Archive for March, 2015

The Wheel Turns with New Life – The Temple of the Sun

Posted in Auspicious Days, The Temple of the Sun on March 20, 2015 by themagickalpen


Sun in Aries
6:45 p.m. (EDT)

Hymn to RA

All Hail to Thee, Mighty RA
Blaze of noon day sun.
Your fiery orb high in the
Sky above as we kneel
Beneath the heat of
Your radiance.

All the Gods bow to your radiance
All the Goddesses sing hymns of praise
To Your glory and man
Lays prostrate in humility
And devotion at the altar of
Your making.

Sweet music of adoration and offerings
Brought forth from the Black Land
Rise up in praise and thanks for
Your Sustaining Light.

All darkness flees at the touch of Your hand
All ceases its movement as Your expansive
Rays stretch across the morning sky.

The lotus opens to receive Your Touch
And the sands glisten as rare jewels
As You gaze upon each grain washed
Clean in the boundless ocean that
Reflects the brilliance of your face.

All Hail to Thee
All Hail to Thee
Who sits high
Above the world.

Khepra in the East
Atum in the West
Whose eye holds the
Point of Life and the
Trifold Arc of Power.

Your eyes see all and
You are the place of return
Within the glowing blackness
Of the Midnight Sun.

All Hail to Thee
All Hail to Thee
Amun, Amun, Amen!

Exactly one year ago today we embarked on a journey through the energy of the Solar Temples of the Zodiacal Wheel. To say everything is different this go round is an understatement. The planetary line up and astrological energy of those placements is different than when we entered the Solar Temple last year. The experiences that have occurred globally and personally have created a different pattern that will be played out this year.  Most importantly, you and I are different!

What I mean by this statement is that simply the intent of being fully present in the transition from one astrological energy to the next has indellibly imprinted us with awareness. A greater and deeper awareness of something more than what we can visualize or imagine. The subtle changes that I experience as I move through the year are the products of an accumulative effort to be present. To experience with as much fullness and totality of my being what occurs at a Cosmic level and thus bringing it into my earthly and mundane experiences.

Each iteration of the Solar Year is choice to either be a conscious participant or allow it to remain transparent. Regardless of choice, the impact will be felt! The difference in the outcomes of this impact is the willingness to be co-creator in what our Solar Year will bring.

Now, my nature is one to maximize and layer to the extent that I can based upon the knowledge I have. Some of the posts you have read may have appeared to be overkill or simply too much work and analysis. And, to some degree you would be correct. But I will offer to you some thoughts to consider.

How much is your own personal growth worth in effort exerted?

How deeply you wish to connect to the greater world and what are you willingly to offer in return of your effort?

How important is it to you to cultivate our own library of experience and point of reference to step into the place of ownership of your practice, your magick and your manifest life’s experience?

I hope you have enjoyed our time together in the Temple of the Sun and that you have found some special markers along the way that you will return to. May the blessings of a new Solar Wheel and the enthusiasm,wonder and curiosity of Aries Fires remain always within you.

This is not the end, but merely the beginning of our adventure through the Cosmic Spheres
May 1st : An Introduction to Astrology begins On-line

Next Post:
Full Moon in Libra
April 4


All Fired Up, Again! – New Moon in Aries

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Magick on March 19, 2015 by themagickalpen


March 20.2015

New Moon in Aries
5:36 a.m. (EDT)

Sun in Aries
6:45 p.m. (EDT)

Vernal (Spring) Equinox

A Solar Eclipse

Fiery New Beginnings

March 20th is packed to the brim with cosmic opportunity and new life. Not only does the Sun begin its Solar Temple journey anew, but we also have a New Moon, Solar Eclipse and the pause of balance that is the Vernal (Spring) Equinox). Wow!

This new moon occurs during the space of void as the moon has just completed its final outpourings of Pisces and crosses the threshold at 6:28 into the astrological sign of Aries. This is exactly, the out-picturing of that neutrality (void) between the match just hitting the surface of striking with purposeful intent (Pisces) and the motion of creating enough friction to produce a spark of new flame (Aries).

