Archive for the pathworking Category

4th Qrt Moon in Scorpio-Descent

Posted in Astrology, Bonus Posts, pathworking, Scorpio on January 28, 2019 by themagickalpen

January 28.2019

I chose to wait for today to post, rather than join in the plethora of posting regarding the recent Super Full Moon. Today the Moon wanes in 4th Qrt. and astrological Scorpio is ever present in the world’s affairs. Scorpio promises an opening of your senses, both psychic and physical, but you must first be willing to surrender to those darker waters and descend into a realm of complexity and mystery. This, of course is only one aspect of the trinity of Scorpio’s assignations- the Scorpion (much darker and unpredictable)- the Eagle (more selective and discerning in its energy) and the Phoenix (the rendering of resistance and the blazing energy that heals and conquers).

What I have chosen for today is the much darker aspect, the space of allowing yourself to surrender and dissolve into the darkness of your nature, so that healing and reconciliation may begin, rendering you empowered and strengthened in the Light of your being. I am proposing that you engage all of your senses in this exploration and release all expectations of what you will find on thus journey of descent into the core of your being.

Lady Moon is donning the mantle of her 4th/Last Qrt. phase. A time of release and rest. A time of gathering all that will be needed to actualize and fulfill her promise of burgeoning brightness when next she dons her cloak of Newness. We too are in the midst of this cycle. And, we as children of this Divine presence are capable of biding our time; pulling the darkness closer around and trusting that the Light that we are infused with will blossom into the path of productivity and hope we desire.

I am offering you two pathworkings to begin this work. One, which provides the keys towards your descent into becoming the fertile darkness that holds the mystery of renewed and regenerated life. And, the second is one of rekindling the spark and allowing the space of hope and healing to become the synthesized YOU ready to begin anew at the next New Moon. May your journey be full and enriching and may what you create from those efforts inform all of your actions….

Access the pathworkings on Bandcamp…
Teachings on the Path with Robin


A pathworking of surrender

And, to allow the Healing and Synthesis to Begin:

Rekindling Hope

A Pathworking of Renewal and Healing


To read more about astrological Scorpio:

Sun in Scorpio: Open the Flood Gates and Lift the Veils



Harmony of the Creative Mind-Full Moon in Libra

Posted in Astrology, Full Moon, Jupiter, Libra, Mercury, pathworking, Retrogrades on April 10, 2017 by themagickalpen

April 11.2017
Full Moon in Libra

In the early hours of the morning tomorrow, the Moon will wax full in the airy sign of Libra. Libra bears the gift of the cardinal/quickening modality and as an air/mental sign what blossoms are the seed thoughts that can be woven with will and desire in all efforts of creation.

Libra is known typically as the astrological sign of harmony (at all costs), beauty and refinement. Its ruling planet is Venus and so harmony of relationships is naturally interwoven into the expectations of Libra’s outpouring. Being of the Air element, these foci are ones of concept, rather than action (Fire), heart (Water) or physical (Earth) endeavors.

Now, let’s scale back the stereotypical attributions and think more clearly on what the definition of “beauty” and those scales of balance, that are the symbols of Libra, can become. We know the saying that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and no where does this hold more true than in the endeavors of Libra. The natural strivings towards harmony achieved by the weighing of all possible outcomes is held most often not in the idealized image of beauty but the state of refinement and clarity that is achieved when all is working harmoniously-that is truly a beautiful thing. Balance, particulalry when we have the image of scales, typically is perceived of as equality. Each scale in perfect balance with the other and a center line of equilibrium achieved!

But, balance is most productive when discernment and selectivity are in play. In every equation there will be times when something must be more than (weigh in heavier) than its opposing directive. And, as the scales begin to tip too heavily and what was originally dominant becomes overly exerted, the other must rise up, take hold and bring “balance” to what is no longer on point. If, at anytime during this process, both equally exert the same amount of force, inertia set’s in and what may appear to be blissful, soon runs its course and nothing new can be created. So, Libra’s scales that refine and calibrate to create the most harmonious state of mind that sees the beauty held in everything.

From that realization of beauty’s many visions, the potential for creation from a mind that is able to envision, weigh and refine what its wishes to bring into manifestation, exponentially becomes more powerful and ultimately more palpable.

