Archive for the retorgrades Category

Under Pressure, Again!: Neptune Stations Direct

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Neptune, retorgrades on November 12, 2015 by themagickalpen


November 18.2015
Neptune Stations Direct
11:32am (EST)

Moon in Aquarius
Sun in Scorpio

Neptune stations direct, tomorrow on the 18th late morning and the pressures that have been building as it held focus and attention on all aspects of emotion and the intuitive nature is ready for full force release. This planet of the deep and hidden depths of our waterscape has been retrograde  since June 12th and remains in its ruling astrological sign of Pisces. It is the third of the four furthest planets to have been retrograde this year and spent some time in overlap with two others – Pluto (stationed Direct on Sept. 24/25) and Uranus which will bring a burst of electrically charged light December 25th, hot on the heels of the Solstice of the 21st.

The planet Neptune’s energies are those of a higher resonance of planet Venus. Venus concerns itself with relationship, refinement and beauty as a source of emotional gratification and desire. But, Neptune takes these qualities and brings them to the truly refined and beautiful place of unconditional love honed by deeper understanding of the true nature of the qualities it seeks to form lasting relationship with.  This is one of the reasons why the Neptune Retrograde has churned the waters as it seeks its source far deeper into the comfort of the reserves that we normally cling to for fear of lack. Everything we thought we believed to be true about our expectations of relationship and matters of the heart has had an extra dose of scrutiny and intensity infused into it under the steady and potent energy of Neptune.

In  Mythos, the God Neptune is ruler of the seas and his Trident pierces through the deepest and darkest of waters as he rises from the depths and surveys the land of man. Whatever is in proximity of his rising will either withstand the turbulence of changing waters or be drowned by the sudden movement and shift in the current. Because of energies of the other Retrograde planets and timing within the Solar Year of Neptune’s, the peaks of rising have been far less substantial than the depths of submerging. This action has resulted in forming a vacuum of contraction and a veiling of highly pressurized surface which is now ready to be released.

This damming up has presented itself in outbursts of emotion that would have otherwise been controllable and the heartfelt expression of any and all those things that are near and dear to us. Tears have flooded and pushed to the surface of even the most stoic of logical mind and what we believed to not be of concern to us, was found to be precisely the thing to stir up our feelings.

Sun in Scorpio

This solar month of Scorpio has encouraged a particularly deep response in resonation with Neptune nearing the final stages of its retrograde. Scorpio is intense, deep and often mysterious in how its affections are expressed and doled out. The Scorpion is placed as one of three symbols of Scorpios energy and can be quick and painful in its sting, rising from beneath the soil unexpectedly. This dynamic has lent itself to uncovering what lay buried beneath the ocean’s floors of our emotional seascape. All that we have kept submerged and hidden, particularly from ourselves now has the potential to be brought to the surface and flushed free as Neptune open’s its gates of release.

Moon in Aquarius

The Moon transits into the astrological sign of airy Aquarius on the date of Neptune’s stationing direct. Mind will finally have its say, but because it is mantled in the cloak of watery Lady Moon, the product will be one that is filled with the rationale about “Why I feel this way”. Within the scope of Aquarius’ gifts is that of vision. Being able to see many outcomes and zero in on what is most needed for the greater good. We can hold this intention in directing the force of Neptune’s release towards its waters being received where they will be of most benefit. When vision and heart collaborate the result can be much like the pressurized watery cleansing of an edifice that has accumulated the grime of years of neglect, yet stands strong and beautiful in the potential of all who will benefit from its purpose.

Under Pressure

So, how do we navigate these waters of force? Ride the current and relax into the freedom of a heart flowing freely and unencumbered. The year is nearing its end and we will soon also be released from the highly electrical charge of Uranus and its retrograde, so for now enjoy a flow that is powerful and potent in what it may be redirected towards. Hold the intention that those areas and people in our lives that need a strong and power flow of love, compassion and understanding will feel the healing waters that we may now offer. Hold the intention that you will be both generator and recipient of the back flow of waters that reveal the limitless depths of expression that you may call upon within your own Neptunian waters. And, as the Moon transits into the astrological sign of Pisces on the 19th, it’s ruling planet, Neptune will carry you to the shores of unconditional love and the deep wisdom of heart-felt compassion.

Read More at:

Lifting the Veil: Neptune Retrograde
Uranus Retrograde: Deflecting Light

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