The Moon’s Phases-Back to Some Basics

There are many ways to honor the cycles of lunar phase; some being formal ritual (Esbat) and others being simple meditation or sitting under the light of the Full Moon and breathing in the energy and beauty of its force. For most, the Full Moon is the easiest to connect with given the visual presentation that graces a night sky if weather is clear. The phases of New and Dark Moon are not visible in presentation and connecting to these energies requires a fully open and responsive sense of awareness and being able to feel what cannot be seen yet is potent, viable and present nonetheless.

The New Moon is an excellent time to begin workings that require the energy of the initial flow needed for beginnings. One of the correlates would be the energy of the sunrise or dawn. A new day is a beginning that is packed full with the potential to become whatever you desire most by the time it reaches the fullness of mid-day. So too, the lunar cycle of the New Moon offers the opportunity to harness the energy of expansion towards the fullest expression of what you wish to bring into manifestation at the Full Moon.

The next point of focus is which of the astrological signs the moon phase flows through. Some considerations would be (in this case, Aries):

Keywords and Energy of the Astrological Sign:
Aries= enthusiasm, assertiveness, experimentation and fresh perspective

The Element of the Astrological Sign:
Fire= a call to action, will, transformation and ultimate change

The Modality of the Astrological sign:
Cardinal= the process of Initializing, catalyzing and crafting the beginnings of whatever this modality is applied to

Putting It All Together

Workings for a New Moon Ritual in Aries might include:

  • A dedication to a new plan of action
  • Breaking through the barriers that hold you from taking those first steps
  • Firing up your enthusiasm and asking for a new course of action to be revealed
  • Adding additional bolster to projects requiring deeper commitment of will and action

Meditations may include:

  • Sitting openly and receptively to enliven the spiritual will to right action
  • Calling the child in you to see with new vision and insight
  • Visioning to seek the place within that burns with the newly quickened fires that require tending and care as they are brought forward into the light of the Full Moon
    and the maturing of the Solar Month.

Enter into these workings with the knowledge that you are anchored and strengthened by the outpouring of the Sun acting collaboratively on what you most desire. This is both a blessings and a caution as the combustible nature of sun and sign being in sync must also rely on the soothing, healing and newly warmed (Aries) waters of the Moon. The underlying current that flows through this New Moon is that of the first strike of a match; the crisp intent of the initial spark and the resultant flame that serves to Fire up the Will to become the blaze of new making.

Flame burns brightly
In milky white orb
Of New Moon’s darkness.

Innocence carries the
Lantern of desire’s
New goal and flame
Ebb and flows as
Will follow youth’s course.

One final striking and
The spark takes hold
A tiny flash of hope
That will blaze new trails.

Other Posts to Re-Read:

New Moon in Aries- Fire It Up!
Temple of the Sun- Birth Rite: Aries

The Vernal Equinox

Starlight and brilliance 
Of Sun’s solar flare
White and golden red
Woven tapestry of
Jet black Cosmos.

Green and brown
Of fertile land
Blue of sun kissed
Watery basin
Rainbow of color
Spread across
Pattern of cloth
Textured and etched
In crystal and stone.

Blackness of heat
Striation of rock’s core
Gentle bud pushes upward
Stretching towards sun’s
Radiant blessing as
Gaia sheds her skin
And dons Spring’s
Celestial mantle.

We find ourselves now at the time of the Vernal Equinox and the exuberance of the Maiden takes hold. This is the pause of respite when there is equal balance of day and night. This is the point of integration and synthesis of the work and effort offered beginning at the Winter Solstice. The Vernal Equinox holds the product of renewal and the stirrings of the increasing state of awareness illuminated by the potential that is held within the fertile space of manifest form. We find the space of balance within ourselves and seek out the opportunity to shine that light more brightly as it has strengthened and we open to taking in more of the light that surrounds us. We begin the dance of enlivened exchange shifting eagerly between what has been and what will be in anticipation of the lover’s embrace and the sacred union to occur at Beltane….Read more at Womb of Light:

Maiden’s Breath: The Spring Equinox

WitchVox Sabbats:
Gaia’s Mantle: The Greening of the Earth

The Solar Eclipse


Credit: Space Telescope Science Institute

A Solar Eclipse occurs only at the time of a New Moon and when the Moon passes between Sun and Earth, partially or fully blocking the sun’s light. I think of this as a veiling of the Sun’s Light with the Moon’s energies acting like the polarized lenses of glasses. You are aware that the sunlight is strong and intensely bright, but the glare has been filtered and the shading serves to bring out the deepest and richest colors and details that would otherwise be lost in the brilliance of the light. Today’s eclipse is a partial one, so being receptive to where that greater detail ebbs and flows as the Moon moves across the path of the Sun of strengthening can give additional insight that is needed to begin the process of gaining more stable ground.



New Beginnings

I have always viewed the Solar Eclipse as a time when my emotional bodies (the moon) and intuitive senses are strengthened and illuminated by the Sun’s direct potency. This energy then can be drawn into my physical forma and manifest experience (Earth). With both Sun and Moon in Aries, the opportunity at this time is one of renewal and catalyzing a fresh beginning to action fueled by what I feel the most strongly about. This is further supported by the energy of the Spring Equinox- a space of balance of sunlight and darkness, the potential for harmonious flow between what would ordinarily be the extremes and the promise of fertile growth and flowering of what seeds are planted in these rich deep watery (Moon) beds of body (Earth).

On This Auspicious Day

On this day of new beginnings I will use this energy to tend to the seeds that need planting as a new project is begun. Spring calls to awakening all of the potential towards successful new growth and my physical being will stand in the strength of a catalytic Sun. I will bring my heart’s desires into balance with the physical actions needed to bring to fruition the goal of my working.

I will embrace my working wholly remembering that as Sun, Moon and Earth- Will, Heart and Manifest Form align anything can be accomplished. And, as the Maiden breathes life into the pause of integration of all parts of self, I will carry this energy forwards towards the Fullness of mother moon in Libra as the waxing of my intent flows in the waters of quickening.

So Mote It Be!

A Tree of Loving Return – Sun in Pisces

Posted in Astrology, Jupiter, Magick, Moon Tide, Neptune, Qabalah, The Temple of the Sun on March 16, 2015 by themagickalpen


I dreamed that I was whole 
I dreamed that the word was at peace
I dreamed that all of life understood love
I dreamed that mind knew its own power
I dreamed that wisdom was plentiful
I dreamed that injustice loosened its hold
I dreamed that humanity knew its worth
I dreamed that the work of this world
Called me into the seas of the next
I dreamed that I was whole and complete
As the running waters that ebb and flow within
A loving Tree ran through me

As we enter the Temple of the Sun, Qabalistically we are entering into connection with the central sphere on the Tree of Life, Tiphareth. The name given this sphere is Beauty and the energy is one of synthesis through sacrifice and integration through refinement of the sum of all of its parts. This is much the same energy that we experience in the course of a Solar year. The energy of each of the Zodiacal signs, their element and modality are modified and expressed through the brilliance of the Sun. And, in keeping with the evolutionary process of movement from one sign to the next, each is informed by the previous sign’s energy and contributes a part of its dynamic into the sign that follows. Please see the end of this post for recommendations about learning more about the Tree of Life.

Pisces and Neptune (Jupiter) on the Tree

Astrologically, we have learned that Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of depth, emotion and quickening within birthing waters that are charged with life force. We have experienced the focus of an astrological energy that is loving in its nature and seeking always the place of harmonious interaction. This is the energy of the final sign of the Zodiacal Wheel and it is the vision of the Twin Fish that hints at the mystery and synchronicity to be achieved when heart is attuned to another.

Pisces is the quintessential water sign. Neptune as its ruler is aptly paired with a sign that reaches so deep into the seas and seeks the treasure of a golden heart that beats gently in every creature it encounters. Pisces is the dreamer and through the veiling of murky waters those dreams can take on a vastly different vision, which when brought to the surface does not glitter quite so brightly. The imperfections that are found are forgiven within a Piscean approach, but the level of discernment that is often needed is not as keen in some instances as it should be, leaving Pisces to pick up the pieces of those broken dreams.

