Archive for the Mercury Category

Mercury Transit 2019 and Full Moon in Taurus: Knock! Knock! Who’s There?

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Mercury on November 11, 2019 by themagickalpen

Image: KHQAnews

November 11.2019

Today (retrograde) Mercury will transit the Sun in a rare and auspicious event. We are also in the aura of a Full Moon in Taurus (Nov. 12 @ 8:34a.m. EST), giving this already powerful alignment even more potential for communication between the physical and spiritual nature of our being.

The Astrological Impact:

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio
Solar Month of Scorpio
Lunar Phase of the Full Moon in Taurus

The Mercury transit will occur over a 5.5 Hr. period, beginning at 7:34a.m. (EST) – peaking with the greatest contact at 10:34a.m.(EST) and having final contact around 1:04p.m.  (EST).

Read more here:

Knock! Knock! Who’s There?

Mercury is the quintessential planet of communication and is of the mental (Airy) realm. It guides the flow, quality and depth of how interaction occurs at all levels and assists in formulating the construct of thoughts, blueprint of experience and what we think can be. How we process the world and our experience within it are directly influenced by Mercury’s potency, albeit often transparency as we tend to consider communication from the perspective of social dialogue. This is part of the equation, but the most effective communication occurs at multi-levels of expression-how we move and displace energy through that movement-the verbage left unsaid, yet thundering through our thoughts-a look, a glance and every visual moniker that offers expression of what cannot be said, and more – you get the picture.

The Sun has been moving through the astrological sign of Scorpio, intense, intuitive and holding the power to transform at deep levels if we allow the shedding of the Scorpion’s stinger and take on the winged aspirations of the Eagle and the final rendering down and re-creation of the Phoenix reborn (all symbols of Scorpio’s waters. The Sun is our strength of being, the Divine spark of our spiritual essence and the power we emanate as corporeal beings carrying the memory of our own Divinity as spiritual foundation. Wearing the mantle of Scorpion allows for growth that is palpable and transformative in a way that out-pictures in all of our expressions.

Mercury’s transit will amp up the level of communication in a way that opens the doorway to those aspects of ourselves that lay deeply hidden below the surface.A new network is now flooded with the strength of Solar light and the tempering of heat and fiery will to “become” How we choose to respond to what is gifted us and what we turn away from is entirely of our free will, but, what needs adjusting and closer inspection will be persistent and will “sting” in its efforts if we struggle and resist.

As if this were not enough, Lady Moon waxes Full in astrological and earthy Taurus with peak tomorrow. Taurus is of the Earth Element and is the embodiment of manifestation and stability (a sign of Fixed Modality) that provides the foundation for our expression as physical beings. The Full Moon wears this mantle lending boundary to the watery outpourings of gnosis and heart. Think-the boundaries of shoreline that provide container for the vastness and depths of ocean.

Putting it Together:

We stand at the doorway of opening to a greater expression of who we are-at all levels of our being. Mercury transits and moves between Sun (the generator that provides life, light and the fires of will) and Earth (manifest form and physical foundations). The Moon waxes and builds in preparing the vessel that will become the meeting place of dialogue between mind (Mercury) and will (Sun).

We knock on this doorway, seeking entry into a most sacred sanctuary of our inner being. A place that has been uninhabited for some time and now is ready to receive its guest seeking deeper understanding and knowledge of self. What we find beyond may not be what we wish to encounter, just relax and know that if you knock on these doors, and speak truly your identity they will be flung open wide, for they are of your creation.

Blessings of this auspicious opportunity!

Read More:

Mercury Retrograde
Full Moon in Taurus
Sun in Scorpio

Full Moon in Gemini: Deep in Conversation

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Gemini, Mercury, Retrogrades on November 21, 2018 by themagickalpen

Full Moon in Gemini
November 23.2018
12:39a.m. (EST)

Mercury Retrograde
November 16 – December 6

Neptune Direct
November 16.2018

Sun in Sagittarius
November 22.2018


Wow! Lots going on and lots to talk about! This early morning Full Moon bathes in the energy of astrological Gemini, the quintessential archetypal energy of communication and mental agility. Father Sun has transited into the solar month of astrological Sagittarius, the direct opposite (on the zodiacal wheel) as usual of Mother Moon’s flowing waters of lunation. In this case, astrological Sagittarius fires up the solar energies and begins the process of sending out those electromagnetic bursts (think Sagittarian arrows) seeking collaboration, community and networks. Both Moon and Sun are in signs of the Mutable Modality which gives the necessary ebb and flow required of outreach that is potent and active inits intention(Sun in Sagittarius) and the rising waters  that adapt and change (Moon in Gemini) all the while reflecting an intuitive light held within.

As if that isn’t enough, we have….

Mercury Retrograde in Astrological Sagittarius
(mutable)Fire of Air(mutable)

It just so happens that Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini, giving this Full Moon in Gemini an additional level of intensity. This planet holds the archetypal energy of messengers, tricksters and to a large degree shape shifters able to turn on a dime in their conversational manner and redirect it in whatever way serves their intellectual fancy. The bad rap Mercury Retrograde gets is based in its deftness at demanding a slower response in all communication endeavors. Just as it operates at lightning speed in its normal flow of orbital energy, the retrograde “slow down” reflects the call for more scrutiny. This causes great frustration, particularly in the fast-paced setting of today’s society. Quick decisions are prized and misunderstandings run rampant as a result of not allowing pause to contemplate and reflect on all the possibilities available.

The energetic connection between this Full Moon’s mantle and its occurrence during a Mercury Retrograde provide the opportunity to allow what arises in the fullness of the Moon’s emotive light to be fully examined and the adaptability of Gemini’s grace to inform what is revealed. In other words, slow down, pause and really digest the intentions and concepts presented to you within the lunarscape of your intuitive and flowing (Moon) mind (Airy Gemini). This becomes the Intelligence of the Heart. Mind and heart aligned and informed by one another.


