Archive for the Waxing Moon Category

My Beloved! The Full Moon in Pisces

Posted in Astrology, Esbat, Full Moon, Lunar, Magick, Mercury, Neptune, Waxing Moon on August 29, 2015 by themagickalpen


August 29.2015

Full Moon in Pisces
2:35 p.m.

Sun in Virgo

Step softly into my arms
Feel the feathery brush of my kiss
For you are my Beloved
And I tremble within your embrace.

Our hearts beat strongly as one
Our bodies no longer defined and
I rest in the sweet breath of your exhale
Gazing back into your loving face.

Our union in rapture complete
Soul’s yearning finally at peace
The Illuminated One my beloved
Mirror of SELF in Divinity released.

The Moon waxed Full just a few hours ago and the atmosphere is filled with a quiet and gentleness that has not been so for some time now. It is a momentarily reprieve from some very dynamic and charged astrological energy and much like the solace found in the arms of a loved one after the battering of the world; this is a time to renew and languish in the healing waters. Mother Moon is in the astrological sign of Pisces, the mistress of compassion and healing;  and although She squared off with Saturn in Scorpio early this morning, the tension between the two is offset by Retrograde Neptune also in Pisces, the astrological sign it Rules.

Water is everywhere, Pisces and Scorpio- the Moon and Neptune – and Saturn has a part to play in the order it is striving towards much like the Mother that accepts nothing but the best for her beloved and will stop time itself to provide what is needed. The intuitive heart of Scorpio (Saturn) guides this process but what it reveals may not be what you feel is needed. Put aside fear of reaching into those dark waters and remember that change and ultimately transformation are the same components needed to heal a wound or repair a heart that has been broken.

There is a great depth to felt with this Full Moon; Neptune supporting that deeper reach into waters that are filled with unseen potential, but carry the gift of bioluminescence to protect and to light the way. Saturn in Scorpio provides the Gate to probe into those deeper mysteries of our emotions and intuitively seek what is needed to bring structure to a compassion that flows freely and strongly (Pisces) often without regard to its own nurturing. This is the tension of a conflict (square) that is balanced by foundational sides that are not so dissimilar in nature; each having a valid point and perspective in a tug of war between giving too much and holding back. 

We can call upon the aid of clarity from the Sun in Virgo. Here we will find the balance of will and strength that has practiced long the work of analyzing, sorting and finding the best that can be had towards productive result. Here we have informed (Virgo being ruled by Mercury, the master communicator) Will that stimulates this flow of waters that rise high and reach deeply. Compassion, for self and others, loosened the hardest of hearts. Deep and abiding love for self and others, unblocks any challenge that wish to pull us away from a path of understanding. And, a heart that knows what lay on the surface as well as what remains in the abyss below can bring resolution to what prevents us from seeing the truth of the world.

Tonight I will hold my beloved
Tonight I will honor my ability to feel deeply and strongly
Tonight I will allow the hand of the Divine to guide me
Tonight I will breathe deeply into the gentle light of my compassionate self

Tonight I will hold my beloved
And the illusions of the world will fall away


Speak! Speak Not!-New Moon in Gemini and Retrograde

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Esbat, Gemini, Mercury, New Moon, Retrogrades, The Temple of Mercury, The Temple of the Sun, Waxing Moon on May 18, 2015 by themagickalpen

May 18.2015

New Moon in Gemini

Mercury Retrograde
May 18 @ 9:50pm – June 11

The Moon waxed New in the early hours of the morning in the astrological sign of Gemini. Gemini is the sign of mind and communication. So, this New Moon brings with it the opportunity to re-craft how we communicate and more importantly build in a waxing effort the creative expression of that communication. As the New Moon also announces the soon to be transition of Sun into the same sign, beginnings and fresh starts are additionally enhanced when the Sun spends a complete solar cycle in that sign’s energy giving it the strengthening and support that began as the gentle flow of Mother Moon’s caress.

In this cycle, the Moon arrives at Gemini prior to the Sun moving into place. This means that Father Sun is in its last burst of the fertile and firmly anchored Taurean energy before it transits into its astrological Temple of Gemini on Thursday, May 1st. This energy lights the way for a more structured and manifest foundation and forging the connection between heaven’s ebb and flow  and earth’s cradle of solidarity.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and the deft hand and agility in moving from one expression to the other typically opens the way for interactions and the sharing of thoughts, ideas and creative efforts is in peak form. The day’s energy began that way, but the Mercury Retrograde that will take hold tonight will slow things down and make clarity a bit more tenuous to achieve.

