Archive for July, 2015

Destiny Calling, Again! The Blue Moon of July

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Neptune, Pluto, Retrogrades, Saturn, The Temple of Pluto, The Temple of Venus, Uranus with tags , , , , , , , on July 30, 2015 by themagickalpen

ngm.nationalgeographic Full Moon in Aquarius (Blue Moon)
July 31.2015
6:43am (EDT)

Sun in Leo

The Blue Moon of July waxes full tomorrow morning at 6:43a.m. This is the second full moon to occur this month. The first punctuating the first day of July and this one underscoring the last. And, these two full moons were held in Father Sun’s mantles of polarity calling forth the power of Nurture (Sun in Cancer) and Nature (Sun in Leo).

The Full Moon of July 1 set the stage for healing at both the emotional and the levels of will. The foundations and earthiness of Capricorn provided the structure for those lunar waters to flow strongly and productively. Father Sun gently warmed those Cancerian waters to bolster, strengthen and nurture what lay within and provide just enough electromagnetic stream to attract what would serve.

Curtain up and lights full blaze as this Full Moon steps into the spotlight calling to itself what it requires-what it demands and what it will claim as its own to ensure success. Father Sun now wearing the brilliance of Leo’s power sets the waters of an Aquarian Full Moon ablaze as the emotional landscape opens itself to uncharted streams and rivers that lead out to a sea of new vision. The will to survive and to create is fueled by the desire to know and the instinctual actions taken to sustain.

This Full Moon offers a date with destiny as solar will attracts to itself the tools and emotional adjustments required to allow the revelation and truth of your power at all levels of your being. We, as a collective whole have been changing and evolving just as surely as the planets and stars have been moving into dialogue and positioning themselves just so in their orbital paths. Individually, the increased dynamics of cosmic energy we have experienced, this year alone, has affected even the most stable and grounded of persons; taking them outside of their comfort zones.

As we embrace the fullness of this moon’s dynamic, remember to reach back into the space of nurturing and honoring oneself that has been established. Then, allow yourself to be open to the experience of seeing beyond the horizon of what you believed yourself to be capable of achieving.

The Fantastic Four (FIVE)

There have been some very interesting events over the past few months that have stirred the underpinnings of life as we know it. Potent Solar flare activity electrified our planet’s energy fields at multiple levels and those sensitive to the solar fires felt the amplification up of neurological function.

And, with the retrograde of Venus last week on the 25th and Uranus the next day, we currently have five planets in “pause”. Saturn will station direct on August 1st., but the Lord of Time’s impact has been felt as boundaries of linear time and the resultant shattering of an outdated structure have re-assembled and reconfigured to maximize our greatest potential for growth.
                             Read more …..Saturn Retrograde- Time to Clean House

As Saturn loosens its point of focus, four planets will remain in retrograde:

Venus in Capricorn- July 25 through September 6
 Venus Retrograde- Stop in the Name of Love!

Pluto in Capricorn April 16 through Sept. 25
Pluto Retrograde- You’ve Been Served!

Neptune in Pisces June 12 through November 18
Neptune Retrograde- Lifting the Veil

Uranus in Aries July 26 through December 25
Uranus Retrograde- Deflecting Light

As we move through the next several months the place of emphasis and potential for reshaping these areas will relate strongly to what we have crafted as our foundations of past effort and the relationships cultivated in our current world of manifestation (Pluto and Venus in Capricorn), boundaries of compassionate and healing flow (Neptune in its natural ruler of Pisces) and stimulating enough disruption to the status quo to create the fires of will that are undaunted by challenge (Uranus in Aries).

Being mindful that these dynamics are at play and spurring us on towards healing our past and accepting accountability for our future will add the component of intention to each challenge we face. Intention that knows when to surrender to our Higher Will and nurture all that is the best and the worst in us. And, intention that realizes the need to act and follow our natural and instinctual drives that make us uniquely human and connected to all of life on this planet.

Time to Simply Be…

In the fullness of this Moon of Aquarius. I will simply “Be”
I will not script out a ritual or working. I will simply “Be”
I will allow the energy of the day to move through me. I will simply “Be”
I will sit in the evening’s light looking up to the fullness of my Lady. I will simply “Be”

And, in this space of quiet, surrender and communion
I will simply “Become”

Join me in the Temple of Uranus
Beginning August 2015

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