Neptune Direct in astrological Pisces
(Mutable) Planetary Water in its Ruling Sign

Water of another sort flows as the underpinning of this Full Moon. Neptune stations direct after a bit of a slowing in astrological Pisces, its natural astrological sign. Neptune swells with tides that plunge deeply into waters that hold mysteries and await the courageous diver who seeks the treasure of deep gnosis. This direct movement pushes all that flows from Full Moonlight and revelation and carries it forward to become the deep and crashing waves affecting change.

In alignment with the Gemini’s spark of mental acuity, Neptune’s energy boasts flexibility that enables the stretch and contraction required to set deeply informed and introspective communication in motion. The inherent Mutability cloaking each (Gemini Moon and Pisces Neptune) is the gift of creating thresholds of endings that become the quick start for rebirth.

Solar light in mutable Sagittarian Fire

The transition, on the 22nd into a solar month of Sagittarius sets the stage for Gemini’s Full Moon waters. The fire of the Sun changes its intensity and mutable Sagittarius prepares its arrows to be launched, the goal one of setting ablaze new means of action and lighting the way for what will support the subsequent endeavors.

Deep in Conversation

Where do we go from here and what intentions will we set along the way? Technology is a wonderful thing and allows us to stay connected and reach further than we were able prior to cell phones, social media and more. It has also become a way to remain detached, overly brief in our communications and missing out on the intimacy of conversation that is reflected in a heartfelt gaze and thoughtful response -the cornerstones of being more deeply connected.

This full moon allow the depths of feeling that flow from Neptune’s waters; the experiences that have built up as Neptune paused in its retrograde to move you to a state of compassion. Embrace the light of the full moon’s grace to enhance a more heart-felt communicative style as Mercury’s retrograde takes hold in calling you to take time to reflect, ask questions, and get to know those whom you choose to interact with. Put down the cell, and just show up for a face-to-face conversation. Step away from the computer and make memories and new experiences in person and not vicariously through the pictures of other’s activities.

And, finally use the entirety of the Sagittarian solar month to network, connect and seek out community. Reach out actively to quicken some new alliances and allow Mercury Retrograde’s slowing to let those small fires burn more deeply rooted as new paths and experiences are set ablaze in your newly found strength of engaging in deep and fulfilling conversation.

Read More:


The Magick of Gemini
Full Moon in Gemini-Keep It Simple and Speak the Truth


Under Pressure, Again! Neptune Stations Direct

Mercury Retrograde

The Temple of Mercury-What’s Up?
Speak Slowly and Clearly into the Microphone-Mercury Retrograde


Sun in Sagittarius: Aim High, Breathe Deep and Just Let Go! Fly-The Magick of Sagittarius


The Dawn Rises on Middle Ground

Posted in Astrology, capricorn, Mercury, New Moon, Sagittarius, Solstice on December 18, 2017 by themagickalpen

December 18 – December 20
New Moon in Sagittarius into Capricorn

December 21.2017
The Winter Solstice
Sun in Capricorn
Waxing Moon in Aquarius

Yep, there’s a lot going on over the next few days. We’ve seen the patterns before, but each iteration of a new year offers subtle nuances; meaning that every New Moon is Sagittarius is not alike. There are core similarities but, even despite the transits and planets retrograding, there are gradients of color that express themselves.

I’ve been writing a series entitled 19 Days of Illuminated darkness that is a countdown to the Winter Solstice and some old and new ways of engaging the potency of this time. So I decided to add this into the mix as the Sixteenth (16) Day. An interesting note there is that numerologically, the number 16 reduces to 1+6=7. Seven (7) a number relating to the harmonious balance and interaction of polarized energy that is the double trinity of 6 and moves forward from that foundation to explore, reach out and pursue new paths of expression and learning. So, using this as the 16th post is a subtle nod to the power of delving a bit more deeply into everything that flows into that singular day of astrological event, in this case the New Moon flowing into the Winter Solstice.

New Moon in Sagittarius
December 18
1:30a.m. (EST)

The Moon waxed new this morning in the wee hours and didn’t remain long in this fiery astrological sign before moving on to Capricorn at 8:30a.m. This may seem like a very short hiatus but Sagittarius had been courting the Lady Moon for the two days prior (16th and 17th), stirring up waters and emotions that sought a place of quickening as Sagittarius released its arrows of catalytic action. This energy is particularly useful at this juncture just prior to the Winter Solstice and the reclaiming of the Sun in dominion over the night in growing length of duration in any given day. As with any fire, the beginnings of it taking hold and building a formidable light are dependent on the striking of a match, or some form of kindling and the tiny spark that becomes the glowing flame.

This starting of the fires presents itself well at this time of the year with holidays and family and friends in the foreground as we seek to deepen and show appreciation for those relationships we have grown and kept warm and active. The New Moon reinforces this building and creative collaboration in that another aspect of Sagittarius is one of networking and becoming the bridge to bring people together. You may be familiar with the saying “burning the candle at both ends”. It reference meaning that someone is overextending themselves and has not place to anchor in. I don’t see this as a negative thing depending on how those “ends” are co-creating. Everything requires a sacrifice of sorts so having the ability to quicken the fires of action and will using all parts of yourself, will most definitely result in a mid-point of blaze, but do not have to be lost in the equation. Remember the Phoenix and the gift of rendering down to ash, only to be reborn more powerful, beautiful and stronger than ever in a new more resilient form.

This New Moon today, moves a few hours later into earthy Capricorn. The astrological sign of having the gift of being able to scale the heights and the depths, sure-footed and successfully if only the initial inertia and uncertainty doesn’t stop everything in its tracks. This is the sea goat and the placement of our emotional seascape in this astrological energy can produce great staying power for those embers that were cast about from Sagittarius’ bow. As we move towards the Winter Solstice and the birthing of a new light it is the caution that is inherent in Capricorn that can be used to spend a little more attention in stoking the fires that will birth your Sun of strength and renewed light.