The general feeling for this Moon and the next few weeks ahead will be one something like the conversation that occurs when bits of information randomly slip out and the speaker catches themselves quickly and abruptly shutting up so as not to spill more details that should remain in unsaid. This is largely because of the Mercury Retrograde that tends to slow down the normally rapid processing of Gemini’s style of communication and it is this slowing down that is the caution of communications being  misunderstood and left to shoddy translation.

Speak Not!
Mercury Retrograde

Astrologically, when a planet changes direction in its normal path of progression through the zodiac, this is called a “station”.  The planet’s progress slows down in is orbit until it appears to pause in its motion giving the appearance of moving backwards. The Retrograde Station occurs when the planet begins this slowing down and seeming movement backwards.  The Direct Station occurs when the forward motion of the planet begins again.

Whatever astrological sign the planet retrogrades in gives added emphasis and more intensity to how the planet expresses its own energy now given a full and prolonged dose of the sign’s own specificities.  These highly potent effects can be building or waning (depending on which end of the station you find yourself) for days prior or after. Much like, the concentrated effort needed in slowing down to come to a traffic light, pausing, and then having to carefully and incrementally apply enough gas to reach your top speed again.

Mercury remains retrograde through June 11th. which is approx. half of the Solar cycle of Gemini. The usual ability to strengthen and give more clarity to communication in all of its styles will be dimmed a bit by the focus on reiteration and further digesting of what has already been said and done. And, although many bemoan the dreaded Mercury Retrograde, this can be a truly rewarding time to give more attention to what is being presented to you.

We live in a highly active society where barely a second can pass before that text is answered and another is on its way. We are bombarded with video and audio stimuli continually and even in the quiet of our rest at night, if there is reliance on the cell phone for  a waking alarm, the subtle waves of technology are communicating with sleep cycles and more. With these statements being made, I will also suggest that a mercury Retrograde is exactly the hiatus much needed to re-tune us to a place of greater observation and deeper connection simply by listening more intently to what is being said, communicated or otherwise expressed.

So, as we enter this ebb and flow of waxing moon kicking us off in the direction of “speak not-unless it be profoundly filled with attention and presence in the moment” I will honor this New Moon as one that allows me to breathe into my communications in preparation for the lessons to be learned in the space of silence created y Mercury’s pause.

Other Readings:

Temple of Mercury
Temple of the Sun: Gemini

Crashing Waves on a Craggy Shore: Full Moon in Capricorn

Posted in Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Waxing Moon on January 3, 2015 by themagickalpen


Full Moon in Cancer
January 4.2015
11:53pm (EST)

Sun in Capricorn

The Moon waxes Full late tomorrow evening at 11:53 pm (EST) and on the cusp of the next day, January 5th. The moon will hold the energy of the astrological sign of Cancer (Cardinal Water). The opposition of astrological energy that naturally occurs during a Full Moon phase is the tug of war between what appear to be opposing energies. In this lunation that thought is best expressed as the crashing of waves on a craggy shore. The strength of Solar energy is mid-point in sure-footed Capricorn; the energy that can scale great heights and plummet the depths. Now, the turbulent waters of Mother Moon are ready to test that cautious sea-goat and see just how far it will go to overcome the challenges and risks of slipping.

The quality of Cardinal Water is that of churning the emotional currents emanating from a variety of unexpected sources. Cardinal signs represent the first bubbling up. As such when applied to water the inference is that of little springs that erupt here and there and when any find weakened or suitably flexible space, become the torrential waterfall or flooding seas. Add to this the Solar expression of Capricorn, that strives towards perfection in methodical and carefully placed steps. Home is found most comfortably in the mid-space of feeling secure and anchored on level ground. Just as the Goat can navigate the most treacherous of cliff-scape, so too Capricornians are able to navigate the challenges and obstacles of earthy existence that most would falter upon. The caution however is one of over caution and inertness, never truly trusting that the steps and actions taken will be precise and accurate. Using the analogy of agitated water and slippery banks, its requires adequate light to clearly avoid the pitfalls of drowning one’s emotions caught on the slippery rocks of aspiration.