This Full Moon, with the assistance of some creative allies holds the potential for beginning the work of drawing from the mind, applying the law of vibration through envisioning and recording that vision, and seeing with clarity the codifying of what is a viable product for manifestation.

Allies and Such

Venus, the planetary ruler of Libra has been retrograde since March 4 and is gearing up to loosen the intensity and station direct on April 15th. This retrograde has heightened the emotional responses and the seeking for justice and refinement of the status quo. Currently, Venus is in the watery sign of Pisces. So that beauty and justice sought after is laden with compassion and idealism regrading how this may be achieved.

Applying this intensity to the Libra basking in the full waters of emotive heart can enable heart and mind working together as the creative merging flows.

Additionally, Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday, April 9th. Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini, part of the Libran, Aquarius and Gemini triad of mental process and breath. Mercury is in the astrological sign of Taurus, giving an earthiness and rooting in of its communicative style. Here we have the ability to communicate (through Mercury’s gifts) what it is that we are called to create as Libra’s scales weigh and measure as each idea is created anew.

Jupiter has been retrograde since the early part of February and is currently in the astrological sign of Libra. Partner up with the expansive flexibility of Jupiter and create “big”. Now is not the time to limit your potential. Instead, allow this energy to blossom and expand in a flexible way and the ebb and flow that is the natural expansive and contractive nature of Jupiter will aid the process of bringing into balance all the components necessary for a “beautiful” outcome.

The Book of Creative Mind

The Book of Creative Mind is a pathworking I wrote many years ago and have used and shared many times since. this Full Moon is the perfect opportunity to begin your book; light up what you want to create and realize the power of creation contained within each of us. Once you have experienced the beauty of your mind’s creation and the heart-felt strength generated you will know the true meaning of balance and beauty.

Blessings of this Full Moon!

Click here for the pathworking….
The Book of Creative Mind


Full Moon in Leo and Lunar Eclipse:Receptive Ground

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, pathworking, Retrogrades on February 9, 2017 by themagickalpen
Image: Holly Sierra

February 10.2017
Full Moon in Leo
7:33p.m. (EST)

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
5:34p.m. (EST)

Sun in Aquarius

Tomorrow evening the Moon waxes full in the astrological sign of Leo. We remain in the solar month of Aquarius and the earth will cast its shadow on the Moon in the first eclipse of 2017. This auspicious event is considered a penumbral eclipse which occurs when the outer (or penumbral) shadow of the Earth blocks part but not all of the Sun’s rays from reaching the Moon. And, in terms of the cosmic line-up, Earth stands midpoint as the Moon travels behind and the Sun is in front.

Apart from the astronomical/astrological import, the spiritual nature and metaphysical overlays of these archetypal energies can be accessed most effectively in aligning Strength and Will to Action (Sun) – Manifest Form (Earth) – and, Intuitive Flexibility (Moon). If we take this approach to the work at hand, we become the midpoint as earthy representative and call into ourselves the polarized aspects of Father(Sun) and Mother (Moon); Aquarius (Air/Mind and Vision) and Leo (Fire/Will and Guardianship).

If we choose to be the central conduit for these palpable energies, we are making conscious decision to open to the strength we have as human/manifest which is very much earth like in our composition and to take in waters of healing that are heated from a fire that burns brightly and magnetically. This is the Leo Moon heating the waters that lay without creative catalyzing and although healing and intuitive sight may arise, the process lacks the flame of spark that will set the waters in agitation (think boiling water) and make ready the space for new life to begin. And, for many of us, given the start of this 2017 year and the uncertainty and imposing change that is at each turn, claiming our place as catalyzers of birthing waters that are heated by the fierce and protective action of Leo’s will is a good place to begin the work of standing strong.

The Solar impetus to be  received is that of broad vision and electrical charge that moves at the speed of  cosmic light; inspiring and informing all that lay in its path. This is a Sun that strengthens and lights up the neurons and neurological pathways that produce the blueprint and ideologies of pure thought. Aquarius occupies its intention with the greater good for all, and although the individual is frequently left out of the equation, the outcome is one of future potential. Having reached the mid-point of a Solar month in a sign of inspired vision is a gift of clarity. Being able to synthesize and stabilize (this is the action of the Fixed signs) our will towards Highest Expression while being mindful of the impact for all concerned, amps up the charge of what we are compelled towards, rather than what we randomly are agitated and unproductively stimulated by.