The secondary (or original) ruler of Pisces is Jupiter. This is easily envisioned as the ebb and flow of waters that spread themselves too thin at times and go too far out into the ocean’s depths at others. Jupiter puts some of the illusory nature of those deep waters into perspective, allowing Pisces to see into those depths from the vantage point of seeing clear the way through as it parts the waters to reveal a seabed that is alive and rich in life and the nutrients that sustain it. But, that has to be the desired outcome, otherwise Jupiter remains contracted and tightly guarding what needs revealing.

Within the Qabalistic Tree, Pisces and Neptune hold their power in the Sphere of Kether and the Paths of the Tree – 29th and 23rd and Jupiter flows expansively in the 21st. Although, traditionally Kether is given no planetary attribution – the swirlings of creation being one of its assignations- I have also seen Neptune placed here and with it the endings and beginnings that lay within the creative potential of Pisces. When we speak of the energy of Pisces as an experience of compassion, non-judgment and great intuitive sensitivity we are calling forth those waters that run deep and forever cause lasting change wherever their path may lead.

This is the way of the Tree itself; to provide the necessary compassion to understand something more than itself and catalyze its ability to emanate and to do so as a purposeful and intended act of love for what it aspires to know. This is the loving creator/creatrix who willingly splits itself into the necessary components to ensure that new life will begin.

This is the desire for Creation that flows through Kether as the Godhead and is reflected down and through itself in the depths of refined emotions and the sensuous tides of seas that hold the experiences that are the source of the desire to BECOME.

Kether (Neptune) and Tiphareth (Sun)

Pisces Tree

Tiphareth and the Sun

Each of the Sephiroth and connecting Paths of the Tree of Life holds correspondence with a planetary and/or zodiacal energy. The physical Sun stands centrally within our solar system, providing light and heat. Tiphareth provides the space of transformation and the full force generator that distributes what is processed so it may be utilized and transmuted by whatever it emanates its energy into. This is the sacrificial aspect of this sphere. This is the action of enlivening within its own source to ensure the continuation of the creative process begun within the other components of the Tree. So we begin in this central hub of universal energy and move up the Mystic’s Path towards the Godhead or Crown of Source and the Limitless All of Kether.

Kether: The Sphere of the Limitless All

Nothing and everything
The endless void fills all time

One moves in the silence
Stretching and reaching
Towards the other as two
Swiftly take flight.

They mingle and join
Each claiming their own side
So three may point the way.
Each base stretched far and wide.

Foundations are laid
By another close at hand
Who opens the four sealed gates.
Disruption and creative force
Issues forth as the skillfully crafted
Shield of focus reflects the five.

The light is fixed
The seeker is found
As outpour of healing grace
Gives way to the
Harmonious six.

Each walks a path of experience
Pulling and gathering from
Vista’s extremes.
Wisdom and lessons hard won
Fill what moves within.

As six expands to become seven
The meandering web that
Connects becomes entwined.

A continuum of dual
Portal opening and eight
The final climax of force contained.

Like amoebas they move and
Wiggle and stretch and pull
And strain until the
Tension and release
Catapult them over
The initiatory threshold of
Death’s nine gates.

All scatter and disperse
Once again seamlessly
Part of the void of the all

Once again the singular one rises
Reaching out towards its
Newly quickened mate.

Upon entering Kether on the Tree you have reached the Source or the singular prime point of creation in its descent towards manifest form. Using the analogy of the flood-lights in a theater this is the process of Kether in emanation and creation. The lights themselves are pure white, but with the addition of colored gels that cover the lights something new is created. Specific moods and nuances are evoked. Each light appears to be different, yet if you strip it back to its core state, they are all singular white lights.

Kether is at once the most complex of the spheres and the most simple. This is reflected in its many names and attributions. To some degree these are influenced by the essence of its energy as much as the cultural and occult clues to the nature of the sphere that are contained within. Below is a listing of some of the more widely used names:

• Existence of Existence
• The Concealed of the Concealed
• The Ancient of the Ancient Ones

As you see from the semantics of the three above, the duality or doubling causes a unique polarity to arise. It is also a greater emphasis that is given to the attribute described, which alludes to the timelessness of the energetic construct of Kether. This is the construct of both the Primordial Point and the Point within the Circle.