The Winter Solstice
Moon in Aquarius
Solar Month transit into Capricorn

The Winter Solstice heralds the dawning of the sun’s renewed energy and readiness to grow in power incrementally with each dawn’s rising. This will remain so until it reaches its peak at the Summer Solstice and the Northern Hemisphere returns once again to the embrace of the Dark Mother’s mantle. This is the bursting forth from the womb of Goddess’ light as her waters hold the vision of Aquarius’ concept of humanity’s evolution. Aquarius is an air sign and as such thought and concept, ideal and vision are keywords for its energy. Place this energy in the womb that will bring forth a dawn of sustaining heat and light and the blueprint is indellibly marked in every pursuit, most especially those matters of intuition and insight. This combination if accessed without reserve opens the intelligence of the heart; the concept of wisdom flowing from the inner chamber of heart and mind truly beating as one.

And, with this year’s Winter Solstice being able to harness the communicative style of Aquarius’ MoonDance helps to push Mercury from its stationary transit of retrograde as it moves direct on December 22nd.

The Dawn Rises on the Middle Ground

These next few days can be the priming of your engines for movement, clarity and emerging from what may have felt oppressive as the days were cloaked in night. Being mindful of all that has brought you to this point and what you may carry forward or leave behind when you arise and welcome the sun’s light at the Winter Solstice will give you the vantage of standing at middle ground. You are the Capricornian seagoat and its most comfortable place to begin its decent or ascent is in that sweet spot of the middle. Use this as your place of anchor and as the sun rises, and the days stretch forward with growing light, place one foot in front of the other with assurance that you have laid the necessary foundations and you are indeed not only capable but more than ready to scale new heights.

And, do not forget that “up” is not always the desired vantage point. That being able to sense and intuit when to shift course and begin the dive into fertile and flowing waters is part of the process as the sun’s light becomes intense and the coolness of shade and soothing waters of healing are required.

May these last few days of this calendar year bring you joy and may the New Year send you forth (much like Sagittarius’ arrows) renewed and fueled by the quickening of blazing your own trails of connection…..Robin


Read More About:
Let Her Fly-The Magick of Sagittarius
The Hall of Sagittarius:A Pathworking of Expansive Reach

As Above, So Below-Sun in Capricorn
Sun in Capricorn-A Tree of Highs and Lows

19 days of Illuminated Darkness

Photo: Curbar Edge in Derbyshire

The Solar Eclipse of Great Shadow

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Lunar, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto, Retrogrades, Saturn, Solar, Uranus on August 17, 2017 by themagickalpen

August 21.2017

New Moon in Leo
Total Solar Eclipse in Leo

Many are primed and focused on this upcoming Eclipse and much has already been written about it. And, given many of the recent events both nationally and internationally, more has been written about the connections, etc. So, for what it is worth, here is a very simple take on how this energy has potential to be used and the far more long reaching impact of other astrological occurrences that will carry forward what is taken from the eclipse.

The astrological energy of Leo is one that can be particularly challenging, especially if applied to raw and exposed neurological matter. Meaning that we have all been amped up neurologically in a very deliberate and evolutionary way for some time now. Think technology and how much has progressed in such a short amount of time, almost to the point where we are unable to keep pace with the advancements. Now, think about everything within you that responds in much the same way as technology and requires upgrading and modification to keep pace with the increasing pressures we feel to meet all of the demands of a fast-paced society and its expectations.

Leo is the Lion who when on the hunt, will mercilessly take down its prey fueled by a heat and intensity that is ferocious, primal and self-centered. Add to this emotional landscapes (Lunar) that are either overflowing or severely depleted from the parching of heated reaction and the boiling point is soon reached. Neurons fire and we lash out taking down whatever lay in front of us- primal, instinctual. I am not making these observations as good, bad or neutral. They just simply are and how they are rallied and used determines the identification that is placed upon them as being of one kind or another.

With that being said, I view this Eclipse as a space to be used for moving into the shade offered by the cloaking of our intuitive/emotional (Moon) as we wrap its density around, for many, what feel like battered (energetically, physically or metaphorically) bodies (Earth). And, in opposition to ramping up and drawing from the potency of the Sun, I am suggesting dimming your fires, pulling them within and allowing the shadow of the Moon to pass uneventfully, carrying forward none of the precious Light that we will need in the months (perhaps years) ahead.

Nothing occurs in isolation and this is especially true of the energy being emitted by five (5) planets as they are in varying progress in their Retrograde stations. Five (5) is the number of change. CHANGE that occurs through radical measures and pushing the boundaries of we we believe to be our carefully laid foundations. This is change that reaches deeply when applied to ourself. And, given all of the choices and changes occurring in our world, our beliefs, values and ethics are being pushed to their boundaries daily.

In that regard, the power of this infrequently occurring Eclipse and the additional planetary energies at play are demanding that find the courage of the Lion and master and hone our instinctual nature to be of service for the greater good of all.

Whether we choose to align that energy in a partnership of bolstering and stabilizing is entirely up to the individual and what you are hoping to achieve of strength and stability moving forward…..

Retrogrades of Contractive Focus

Saturn in Astrological Sagittarius  (Mutable FIRE)
(Flexible and Expansive) Order and Structure casting a Broad Net
End Stage Intensity (Mutable-Cardinal) Direct: August 25

Mercury in Astrological Virgo   (Mutable EARTH)
(Flexible and Expansive) Communication that is Analytical and Orderly
Retrograde – 3/4 Stage (Mutable) Direct: September 5

Uranus in Astrological Aries   (Cardinal FIRE)
(Initiating) Electromagnetic Catalytic Beginnings
Beginning (Cardinal) Direct: January 2.2018

Neptune in Astrological Pisces   (Mutable WATER)
The (Flexible and Expansive) Illusory Depths of Compassionate Grace
Mid Stage (Fixed) Direct: November 22

Pluto in Astrological Capricorn   (Cardinal EARTH)
(Initiating) Death and Rebirth Converging into An Anchored Center
Mid Stage Direct: September 28

In this configuration of planetary astrological signs, we have all but AIR (which would add the ration of reason and logic) represented within the intense focused energy of the retrograde planets. And, the modality that provides stability and a vessel of synthesis of what in Cardinal (beginning) flow enters into it and what as Mutable (flexible, and connective) receives its more refined product is represented by the Major players of Sun and Moon in Fixed Leo (Fixed and un-relentless Fire).


