Archive for April, 2018

The Raging Bull: Full Moon in Scorpio

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Jupiter, Pluto, Retrogrades, Saturn, Scorpio on April 27, 2018 by themagickalpen

April 29.2018
Full Moon in Scorpio
8:58p.m. (EDT)

Sun in Taurus

The moon waxes full on Sunday, April 29th in the astrological sign of Scorpio. So, you may be wondering why my title for this post alludes to the bull of Taurus. This reference is made because there are a whole lot of dynamics occurring between elemental water and earth right now and many are getting stuck in the mud as you struggle to break free….

The moon is Full wearing the garb of watery Scorpio and is in opposition to a Sun that burns hotly in earthly and robust Taurus. Both are signs of a Fixed modality which means that there is staying power to whatever/wherever their energy is applied. The annual solar month of Taurus inherently offers the ability to stand strong in what you have created as your foundational and earthy realm; finances, possessions, relationships and anything that provides grounding and anchor to you thrive in Taurus’ light. The flip side is that this stalwart and very earthy energy can also encourage you to remain stuck in what has become outworn and “comfortable” but not necessarily productive. We are almost at the mid-point of this energy, which means that we may also access a more mature level of understanding as to how and what we choose to acquire as manifest space in our lives, and what should be left behind. These thoughts are the first layer of this current earth-water dynamic.

The Moon, already ripe and full with emotion and watery flow, is in Fixed Scorpio’s waters that ebb and flow through multi-layers of transformative outpouring. We have choice to remain guarded, hidden and introspective as the Scorpion of this sign’s energy; rise upwards into the light as the Eagle choosing a path that is more discerning in how those waters flow; or take the leap of faith required as the Phoenix renders to ash what it has laid bare and rises anew as a the stable current of fiery waters that carves out its own emotional landscape. Scorpio has always been one of those astrological signs that presents more like Fire than true Water; but then again, all of the elemental energies carry varying amounts of each of the other within them. This Fixed water of Scorpio can flow in a directed course or enter into stagnation o the desire to move is not appropriately placed. This provides the second layer of the current earth-water dynamic.

I mentioned earlier that the Sun and Moon are in opposition to one another. This is the traditional configuration of a Full Moon in alignment with the Solar Sign. Many hear opposition and identify this with conflict and avoidance. I have never perceived it that way. In fact, I view any opposition as an organic and healthy dialogue between polarized energies that seek a state of tension so that one or the other may find resolution at the appropriate point of interchange. Depending on the intention and what outcome may be needed, one may reach across and almost touch that id-point of equilateral balance, but this never quite happens in a moving state- the perfect mid-point actually meaning a stagnant place of stillness where neither receives the neutrality of a catalyst to transform the other. In the case of this Taurus and Scorpio exchange, the tension is one of manifest foundation (Taurus) striving towards the adaptability of transformation at multi-levels of being (Scorpio), and with each iteration of the application of tension, a newly created form emerges. A good analogy is to consider the birth of a Butterfly emerging from the cocoon, having shed the foundational blueprint of it caterpillar form.

Assistance from the Retrogrades:
Any retrograde is an opportunity to give more scrutiny and care to the energies emanating from that Planet. It is typified as a slowing down of the planetary orbit and as such provides a closer look at what could be tweaked, reshaped and reformed. Three (3) planets are currently Retrograde- Two in Earth signs and One in Water

Jupiter is Retrograde in Scorpio, so we have a resonance between the Great Expander and the Full Moon. Jupiter is noted for its expansive quality and much like the ebb and flow of the Moon’s tides, Jupiter also breathes in a rhythm of contraction and expansion. This is why Jupiter is often used for financial matters. There is an organic flow that moves through what we consider to be prosperity and the times of contraction (or lack) are necessary to allow for the bounty and prosperity to fill the coffers of what you desire. The gift here is one of harnessing this expansive nature as with each incremental striving towards the transformative power of Scorpio’s Phoenix, we provide time to rest and integrate within the “in breath/inspiration” gift in the contraction back to itself.

Saturn and Pluto are Retrograde in Capricorn, the earth sign of potential. Potential to reach deeply into the depths of emotions waters and the ability to retrieve and bring to the surface and higher what has been made manifest and revealed as the Sea-Goat navigates the heights of breath and mind. Saturn provides structure and orderly guidance as it oversees the process of pitfalls and failures. Unfortunately it can also become stuck and sluggish in advancement, not trusting that what is provided is enough.

Pluto is the planet of regeneration and concerns itself with death so that life may continue. I also seePluto’s energies as those of being able to reach into the far past, bring forward the necessary experiences and lessons as a new future is being created from the point of synthesis that wraps and enfolds the present. It too is in earthy Capricorn, and the potential for use this energy in a lateral way to further guide your efforts is potent in a retrograde focus.

The Raging Bull

In all of these cases, there is a pulse of rhythm, a natural ebb and flow/contraction and expansion/descent and ascent that is flowing through these solar charged waters. This is the Bull of the Taurean Sun, that is not content to stand still and in its movement causes upheaval and what appears to be collateral damage, but in so doing affirms life in its most manifest and passionate way. This is also a call to allow your primal nature to light the way, as the intuitive waters of Scorpio’s heart fuel your course with passion. Breathe into this ability to be adaptable (Moon in Scorpio) and stretch and reach (Jupiter in Scorpio) towards the Gates that hold the keys (Pluto in Capricorn) to what has been learned and what can be created with your intention. These are the Gates that provide the foundational structure Saturn in Capricorn)that may become the blueprint of success as you navigate these challenging times.

Lest you have the image of negative connotation in the word, “raging” my hint to you is held in the protective nature that is held in Taurus energy. Protective of home, family and those things that are the manifest image of that state of security and comfort. The raging bull is the guardian of all you hold dear and spiritually, it is the keeper of a wisdom that gifts its user with anchors that reach deeply into a manifest reality of your own highest creation.

Blessings of this Full Moon… Robin

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