Archive for November, 2018

Full Moon in Gemini: Deep in Conversation

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Gemini, Mercury, Retrogrades on November 21, 2018 by themagickalpen

Full Moon in Gemini
November 23.2018
12:39a.m. (EST)

Mercury Retrograde
November 16 – December 6

Neptune Direct
November 16.2018

Sun in Sagittarius
November 22.2018


Wow! Lots going on and lots to talk about! This early morning Full Moon bathes in the energy of astrological Gemini, the quintessential archetypal energy of communication and mental agility. Father Sun has transited into the solar month of astrological Sagittarius, the direct opposite (on the zodiacal wheel) as usual of Mother Moon’s flowing waters of lunation. In this case, astrological Sagittarius fires up the solar energies and begins the process of sending out those electromagnetic bursts (think Sagittarian arrows) seeking collaboration, community and networks. Both Moon and Sun are in signs of the Mutable Modality which gives the necessary ebb and flow required of outreach that is potent and active inits intention(Sun in Sagittarius) and the rising waters  that adapt and change (Moon in Gemini) all the while reflecting an intuitive light held within.

As if that isn’t enough, we have….

Mercury Retrograde in Astrological Sagittarius
(mutable)Fire of Air(mutable)

It just so happens that Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini, giving this Full Moon in Gemini an additional level of intensity. This planet holds the archetypal energy of messengers, tricksters and to a large degree shape shifters able to turn on a dime in their conversational manner and redirect it in whatever way serves their intellectual fancy. The bad rap Mercury Retrograde gets is based in its deftness at demanding a slower response in all communication endeavors. Just as it operates at lightning speed in its normal flow of orbital energy, the retrograde “slow down” reflects the call for more scrutiny. This causes great frustration, particularly in the fast-paced setting of today’s society. Quick decisions are prized and misunderstandings run rampant as a result of not allowing pause to contemplate and reflect on all the possibilities available.

The energetic connection between this Full Moon’s mantle and its occurrence during a Mercury Retrograde provide the opportunity to allow what arises in the fullness of the Moon’s emotive light to be fully examined and the adaptability of Gemini’s grace to inform what is revealed. In other words, slow down, pause and really digest the intentions and concepts presented to you within the lunarscape of your intuitive and flowing (Moon) mind (Airy Gemini). This becomes the Intelligence of the Heart. Mind and heart aligned and informed by one another.


Neptune Direct in astrological Pisces
(Mutable) Planetary Water in its Ruling Sign

Water of another sort flows as the underpinning of this Full Moon. Neptune stations direct after a bit of a slowing in astrological Pisces, its natural astrological sign. Neptune swells with tides that plunge deeply into waters that hold mysteries and await the courageous diver who seeks the treasure of deep gnosis. This direct movement pushes all that flows from Full Moonlight and revelation and carries it forward to become the deep and crashing waves affecting change.

In alignment with the Gemini’s spark of mental acuity, Neptune’s energy boasts flexibility that enables the stretch and contraction required to set deeply informed and introspective communication in motion. The inherent Mutability cloaking each (Gemini Moon and Pisces Neptune) is the gift of creating thresholds of endings that become the quick start for rebirth.

Solar light in mutable Sagittarian Fire

The transition, on the 22nd into a solar month of Sagittarius sets the stage for Gemini’s Full Moon waters. The fire of the Sun changes its intensity and mutable Sagittarius prepares its arrows to be launched, the goal one of setting ablaze new means of action and lighting the way for what will support the subsequent endeavors.

Deep in Conversation

Where do we go from here and what intentions will we set along the way? Technology is a wonderful thing and allows us to stay connected and reach further than we were able prior to cell phones, social media and more. It has also become a way to remain detached, overly brief in our communications and missing out on the intimacy of conversation that is reflected in a heartfelt gaze and thoughtful response -the cornerstones of being more deeply connected.

This full moon allow the depths of feeling that flow from Neptune’s waters; the experiences that have built up as Neptune paused in its retrograde to move you to a state of compassion. Embrace the light of the full moon’s grace to enhance a more heart-felt communicative style as Mercury’s retrograde takes hold in calling you to take time to reflect, ask questions, and get to know those whom you choose to interact with. Put down the cell, and just show up for a face-to-face conversation. Step away from the computer and make memories and new experiences in person and not vicariously through the pictures of other’s activities.

And, finally use the entirety of the Sagittarian solar month to network, connect and seek out community. Reach out actively to quicken some new alliances and allow Mercury Retrograde’s slowing to let those small fires burn more deeply rooted as new paths and experiences are set ablaze in your newly found strength of engaging in deep and fulfilling conversation.

