Archive for the Gemini Category

Full Moon in Gemini: Deep in Conversation

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Gemini, Mercury, Retrogrades on November 21, 2018 by themagickalpen

Full Moon in Gemini
November 23.2018
12:39a.m. (EST)

Mercury Retrograde
November 16 – December 6

Neptune Direct
November 16.2018

Sun in Sagittarius
November 22.2018


Wow! Lots going on and lots to talk about! This early morning Full Moon bathes in the energy of astrological Gemini, the quintessential archetypal energy of communication and mental agility. Father Sun has transited into the solar month of astrological Sagittarius, the direct opposite (on the zodiacal wheel) as usual of Mother Moon’s flowing waters of lunation. In this case, astrological Sagittarius fires up the solar energies and begins the process of sending out those electromagnetic bursts (think Sagittarian arrows) seeking collaboration, community and networks. Both Moon and Sun are in signs of the Mutable Modality which gives the necessary ebb and flow required of outreach that is potent and active inits intention(Sun in Sagittarius) and the rising waters  that adapt and change (Moon in Gemini) all the while reflecting an intuitive light held within.

As if that isn’t enough, we have….

Mercury Retrograde in Astrological Sagittarius
(mutable)Fire of Air(mutable)

It just so happens that Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini, giving this Full Moon in Gemini an additional level of intensity. This planet holds the archetypal energy of messengers, tricksters and to a large degree shape shifters able to turn on a dime in their conversational manner and redirect it in whatever way serves their intellectual fancy. The bad rap Mercury Retrograde gets is based in its deftness at demanding a slower response in all communication endeavors. Just as it operates at lightning speed in its normal flow of orbital energy, the retrograde “slow down” reflects the call for more scrutiny. This causes great frustration, particularly in the fast-paced setting of today’s society. Quick decisions are prized and misunderstandings run rampant as a result of not allowing pause to contemplate and reflect on all the possibilities available.

The energetic connection between this Full Moon’s mantle and its occurrence during a Mercury Retrograde provide the opportunity to allow what arises in the fullness of the Moon’s emotive light to be fully examined and the adaptability of Gemini’s grace to inform what is revealed. In other words, slow down, pause and really digest the intentions and concepts presented to you within the lunarscape of your intuitive and flowing (Moon) mind (Airy Gemini). This becomes the Intelligence of the Heart. Mind and heart aligned and informed by one another.


Neptune Direct in astrological Pisces
(Mutable) Planetary Water in its Ruling Sign

Water of another sort flows as the underpinning of this Full Moon. Neptune stations direct after a bit of a slowing in astrological Pisces, its natural astrological sign. Neptune swells with tides that plunge deeply into waters that hold mysteries and await the courageous diver who seeks the treasure of deep gnosis. This direct movement pushes all that flows from Full Moonlight and revelation and carries it forward to become the deep and crashing waves affecting change.

In alignment with the Gemini’s spark of mental acuity, Neptune’s energy boasts flexibility that enables the stretch and contraction required to set deeply informed and introspective communication in motion. The inherent Mutability cloaking each (Gemini Moon and Pisces Neptune) is the gift of creating thresholds of endings that become the quick start for rebirth.

Solar light in mutable Sagittarian Fire

The transition, on the 22nd into a solar month of Sagittarius sets the stage for Gemini’s Full Moon waters. The fire of the Sun changes its intensity and mutable Sagittarius prepares its arrows to be launched, the goal one of setting ablaze new means of action and lighting the way for what will support the subsequent endeavors.

Deep in Conversation

Where do we go from here and what intentions will we set along the way? Technology is a wonderful thing and allows us to stay connected and reach further than we were able prior to cell phones, social media and more. It has also become a way to remain detached, overly brief in our communications and missing out on the intimacy of conversation that is reflected in a heartfelt gaze and thoughtful response -the cornerstones of being more deeply connected.

This full moon allow the depths of feeling that flow from Neptune’s waters; the experiences that have built up as Neptune paused in its retrograde to move you to a state of compassion. Embrace the light of the full moon’s grace to enhance a more heart-felt communicative style as Mercury’s retrograde takes hold in calling you to take time to reflect, ask questions, and get to know those whom you choose to interact with. Put down the cell, and just show up for a face-to-face conversation. Step away from the computer and make memories and new experiences in person and not vicariously through the pictures of other’s activities.