Find your place of shade and peer at the sun through well protected glasses…
The natural inclination when something is trying to hide your light (voice, will, fill in the blanks) is to stoke those fires even more. This generally out-pictures as reactionary defense. This shadow of passing will eclipse the light for its duration regardless of how you struggle to amplify your fires of re-action. Remain steady and as the shadow moves in place, look deeply and introspectively into what lay in the depths of your inner fire. And, offer up freely to this shadow what you wish to have it absorb from you that will encourage a greater clarity (and appreciation) of where the fiery tendrils of your Will need to be extended.

And, The Day After….

August 22.2017
Sun and Moon Transit into a Solar Month of Virgo (Mutable Earth)

This is the month to sort through, analyze and get all of your ducks in a row in the areas of Will and action (the Solar Principle) and Heart and emotion (The Lunar Principle). If you have emerged from the shadow of the Eclipse and did not allow its flares to overheat and agitate, you can make good use of this time to take a closer look at any rough surfaces and imperfections that can be refined and reshaped to be more closely in alignment with what your beliefs and values truly are. Think of a jeweler with magnifying eyepiece and forehead lamp, scrutinizing very carefully the rough stone that will become the gem of great worth with further polishing and refinement. You are that gem and the light of the Sun and your honest evaluation of all you are and who you wish to become are just waiting to be smoothed and polished.

Harmony of the Creative Mind-Full Moon in Libra

Posted in Astrology, Full Moon, Jupiter, Libra, Mercury, pathworking, Retrogrades on April 10, 2017 by themagickalpen

April 11.2017
Full Moon in Libra

In the early hours of the morning tomorrow, the Moon will wax full in the airy sign of Libra. Libra bears the gift of the cardinal/quickening modality and as an air/mental sign what blossoms are the seed thoughts that can be woven with will and desire in all efforts of creation.

Libra is known typically as the astrological sign of harmony (at all costs), beauty and refinement. Its ruling planet is Venus and so harmony of relationships is naturally interwoven into the expectations of Libra’s outpouring. Being of the Air element, these foci are ones of concept, rather than action (Fire), heart (Water) or physical (Earth) endeavors.

Now, let’s scale back the stereotypical attributions and think more clearly on what the definition of “beauty” and those scales of balance, that are the symbols of Libra, can become. We know the saying that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and no where does this hold more true than in the endeavors of Libra. The natural strivings towards harmony achieved by the weighing of all possible outcomes is held most often not in the idealized image of beauty but the state of refinement and clarity that is achieved when all is working harmoniously-that is truly a beautiful thing. Balance, particulalry when we have the image of scales, typically is perceived of as equality. Each scale in perfect balance with the other and a center line of equilibrium achieved!

But, balance is most productive when discernment and selectivity are in play. In every equation there will be times when something must be more than (weigh in heavier) than its opposing directive. And, as the scales begin to tip too heavily and what was originally dominant becomes overly exerted, the other must rise up, take hold and bring “balance” to what is no longer on point. If, at anytime during this process, both equally exert the same amount of force, inertia set’s in and what may appear to be blissful, soon runs its course and nothing new can be created. So, Libra’s scales that refine and calibrate to create the most harmonious state of mind that sees the beauty held in everything.

From that realization of beauty’s many visions, the potential for creation from a mind that is able to envision, weigh and refine what its wishes to bring into manifestation, exponentially becomes more powerful and ultimately more palpable.

This Full Moon, with the assistance of some creative allies holds the potential for beginning the work of drawing from the mind, applying the law of vibration through envisioning and recording that vision, and seeing with clarity the codifying of what is a viable product for manifestation.

Allies and Such

Venus, the planetary ruler of Libra has been retrograde since March 4 and is gearing up to loosen the intensity and station direct on April 15th. This retrograde has heightened the emotional responses and the seeking for justice and refinement of the status quo. Currently, Venus is in the watery sign of Pisces. So that beauty and justice sought after is laden with compassion and idealism regrading how this may be achieved.

Applying this intensity to the Libra basking in the full waters of emotive heart can enable heart and mind working together as the creative merging flows.

Additionally, Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday, April 9th. Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini, part of the Libran, Aquarius and Gemini triad of mental process and breath. Mercury is in the astrological sign of Taurus, giving an earthiness and rooting in of its communicative style. Here we have the ability to communicate (through Mercury’s gifts) what it is that we are called to create as Libra’s scales weigh and measure as each idea is created anew.

Jupiter has been retrograde since the early part of February and is currently in the astrological sign of Libra. Partner up with the expansive flexibility of Jupiter and create “big”. Now is not the time to limit your potential. Instead, allow this energy to blossom and expand in a flexible way and the ebb and flow that is the natural expansive and contractive nature of Jupiter will aid the process of bringing into balance all the components necessary for a “beautiful” outcome.

The Book of Creative Mind

The Book of Creative Mind is a pathworking I wrote many years ago and have used and shared many times since. this Full Moon is the perfect opportunity to begin your book; light up what you want to create and realize the power of creation contained within each of us. Once you have experienced the beauty of your mind’s creation and the heart-felt strength generated you will know the true meaning of balance and beauty.

Blessings of this Full Moon!

Click here for the pathworking….
The Book of Creative Mind


My Beloved! The Full Moon in Pisces

Posted in Astrology, Esbat, Full Moon, Lunar, Magick, Mercury, Neptune, Waxing Moon on August 29, 2015 by themagickalpen


August 29.2015

Full Moon in Pisces
2:35 p.m.

Sun in Virgo

Step softly into my arms
Feel the feathery brush of my kiss
For you are my Beloved
And I tremble within your embrace.

Our hearts beat strongly as one
Our bodies no longer defined and
I rest in the sweet breath of your exhale
Gazing back into your loving face.