Read More:


The Magick of Gemini
Full Moon in Gemini-Keep It Simple and Speak the Truth


Under Pressure, Again! Neptune Stations Direct

Mercury Retrograde

The Temple of Mercury-What’s Up?
Speak Slowly and Clearly into the Microphone-Mercury Retrograde


Sun in Sagittarius: Aim High, Breathe Deep and Just Let Go! Fly-The Magick of Sagittarius


Samhain’s New Moon: Return From the Veils

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, New Moon on November 7, 2018 by themagickalpen

November 7.2018
astrological Samhain
6:18a.m. (EST)

New Moon in Scorpio
11:02a.m. (EST)

Today is astrological Samhain and boasts a New Moon in mystical Scorpio. What an auspicious event! What a power-filled day!

Samhain celebrates the parting of the veils and opportunity to reach into the world of the Ancestors as we seek their wisdom, blessings and more. Astrological Scorpio enables dipping into a watery well of mysticism, intuition and transformation. The New Moon provides a quickening that catalyzes all that stands as opportunity for rebirth, emergence from the source of its creation and seeding towards the future.

I love the dynamics of this New Moon/Samhain combo! And, I am choosing to dive deeply into those fixed dark waters of Scorpio. Scorpio is the only astrological sign that boasts three (3) levels of expression- the scorpion-the eagle and the Phoenix.

As the scorpion, the energy is covert and strikes out of nowhere with a certain amount of brooding and self-directed reflection. When this energy reveals itself, we stand back, silently observe and assess, taking it all in. We don the masks that are designed to provide the world with the image we wish to project and when the time is right we reach out spilling our emotive truths, often stinging as we move our course.

As the eagle, Scorpio’s energy approaches from the heights. Again, much surveying and observation, and just like the eagle, when the precise prey is detected, the energy swoops in, filling the vessel to the brim with waters that are purposeful and emotions that are pointed and directed.

And, finally as the Phoenix, the energy of water behaves as the quickening fires of a womb of transformative creation, that must first burn to purify, render down to ash before it can be made manifest once again and arises anew, similar , et dynamically transmuted.

These three visions align quite beautifully with the penultimate Goddess of Samhain, Hecate. SHE who dons the three faces of maiden, mother and crone-creatrix, bone mother and necromantor of the dead. Hecate is also a Goddess of the Moon and HER heart beats within the waters of Lady Moon’s faces.

Hecate’s Maiden hides her true face as she hones her skills and assesses how she will decide to move through her life. She holds her emotions close to heart and when betrayed or otherwise provoked, can lash out, stinging un-relentlessly, and just as the scorpion itself, is often oblivious to what its object of attention is.

Hecate’s Mother feeds and nurtures her children, the unloved-the unwanted and in keeping with a Mother’s love, provides ruthlessly and with precise intent what is needed for survival. The Eagle hunts because it must. The Eagle ascends into the skies to protect  and hold vantage point of dominant sight. And, Hecate the Mother exerts her care with the pointed talons that have been sharpened by life’s experience.

Hecate’s Crone calls to those who have passed beyond the veils. Hecate, the crone shares HER wisdom only with those who lay themselves bare and render themselves to ash, willingly awaiting her transformation and blessing. The Phoenix of Hecate’s underworld passes through the Gates of Death, to be born anew flaming and glorious in its Light.

Returning From the Veils

I call to the wisdom of this New Moon to begin the work of self. I will scry deeply into the waters that hold the waxing reflection of SHE who has welcomed my beloved ancestors; those whose blessings  I seek on this day of honoring those beyond the veils.

I have stepped through the gates and called out to those who have come before me and in the darkness I have felt the love and joy of communion. The mystery of these Veils holds the keys to all that I may bring into my life. I will forever feel the grace of my ancestors and know that they are guiding a newly honed will that has emerged from devotion and work towards rising strong and potent in the fullness of my light.

Tonight will begin a new journey of honoring myself as I shed what clings to me of death’s decay and rise transformed, wings beating fiercely with passion and new life. Tonight I return from the veils carrying the gifts of my ancestors as we blaze a path of new birth..

More about Samhain:

We are also at our final and 30th-day of postings for 30-Days of Samhain. Enjoy this as a compliment to this New Moon’s energy….

30 Days of Samhain: Day Thirty and the Final Meeting at the Crossroads

The Pagan Experience Monthly Gathering

A Space for Local Pagans to Meet, Socialize, Share, and Build Community

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78 Keys of Tarot

Opening the Gates of Inner Sight

Musings From the Mystic Path

A Monthly Newsletter published by Coven of the Mystic Path, ASW

From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew

The Call to Light Press - Spiritual Messages for Changing Times.

The Pagan Experience

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Teachings on the Path

A Path of Continued Learning


Sharing My Love of Symbols



Magickally Human

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mindfulness, relaxation, thought provoking images and poems

300 stories

A continuing mission to produce flash fiction stories in 300 words (or less)