And, finally use the entirety of the Sagittarian solar month to network, connect and seek out community. Reach out actively to quicken some new alliances and allow Mercury Retrograde’s slowing to let those small fires burn more deeply rooted as new paths and experiences are set ablaze in your newly found strength of engaging in deep and fulfilling conversation.

Read More:


The Magick of Gemini
Full Moon in Gemini-Keep It Simple and Speak the Truth


Under Pressure, Again! Neptune Stations Direct

Mercury Retrograde

The Temple of Mercury-What’s Up?
Speak Slowly and Clearly into the Microphone-Mercury Retrograde


Sun in Sagittarius: Aim High, Breathe Deep and Just Let Go! Fly-The Magick of Sagittarius


Full Moon in Gemini-Keep It Simple and Speak the Truth

Posted in Astrology, Full Moon, Gemini on December 13, 2016 by themagickalpen


December 13.2016
Full Moon in Gemini
7:05p.m. (EST)

Sun in Sagittarius

The Moon waxes Full this evening in the astrological sign of Gemini. This is energy that is Mutable, aka: flexible and flowing from endings to beginnings. Both Sun and Moon are in Mutable signs, the Sun now peaking into its later energies of Sagittarius. This is the gift of Air (Gemini) fanning the fires of action and outreach (Sagittarius). The mutable component offers the choice of how that flexibility is expressed. Will you seek the application of too much air which extinguishes the creative flame established or just enough which continually fuels the flame as it grows exponentially?

Gemini’s gift is communication in all of its forms. It is mind having the ability to take the next steps informed by the experience of interaction and conversing and then being able to “turn on a dime” guiding that conversation in a completely opposite direction. Mother Moon boasts emotions reserves and when the waters begin to move in agitation the conversation becomes louder as the waterfall flows in strong descent disrupting all that lay beneath.

Keep it Simple…

In general, the Full Moon is a time when Moon and Sun stand in opposition (or directly opposite one another) on the Great Astrological wheel. This is a point of tension that can be used advantageously as each dynamic is pulled more towards the precise blending of what is needed for any given situation. Gemini loves to inform and moves quickly from information to information, sampling all, but often not internalizing or synthesizing any one thing. Sagittarius takes careful aim at what it choses to set afire and stretches to the limits (think the archer’s bow, symbol of Sag) fueled by its passion and desire to spread the action around. So, here with have both the ability to communicate and inform, and have that synthesized thought flexed and stretched as it is released from an anchored bow with precise aim and highest intention of will.

As much as you may wish to express yourself to the fullest extent, presenting all sides of every debatable issue, keep it simple. Offer the breath of pause so that clarity can flow from words uttered having had time to gather the necessary information. Breathe into what the next outpouring of mind will bring and draw the bow string of Sagittarius’ will back into the deep waters of heart-filled truth.

Speak Your Truth…

As heart (Moon) and mind (airy Gemini) weave intimately the product of creation is one of formulating those truths that you may claim as your own. Let Father Sun and the Sagittarian desire to expand its dynamic will to action fuel those truths sending them out on arrows of impact and precision in goal.

The turbulence of these past few months (a singular culmination of stressful build up) now requires us to be fully present and cognizant of how we express ourselves in the larger world. If cultivated in a mindful way informed by what we feel having also taken the time to examine all sides of the equation, these truths become “words to live by”.

This is an excellent time to re-evaluate and settle in more deeply to what we hold as the beliefs true for ourselves and the ideals we hold for those in our lives. Moreover, now is also the time to forge communication between what we feel to be true and what we know if the truth. These are extraordinarily simple steps to take, but in that simplicity is the complexity of remaining fully present in the healing waters that we have chosen to quicken by the fires of our core beliefs.

This is the fullness of Mother Moon in Geminian communication with all parts of self; ready and emboldened as the light of Father Sun offers the gates of new beginnings as the ground of seeding.

May this Moon find you blessed…

Related Reads:

Act Now and Stand Still!