We also have the additional and rare event of Comet 45p coming very near to earth. Icy particles, gasses and dust comprising the stuff of the solar system light the sky as trails of what is burnt off are dispersed throughout. This is the lesson of action requiring disruption and the necessary fall-out that may occur as a by-product as the path is pursued and the course is scripted whatever it “will be”.

Jupiter is Retrograde

Adding some expansive energy to the cosmic recipe,  the planet, Jupiter stationed retrograde on the 5/6th of this month.  Jupiter is wearing the mantle of Cardinal Air, Libra, so the nature of this expansive introspection is one of seeking refinement of what is balanced and harmonious. The mental aspect of this energy will play out in the areas of what you “perceive” to be in balance with what is reality and where you draw inspiration to cull away what is not in accord.

Jupiter gives pause to allow us to inhale the dynamic energies of Sun and Moon. Think of an hourglass. Each end is expansive in fanning out as base for whatever comes into it. But at the center point all is contracted and narrowed to allow the precise amount of flow in a timely fashion that is regulated by the diameter of opening. What we pull in from our outer experience/world is filtered/regulated by the space of receptivity we allow and what passes through is breathed out to fill all that is (the widened base of) our inner state of being. Jupiter is both the ebb and the flow; and in the astrological sign of Cardinal (initializing energy) Libra, each is important for a specific outcome; and each will ultimately be lesser and/or more on the scales in accord to what is needed for the most refined product. The goal being one of organized existence that can flex and expand regardless of the extent of chaos that naturally exerts its force.

Receptive Ground
The opportunity at this lunation is one of becoming the receptive ground that coalesces and anchors into itself the lights of Higher Purpose (Solar Aquarius) and Healing Quickening (Lunar Leo). And, from the fixed (and focused) nature of Mind and Will, manifest form aligns with awareness that stewardship and the power of our planet is also the measure of our Great Work of stewardship and the power of our corporeal form.

Please enjoy an audio pathworking that may be used as catalyst for sustaining the work of this auspicious day:

Receptive Ground

Note: you will directed to Teachings on the Path webpage for all audio. 

Read More:

The Magick of Leo
On the Prowl: Full Moon in Leo

The Motherboard: Sun in Aquarius

Jupiter Retrograde
Jupiter Retrograde: Expanding Consciousness

A Shot in the Dark: New Moon in Sagittarius

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, New Moon, pathworking on November 29, 2016 by themagickalpen

November 29.2016
New Moon in Sagittarius
7:18a.m. (EST)

Sun in Sagittarius

There are times when we feel powerless in affecting change in the way that we would wish. Times that are particularly difficult to navigate and the anticipation of what the future will bring is colored by doubt and fear. We push and strain to let our voices be heard and in the best of it, we step more fully into our power. In the worst, we feel that all of our efforts have been a shot in the dark. Each strike sent out from a tense bow of frustration and an exaggerated aim that often overreaches the goal we loosely had in mind.

These are the times we are facing now, with recent political events looming large and ominous in the United States and global affairs precarious in their awaiting the outcome of the collective mind of the USA and alliances that had been made. So, how do we make use of this New Moon in collectively minded Sagittarius and a Solar boost to this astrological Fire that is Mutable; which means flexibility and adaptability. This is also a Fire of will to action that expands and contracts as thresholds of endings and beginnings test the boundaries of where that action is directed and how willful we are in burning through it.

These are also the fires of newly ignited flames; in other words there is the potential for the fire to completely go out if it is not fed carefully and appropriately with skillful attention to placement of breath/air and intention.

We are nearing the end of November and with the advent and waxing of Mother Moon into December, how we feed and tend those Fires now will go a long way in support of December’s Solar transition into foundational Capricorn and the Winter Solstice. We will have passed the full moon by the time the solstice occurs but those last and most mature energies of Solar Sagittarius hold the spark that will ignite as those fiery arrows that were launched in the light of Solar Sagittarius gain ground in earthy Capricorn.