Kether is the First Sphere on the Tree of Life. This is the place of both beginnings and endings; for in order that something may be born, something must be released to allow for its growth. Kether is assigned the Root of Air as element. And it is Pure Mind that is free to experience all loving compassion for it sees the imperfection of perfection and holds no judgment of what should be. One is the singular place of being that carries with it the hidden space that is more than just itself alone.

The space above and beyond the sphere of Kether is considered The Three Veils of Negative Existence.

What Lives in the Great Above
The Three Veils of Negative Existence

Three Veils

The veils reside above the tree and represent the levels of non-existence just prior to creative force. This is the space of the Great Unmanifest Universe.

Ayin is translated as “nothing” and is the highest and furthest away from Kether. It is the complete absence of existence.

Ayin Soph is the middle veil that emanates in turn from Ayin and is the space of no limit. It is force that is formless and without container or restraint of limitation.

Ayin Soph Aur is the closest veil to the Tree itself and emanates from the limitless nature of Ayin Soph. It means “limitless or eternal light”.

In consideration of the sphere of Kether, it is these Three Veils that create the stimulation, urge and subsequent action towards the Great emanation that is the downpour of Kether, the Crown itself reaching towards matter. We could think of this as the primordial waters that hold the mystery of life, much like the deep waters of the seas of Neptune and Pisces that hold the potential for creation of a new Zodiacal Wheel as Pisces flows into the birthing of a newly (in)formed Aries.

The 29th Path: Pisces and the Moon (A Celestial Reflection of Neptune’s Seas)

29th Path

My Soul seeks the beauty of
Your refined and elegant grace.

My body yearns for the wisdom
Of love and creative fires.

My Spirit hungers for the lessons
Found in the bliss of exquisite form.

The 29th Path is considered the Physical Intelligence. This energy is one of actualizing what the heart desires most. It is the form of intelligence that only finds completion of its nature through physical expression and the will to create and craft. Organization and refinement of what that creation will become are important guides for this energy.

The Planetary/Zodiacal Energy

The Moon is placed upon the 29th Path. Pisces is the astrological sign placed upon this path and represents the completion of the zodiacal wheel. Both of these energies are the fullness of emotional expression and intuitive sight. We are all familiar with the energy of the Moon, the waxing and waning of her phases and the power of her tides. Pisces adds the intensity of intentioned compassion and a grace of flow that signals the endings of one phase and the birthing waters that will signal the next.

This energy is what will stir the passions towards greater and deeper expression of what is refined and beautiful. This is the energy that fuels the soul’s need and inspires the outpouring of this emotional state of pure joy into a state of victorious expression.

Tarot Key XVIII – The Moon

Image: The Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti

Note: Each of the Paths of the Qabalistic Tree has the assignation of a Tarot key placed upon it as further correspondence to its energy. The Paths 11-32 are represented using the Major Arcana cards.

Tarot Key XVIII – The Moon is placed upon the 29th Path. The beasts howl at Lady Moon the queen of ebb and flow and emotional expression. All are attentive to her form and all are held under the sway of her impact. Earth bows to her grace and dreams flow freely as we dip into the oceans that reveal the pearls of great price. Placement of this tarot Key on this path offers encouragement to the power of dreams, visioning, intuitive sight and what is created from our forays into these realms. Music soothes the savage soul, so to the outpouring of creation in phase and cycle of the moon restores man’s connection to the creative effort anchored in the physical and germinated in the spiritual.

Another Path of Expression: Neptune on the 23rd Path

23rd Path
The Sustaining Consciousness

The 23rd Path is considered the Sustaining Consciousness. Thought is sustained by the continual effort of sifting through what is abstract and what can become concrete in clarity and conception. This is the space of brainstorming, so to speak and flexibility and adaptability of mindset in thinking outside of the box is required as the process of selectively weeding through begins. This space of consciousness is one that begins with the precursor of bliss. The pure joy of interface with the Divine and the mental image of that interface that emerges. This is the experience of the Divine as blueprint of what it desires to create in manifest form. The specifications of the blueprint may change in accord with the modifications made, but the basic shape form and energy that created it remains a constant and sustained underlying schematic.