Full Moon In Gemini: Your Call Cannot Be Connected As Dialed

New Moon in Gemini-React with Informed Response

Temple of the Sun Posts: The Astrology of ….
Full Disclosure-The Sun in Gemini

Sun in Sagittarius-Aim High, Breathe deep and Just Let Go!

Speak! Speak Not!-New Moon in Gemini and Retrograde

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Esbat, Gemini, Mercury, New Moon, Retrogrades, The Temple of Mercury, The Temple of the Sun, Waxing Moon on May 18, 2015 by themagickalpen

May 18.2015

New Moon in Gemini

Mercury Retrograde
May 18 @ 9:50pm – June 11

The Moon waxed New in the early hours of the morning in the astrological sign of Gemini. Gemini is the sign of mind and communication. So, this New Moon brings with it the opportunity to re-craft how we communicate and more importantly build in a waxing effort the creative expression of that communication. As the New Moon also announces the soon to be transition of Sun into the same sign, beginnings and fresh starts are additionally enhanced when the Sun spends a complete solar cycle in that sign’s energy giving it the strengthening and support that began as the gentle flow of Mother Moon’s caress.

In this cycle, the Moon arrives at Gemini prior to the Sun moving into place. This means that Father Sun is in its last burst of the fertile and firmly anchored Taurean energy before it transits into its astrological Temple of Gemini on Thursday, May 1st. This energy lights the way for a more structured and manifest foundation and forging the connection between heaven’s ebb and flow  and earth’s cradle of solidarity.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and the deft hand and agility in moving from one expression to the other typically opens the way for interactions and the sharing of thoughts, ideas and creative efforts is in peak form. The day’s energy began that way, but the Mercury Retrograde that will take hold tonight will slow things down and make clarity a bit more tenuous to achieve.

The general feeling for this Moon and the next few weeks ahead will be one something like the conversation that occurs when bits of information randomly slip out and the speaker catches themselves quickly and abruptly shutting up so as not to spill more details that should remain in unsaid. This is largely because of the Mercury Retrograde that tends to slow down the normally rapid processing of Gemini’s style of communication and it is this slowing down that is the caution of communications being  misunderstood and left to shoddy translation.

Speak Not!
Mercury Retrograde

Astrologically, when a planet changes direction in its normal path of progression through the zodiac, this is called a “station”.  The planet’s progress slows down in is orbit until it appears to pause in its motion giving the appearance of moving backwards. The Retrograde Station occurs when the planet begins this slowing down and seeming movement backwards.  The Direct Station occurs when the forward motion of the planet begins again.

Whatever astrological sign the planet retrogrades in gives added emphasis and more intensity to how the planet expresses its own energy now given a full and prolonged dose of the sign’s own specificities.  These highly potent effects can be building or waning (depending on which end of the station you find yourself) for days prior or after. Much like, the concentrated effort needed in slowing down to come to a traffic light, pausing, and then having to carefully and incrementally apply enough gas to reach your top speed again.

Mercury remains retrograde through June 11th. which is approx. half of the Solar cycle of Gemini. The usual ability to strengthen and give more clarity to communication in all of its styles will be dimmed a bit by the focus on reiteration and further digesting of what has already been said and done. And, although many bemoan the dreaded Mercury Retrograde, this can be a truly rewarding time to give more attention to what is being presented to you.

We live in a highly active society where barely a second can pass before that text is answered and another is on its way. We are bombarded with video and audio stimuli continually and even in the quiet of our rest at night, if there is reliance on the cell phone for  a waking alarm, the subtle waves of technology are communicating with sleep cycles and more. With these statements being made, I will also suggest that a mercury Retrograde is exactly the hiatus much needed to re-tune us to a place of greater observation and deeper connection simply by listening more intently to what is being said, communicated or otherwise expressed.

So, as we enter this ebb and flow of waxing moon kicking us off in the direction of “speak not-unless it be profoundly filled with attention and presence in the moment” I will honor this New Moon as one that allows me to breathe into my communications in preparation for the lessons to be learned in the space of silence created y Mercury’s pause.