One Emotion In Front of the Other…


The challenge in this Full Moon’s energy is one of getting caught in the emotional tides of self-destruction before the journey of a New Year’s energy even begins. This is the space of hopeful resolutions made on January 1st and the realization that some are far too lofty in ambition to achieve and others simply require too much emotional engagement compared to the results achieved.

However, if we light the way of our goals with the brilliance of Mother Moon’s light and the supportive hand (and intuitive heart) of one who blesses her children, those emotions that would otherwise rage out of control can be soothed and comforted as acceptance of those aspects of our weaker nature are embraced and offered as the supporting hand of our strengths.

From a perspective of elemental correlate, we have the opposition of Sun in Earthy Capricorn and Moon in Watery Cancer. Earth and Water are work collaboratively for the most part. Moving water carves out its path as Earth provides the necessary resistance. Earth becomes the container that holds the body of water in place and helps to guide the subsequent flow. Earth requires water to sustain its life. This might be considered a “love/hate” relationship as each relies on the strengths and weaknesses of the other.

This is an excellent Full Moon configuration for shedding light on where and how your emotions reach the points of highs and lows and establishing the ledge of mid-point where they are most at home. The astrological sign of Cancer is very attuned to family and the emotional supports derived from a place and people who are our biggest fans.

A Place of Calm in Cancer’s Healing Light


The cycle continues and the return to a place of calm in Cancer’s healing light is at hand. I will spend some time this evening entering into the healing of Mother Moon. Please enjoy a….Bonus Pathworking: The Hall of Cancer

Crashing Waves on a Craggy Shore

10_bindrimImage: Laird Bindrim

One foot in front of the other as moonlight illumines the way. Waves crash around me, and the anchor of rock and earth sway in reverberation as my physical body teeters precariously on slipper slope. The rock of anchor that is my physical being is battered by waves of emotion that I cannot control and I wish not to contain. Skin absorbs the moisture of weeping and sweat and I am reminded of the joys of exertion in climbing towards my aspirations.

I continue upward, still not yet ready to surrender and fall back into waters that may be too deep for the fullness of my lung’s breath. I think of my resolve and I remember that I am sure-footed and capable. I remember that this is just a night of discovery and in that discovery there will be challenges and obstacles that I must overcome. Mastery of my emotions – Joy in my physical being and scaling the heights of a craggy shore as the waves crash into the depths of my soul.

Resources and Reflections

Cancer in Related Posts:
Temple of the Sun: Cancer
New Moon in Cancer: Arms Wide Open
Full Moon in Cancer: Where Waters Flow

The Temple of the Moon:
Day Twenty-Eight: Fill Me Up
Day Twenty-Seven: Floodgates of Release

Next Post
A Tree of Highs and Lows

The Mysteries of Fertile Flow: Full Moon in Taurus

Posted in Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Lunar, Solar, The Temple of the Sun, Waxing Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 3, 2014 by themagickalpen


Full Moon in Taurus
November 6.2014
5:23 p.m. (EST)

Sun in Scorpio

Darkened waters
Flow in earth’s
Fertile Temple.

Moon light finds
Crevices of opening
Lighting the waters
That hold the mystery
Of foundation’s story.

I seek the solace of
What is hidden deep
Beneath and promises
Structure of earthen form.

I seek what lay in the
Dark waters that will
Support and uphold
My stepping into
The vast unknown.

I call forth the
Guardians that hold
The key to my Soul’s
Deepest desires and
From their grace I find
That fertile space of
Mysterious flow.

The Moon waxes Full on Thursday in the astrological sign of Taurus (Fixed Earth) and you can feel the build up intensely as it reaches deeply into the very core of who we are as physical beings. The opposition of astrological energy that naturally occurs during a Full Moon phase is the tug of war between what appear to be opposing energies. At the time of this Full Moon the Solar energy is expressed by an astrological sign who remains hidden and cloaked by the persona it chooses to present (Scorpio) and the very concrete and tangible energy of a Full Moon in Taurus, the earthy sign of strength and fearless in putting itself out there.

This is the Full Moon that occurs during the “tween” stages of death (Samhain in the Northern Hemisphere) and anticipated creation of newly conceived forms (Beltane in the Southern Hemisphere). Each holds the mystery of a cycle that continues in process eternally as something decays and disintegrates to give way to something fresh, new and with promise.

