Archive for January, 2017

Available Now! Lighting the Torch-Ritual Pathworking

Posted in Uncategorized on January 28, 2017 by themagickalpen


Continue the work of the New Moon and please enjoy a ritual pathworking of empowerment…

Click Here: Lighting the Torch!

New Moon in Aquarius: Build the Vision of What Could Be!

Posted in Astrology, New Moon on January 27, 2017 by themagickalpen

January 27.2017
New Moon in Aquarius
7:07p.m. (EST)

Sun in Aquarius

The last post, Scry Deeply For Your Vision of Change, issued a call to reaching into those deep waters of self to explore who you are and what your core beliefs and philosophies reflect. And, now 8 days later, the Moon begins Her phase of new journey, potential and HOPE in the astrological sign of Aquarius. The work that was claimed and shed during that 4th Quarter phase on the 19th is ready for the quickening of its energy as we enter the dynamics of an Aquarius Moon and Sun opening the Gates to what an inspired mind can produce.

The Moon transits New this evening in the astrological sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is sign of elemental Air and Fixed (synthesis to create a stable foundation from which to draw) modality. With its placement as the 11th sign (of 12) on the Zodiacal Wheel there is a sense of cumulative understanding that has progressed from the first thoughts of Gemini’s agility and ease with communication (Mutable:flexible and expansive Mind:air) and found its refined and balanced expression in Libra (Cardinal:catalytic new beginnings of Seed Thought:air). Libra is the space of awareness of what new products may be created from the inpouring of Gemini’s mental explorations. Aquarius being the last and 3rd of the Air (mind and communication) infused signs takes from its predecessors and gathers all of the extraneous information and varied styles of communication as the blueprint to be created for a vision that will electrify and propel all who can understand the nuances and complexities of that vision into the future carried on the breath of change. Think of the change and potential for new creations that occurred with the realization of electricity as an alternative source to the limitations of candle light.

This electrical capacity is driven by its ruling planet, Uranus- the higher amplification of Mercury. We all know of Mercury’s mysteries and the infamous retrograde where communication slows and/or stalls and misunderstanding abounds. Now envision that communication and deftness of ease in moving from topic to topic and upgrade it to lightspeed. Or, in other words, Mercury is the beautiful letter that arrives several days later via mail courier and Uranus is the text that is instantaneous and can reach across the seas! This also means that when we call upon Uranus to inspire and inform the work of synthesis that Aquarius exerts on all matters of the mind, intellect, communication and flow of exchange – the result is a think tank that can envision all sides of a possibility and spit out at will a suitable outcome in half the time, to boot!

Unfortunately, most of this is done using logic and the tendency is to neglect the human equation in the formula. Pure thought can be a beautiful tool for building the constructs of what could be and if that construct is infused with the nurturing of a heart based action, the vision becomes one that can be built upon grace as what is devised in the realm of air takes form in the manifest world. This is also the pivotal point of trust. Trust that what is abstract can be applied in practical fashion to the benefit of All, not just a few. Fear feeds into this lack of trust, as the mind can derail the most heartfelt plans when over analysis and withdrawal into the imagined rather than what is possible become a distraction.

And, perhaps the greatest fear is that of success. Of being able to breathe life into what you envision and then ultimately also being responsible for its care and feeding to sustain that breath. Using the energy of Uranus as a means of keeping that electricity flowing pulls from a cosmic source that has no fear and is ripe and full with the potential of new action.

This New Moon can begin to turn the tides of what you fear into what you will create for yourself, and ultimately, each in turn  who claim that power of self-directed change add to the collective spirit of what can be built for all. Aquarius is the breath of innovation and solution. It can then communicate that solution in a way that reaches into the networking of energy that we are all part of. The right mindset that flashes on that neon billboard can’t help but be noticed and what results from that display of light and expression is like attracting like, one inspired action, one inspired thought, one inspired place of new beginning-at a time.

Claiming Your Power 

The day after this New Moon, and still in its aura of waxing, the planet Mars transits into Aries, its ruling astrological sign. Mars is raw energy and action, which is why it often gets the negative reputation of aggression and war like posturing. Yes, I used the word posturing, because in many cases, this rebellious and war like sign is a facade for misdirected enthusiasm and the inability to remain still. Aries, being the youth and first sign of the zodiac is aptly served by Mars. Think about the boundless energy that a child has. And, sometimes that over-the-top excitement causes havoc and stirs up the emotions in the parent who has to be the one in charge. But if guided well, that Mars like energy can strengthen that child’s resolve in working hard towards their goals and facing challenges head on.

As we continue to build that vision of what could be and we anchor into the power of Mars in its most natural state of being, we can tap into an unending supply of determination and determined-action that will break down some of the feelings of powerlessness we may have.

Use this New Moon to craft a dynamic blueprint of how you will move through the year ahead. Be as the place of synthesized inspiration, drawing into yourself what you know of yourself to be your strengths and honoring those places of weakness that you perceive. Let the vision unfold, pixel by pixel, as you allow the inspired spark of electrified wisdom stabilize the vision of what can be. Draw from that spark the fires of asserting yourself fueled by a vision that is not diminished by the challenges that will unfold as the vision grows and gains in might. And, with each breath taken allow yourself to be open to the bigger picture of you as a singular yet unique and vital piece of a much larger community that together can build the vision of what will be…

A Ritual Pathworking to Sustain

On Saturday Afternoon I will be posting a Ritual Pathworking that corresponds to a very special ritual our coven will be doing live on Sunday- Lighting Our Torches! All Hail, Columbia! You may use this as a resource of continued working as we move through the remainder of Solar Aquarius and greet the charismatic heat of the Full Moon in Leo and a Lunar Eclipse on February 10th.