A Shot in the Dark


My proposal to you is one of cultivating patience and discernment and shoring up your arrows of connectivity; trusting that intention will guide the way. This means spending some time reflecting and truly thinking through where you wish to send out your fires of action. Where will they take root and what will become wasted energy and effort at a time when clarity and precision in picking the right battles to burn through is at an all time high.

Just as the archer of the Sagittarian symbology requires skill and practice to insure that each arrow hits the intended mark, this is a proposal that has no expiration date on honing and refining its many moving parts. What we need is a plan and plans take time and more importantly those who are knowledgeable in their skill set to make lasting change.

One arrow of hope intention released of action that has been fueled by a will that has scanned the best and most direct route for impact- can become the one that ignites a larger path to action that is palpable in its effect and brings about growth that rises from the ashes stronger and more dynamic than what had been planned.

I encourage you to use the energy of this New Moon productively letting the light of your intentions to begin the process of connecting with others of similar philosophy and belief. Release an arrow of understanding that you may gain deeper awareness of who and what the issues are, seeing them from both perspectives. You know there is the saying that one keeps their friends close and their enemies closer. Send out an arrow of clarity so that your actions will carry the most weight in leaving footprints that are easy for others to follow on the path towards right action.

Release an arrow of love and respect, that remains tethered to you as it seeks its mark. This is the arrow of reciprocity. One that requires you respect yourself enough that you will not allow the same type of narrow mindedness to rule your actions as that which you are condemning. Love is a powerful ally and although all cannot be easily diffused or transformed by love, the action, intention and efforts towards remaining this space, especially when challenges are at peak, strengthens your own convictions and place of right action.

Think of these arrows that you send forth his New Moon as the first strikes of the match that craft the fires of Illumination, Healing and Cleansing. And, once this Fire is collectively lit, nothing can extinguish what arises from its flames.

I’ve recorded a special Pathworking for this New Moon to begin the process of right action and focused intent. Enjoy…

A Shot in the Dark

Meeting on Solid Ground-New Moon in Scorpio

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, New Moon, pathworking on October 30, 2016 by themagickalpen

46490814 - dark forest with campfire at night

October 30.2016
New Moon in Scorpio
1:38p.m. (EDT)

Sun in Scorpio
Mercury in Scorpio

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

If you celebrate Samhain during the Traditional time of the year, today we are mid-point between a 3-day aura of Samhain’s energies. The 29th heralded the transition into the Scorpio Moon at 10:01p.m. and today’s New Moon shifts the gears from waning towards waxing at 1:38 p.m. All this carried forward into tomorrow, October 31st traditional Samhain. You could stop the Samhain revels there , if you like, but consider this. The 31st is the appetizer served to whet the appetite for the most potent and nourishing of energies that occur on the date of Astrological Samhain (Sun in Scorpio); usually somewhere around Nov. 6-7 or 8th.

Why, this second date? Technically these celebrations were calculated in accord with the mid-point (of days) between the Equinoxes and Solstices. The same holds true for Imbolc (Feb. 4/5-Aquarius); Beltane (May 5/6-Taurus) and Lughnasadh (Aug. 5/6-Leo). Additionally, each of these Sabbats fall within the Solar month of one of the four Fixed astrological signs during the Solar year. The Sabbat, or Solar/Fire Holi-day occurs when the Sun is 15-degrees in the fixed sign; that being the mid-point or height of potency for that sign’s energy. (More about this in a later post)

For now, let’s make use of the New Moon on this auspicious day as we greet our Ancestors.

Scorpion, Eagle and Phoenix

Father Sun and Mother Moon dance in the dark deep waters of Scorpio. And, Mercury-the communicator extraordinaire, also in Scorpio, joins the party of mystery and deep insight. All systems are go for seeking interaction with our beloved ancestors. Scorpio, as the astrological sign of Fixed water provides a stable container that may serve as the filter of what has come before and what will emerge in the future while remaining fully present in the now. Mercury eases and opens the gates of communication, much like the international liaison between two lands (living and departed) that may not speak the same language so that exchange can be made. This communication takes on the expression of Scorpio, so whatever comes through will most likely be what has lain in wait in the subconscious and now the time is ripe to draw it up to the surface. Don’t be surprised at the bluntness of what is communicated, however. This is the “sting” of the scorpion’s tail that awakens you to what lurks deeply below the surface.