Everything about the Solar Month of Scorpio feels mysterious and dynamic and ready to be explored intensely and with fervor. Scorpio as a water sign amps up the intuitive nature and Taurus as the holder of Mother Moon’s burgeoning, provides the stable container through which they may flow strongly. Because of its placement at the heart of the thinning of the veils of Samhain (and Beltane) we reach out to ancestor and beings of the Greater earth with a deep yearning to know more of their wisdom, feel the blessings of their gifts and enter the healing waters of solace at being able to connect once again with what we can no longer see.

This Full Moon makes optimal use of the Fixed modality of both of its astrological signs. The fixed Water of Scorpio and the Fixed Earth of Taurus. We have discussed previously the energy of the Four Holy Creatures as being held within these two of the four signs of attribution (Aquarius and Leo, being the other two). Here we see the tension of opposition between the winged Bull of Taurus and the Eagle of Scorpio. Both ascending to loftier heights and thus leaving their baser more primal qualities behind, yet both still of the Animal Kingdom. One the king of the skies (Eagle) and the other the master of Earth’s strength (Bull).

The natural point of opposition here between Moon and Sun is one of remaining firmly grounded in Spirit (winged Bull of Taurus) and the unlimited soaring above towards the point and source of Spirit in its highest form (the eagle of Scorpio). The opportunity here is one of transcending emotions that hold you inert and allowing them to rise in meeting the expression of their true form and fullness informed from the wellspring of a wisdom that is from a Higher source. Envision this:

The Moon shines brightly in her fullness across a landscape of firm earth. You stand in the beams of Her glory, anchored, strong and with a heart that beats fiercely and strongly; ready to guard and protect all that you hold dear. You walk with authority moving across fertile ground and the damp earth beneath gives way at the weight and might of your physical form.

You breathe in air that is full and richly scented with life that await beneath the surface of your domain and pride and confidence flow from each footfall. You continue to walk and the ground beneath becomes moister with each step, water bubbling up from beneath this surface as moonlight sparkles now like diamonds on its gently moving surface. You take another step and feel the sharp pain of a stinger pierce the flesh of your foot and all the nerve endings in your body awaken in response. You feel the thrill of pain and life as you are moved from the reveries of your power.

Visions of crystal clarity and the knowledge that you have stepped on a creature hidden in the soft soil beneath flood through you. A brilliance of light flashes and the light of the Moon is now the brilliance of the Sun shining down on parched land. You are surprised that one has given way to the other. You see the vast expanse of all that surrounds and look upward towards the burning orb of Sun. You feel the warmth of heated waters beneath your feet and the pain you felt gives way to soothing heat. You have never felt more alive and more connected to all that surrounds and is within you.

You breathe deeply into this space of power and strength the veiling of the world around disappears and you find yourself once again in the brilliance of Mother Moon’s Full Light. The beating of your heart strong and affirming your physical form and the uplifting of your spirits complete as emotion and body, heart and temple of precious life are one.

The Mysteries of Fertile Flow


On this evening of the Full Moon I am going to make optimal use of honoring the vessel of my human form and allow the flowing waters of fertility and strength to create new streams of opening to those deeper waters of my emotional self. I will stand strong in the deepened waters rooted in my humanity and the many ways I choose to express it. I will call on the tension of a Sun that holds strong in what boils deep in the caverns of what I have created as place of prison and limitation for its growth and expression. I will look more deeply at what is held within that will nurture, safe guard and be brought into the healing light of Mother Moon’s grace, no longer cowering in the dark. These are the mysteries I will seek and carry with me into Friday evening as the potency of Astrological Samhain calls me to re-member.

Resources and Reflections

Taurus in Related Posts:
Temple of the Sun: Taurus
New Moon in Taurus
The Magick of Taurus
Full Moon in Taurus-2013

The Temple of the Moon:
Day Twenty-Two:Waning Moon in Taurus


Check back Friday for a Special Post about Astrological Samhain


November 7.2014
7:56 am

New Moon in Leo-Standing in the Spotlight!

Posted in Lunar, Magick, New Moon, The Temple of the Moon, The Temple of the Sun, Waxing Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 26, 2014 by themagickalpen


July 26.2014

New Moon in Leo
6:42 p.m.

The Moon enters its Maiden (New) phase early evening in the astrological sign of Leo. The heat is rising as the Sun and Moon offer the exchange of transformative (Sun) healing (Moon) Fires that are lit both in the brilliance of the Sun and the cooling darkness of the Moon. This is the Fire off quickening within the birthing waters that carry life.

