Archive for September, 2016

Into the Dark: New Moon in Libra

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, New Moon, pathworking on September 29, 2016 by themagickalpen


September 30.2016
New Moon in Libra
3:52am (EDT)

Maiden Moon is cloaked in darkness as She begins a new journey tomorrow in the astrological sign of Libra. The Moon transits in Libra at 3:52a.m. and rises New at 8:11 p.m.(EDT). Balance, harmony and beauty flow through these dark waters as she rises like Venus from the waters; this Maiden is one of polarized opposite to that of the brilliantly lit Venus her sister of light and revelation. Her nakedness is hidden in the night, yet she allows herself the vulnerability that can only be achieved through trust un the inherent balance striven towards.

There is courage that flows through this New Moon, having stationed into this phase mid-point of the scales of the Libran Solar Month. This mid-point of solar light seeks the coolness of dark moon’s undercurrent. After all, without the mystery of this darkness, the light of Solar gift will not be quite so brilliant.

We began the month with a New Moon and end this month with yet another. Two counterpoints of balance, the first flowed from the detail of Virgo’s stream and this now meeting the space of weighing of what was extracted from that detail ensuring that everything is in its most harmonious form. What appears as perfection in form, much like the image we have of Venus is only made so because of the imperfections that have learned to come together and provide an image of grace and beauty.

Each cycle flows one into the other and so this moon is setting the stage for the Solar Month of Scorpio to take hold on October 22nd. Mother Moon will wax full in earthy Taurus, anchoring in and birthing all that is held within the aspirations of manifestation. The darkness of the Maiden and her every growing fertile waters hold the potency that will be seeded in due time; incubated in sweet waters that flow into the light. And, what we seed in those waters will in what seems to be the void, emerge transformed touched by a light that now has awareness of itself within the spectrum of shadow and brilliance.

Into the Dark

I invite you into the caverns of darkness on this New Moon. Enter with openness and trust that all will be as it should be, if you stay the course and follow the path your heart guides you upon. This is the sweet innocence of the Maiden, enjoying the space of anticipation of what could be. Look up towards the night sky and you will see the ever so slight rimming of light that holds the promise of nubile form. She arise from the waters, the Dark Venus of burgeoning life.

Click below for a guided pathworking..

Into the Dark

Howling at the Moon-Full Moon in Pisces

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Pisces on September 14, 2016 by themagickalpen


September 16.2016
Full Moon in Pisces
3:05p.m. (EDT)

Sun in Virgo

These are wild times! A major and controversial election in the USA, increasing civil unrest internationally, natural disasters and more; and everyone is finding themselves in some way impacted by these unsettling events. At personal levels loss has increased for everyone; loss of family, friends, jobs, stability and all in all it has been a very challenging year.

Most have tried to remain optimistic and although maintaining a positive attitude can go a long way, there are times when we simply have to surrender to the pain and uncertainty and allow our emotions to flow organically as a way of release. The energetic build up that has led to this Full Moon and the astrological sign that She is cloaked in can explore and create a state of primal release towards stability and shoring up.

On Friday, September 16th Mother Moon waxes full in the astrological sign of watery mutable Pisces. Typically, Piscean energy is healing and calming; seeking to expand the radius of its giving nature (Mutable modality of flexibility). This is the space of all loving compassion and selflessness that seeks harmonious interaction at all cost; even when the toll of great price is exacted upon the giver. Pisces is the third of the Water signs and the last sign of the Great Zodiacal Wheel. This waterwheel brings into itself the cumulative experience of all that has come before (on the astrological wheel) and it is from this perspective that hope springs eternal. Feeling trumps mind in the Pisces world and the ideology of hope is often one that is colored by the trials and challenges that the Piscean has had to endure in their life’s efforts. These are the waters that dredge up the sludge that lay below, always holding to the ideal that love will conquer all. But, there is also the potential in these waters for flooding and although held with best intentions, these become the seas that enable behavior that is less than productive.

Virgo’s Sun is calling us to try to make sense from the chaos and demanding scrutiny and analysis to sort and categorize the experiences we are having. We are conditioned to do this and in many ways this is the “civilized” approach that keeps us in check and also creates a space of pent up anger, blame and stress that ultimately contributes to more unrest and an environment that perpetuates the stirring of a pot of chaotic and toxic stew. Ultimately, we come to realize that there are just some circumstances and situations that are fed by the added attention in a non-productive way and trying to fit them neatly into our emotional file cabinets may remove them from sight, but the weight and volume of their accumulation is more damaging than simply dealing with each and then shredding the contents.

Howling at the Moon

Image: Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot

Many of have reached the critical mass point and are ready to release what has been building within us. Emotions are running high and strong with many that we interact with and treading lightly has become the way of navigating choppy waters and avoiding conflict. Unfortunately, treading lightly often means pulling in tightly and exercising restraint as the norm. This Full Moon and Solar Light offers the opportunity for the creation of an outlet to release some of that building pressure. Solar Virgo will light the way as He methodically prepares the waters that will arise from our primal needs and instincts. And, Mother Moon will be the willing recipient of that outpouring.

The howling at this moon is one of keening and release. Let the tears flow; scream, rant and rave and allow the emotional pain to flow back into Mother Moon’s waters that can withstand whatever storms are needed to carry you forward as you move strongly in a current of your own making.

Come Join the Howling…

The Wild Divine
A Guided Meditation-Audio

Read more about:

Pisces Full Moon:

My Beloved: The Full Moon in Pisces (2015)

My Heart Will Find A Way- The Magick of Pisces (2015)

Full Moon in Pisces: The Analytical Heart (2014)


Sun in Virgo

The Magick of Virgo (2014)

Let Me Break It Down-The Sun in Virgo (2014)

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