The beauty of astrological Scorpio is that what is hidden beneath has the ability through its naturally transformative quality to allow a rising high above as it takes the form of the Eagle (a second attribution to Scorpio); keen of sight and able to see precisely what is needed to be sacrificed to feed and nourish. And, once that state has been mastered, the Phoenix (the third of attributions) stands center and strong in rendering down the last of our resistance and re-generating from the ash a {w}holly changed being! This phase of metamorphosis is the blueprint for seeking ancestral wisdom, taking it in-challenges and all-and letting this new knowledge transform how we walk within our world of the living and share the gifts of our deeper gnosis.

Retrograde Neptune in astrological Pisces

An additional cosmic boon is the energy of Neptune, now retrograde in its ruling astrological sign of Pisces. Pisces is the last of the water signs as well as holding the auspicious place of being the 12th and last of the astrological signs of the Zodiacal Wheel. Pisces expresses itself in compassion and self sacrifice that is honed by extraordinary natural empathetic and intuitive sight. Neptune, as mythical God carries the Trident that parts the seas (of emotional outpouring) as the three pronged staff directs a triad of energetic power towards higher aspirations. The triune quality is one that is Spiritual in nature and calls forth the Divine spark, each prong much like flames of will, action and desire. Holding the knowledge of this planetary energy in heart as we seek audience with our beloveds creates a space of intuitive insight and receptivity that is of Spirit to Spirit (our Highest self) meeting in the common seas of creation itself. This sea being one that is not bound by time or space an one in which all that was, is and shall be converge as a singular point of meeting.

Now,we are ready to pen our heart and minds to those we wish to commune with at this most sacred of times. Now, the place of meeting will be awakened as we step through the veils…

Meeting on Solid Ground

This pathworking can be used at anytime, but will be particularly potent today because of the preliminary work that has been set in motion with the previous posts. We will be using it again on November 7th, as the final post for the intention begun on October 16th.

Click here for the recorded pathworking….

Calling to the Ancestors

Into the Dark: New Moon in Libra

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, New Moon, pathworking on September 29, 2016 by themagickalpen


September 30.2016
New Moon in Libra
3:52am (EDT)

Maiden Moon is cloaked in darkness as She begins a new journey tomorrow in the astrological sign of Libra. The Moon transits in Libra at 3:52a.m. and rises New at 8:11 p.m.(EDT). Balance, harmony and beauty flow through these dark waters as she rises like Venus from the waters; this Maiden is one of polarized opposite to that of the brilliantly lit Venus her sister of light and revelation. Her nakedness is hidden in the night, yet she allows herself the vulnerability that can only be achieved through trust un the inherent balance striven towards.

There is courage that flows through this New Moon, having stationed into this phase mid-point of the scales of the Libran Solar Month. This mid-point of solar light seeks the coolness of dark moon’s undercurrent. After all, without the mystery of this darkness, the light of Solar gift will not be quite so brilliant.

We began the month with a New Moon and end this month with yet another. Two counterpoints of balance, the first flowed from the detail of Virgo’s stream and this now meeting the space of weighing of what was extracted from that detail ensuring that everything is in its most harmonious form. What appears as perfection in form, much like the image we have of Venus is only made so because of the imperfections that have learned to come together and provide an image of grace and beauty.

Each cycle flows one into the other and so this moon is setting the stage for the Solar Month of Scorpio to take hold on October 22nd. Mother Moon will wax full in earthy Taurus, anchoring in and birthing all that is held within the aspirations of manifestation. The darkness of the Maiden and her every growing fertile waters hold the potency that will be seeded in due time; incubated in sweet waters that flow into the light. And, what we seed in those waters will in what seems to be the void, emerge transformed touched by a light that now has awareness of itself within the spectrum of shadow and brilliance.

Into the Dark

I invite you into the caverns of darkness on this New Moon. Enter with openness and trust that all will be as it should be, if you stay the course and follow the path your heart guides you upon. This is the sweet innocence of the Maiden, enjoying the space of anticipation of what could be. Look up towards the night sky and you will see the ever so slight rimming of light that holds the promise of nubile form. She arise from the waters, the Dark Venus of burgeoning life.