The overall feeling is one of stimulating and dynamically charged energy that makes for nervous tension and unpredictable action. On the surface this may seem like a negative impact, but the proof of its power is largely held in what course of response (not reaction) you choose to undertake when confronted with over-stimulation. This Moon offers the opportunity to align heart and what we “feel” with a goal of dynamic and transforming action. Will is the fire that lights the way on the path to self- awareness. And, self-awareness is the first step towards stepping fully into the Light of that awareness boldly and intentionally.

Fire in the Whole

Additionally, we have the influence of two (2) other planets in Fire signs, one of which just stationed Retrograde:

Jupiter is in the astrological sign of Leo. Expansion of what stirs our Will to action and what fuels our desires is at hand. Jupiter is strongly related to abundance and financial gain, so optimizing its energy to direct us towards action that will stimulate the flow of money or abundance in any area is a working that could be started at this New Moon. The timing of Moon phase as catalytic and beginnings and the Solar Month of Leo having just begun brings an abundance of light to “see” what we are doing, where we are going and the potential of what the outcome may be.

Uranus just began its Retrograde in the astrological sign of Aries and is slowly and incrementally turning up the volume on our neurological receptors. With the advent of this New Moon, the opportunity lies in being able to surrender to this process of fine tuning and go with the organic flow of this stimulating current. The Moon as She waxes offers those respites of cooling the circuitry but we must heed our body’s wisdom and give adequate time to relaxing and non-stimulating activities.

Read more about the Uranus Retrograde here:

Uranus Retrograde: Deflecting Light

The alchemical element of Fire is represented by Cardinal and Fixed modalities; so the potential is to harness the first sparks and draw them into something usable, potent and contained . The Cardinal (Aries) energies of initiating and stimulating the aspects of will are held within the circuit board of Uranus giving that initial strike of the match to fuel the blaze. And Sun and Moon are balanced in the Fixed energy of Leo as Jupiter opens the way for broader reach and impact.

The New Moon is an excellent time to begin workings that require the energy of the initial flow needed for beginnings. One of the correlates would be the energy of the sunrise or dawn. A new day is a beginning that is packed full with the potential to become whatever you desire most by the time it reaches the fullness of mid-day. So too, the lunar cycle of the New Moon offers the opportunity to harness the energy of expansion towards the fullest expression of what you wish to bring into manifestation at the Full Moon.

The energy of Leo is one of strengthening. Courage and confidence in actions are supported by Leo’s energy and finding the aspects of self that are magnetic, compelling and inspire are all illuminated by the energy of Leo’s Sun. Workings that have the intended goal of bringing attention to one’s gifts and thus being able to share these with the larger community thrive in this energy. Additionally, work towards bolstering your confidence and shining greater light on your strengths are bolstered by Leo’s Moon.

Standing in the Spotlight

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On the eve of this New Moon I’ll be re-calling to myself the energy and strength I felt as a dancer many years ago. The heat of the lights and being center stage stripped bare of everything but the artistry you infuse with your passion for it and the command of be fully present and recognizable in that moment. This is a space of time when I felt confident and strong in my presence in this world and the satisfaction of being able to reach out and touch the heart and soul of those in the audience connected me more deeply to the impact of my actions. This is what fueled me and carried me forward in the art and was the overlay of discipline and memory I have applied to my working of the Craft.

Standing in the spotlight is not something to fear rather it is something to embrace in recognition of the uniqueness we each carry. Whenever we claim our power and strength we are affirming the brilliance of Divine Light we hold within. Re-tooling this strength carried on the fiery flow of Moon’s waters of quickening towards its fullest expression of heart felt passion insures that the Fires of change and deep transformation will occur.

Next Post:
Sun in Leo – A Light in the Tree
Sunday, August 3.2014

Read More About Leo Here:

The Lion’s Share-Full Moon in Leo

The Midnight Flame-Dark Moon in Leo

Temple of the Moon Postings:
Day Two: Opening-Waxing Moon in Leo

Day Three: Fire in the (w)hole-Waxing Moon in Leo

The Manifest Refinement of Heart and Will

Posted in Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Lunar, Magick, Uncategorized, Waxing Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on April 14, 2014 by themagickalpen
Image Credit: NASA Photo Gallery

April 15.2014

Full Moon in Libra

3:42a.m. (EDT)

Total Lunar Eclipse Begins 3:07am (EDT)

The Moon is Full in the early morning hours of April 15th in the astrological sign of Libra with a total Lunar Eclipse punctuating the energetic experience. This combination offers the potential for some very powerful and deep spiritual work.