Our union in rapture complete
Soul’s yearning finally at peace
The Illuminated One my beloved
Mirror of SELF in Divinity released.

The Moon waxed Full just a few hours ago and the atmosphere is filled with a quiet and gentleness that has not been so for some time now. It is a momentarily reprieve from some very dynamic and charged astrological energy and much like the solace found in the arms of a loved one after the battering of the world; this is a time to renew and languish in the healing waters. Mother Moon is in the astrological sign of Pisces, the mistress of compassion and healing;  and although She squared off with Saturn in Scorpio early this morning, the tension between the two is offset by Retrograde Neptune also in Pisces, the astrological sign it Rules.

Water is everywhere, Pisces and Scorpio- the Moon and Neptune – and Saturn has a part to play in the order it is striving towards much like the Mother that accepts nothing but the best for her beloved and will stop time itself to provide what is needed. The intuitive heart of Scorpio (Saturn) guides this process but what it reveals may not be what you feel is needed. Put aside fear of reaching into those dark waters and remember that change and ultimately transformation are the same components needed to heal a wound or repair a heart that has been broken.

There is a great depth to felt with this Full Moon; Neptune supporting that deeper reach into waters that are filled with unseen potential, but carry the gift of bioluminescence to protect and to light the way. Saturn in Scorpio provides the Gate to probe into those deeper mysteries of our emotions and intuitively seek what is needed to bring structure to a compassion that flows freely and strongly (Pisces) often without regard to its own nurturing. This is the tension of a conflict (square) that is balanced by foundational sides that are not so dissimilar in nature; each having a valid point and perspective in a tug of war between giving too much and holding back. 

We can call upon the aid of clarity from the Sun in Virgo. Here we will find the balance of will and strength that has practiced long the work of analyzing, sorting and finding the best that can be had towards productive result. Here we have informed (Virgo being ruled by Mercury, the master communicator) Will that stimulates this flow of waters that rise high and reach deeply. Compassion, for self and others, loosened the hardest of hearts. Deep and abiding love for self and others, unblocks any challenge that wish to pull us away from a path of understanding. And, a heart that knows what lay on the surface as well as what remains in the abyss below can bring resolution to what prevents us from seeing the truth of the world.

Tonight I will hold my beloved
Tonight I will honor my ability to feel deeply and strongly
Tonight I will allow the hand of the Divine to guide me
Tonight I will breathe deeply into the gentle light of my compassionate self

Tonight I will hold my beloved
And the illusions of the world will fall away


Speak! Speak Not!-New Moon in Gemini and Retrograde

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Esbat, Gemini, Mercury, New Moon, Retrogrades, The Temple of Mercury, The Temple of the Sun, Waxing Moon on May 18, 2015 by themagickalpen

May 18.2015

New Moon in Gemini

Mercury Retrograde
May 18 @ 9:50pm – June 11

The Moon waxed New in the early hours of the morning in the astrological sign of Gemini. Gemini is the sign of mind and communication. So, this New Moon brings with it the opportunity to re-craft how we communicate and more importantly build in a waxing effort the creative expression of that communication. As the New Moon also announces the soon to be transition of Sun into the same sign, beginnings and fresh starts are additionally enhanced when the Sun spends a complete solar cycle in that sign’s energy giving it the strengthening and support that began as the gentle flow of Mother Moon’s caress.

In this cycle, the Moon arrives at Gemini prior to the Sun moving into place. This means that Father Sun is in its last burst of the fertile and firmly anchored Taurean energy before it transits into its astrological Temple of Gemini on Thursday, May 1st. This energy lights the way for a more structured and manifest foundation and forging the connection between heaven’s ebb and flow  and earth’s cradle of solidarity.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and the deft hand and agility in moving from one expression to the other typically opens the way for interactions and the sharing of thoughts, ideas and creative efforts is in peak form. The day’s energy began that way, but the Mercury Retrograde that will take hold tonight will slow things down and make clarity a bit more tenuous to achieve.

The general feeling for this Moon and the next few weeks ahead will be one something like the conversation that occurs when bits of information randomly slip out and the speaker catches themselves quickly and abruptly shutting up so as not to spill more details that should remain in unsaid. This is largely because of the Mercury Retrograde that tends to slow down the normally rapid processing of Gemini’s style of communication and it is this slowing down that is the caution of communications being  misunderstood and left to shoddy translation.

Speak Not!
Mercury Retrograde

Astrologically, when a planet changes direction in its normal path of progression through the zodiac, this is called a “station”.  The planet’s progress slows down in is orbit until it appears to pause in its motion giving the appearance of moving backwards. The Retrograde Station occurs when the planet begins this slowing down and seeming movement backwards.  The Direct Station occurs when the forward motion of the planet begins again.

Whatever astrological sign the planet retrogrades in gives added emphasis and more intensity to how the planet expresses its own energy now given a full and prolonged dose of the sign’s own specificities.  These highly potent effects can be building or waning (depending on which end of the station you find yourself) for days prior or after. Much like, the concentrated effort needed in slowing down to come to a traffic light, pausing, and then having to carefully and incrementally apply enough gas to reach your top speed again.

Mercury remains retrograde through June 11th. which is approx. half of the Solar cycle of Gemini. The usual ability to strengthen and give more clarity to communication in all of its styles will be dimmed a bit by the focus on reiteration and further digesting of what has already been said and done. And, although many bemoan the dreaded Mercury Retrograde, this can be a truly rewarding time to give more attention to what is being presented to you.

We live in a highly active society where barely a second can pass before that text is answered and another is on its way. We are bombarded with video and audio stimuli continually and even in the quiet of our rest at night, if there is reliance on the cell phone for  a waking alarm, the subtle waves of technology are communicating with sleep cycles and more. With these statements being made, I will also suggest that a mercury Retrograde is exactly the hiatus much needed to re-tune us to a place of greater observation and deeper connection simply by listening more intently to what is being said, communicated or otherwise expressed.