Click below for a guided pathworking..

Into the Dark

All A Quiver-Full Moon in Sagittarius

Posted in Esbat, Full Moon, pathworking, Retrogrades, Sagittarius on May 20, 2016 by themagickalpen

SagPost2016 2
May 21.2016
Full Moon in Sagittarius
5:14 p.m. (EDT)

Sun in Gemini Transit: May 20
10:36a.m. (EDT)

We began the Solar Month of Gemini on Friday as the last 48-hrs. of Mercury’s (planetary ruler of Gemini) retrograde holds us accountable and cautious regarding matters of communication. Very opportune, giving the Full Moon’s energies of Sagittarius and the potential to allow the seeds of our catalytic will to be carried out into the world; arrows aflame! Think of this space of time as the additional care to be given as the archer’s bow and arrow are aligned precisely where we wish to hit the mark of change and stimulate new growth.

This is one of two Full Moons that will wear the mantle of Sagittarian energy, the second occurring next month on June 20th and will be in its 29th degree wearing its developed and mature garb. This Moon heralds the first steps in stepping into Sagittarius’ energy at the 1st degree. Even, this dynamic is one that we can harness, using this Full Moon’s energy with a similar intention of cycle that flows from New Moon to Full Moon. Apply this to the waxing of Sagittarius’ fiery energy: this Full Moon sees the first picking up of the bow that will then hold the arrow of intention that are released and, if sure and true, will hit its mark and become the fullness of flame (at June’s 29th degree Full Sagittarian Moon) and heat that cause lasting change!  Pretty cool, isn’t it?

Riding the wave of this energy, we are moving along a Fire Moon’s path that culminates on the Full Moon of the Summer Solstice, also June 20th and the transit of the Sun into the astrological sign of watery (and Moon ruled) Cancer. Think of this apex in this way:

On the longest day (Summer Solstice) when Father Sun crests in his vitality and strength, that heat is cooled by Mother Moon’s waters of fiery and quickened intent (Sagittarius). Their dance is a Tango, passionate and flowing, yet sharp and precise in the pointed nature and intention of each gesture and posture (the sharpened arrows of Sagittarius). He gives the full burst of energetic response, his emotions rising in heated desire (Transit into Cancer and waters enlivened by Sun’s rays) with each caress and entwining of embrace. The celestial music plays and as the day’s energies wane, the dance slows as the consummate union of Sun and Moon, Masculine and Feminine, Fire and Water herald the promise of new creation.

Rewind to this Full Moon of May: This is the space of planning, practicing and preparing for whatever the bull’s eye of your intention is. Bows raised in the first release of intention that we seek to enliven with the fires of change. Sights set on what will be catalyzed. Breathe deeply and let go! With the help of the Sun in Gemini, and its last efforts (Retrograde until Sunday, May 22nd) at slowing things down enough to give your intentions time to communicate with your actions, we have greater potential of actually hitting the goal with fewer attempts.

All A Quiver..

An additional dynamic to this Full Moon energy is a conjunction formed between the Moon and Retrograde Mars in Sagittarius. A conjunction occurs when the planets involved are within an orb up to 10-degrees of each other. In this case both the Moon and Mars are at 1-degree aspects.

Mars energy is active, assertive and can serve productively if positively directed. The retrograde intensifies the need to be active, so impulsivity or spontaneity can be favorable in allowing for flexibility of change or derailing the best efforts. This also means that tension will arise and the tautness that occurs replaces flexibility with rigidity. But, tension, more accurately just the right application of tension can bolster the efforts of  Sagittarius’ natural predisposition towards outreach and action. This ties in well with the directive of Mercury and its retrograde putting extra pressure on detail and precision in communication (or letting those arrows fly).

Envision this Mars-Moon conversation as one of emotional desire (Moon) that is allowing the will towards action (Mars) to assist in the co-creation of of change and broader dialogue that reaches beyond (Sagittarius) the normal boundaries that we often self-impose.

As the light of this blessed Full Moon shines stand in the space of your readiness to ignite the night sky with your arrows of action and intention….