A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the shadow of the Earth as it is lit from behind by the Sun. The usual orbit of the Moon is just far enough off the Earth/Solar plane that the Moon makes its journey avoiding the shadow of the Earth casts.  The eclipse places the Sun directly behind the Earth as the Moon moves into the position within Earth’s shadow. This early morning eclipse will be a Total Eclipse meaning that the Moon passes through the entirety of the Earth’s shadow from 3:07am to 4:25am. The refraction of light occurring from the filtering of earth’s atmosphere as light shines directly from the Sun behind the earth causes a natural progression of changing the moon’s coloring from the creamy white of a normal Full Moon to a reddish brown coloring of the moon as the eclipse event takes place. The Moon returns to its milky whiteness as She basks in the full shining of Sun upon her face.


For lots of great information about eclipses and, in particular this eclipse go to:  This site has everything you want to know about the astronomy of Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

If we consider the spiritual implications of the eclipse energy we are able to call upon the energies of Will (Sun), Manifestation and Foundation (Earth) and intuitive Heart (Moon). In the placement of the Lunar Eclipse, Earth receives the direct outpouring of the sun’s energy as its reflective back light of emanation towards the Moon’s surface. Divine Will (our Spiritual Sun) is brought to a place of manifest and practical use as we, as physical beings, are especially enlivened by its solar principle and dynamic of energy.

The reflection of this shadow of light emanates out towards the moon in her phase of fullness through the filter of Earth (and opportunity to bring it to manifestation). This refraction of sun’s light refines the matters of heart and quickens in a subtle yet profound way of application as it passes through the earth shadow of our form imbuing the Full Moon energy with the hidden resources of what lay at our inner sun’s core. Drawing this light shadow that holds the mysteries of our internal lunarscape into the intuitive waters that flow in the intermittent dimming (the frequency of the Lunar Eclipses) of its full potential provides the space of accessing those qualities that strengthen the aspects of our manifest nature that lay in the shadows and enliven these by emotional and intuitive insight so they may be used in a more practical manner as they are brought to the fullness of their potential. Who we are in the strength (Sun) of our manifest form (Moon) and the will we call forth empowers these deep waters of our intuitive nature (Moon).

Now, add the astrological component. The Moon is Full in the Cardinal sign Libra. Libra is depicted as the Scales of balance. Refinement and love of the intellectual nature of calibrating the scales of balance to maintain that balance is the type of mental gymnastics the Air (Intellect/mind) sign of Libra enjoys. The Full Moon ushers in the highest potential and peak of whatever energy it is reflecting, so heart infused by refined emotions and intuition honed by informed trial and error are at hand.

The emphasis of balance that Libra exerts is enhanced by this Total Lunar Eclipse. The polarities of Male (Sun) and Female (Moon) that are present in the opposition of Sun and Moon that occurs during a full moon are both subdued in their synthesis at the level of manifestation(Earth). In this case, the extremes of the natural flow of Sun and Moon are brought to the mid-point of Earth, standing as synthesizer of the two. This is the purposeful and modulated conversation between a pair of opposites (Sun and Moon) that has similar goal and each is willing to compromise (Libra) in its application and civilized assertion of its needs and desires so that something reflecting the harmonious (Libra) values of each may be initiated (Cardinal Modality) towards manifest form (Earth).

In spiritual working, making full use of these varied dynamics of a Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse offers opportunity to reshape and refine what we think about those qualities of heart that lie just below the surface of what we normally express to inform our human experience. This action allows the calling forth of the informed intent to bring them into a state of balance and harmonious expression in our daily affairs. And, all works collaboratively in a balanced state knowing that strength of Divine Will (Sun) continually flows in support as the back lighting for the ebb and flow (Moon) of these energies as the foundational (Earth) work that the shadow of our inner creative Will to Manifest brings to the surface.

Other Resources:

First Total Lunar Eclipse of 2014: The Complete Skywatcher’s Guide

Waxing Moon- Talking Waters

Posted in Full Moon, Lunar, Magick, New Moon, Waxing Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 8, 2014 by themagickalpen


March 8.2014

Second Qrtr Phase

Waxing Moon in Gemini

Today marks the second quarter lunar phase and mid-point between the New Moon in Pisces of March 1st and the upcoming Full Moon in Virgo on March 16th. Additionally Mars stationed retrograde late morning on the day of the New Moon and will remain retrograde through May 19th in the astrological sign of Libra. The Sun is in its later stage of progression through Pisces and as such the compassionate outpouring heated by the sun’s energies lends intensity and passion to whatever falls under its watchful gaze. Pisces is the last of the astrological signs and as such brings the sum total of experience of each of the preceding into its intuitive waters and usually placid waters.

