. Scorpio is the only astrological sign that overtly has 2 other levels of expression. The second being the Eagle.

The Eagle, as one of the Holy Creatures, offers the space of keen awareness of all that has transpired in the efforts to reach the heights finally achieved through hard work and laying bare all that would keep us below the surface. The Eagle soars on the currents of water that is breath and air itself and the elevation and lifting of the Spirit that results from this freedom to move, unsupported or tethered to earth, reminds us of the true lightness of our Being.

In It’s Mundane State….

Aquarius, the Water-Bearer represents the flow of mind poured out in a continued stream of return back to its source of acquisition. Aquarius is often mistaken as a water sign , because of those flowing waters, but the true mystery lay not in the waters, but in the empty and air-filled space of the vessel. This is the container of potential and much like the flow of thoughts and ideas, they must be routinely shared and communicated so that space is created for others.

The Winged Man is the reconciliation of conscious awareness of our Divine potential and nature. Many have heard the phrase that we are “Divine Beings having a Human Experience”, but, try as we might we often forget how profound that statement truly is. More importantly we fail to acknowledge its correctness at all levels of our being. The Winged Man (aka. The perfected Man) is one who walks in all of the worlds give more credit to neither the Spiritual or Physical form he/she holds because the consciousness of gnosis has been achieved and both are at once a tiny drop in the cosmic sea and the sea itself.

These images of the Four Holy Creatures of spiritual perfection are held in the aethers; accessible yet easily transparent in their energies unless conscious awareness and action is taken towards clarifying their purpose. Taken as a whole, each a polarity and resonance of the other, it is fitting that these Four Holy Creatures also represent the Ages of Humanity. For Humanity, as a collective whole itself , must transit through the elements of evolution before coming full cycle back to the primordial place of its collective creation.

Now at this time of the New Moon in Taurus, I call to the strength and awareness of manifest and physical form. The Bull, that guards and protects and holds strongly anchored in who and what it is. I call to the energy of allowing what is steeped in instinctual and physical response to become a creature of elevated form and nature. This is the aspiration of what is driven by the desire to survive that lifts that desire to the space of manifesting and individual who is instinctually attuned to the Divine and moves in accord with a higher purpose. And in this calling al of the Holy Creatures shall answer for their nature is one of wholeness…

Entering the Temple of the Moon

Please enjoy this special live recording of our work in the Temple of the Moon last night as part of the Under the Veil of Night:Lunar Magick series. We called to the Four Holy Creatures to enliven our new beginnings and offered in return the light of our awakening. Click below…

New Moon in Taurus
(a) Calling to the Four Holy Creatures

How To:
Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed (and would be able to move a bit). If you wish to set up an altar, do so in whatever style is aligned with your practice; a simple white candle will suffice, as well. And, when you are ready and have settled in, take a few deep breaths and begin the recording. 

Blessings on your Work…Robin

Harmony of the Creative Mind-Full Moon in Libra

Posted in Astrology, Full Moon, Jupiter, Libra, Mercury, pathworking, Retrogrades on April 10, 2017 by themagickalpen

April 11.2017
Full Moon in Libra

In the early hours of the morning tomorrow, the Moon will wax full in the airy sign of Libra. Libra bears the gift of the cardinal/quickening modality and as an air/mental sign what blossoms are the seed thoughts that can be woven with will and desire in all efforts of creation.

Libra is known typically as the astrological sign of harmony (at all costs), beauty and refinement. Its ruling planet is Venus and so harmony of relationships is naturally interwoven into the expectations of Libra’s outpouring. Being of the Air element, these foci are ones of concept, rather than action (Fire), heart (Water) or physical (Earth) endeavors.

Now, let’s scale back the stereotypical attributions and think more clearly on what the definition of “beauty” and those scales of balance, that are the symbols of Libra, can become. We know the saying that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and no where does this hold more true than in the endeavors of Libra. The natural strivings towards harmony achieved by the weighing of all possible outcomes is held most often not in the idealized image of beauty but the state of refinement and clarity that is achieved when all is working harmoniously-that is truly a beautiful thing. Balance, particulalry when we have the image of scales, typically is perceived of as equality. Each scale in perfect balance with the other and a center line of equilibrium achieved!

But, balance is most productive when discernment and selectivity are in play. In every equation there will be times when something must be more than (weigh in heavier) than its opposing directive. And, as the scales begin to tip too heavily and what was originally dominant becomes overly exerted, the other must rise up, take hold and bring “balance” to what is no longer on point. If, at anytime during this process, both equally exert the same amount of force, inertia set’s in and what may appear to be blissful, soon runs its course and nothing new can be created. So, Libra’s scales that refine and calibrate to create the most harmonious state of mind that sees the beauty held in everything.

From that realization of beauty’s many visions, the potential for creation from a mind that is able to envision, weigh and refine what its wishes to bring into manifestation, exponentially becomes more powerful and ultimately more palpable.

This Full Moon, with the assistance of some creative allies holds the potential for beginning the work of drawing from the mind, applying the law of vibration through envisioning and recording that vision, and seeing with clarity the codifying of what is a viable product for manifestation.

Allies and Such

Venus, the planetary ruler of Libra has been retrograde since March 4 and is gearing up to loosen the intensity and station direct on April 15th. This retrograde has heightened the emotional responses and the seeking for justice and refinement of the status quo. Currently, Venus is in the watery sign of Pisces. So that beauty and justice sought after is laden with compassion and idealism regrading how this may be achieved.

Applying this intensity to the Libra basking in the full waters of emotive heart can enable heart and mind working together as the creative merging flows.

Additionally, Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday, April 9th. Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini, part of the Libran, Aquarius and Gemini triad of mental process and breath. Mercury is in the astrological sign of Taurus, giving an earthiness and rooting in of its communicative style. Here we have the ability to communicate (through Mercury’s gifts) what it is that we are called to create as Libra’s scales weigh and measure as each idea is created anew.

Jupiter has been retrograde since the early part of February and is currently in the astrological sign of Libra. Partner up with the expansive flexibility of Jupiter and create “big”. Now is not the time to limit your potential. Instead, allow this energy to blossom and expand in a flexible way and the ebb and flow that is the natural expansive and contractive nature of Jupiter will aid the process of bringing into balance all the components necessary for a “beautiful” outcome.

The Book of Creative Mind

The Book of Creative Mind is a pathworking I wrote many years ago and have used and shared many times since. this Full Moon is the perfect opportunity to begin your book; light up what you want to create and realize the power of creation contained within each of us. Once you have experienced the beauty of your mind’s creation and the heart-felt strength generated you will know the true meaning of balance and beauty.

Blessings of this Full Moon!

Click here for the pathworking….
The Book of Creative Mind


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