So, as we enter this ebb and flow of waxing moon kicking us off in the direction of “speak not-unless it be profoundly filled with attention and presence in the moment” I will honor this New Moon as one that allows me to breathe into my communications in preparation for the lessons to be learned in the space of silence created y Mercury’s pause.

Other Readings:

Temple of Mercury
Temple of the Sun: Gemini

On the Prowl-Full Moon in Leo

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Jupiter, Lunar, Mercury, The Temple of the Sun on February 1, 2015 by themagickalpen


Full Moon in Leo
February 3.2015
6:09 pm (EST)

Sun in Aquarius

Retrogrades: Jupiter in Leo and Mercury in Capricorn

The Moon waxes Full Tuesday evening at 6:09 pm (EST) in the astrological sign of Leo (Fixed Fire). The opposition of astrological energy that naturally occurs during a Full Moon phase is the tug of war between what appear to be opposing energies. In this lunation that thought is best expressed using the imagery of a big cat on the prowl, moving with stealth and hidden in the darkness of the night sky- until it walks into the rays of moonlight. The strength of Solar energy is mid-point in the visionary sign of inquisitive Aquarius; this is the energy that seeks its information in all spaces, both overt and occult. As the creative waters of Mother’s Moon are strengthened with the Leonine dynamics and skill of Leo; Aquarius often presents its insights and all the while those recipients of these bytes of info, had no clue these were part of the skill set for that individual. When Aquarius goes on the prowl for knowledge, nothing is off-limits for what it seeks out intuitively (Lunar). The quality of Fixed Fire is that of applying the necessary heat that will force movement and thus catalyze to active synthesis and expansion of whatever that heat makes application to.

Fixed signs are the source of stability primarily through their ability to gather everything that is relevant, stir til just right and then allow natural expansion to occur moving towards something entirely unexpected. As such when applied to water the action is one of forming boundaries and creating suitable container to distribute the flow in a viable manner. Add to this the Solar expression of Leo, that finds its greatest strength in the sheer magnetic appeal of placing itself in the center of any situation and you have the necessary fires of magnetic attraction that serve to quicken as the womb of creation becomes a fertile container for whatever may be birthed.

The caution however is one of making that container one that is driven by ego and action that is only directed towards self-gratification. Being in the spotlight and the strength and courage that is acquired from adoration and accolades is very seductive. Having the potential for great leadership can go terribly wrong when it becomes domination rather than collaborative and caring interaction. No great leader has become so without recognition that without having mutual respect between themselves and those they lead is the first and foremost ingredient to success.

Drawn to the Light…

The challenge in this Full Moon’s energy is one of balance and finding just the right amount of claiming your place in the spotlight (Leo) and doing so for the sake of humanity’s uplifting (Aquarius). Like the moth attracted to the light, a swift demise in what your initial altruistic intention was may occur with too much attention and light that reveals your vulnerabilities. If we draw on the Sun’s energy of strengthening Aquarius’ natural detachment from singular human needs, the potential to remain strong and determined in what will benefit all concerned is much more likely.

From a perspective of elemental correlate, we have the opposition of Sun in Airy and cerebral Aquarius and Moon in Fiery and fiercely protective Leo. Water fans the flame of Fire if appropriately and gently applied. If too much force of air is released that same flame may be extinguished if it has not been allowed sufficient time to build in intensity. Mind and Will to Action are great bedfellows that produce the most amazing and accomplished of children when each is willing to give a part of themselves in sacrifice to other. If not approached with mutual respect, all those wonderful inventive thoughts dissipate and never take form and the will to act burns itself out moving without informed direction in a chaotic and unproductive way.

This is an excellent Full Moon configuration for finding that place within that inspires you to move, act, think, and fuel a future that exemplifies the higher vision of your most creative self.

Retrogrades of Potential:
Mercury in Capricorn and Jupiter in Leo

You may have wondered why I did not post about the Mercury Retrograde that occurred on January…. If you have been following these Temple explorations, you know that I like to think outside the box, and push the standard interpretation to reveal a more intuitive expression. I waited for the mid-point of both the Mercury and Jupiter retrogrades for this Full Moon and the mid-point of the Solar energy of Aquarius.

Mercury is mid-point in its retrograde energy of Capricorn; the astrological sign we explored last month that holds the keys to dipping into what will ground and anchor and reaching up towards what connects us to the cosmos. Capricorn relates to the “human” experience and manifest reality, so those communications will be practical mundane in orientation. Although Mercury retrograde has the bad rap of miscommunication, what if we thought instead of this dynamic as opportunity to be more precise and deliberate in our communications. Add the range of Capricorn’s experience and its sure-footed style and we have optimum time for really taking our time in what and how we communicate. Add a Full Moon that is in Leo and this deliberate pacing can be applied to those passions (heated (leo) water (moon)) that we act impulsively on and then regret that impetuosity later.

Jupiter acts as the expansive ingredient. Retrograde, that expansion takes the form of density and amplification of what would normally flex and contract easily and smoothly. In the astrological sign of Leo- and with the Moon being in Leo- this amplification could be used as the electromagnetic field that draws to itself quickly and easily.

Combine Mercury and Jupiter’s dynamics as a working tool and the potency of this Full Moon kicked up several notches and what we seek to attract is drawn from the depths of what me MOST desire and are passionately and emotionally engaged in. Magickal work requires intention fueled by desire (and what fires us up). This is the perfect combination for fueling an intention that requires extra magnetism and concrete, deliberate communication sent into the aethers.

The mid-point of Sun in Aquarius adds the dynamics of probing the future and intuitively rationalizing an outcome that is inventive and creative. A skill of Aqaurius is being able to see the bigger picture- apply that to the working of Mercury and Jupiter described above- and you have the possibility for having a stable container (Fixed Air) that thought (Aquarius) and heart (Moon) can co-create.

Read more about Retrogrades:

Mercury Stations Retrograde Tomorrow AM
Meet Me at the Station

Expanding Spaciousness

On the Prowl…
Silently under full moon’s light I move seeking the all that I most desire. Emotions well up and I envision a future that holds all in the embrace of God and Goddess. I feel the weight of this future’s responsibility and think on how I may step into the spotlight and shout to all of the world that this is the plan that will change everything that we believed not possible.