The Element of Water

The element of the 23rd Path is that of Water. These are the waters whose currents run strongly to reshape the shorelines. These are the waters that flow continually carrying within life and potential of the spawning of new form. These are the evolutionary waters that set the process of human form into action. The element of water runs strongly through the 23rd Path. Hod is considered the water temple although its attribution is one of mind and intellect (normally attributed to air). In this respect the flow and intuitive response of water is the deciding factor in what passes through the gates of mind. These waters run deeply into the caverns and recesses of lingering thoughts and flush out what is useless in its creation.

The Planetary Energy

The planet Neptune is placed on the 23rd Path. Neptune’s energy is one of deep insight. The image of the trident suggests the trifold nature of mind, will and the fires that catalyze and create the electrical discharge of brilliant pure thought. Neptune offers the promise of visionary dreams and floods of idea and creative image to inspire and further inventiveness. Geburah’s will sets forth the mandate of viability and Hod’s brilliance fills the watery depths with the fires of deep gnosis.

Read more about Neptune in the Temple of the Cosmic Spheres:
Neptune Retrograde- Lifting the Veil


Secondary Ruler Jupiter on the Tree
The 21st Path

21st Path

The 21st Path is one of opportunity for achieving Grace. The state of Grace has many meaning but within this path it is the reflection of the beginning of refinement of self and surroundings to become in greater alignment with the spiritual aspiration of selflessness and greater perspective. The lens of the camera opens and the world in which we claim our victories is seen for its narrow view. As the lens opens wider the expanse and truth of what we have claimed falls away and the real worth and value of those experiences is revealed as part of a larger whole that encompasses the victories of much more than ourselves. What happens in the stages between as each of the extremes coalesce on central ground determines the outcome of ascent to claim the Higher Self or descent for further refinement and accumulated experience. This Path is also one of Water.

The Planetary Energy

The planet Jupiter is placed upon the 21st Path. Jupiter is the planet of expansiveness and inclusiveness. It is one of abundance and the magnetic attraction of prosperity of what is needed collectively. This quality of energy in connection to Chesed and Netzach maintains a constant supply of balanced and fertile inspiration. Chesed has the depth of experience that are the materials used in the process of creative outpour. The application of Jupiter’s energy works to bring these attributes to their fullest expression so that the maximum potential is held within the union of these two.

Read More about Jupiter:
Jupiter Retrograde- Expanding Consciousness

Union of Mind and Heart

Pisces Combined Paths

We see within the nature of Pisces the union of Mind and Heart reflected within the Tree. The 23rd Path is place of Pure Mind (Hod) tempered by Action (Geburah) and the 21st Path, directly opposite is that of Heart (Netzach) balanced by Mercy (Chesed). The space held between these two that flow both upwards and downwards is the Middle Pillar of those spheres that are the direct route of communication between the Divine and the Manifest. It is both the place of endings and beginnings and just as the current of flow moves within the heart and mind of Pisces, its union is the return to wholeness informed by compassion and grace.

In Conclusion:

We have come full circle around the Zodiacal Wheel and the Solar Year and have looked at the Tree of Life as more than essence and form. We have come to know the astrology of the Tree as one of many currents flowing through its branches and reaching up into the Cosmos as it anchors itself in the body of the Earth’s bounty. This however, is just the beginning of a journey that sees many lifetimes of expression and in acceptance of this truth we also realize the inter-connectedness that all of life shares.

As the light of Tiphareth (Sun) shines brightly and radiates its vision of magnetic attraction throughout the multilayered branches of a tree that reaches far and wide in its expanse and impact we are reminded that in this vision of light extending towards light and darkness forming the paths of the space between, we realize the gift of humanity that continually connects us the higher aspiration of Divinity.