Other Readings:

Temple of Mercury
Temple of the Sun: Gemini

Full Moon in Gemini- Your Call Cannot Be Connected As Dialed…..

Posted in Esbat, Full Moon, Gemini, Jupiter, Lunar, Magick, Sagittarius, The Temple of Mercury, The Temple of the Sun with tags , , , , , , on December 5, 2014 by themagickalpen

Full Moon in Gemini
December 6.2014
7:27am (EST)

Sun in Sagittarius

The Moon waxes Full tomorrow morning at 7:27am (EST) in the astrological sign of Gemini (Mutable Air). The opposition of astrological energy that naturally occurs during a Full Moon phase is the tug of war between what appear to be opposing energies. In this lunation that thought is best expressed as the “party line” or shared phone line where two conversations are vying for attention at once. Each is communicating in their own unique style, but the bits and pieces of detail are lost in the gaps between who is listening to who. The strength of Solar energy is mid-point in dynamic Sagittarius; expansive in its outreach and continually seeking new trails to blaze. Now, the cooling waters of Mother Moon are ready to talk it up and stimulate the mind as She finds her voice in communicative Gemini.

The quality of Mutable Air as catalyst in stirring up the emotional seas and the Fires of expansive Sagittarius seeking to spread out and claim their own path of networking and communication can produce a highly emotive and combustible effect. Whenever Mind comes on line, particularly the Gemini mind that can change direction as easily as a chameleon adapts to its surrounding’s color we have a potential for emotions being expressed that were fleeting and pertinent in the moment but dissipate as soon as rationale enters the picture. Add to this the Solar expression of Sagittarius, that seeks and seeks and seeks to find suitable burning ground and you have the dynamics for kindling sparks of idea, fueled by a desirous heart that may overextend and burn out before any real progress is made. Using the analogy of a phone call, imagine several lines of connection that get tangled in the transmission causing miscommunication to ensue with neither party reaching the intended recipient.

Please Hang Up and Try Again…..


The solution lies in the effort of trying. For each and every bright area that courses through the night sky of fully lit waters, just breathe and allow it to move of its own accord and land where it may. Although intent is the key ingredient in successful magickal work, so is knowing when to simply allow the desires to flow and let them blaze their own paths of connection. This also means standing firmly in a place of trust, that all will be communicated in the way that it should.

From a perspective of elemental correlate, we have the opposition of Sun in Sagittarius or Fire of Fire and Moon in Gemini- Air of Water. Water is the natural opponent of Fire as it extinguishes and heals what has been burnt. Air both feeds and extinguishes Fire; one setting the blaze higher and the other by its blustery gust creates lights out. So how do we use this info? My favorite analogy and one that I apply frequently to this particular astrological set-up is setting an exposed wire (Fire) in a pan of water (Water) and Electricity (Air and communication) sparks and sputters creating light.

This is an excellent Full Moon configuration for creating new pathways of thought pattern and using the emotional to guide the current of electrified charge that runs through it. Brainstorming and then passing these ideas through the filter of how they “feel” and what desires to bring them to life (Light) get fired up can go a long way towards reaching out a little further beyond what your normal selective process would be.

So plug in, and let those calls flow from mind to heart. Be receptive to what is communicated and then continue to leave that line open as you move through the waning of the Moon. What is viable and a stable and reliable connection will establish itself as that which is frequently called for insight and clarity. You may get a few busy signals as you tap into the greater network of other’s similar seekings, but keep the line open and try again.   With persistence you will soon have all of the circuit board lit up, effectively networking and beginning new ways of dialing in.

Chicago-CTA Switchboard-Operator-Merchandise-Mart-1957

Image: Switchboard Operator. Yes this was how phone calls were relayed way back when!

Resources and Reflections

Gemini in Related Posts:

Temple of the Sun: Gemini
The Temple of Mercury
New Moon in Gemini:Brainstorming
Waxing Moon in Gemini:Talking Waters

The Temple of the Moon:
Day Twenty-Five: The Epiphany of Silence: Waning Moon in Gemini
Day Twenty-Four: Talk It Up: Waning Moon in Gemini

Bonus Post
December 8.2014
Jupiter Retrograde


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