Quietly I seek out all that I need to know to bring this future into reality. Stealthily I inquire and dive deeply into the emotional reserves of all I meet to see what it is that will quicken their creative fires towards this goal.

Mother Moon lights the way and the need to fuel this desire and intention grows and expands within my beating heart that connects me to all of humanity. Soon the Sun will rise and I will emerge from my night on the prowl, sated from my informed capture and strong enough to courageously act upon the work that is at hand.
Resources and Reflections

Leo in Related Posts:
Temple of the Sun: Leo
New Moon in Leo: Standing in the Spotlight


Next Post
A Future Tree

Let Me Break It Down – The Sun in Virgo

Posted in Mercury, The Temple of the Sun with tags , , , , , , , on August 23, 2014 by themagickalpen

Virgo Sun

Sun in Virgo
12:46 am (EDT)

Planetary Ruler: Mercury


Let Me Break it Down

Describe to me again
In detail what it is
That you want me to do.
If you can give me
Sufficient information
I can draw a finely
Tuned conclusion.

But, if you omit the
Fine points I will be
Forced to search until I
Have the information I need.

I can be impetuous at times.
And, occasionally I appear to be
The neophyte who is thought
To not have nearly enough experience.

These are the qualities that allow
Me to seek and unravel the deepest
Of mysteries. I see with the
Eyes of one who has not been
Jaded and corrupted by
Pre-conceived assumptions.

My attention to detail
Is rivaled by none
And my organizational skills
Are something that many
Wish they could master.

I am shrewd and analytical
And will stand strong if
My analytical mind
Is questioned.

Some may see me as
Inert and caught up in the web
Of over-analysis and detail
Others would praise my
Orderly and inquisitive nature.

So, next you have need
Of one whose hand
Moves with meticulous grace
Seek me out and let me
Break it down for you.

The Sun transited into the astrological sign of Virgo just 46 minutes past midnight this morning. This speaks volumes about the nature of Virgo and its analytical qualities. Barely able to contain itself and raring to go, Virgo’s energies are continually seeking to make sense of and sort through anything that comes its way.

The astrological sign of Virgo is one of the Element of Earth and the Mutable Modality. Its planetary ruler is Mercury, whose greater mystery is held in its transformative powers through the act of communication and inter-connectivity. The natural energy of the Sun, that of shedding great light on whatever is in its spectrum, is now amped up to become the spotlight that shines fully on what needs to be communicated about what deeper information is revealed when one probes and analyzes each aspect of that thing in a methodical way stripping away any falsehood.

This solar month has maximum potential for re-defining the foundations that have been set in place in your mundane and physical world. Virgo brings this energy to the place of being able to fine tune what we imagined to be so, and do it in the fullness of the Sun’s light and strength. Any conclusions we come to will have stood the test of methodical process.

The caution is one of not allowing this detailed process of sorting and sifting to allow inertia to set in. All of the Earth signs hold the potential for either being flexible and expansive in creating supportive foundations or burying the seeker under the weight of what wishes to be fertile in growth and continually moving. Actively tapping into the bolster of Mercury, as its Planetary ruler, insures that the findings of result at each step of the way will be shared and receive the benefit of more input that will inform the process anew.

The Element of Earth

The energy of Earth is that of the Physical and manifest world. We saw this energy expressed in the astrological sign of Taurus early in our Solar Year. Taurus was the expression of manifest form and concrete reality to insure that stable foundations are laid and guarded. Virgo takes this fertile ground of foundation and pulls from it those weeds that will deter growth and prepares it for receipt of viable seed. The downside to this type of weeding is the tendency, if not kept in check to also disrupt the naturally occurring order of viable matter and rip it from its roots.

A Mutable Modality

The energy of the Mutable signs is one of expansiveness and flexibility that is now able to move with assurance having had the active and dynamic will of the Fixed (Leo) energy that preceded it. This is the energy that signifies the end of the cycle of movement as well as the preparation for being acted upon again when it revisits the Cardinal Modality anew (Libra) as balance and refinement of what has been processed occurs. Virgo as a sign of the Mutable Modality expresses itself as it analyzes and methodically pores through everything that comes into its purview.

Flow moves directed
In purpose towards
What will tear it apart
Seeking out its heart of truth.

Its magick of repurposing
Is applied to what next
It encounters.

Allow the strength of earth
The foundation that manifests
All that moves through the
Filter of its delicate embrace.

Feel the increase in gain
From pillars built strong
Enabled by the delicate
Hand that seeks balance.

Stand strong in the manifest
Vessel of this potential
The physical container that
Holds the wisdom of all
That has been known.

Stand strong in the manifest
Vessel that will expand as
All is broken down and
Brought to the space of
Its true worth as endings
Flow into the manifest reality
Of tempered and finely honed

The Next Step

Knowing how each sign moves to the next and the interaction between each as they evolve towards completion (and threshold of renewal) of the wheel in Pisces tells its own unique story of the astrological wheel. Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac. Numerologically, the number SIX (6) relates to harmonious action and synthesis. It is the higher amplification of the triad of the number 3 (the creative product of the duality of collaboration). Being of a Mutable Modality, the quality of Virgo is that of flexible expansion. It is this flexibility that offers up the potential for beginnings and endings; both of which require harmonious action to succeed. Virgo requires this stable base in order to maintain the necessary flexibility to take something apart, explore all of its components and then reassemble it in a more productive way.

If we look at the dynamics of energy thus far, beginning with the cardinal sign of Aries, we could think of the three signs that begin the astrological wheel as the quickening Fires (Aries- Fire) within the body of manifestation (Taurus- Earth) that gives rise to aspiring towards the heavens (Gemini- Air). Now enlivened by the desire to “know”, the healing and nurturing (Cancer- Water) of what no longer serves this goal is brought front and center into the Light of Day (Leo-Fire) to be strengthened as it is readied for the detailed analysis of Virgo (Earth) that seeks to create a new form for its manifestation.