If you are not familiar with the Qabalistic Tree of Life, I would recommend reading through the article posted in my other blog, The Magickal Pen entitled “Geburah’s Might” to give you the necessary overview for an introductory base of working knowledge about the Tree. It can be found here:

The Magickal Pen: Geburah’s Might
13 Keys to the Qabalistic Tree of Life

The Inner Chamber Series. R. Fennelly
Volume One: It’s Written in the Stars (2013)
Volume Two: Poetry of the Spheres (2013)
Volume Three: Awakening the Paths (2014)
Order at author’s website: Robin Fennelly

Time to Clean House: Saturn Retrograde 2015

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Saturn on March 14, 2015 by themagickalpen


Image:TimeKeeper web series

March 14 – August 1/2.2015
11:02a.m. (EDT)
Saturn Retrograde

Saturn stationed retrograde this morning in the Astrological sign of Sagittarius. Saturn is the planet of reform, structure, order and time. Within Saturn’s energy is the gift of organization and making changes that are permanent and as lasting as the Gatekeeper of Time shows the eternal impermanence of everything.

A Saturn retrograde applies pressure to those things that need re-structuring. This is the time of doing some house cleaning on those inner spaces leaving an open and welcoming home for those we wish to interact.  This is the wisdom of the Mother who has  the experience of time on her side as she guides her children towards stability in their life’s endeavors. She may not always be gentle in her prodding and push and may ultimately have to resort to forcibly pushing them out of the nest; but the result is always one of them gaining a new level of strength whether it be through adversity or success.

I envision planetary Saturn’s rings as the holders of the cyclical continuity that remains within their bounds. These are the finer extensions that reach out and into the vastness of space each complete in its own rhythm and elliptical. This is reminder to me of the power of extension that I hold as time and space move around and through me and order and structure are what define the efforts and progress made in the impact I have on all that surrounds.

The astrological sign of Sagittarius, as we have learned, is one of outreach and networking. This is the fire that leaves its mark on all it engages and offers choice of bringing that fire of action and will to the place of a full blaze or simply the momentarily igniting that will catch on at another time. As Saturn dons the costume of this energy, order and structure take on the focus of where will and action are required to create permanent change. Additionally, the goal will be one of working collaboratively in communal effort as it spark of structure and restoration of order spreads creating a pattern that is timeless and cyclical in nature.

The Saturn retrograde allows us to realign what has shifted out of balance. To search deeply within where our nurturance and tough love needs to be exacted and open ourselves to the truth that the time limits we impose and their seeming constraints affect us only in as much as we allow them to. Saturn’s energy pulls us into the primordial womb where our life’s stories may be rewritten to propel us forward strong, capable and catalytic (Sagittarius) in all of our interactions.

This is not a comfortable or easily traversed retrograde, but if used wisely and with great respect we can learn a great deal about ourselves and how the structures we have set up for ourselves have contributed to who we are now. This is the impermanence of all we believe to be true. And the illusion of time that categorizes, marks and stamps its date of expiration on everything.

Some Breathing Room


Image: Fire breathing Guinness world record holder Fredrik Karlsson doing “The dragon’s breath”

Jupiter remains retrograde in Leo, another Fire sign; this of the fixed modality. This is the support of expansiveness that pulls to the centermost core those areas of ourselves that require a more resilient nature and those that need to find their space held within in contracted state.

Think of these two planets working collectively in a cross current of timing and inner space.  Jupiter (flexibility and outreach) in Fixed Leo (structured Fire of action and will that synthesizes and regulates). And Saturn (structure and synthesis by control) in Mutable Sagittarius (flexible and expansive Fire that flows from the contraction of lower will as it expands into the release of expansive Higher Will).

Cliff Diving – Full Moon in Virgo

Posted in Full Moon, Jupiter, The Temple of the Sun on March 4, 2015 by themagickalpen

Young Man Diving into Sea at Pirate's Cave
Full Moon in Virgo
March 5.2015
1:05 pm (EST)

Sun in Pisces

The Moon waxes Full tomorrow afternoon at 1:05 pm (EST) in the astrological sign of Virgo (Mutable Earth). The opposition of astrological energy that naturally occurs during a Full Moon phase is the tug of war between what appear to be opposing energies. In this lunation that thought is best expressed using the imagery of carefully and methodically planning the details (Virgo Moon) of how you will express your emotions in a loving and compassionate way (Pisces Sun). The strength of Solar energy is mid-point in watery depths of Pisces, the quintessential sign of understanding and empathetic nature. As the water’s of Mother Moon flow into the earthy and very concrete sign of Virgo, nothing will rise up from these intuitive depths until it has stood the test of Virgo’s analysis and organizational impact.