Click Here:  Lighting the Torch! A Ritual Pathworking…

Blessings of vision on your sacred work….Robin

Scry Deeply For Your Vision of Change! Inauguration Day2017

Posted in Auspicious Days, Solar, Uranus on January 19, 2017 by themagickalpen

January 19.2017
Sun in Aquarius
4:24p.m. (EST)

4th Qrt. Waning Moon in Scorpio

Today marks the eve of Inauguration Day. A day that has had a build up of a contentious campaign, questionable election and uncertainty about what this new presidency will bring. Change is inevitable, but the change that is upon us requires that each of us give clarity and possibly re-definition to our beliefs, allegiances, actions and ultimately what our contribution will be in the years to come.

And, so with these thoughts in mind, this post is not a political commentary; but, is instead, a reminder of the tools we can access to to help those steps of personal definition come to light.

Sun in Aquarius

For many, we entered this New Year carrying more trepidation about how those things we hold near and dear would be honored and sustained than in year’s past. The Sun was strong in Capricornian energy, lending the gifts of sure-footedness and foundation. And, if called upon, where there could have been hesitation in moving forward, there was in its place alignment with the strength of manifest reality to reshape our perceptions of the change we could effect. Hopefully, we made use of some pieces of this energy to bolster our confidence in forging ahead and even though there may have been some slips and faltering, a stronger sense of who we are and what we claim as our truths emerged.

This afternoon, as we leave the legacy of this Cardinal(impetus) Earth (manifestation), we open ourselves to the (stabilizing) Fixed quality of mindful Aquarius (Air). I am purposefully using the word “mindful” here, as that is a state of attention that is absolutely needed now, more than ever. Mind-ful(l) of our actions; Mind-ful(l) of where we place our energies towards effective and palpable change; Mind-ful(l) of who we are in the grander scheme of the world-not just locally, but also globally as citizen’s of the world. Aquarius can assist with this mind-opening expression as it draws together all that has come before and projects easily into what the potential outcome may be as it synthesizes and calls it all into the inspired mind of the present. This new solar month is ripe with opportunity to see the bigger picture and through our individual actions project that image outward. Aquarians are known for their innovative, albeit, quirky viewpoint and although everything is not viable in the moment, their is often enough to stimulate in those around them a brainstorming of creative solutions.

Additionally, Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus. Uranian energy is electrical (fire = neurological impulse) in application;being a higher amplification of Mercury’s communication expertise and agility. Think about this energy in this way – the difference in posting a letter (Mercury) vs. email (Uranus). Both reach the intended destination; one eventually, the other immediately. Uranus is currently in the astrological sign of Aries- Cardinal (Initiating) Fire (action/will). Doubly amped up and ready to communicate each inspired thought to the whole of your being. Each cell receiving the impulse of what you wish to claim as your own via release or refinement a little further.

Moon in Scorpio…

Scorpio loves its secrets and goes to great lengths to keep them exactly that-secret. Making use of this desire to not expose too much (prematurely) of your inner plans and workings can be used productively as the stages of your own transformation unfold, quietly and without the distractive input and commentary on how you are proceeding. When the time is right, these transformation will no longer be held in secret as they arise from a new state of being that has honed and settled in more deeply to what runs below the surface and gives nuance to what is chosen to be out-pictured. The Phoenix is used as one of the symbols for this sign and what arises from the ashes of what you relinquish rises to even grander heights in the flaming action, truth and will that it displays. The 4th Quarter Waning Moon is the time of pruning and culling what no longer serves us. Go with the flow of release that the Moon’s tides offer, carrying out to those deep oceans what must seek a new home.

The Scorpio Moon lends itself well to deeper exploration of who we are. Not at the level of who we project ourselves to be, but truly and unabashedly who we are, imperfections and beauties that are only revealed when we no longer feel vulnerable, judged or pressured to be someone else. As we move through the months/years ahead in a tense political environment the stuff that we are made of will be tested time and time again. What we choose to show in that testing is entirely of our own making. How we chose to respond will be guided by the self-reflection we have imposed on ourselves. There is a saying….

“What does not break us, makes us stronger”.. and I would add to that “only, if you Know Thyself”

Use this year and this Solar Month to get to know the deepest core of what is important to you. Be honest about all of the tiny lines of stress fracture that if given too much pressure (without being bolstered and repaired) will chip away at your beliefs and your confidence to effect change. Be ruthless in what you chose to break apart that holds you inert and the glamor of their reality keeps your truth from being revealed. Know yourself well enough to know when you are simply spinning your heels and getting caught up in other people’s emotions and as the Scorpion, know when the time to strike will be most productive in making your presence known. An excellent way to begin (or continue) this process is to use the power of reflection and the ancient technique of scrying.

Scry Deeply…

Scrying is an ancient technique used to obtain hidden(occult) information. The common method was to use a reflective surface such as water or a mirror; form the intention/inquiry; open the mind and heart and give note to images or symbols that appear on the surface of what you are gazing upon. you could also think of this as an exercise in meditative quality-quieting the mind, closing the eyes and allowing the scene(s) of peace, inquiry or devotion to play out as you sat as observer of your inner screen.

The power of the Moon and its watery intuitive stimulation and the astrological sign of Scorpio (Fixed Water) help to coalesce what we call as answer into the stilled waters of insightful reflection.

What is your vision of change? Where do you fit into the equation? Who will you stand with? And, WHY?

Blessings of this auspicious day….


Read More:

Aquarius: The Motherboard-Sun in Aquarius

Scorpio: Open the Flood Gates and Lift the Veils-Sun in Scorpio

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A Space for Local Pagans to Meet, Socialize, Share, and Build Community

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78 Keys of Tarot

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The Call to Light Press - Spiritual Messages for Changing Times.

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Sharing My Love of Symbols



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