Mercury is the Ruling Planet of both Gemini and Virgo and is the Lord of communication in all of its light of day. Speech, art, music, writing, etc. all are held within the energy of Mercury. These are the tools that Virgo uses to drill down to the core of what its place of focus is turned upon. Within the astrological sign of Airy (Mental) Gemini, Mercury was most at home basking in the natural speed of mind and the duality of being able to change course at a moment notice. Within the energy of Virgo, this style of informing is brought down from the atmosphere and aethers (Mind) and rooted in the physicality of earthly foundation (Virgo). This is also the point of balance where what we think can be in support of the concrete actions we take, the goals of physical expression we choose for ourselves and the impact we have on those we interact with.

Read more about the dynamics of Mercury in:

The Temple of Mercury
What’s Up?

At this time of the year in the Northern hemisphere, we see the potency of Virgo expressed as the sorting process as we approach the Second of three harvests. The weather hovers at the precipice of entering the chill of winter’s months and the last bursts of late Summer’s heat. The vibrancy of the Sun and flexibility of Virgo’s energy supports the sifting through of what stores of harvest we will bring into our homes and lives.

In the Southern Hemisphere the emphasis is the reversed as all continue in their preparation for the waxing of the Sun’s light. The equinox is close at hand and with it the visual delights of Spring and all that is promised by new growth. Virgo’s energy here is expressed as the weeding process occurs to clear away what would crowd out the beautiful blooms and fertile growth.
Both are states of earthy energy requiring the harmony and balance of choice and discernment. Both require foundational strength that holds the responsibility for whatever outcome may be. The goal is one of stimulation at the level of the physical and concrete worlds of existence. This state paves the way for the next phase of further refinement as the Sun transits next into the Cardinal sign of Libra.

Let Me Break It Down:

This solar month is one bursting with communication. This is typically the month for graduations, weddings, vacations and other venues that require communication, planning and a sharing of ideas.
In the chronology of the Zodiac, this is the space of time to gather all that you have learned from Leo’s expression of power and stand ready to dig (no Earth pun intended!) deeper into that place of power held within as we embark on a journey of self-understanding. This is the energy of the stabilized young adult who has gone through the trials and errors of false pride and come to a space of synthesis and security in maturing into the responsibilities of adulthood and all that it entails to successfully navigate the physical world.

The inquisitive mind of the pre-teen moves at a pace that is non-stop. This is the phase of the “I want to be” and “when I grow up, I can do this or that”. Everything is within the realms of possibility and holds no limitations to what is imagined. This was the companion expression of Mercury’s energy that we experienced in the astrological sign of exuberant Gemini. The inquisitive mind has returned; now poised with questions that will stimulate deeper exploration of anything queried and ripen and mature the querent through accumulated experience.

And, so in the spirit of analytical Virgo as we call forth the energy of the Sun as it continues its zodiacal cycle. Once again we repeat the invocation that opened the Gate to this Temple. As you read through it think back to the first time you gave resolution to a problem that underscored your ability to weed through all that was not viable; extract precisely what was relevant and take responsibility for the work you’d done in coming to a mature and wizened solution.

As you read through the invocation, think about what each line of reference is trying to communicate and what these words mean to you at every level of your being. What keys to the greater knowledge of RA’s power is hidden within the words put to paper. This is the power of analytical communication and its ability to stimulate deeper inquiry. Use this gift wisely this solar month as we invoke the Solar month in Virgo and awaken those fires of RA to enliven each foundation you choose to re-form.

Hymn to RA

All Hail to Thee, Mighty RA
Blaze of noon day sun.
Your fiery orb high in the
Sky above as we kneel
Beneath the heat of
Your radiance.

All the Gods bow to your radiance
All the Goddesses sing hymns of praise
To Your glory and man
Lays prostrate in humility
And devotion at the altar of
Your making.

Sweet music of adoration and offerings
Brought forth from the Black Land
Rise up in praise and thanks for
Your Sustaining Light.

All darkness flees at the touch of Your hand
All ceases its movement as Your expansive
Rays stretch across the morning sky.

The lotus opens to receive Your Touch
And the sands glisten as rare jewels
As You gaze upon each grain washed
Clean in the boundless ocean that
Reflects the brilliance of your face.

All Hail to Thee
All Hail to Thee
Who sits high
Above the world.

Khepra in the East
Atum in the West
Whose eye holds the
Point of Life and the
Trifold Arc of Power.

Your eyes see all and
You are the place of return
Within the glowing blackness
Of the Midnight Sun.

All Hail to Thee
All Hail to Thee
Amun, Amun, Amen!


Next Posting: Monday, August 25th
What Sort Are You? – New Moon in Virgo

Mercury Stations Direct Today! Go Slowly!

Posted in Auspicious Days, Mercury with tags , , , on July 1, 2014 by themagickalpen


Mercury stationed direct today at 8:50am. Breathe into this release of pressurized communication, but go slowly as you open up the gates that have held at bay what you “really” wanted to say. Although, Mercury is Airy in elemental quality, its natural tendency towards expression moves in bursts and flow, much like water. Think Water of Air and its quality of ebb and flow, contraction and expansion as it carves its way through the atmosphere. This is also the application of air is creating the tsunami that overtakes everything in its path.

The moon moves into the astrological sign of Virgo at 5:24pm, so emotions will be put under the scrutiny of Virgo’s earthy analytical order through Friday at 12:21 am when the moon transits void. Virgo’s action is to create the solid ground that has been crafted and tested to ensure its viability. These are the points of anchor and the bouys that keep you afloat in the turbulence of the sea.  And, we continue to navigate these seas as there is still an abundance of watery energy with the Sun in Cancer, Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces.

So, go slowly as you navigate these varying levels of seascapes lest you get caught in the undertow. Think before you speak. Feel your way through the loosening up of communication’s back log and ease into the flow of expression and style that typifies the best you can communicate.

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