The quality of Mutable Water is that of being the first gurgling of what will, if productively managed, become the flowing stream that offers moisture to all that is in its path. This Virgo Full Moon midpoint in what could become an emotional overload (think heated waters that already are taking in all sorts of energetic response) is precisely what is need to almost homeopathically cancel out the flood gates over flowing and destroying rater than nurturing.

Mutable signs are the source of beginnings and catalytic prodding towards form. As such when applied to Earth the action is one of providing newly formed foundations that will ensure manifestation. Detail and correct decision making and strategizing are paramount to the success of whatever is begun. Add to this the Solar expression of Pisces, the harmonizer through love, informer through intuitive insight and compassionate healer and you have a recipe for creating a manifest product that is infused with the correct balance of heart and creative action.

The caution however is one of over-analysis and building the foundation so securely that nothing new can enter. The attention to detail is critical but only in as much as the baby is not thrown out with the bathwater. Second guessing the naturally intuitive process of Piscean energy, particularly that which has been strengthened and brought into the light of Solar magnetism can halt the usefulness of its insight, having missed the chance to effectively use the insight received.

It’s All in the Details…


The challenge in this Full Moon’s energy is one of applying just enough scrutiny (Virgo) without destroying the confidence of trusting the emotional and intuitive flow (Pisces). Pisces is very much an energy that can easily slip into self doubt and feeling inadequate. This is primarily because of the sacrificial nature of its action. Great care must be exerted to be sure that Virgo does not linger too long obsessing over the ideal of perfection and validation. From a perspective of elemental correlate, we have the opposition of Sun in watery and highly emotional Pisces and Moon in earthy and solid unyielding Virgo. Water can carve out new paths (of expression) along the path of earth it follows; and earth can remain as a barrier in allowing the life-giving waters to flow where they are most needed. A little resistance offers the inspiration for harder effort. When this occurs, growth is certain.

This is an excellent Full Moon configuration for looking a little more deeply at where you are investing your emotional energy. Trust your findings and be ready to tweak and modify as you strip away what serves and what hinders.

Jupiter Remains Retrograde in Leo

Jupiter acts as the expansive ingredient. Retrograde, that expansion takes the form of density and amplification of what would normally flex and contract easily and smoothly. In the astrological sign of Leo this amplification could be used as the electromagnetic field that draws to itself quickly and easily.

The mid-point of Sun in Pisces and Virgo offers a combined effort of Water (Pisces) – Earth (Virgo) and the expansion of Fire (Leo) as the catalysts of quickening. Jupiter stations direct in April so the intensity of this expansive nature is pressured in its action. Compassion (Pisces) drawn into the Manifest Form (Virgo) can now be expanded upon and used as a stimulant for creating the space of self-love and forgiveness. Once this is acquired, seeing this compassionate expression in others becomes the natural state of being.

Read more about the Jupiter Retrograde:

Expanding Spaciousness

Diving off the Cliff


I have carefully calculated the drop and how deep these waters are that I am willingly throwing myself into. The distance is great, but the exhilaration of having achieved this level of self-trust and confidence is well worth the action. I trust the strength of my body and the skill I have attained by practicing and preparing for this moment. I feel alive and powerful in my choice and I love the person I have become in over-coming my fears and doubts.

I breathe deeply and jump into waters that are deep and moving. I descend steady and able, with great care and allow the air to gently cradle and support. Water splashes, body enters and the feeling is magnificent. I rise to the surface and look up towards the ledge of great height where I started this journey. At this moment and in these waters I am alive and at one with life.

I step out of the water and Mother Moon lights the way as I come to sit at the edge of the waters. My heart is full and I know that this is just the beginning of learning to trust myself and my abilities. With careful planning I can achieve many things.

Resources and Reflections

Virgo in Related Posts:
Temple of the Sun-Virgo

Another Full Moon: Analyze This-Full Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo- Analysis and Building

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