Today’s Moon is in the astrological sign of Gemini. This energy is supportive of thinking through the options and communicating (Gemini) the action (Mars) to be taken. The Sun currently in the more mature energetic phase of Pisces oversees all progress made in these specific areas with a decidedly compassionate twist helping to temper what has potential for bursting floodgates rather than flowing organically as cascading waterfall. The upcoming Full Moon’s promise of result is one of calm waters emerging strongly and expansively from the turbulent breakthrough of the Pisces New Moon and Mars retrograde occurring dualistically.

A Mars retrograde will demand that you be assertive in your intent as it carves new paths and new experience from what is inert and stagnating. Mars is a planet of action and will, and if that action is misaligned what would be assertiveness and activated will becomes aggression and tyrannical force. Mars is currently in the astrological sign of Libra, so that lends an energy that strives towards balance and refinement through mental processes. The application of Pisces Moon and Sun to this station provides the initial compassion that will temper Mars fiery energy as it pours its intensity into each endeavor undertaken during its retrograde.

I specifically chose today’s energy to focus on as it is the 8th day of the 3rd month of the year. I like to actively incorporate numerology in all of my activities and find the points of similarities and resonance to a particular number’s energy. The number 8 speaks to the ability to traverse time and timelessness (in the form of the lemniscate) in a flow of cycle that expands and contracts in dynamics. The number eight follows that of the seven of learning and new experiences and is the outcome of moving through the halls of knowledge of one door and emerging newly transformed from the other end of the journey. An additional bolster to the energy of the 8th day is that today is Saturday, whose ruler is Saturn- the great Gate Keeper of time, structure and order (see what I mean about synchronicity and resonance!). In practice, we can use the dynamic energy of this mid-space in reaching back and drawing forward the emotional and compassionate outpouring of the Pisces New Moon and gathering the steam of assertive action towards bringing this energy to its peak at the Full Moon in Virgo; the astrological sign of sorting, analyzing and emphasis on foundational detail.

March is the 3rd Month of the calendar year. The number 3 indicates the creative force of two generating a third from its collaborative efforts. Harmony and the triune of spiritual path- Maiden, Mother, Crone; Youth, Father, Sage and more highlight the movement and progression of one thing merging into the other to create the third of synthesized wisdom and force. Three is also the number of active creation, the triangle of fire and trinity of positive, negative and neutral charge to catalyze are all aspects of this number.

Putting this together means opportunity for a pause in time to align (8/Saturn) and act in creative flow (3/Mars)that will ensure what is carried forward has been informed (Gemini) from the talking waters of compassionate and strengthened experience (Sun/Pisces). As the Moon waxes towards Virgo’s earthy anchoring of fullness those waters will continue to expand in opening out towards the space of new horizons as the sun begins a new zodiacal cycle entering the first astrological sign of Aries at the Vernal Equinox.

In practical application, I will use this day to actively allow the messages and information needed to flow freely from my intuitive self. My intent will be one of dipping deeply into what has served me in the past and set me on a course of productive action towards my goals. These drops of knowing will form the body of my placid waters within and these are what I will carry forward to serve as reflective surface of my greater intent at the fullness of the Moon.

Please join me in The Temple of the Sun on March 20th for a year-long exploration of the solar year.

The Pagan Experience Monthly Gathering

A Space for Local Pagans to Meet, Socialize, Share, and Build Community

Inspirations of Life

Petals of Creative Change

78 Keys of Tarot

Opening the Gates of Inner Sight

Musings From the Mystic Path

A Monthly Newsletter published by Coven of the Mystic Path, ASW

From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew

The Call to Light Press - Spiritual Messages for Changing Times.

The Pagan Experience

Writings From the Pagan Community

Teachings on the Path

A Path of Continued Learning


Sharing My Love of Symbols



Magickally Human

A Blog of Experience


mindfulness, relaxation, thought provoking images and poems

300 stories

A continuing mission to produce flash fiction stories in 300 words (or less)