Please enjoy a Pathworking into the Hall of Sagittarius
Flowering Embers



Read More:

Full Moon in Sagittarius (2014)
Ready, Aim, Shoot

The Temple of the Sun
Full Disclosure: The Sun in Gemini

Mercury Retrograde
Speak Slowly and Clearly Into the Microphone

Mars Retrograde
Stand Down-Mars Retrograde

The Hall of Sagittarius: A Pathworking of Expansive Reach

Posted in Astrology, New Moon, pathworking, Sagittarius on November 21, 2014 by themagickalpen

Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed and sit comfortably allowing your breath to establish an even and relaxed rhythm. Make note of any tension you may be holding in your body and as you exhale gently breathe that tension out; allowing it to drop around you like beads of water. Allow any thoughts that wish to have your attention to be acknowledged and then gently let go to pass as leaves in a gently flowing stream.

Turn your focus and attention to your breath. Allow the space of your consciousness to move with the rise and fall of your chest and the filling and release of the lungs. Continue in this manner for several breaths; allowing each to become softer, smoother and slower. With each breath your physical body appears to become lighter and your center of consciousness floats upwards towards the inner eye. You feel enveloped by the mist of transition between the Physical and Astral. And as this veil thins you step through a veil of dark blue mist and find yourself standing centrally in a circular room. As you look around you see that this space opens out to a star lit night sky. The velvety blackness above holds a twinkling of starry light that fills the panoramic view above. The walls encircle you and are of a deep bluish purple. As your eyes adjust to this room you notice an archway just ahead of you. The glyph of Sagittarius, the Archer hovers in the entryway.

You pass easily through the glyph of Sagittarius. Little sparks of flame lay at your feet creating a pathway through which you begin to walk. You look down and get a bit closer to one and notice that from each of the sparks a single flower appears to be in the process of blooming. As you look more closely, inspecting each along the path you see that some are viable and some wither and die as the spark goes out. Some appear to be desperately trying to take root and others never seem to catch on at all.

You think on the image of the archer, bursting with enthusiasm at the promise of hitting the center mark. The strain of arrow pressed back against bending bow and the sigh of release and effort as it is sent towards its destination. The energy of enthusiasm that turns to disappointment at those arrows shot in vain and then turning to pride in accomplishment at those that hit the target fills this space. You remind yourself that a sharp eye and a steady hand can be the detriment or the success of your endeavors.

You continue moving along the path and as you look deeply at each of these tiny flames you are reminded of the many times you have exerted your will in disbursed effort and the outcomes of those tiny flames of action you set forth. You think on all the experiences you have been afforded by putting your intent out into the greater world, and how those successes and failures have shaped and transformed who you are now.

Your attention is drawn to the sound of something crackling just off the path you are walking upon; and the smell of wood burning wafts thick in the air. You turn in the direction of where the sound seems to be coming from, your pace quickening till you find that you are now running fueled by enthusiasm and excitement about what you may find. You realize you have run nearly to the end of this uncleared passage your aim clear and true.

You stop suddenly and find yourself in a clearing, a bonfire raging hot and colorful just ahead. No one else is around and it is untended, although appearing to be perfectly controlled. As you walk closer you can feel its heat and the sheer beauty of its flames reaching upwards sends shivers of excitement running through you. You look down at your feet and see that the field is covered in the tiny flowers you saw on the main path held within the tiny embers of flame. They form intricate and diverse meandering patterns, but all coil in to the central bonfire. All feeding into its mass.

You realize that these are the arrows of thought, idea and action that are released with intent and purpose. You now understand the necessity for many options to be offered up before one or two can actually ignite what will blaze longer and with more intensity than expected. The one successful endeavor is fueled by the will and desires of many. You take in the smell of the fire as it burns; the depth of multiple colors dancing within its flames and the sound of crackling and the hiss of release.

You deepen into these sensations and you gently close your eyes and when you open them you are surrounded by the blue veil of energy that carried you to this inner sky. As you take a few more deep breaths and fill the intent with awareness of your physical being and return to your physical space, the mist clears and the smells, sounds and sights of the room in which you began our journey floods your senses. You feel the floor beneath you and the chair on which you are sitting. Noises of the mundane world come back filling ear and mind with thoughts of going about the rest of your day or evening. You take a deep breath in, savoring the vestiges of your astral journey and the insight it provided, and strongly exhale out affirming your oneness with the present moment of physical time and space.

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