Archive for December, 2017

The Dawn Rises on Middle Ground

Posted in Astrology, capricorn, Mercury, New Moon, Sagittarius, Solstice on December 18, 2017 by themagickalpen

December 18 – December 20
New Moon in Sagittarius into Capricorn

December 21.2017
The Winter Solstice
Sun in Capricorn
Waxing Moon in Aquarius

Yep, there’s a lot going on over the next few days. We’ve seen the patterns before, but each iteration of a new year offers subtle nuances; meaning that every New Moon is Sagittarius is not alike. There are core similarities but, even despite the transits and planets retrograding, there are gradients of color that express themselves.

I’ve been writing a series entitled 19 Days of Illuminated darkness that is a countdown to the Winter Solstice and some old and new ways of engaging the potency of this time. So I decided to add this into the mix as the Sixteenth (16) Day. An interesting note there is that numerologically, the number 16 reduces to 1+6=7. Seven (7) a number relating to the harmonious balance and interaction of polarized energy that is the double trinity of 6 and moves forward from that foundation to explore, reach out and pursue new paths of expression and learning. So, using this as the 16th post is a subtle nod to the power of delving a bit more deeply into everything that flows into that singular day of astrological event, in this case the New Moon flowing into the Winter Solstice.

New Moon in Sagittarius
December 18
1:30a.m. (EST)

The Moon waxed new this morning in the wee hours and didn’t remain long in this fiery astrological sign before moving on to Capricorn at 8:30a.m. This may seem like a very short hiatus but Sagittarius had been courting the Lady Moon for the two days prior (16th and 17th), stirring up waters and emotions that sought a place of quickening as Sagittarius released its arrows of catalytic action. This energy is particularly useful at this juncture just prior to the Winter Solstice and the reclaiming of the Sun in dominion over the night in growing length of duration in any given day. As with any fire, the beginnings of it taking hold and building a formidable light are dependent on the striking of a match, or some form of kindling and the tiny spark that becomes the glowing flame.

This starting of the fires presents itself well at this time of the year with holidays and family and friends in the foreground as we seek to deepen and show appreciation for those relationships we have grown and kept warm and active. The New Moon reinforces this building and creative collaboration in that another aspect of Sagittarius is one of networking and becoming the bridge to bring people together. You may be familiar with the saying “burning the candle at both ends”. It reference meaning that someone is overextending themselves and has not place to anchor in. I don’t see this as a negative thing depending on how those “ends” are co-creating. Everything requires a sacrifice of sorts so having the ability to quicken the fires of action and will using all parts of yourself, will most definitely result in a mid-point of blaze, but do not have to be lost in the equation. Remember the Phoenix and the gift of rendering down to ash, only to be reborn more powerful, beautiful and stronger than ever in a new more resilient form.

This New Moon today, moves a few hours later into earthy Capricorn. The astrological sign of having the gift of being able to scale the heights and the depths, sure-footed and successfully if only the initial inertia and uncertainty doesn’t stop everything in its tracks. This is the sea goat and the placement of our emotional seascape in this astrological energy can produce great staying power for those embers that were cast about from Sagittarius’ bow. As we move towards the Winter Solstice and the birthing of a new light it is the caution that is inherent in Capricorn that can be used to spend a little more attention in stoking the fires that will birth your Sun of strength and renewed light.

The Winter Solstice
Moon in Aquarius
Solar Month transit into Capricorn

The Winter Solstice heralds the dawning of the sun’s renewed energy and readiness to grow in power incrementally with each dawn’s rising. This will remain so until it reaches its peak at the Summer Solstice and the Northern Hemisphere returns once again to the embrace of the Dark Mother’s mantle. This is the bursting forth from the womb of Goddess’ light as her waters hold the vision of Aquarius’ concept of humanity’s evolution. Aquarius is an air sign and as such thought and concept, ideal and vision are keywords for its energy. Place this energy in the womb that will bring forth a dawn of sustaining heat and light and the blueprint is indellibly marked in every pursuit, most especially those matters of intuition and insight. This combination if accessed without reserve opens the intelligence of the heart; the concept of wisdom flowing from the inner chamber of heart and mind truly beating as one.

And, with this year’s Winter Solstice being able to harness the communicative style of Aquarius’ MoonDance helps to push Mercury from its stationary transit of retrograde as it moves direct on December 22nd.

The Dawn Rises on the Middle Ground

These next few days can be the priming of your engines for movement, clarity and emerging from what may have felt oppressive as the days were cloaked in night. Being mindful of all that has brought you to this point and what you may carry forward or leave behind when you arise and welcome the sun’s light at the Winter Solstice will give you the vantage of standing at middle ground. You are the Capricornian seagoat and its most comfortable place to begin its decent or ascent is in that sweet spot of the middle. Use this as your place of anchor and as the sun rises, and the days stretch forward with growing light, place one foot in front of the other with assurance that you have laid the necessary foundations and you are indeed not only capable but more than ready to scale new heights.

And, do not forget that “up” is not always the desired vantage point. That being able to sense and intuit when to shift course and begin the dive into fertile and flowing waters is part of the process as the sun’s light becomes intense and the coolness of shade and soothing waters of healing are required.

May these last few days of this calendar year bring you joy and may the New Year send you forth (much like Sagittarius’ arrows) renewed and fueled by the quickening of blazing your own trails of connection…..Robin


Read More About:
Let Her Fly-The Magick of Sagittarius
The Hall of Sagittarius:A Pathworking of Expansive Reach

As Above, So Below-Sun in Capricorn
Sun in Capricorn-A Tree of Highs and Lows

19 days of Illuminated Darkness

Photo: Curbar Edge in Derbyshire
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