Archive for November, 2013

A New Article in Circle Magazine!

Posted in Uncategorized on November 26, 2013 by themagickalpen


Excited to announce that I have an article in the current Yule Issue of Circle Magazine entitled – “Inner Journeys:The Family of Trees”.  You can purchase on-line or at your local bookstore. Enjoy!

Click here to read more…

If you would like to read similar writings, check out my book:

The Enchanted Gate

A reminder that we enter The Temple of Venus on Sunday, December 1st.

Full Moon in Taurus- Stand by Me

Posted in Esbat, Lunar with tags , , , , , , on November 18, 2013 by themagickalpen


November 18.2013 @ 10:16am

Full Moon


A Fiercely Beating Heart

Strength unmoved as dust swirls
around the stamping of hoof.
Fire rages in the heart and
coils of fevered breath move from
chamber of lung and throat,
weaving between air’s stagnant web.

I am earth, solid and great
in purpose and my strength
is held and guided by a heart that beats
fiercely to the rhythm of love.

I will stand my ground in
defense of the truths I perceive.
And,, if provoked will
charge with intent and
precise aim as I relentlessly
pursue the source of irritation.

Some would see me as impetuous
and easily stoked to irrational rage
And others would say I was immovable,
stagnant and set in my ways.

Both would be true
for my impetuosity comes
from being firmly grounded and
my grounding takes shape from
the flashes of inspiration I explore.

I am patient and I am persistent
as I move through life’s course.
And within my breast beats
a heart that holds the earth’s
wisdom and light deep within.

Yesterday the Moon waxed full in the astrological sign of Taurus- the Bull. Taurus represents the material world in all of its strength, abundance and stability. It is a fixed earth sign and just like the animal to which it is ascribed, this is earth that is potent and immovable. The Moon shone brilliantly and clear and served as reminder of the fullness of what we consider ours to claim in the mundane world. It also called those emotions that are our foundational and rock-steady reserves to rally in supporting and bolstering the work that is at hand. I used the fullness of this moon to dedicate one of four crystal spheres that are to be aligned with the quarters for a special ritual. And, as the moonlight streamed down into the very core of the crystal orb I could see the foundation of earth spread before me enlivened and lit by the Moon Mother herself.

Blessings of strength!

Poem excerpted from:

The Inner Chamber, Volume One
It’s Written in the Stars. Astrology

R. Fennelly. 2012

Flaming Sea- New Moon in Scorpio

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, New Moon with tags , , , , , on November 2, 2013 by themagickalpen

New Moon in Scorpio

7:49 a.m. EST

Hybrid Solar Eclipse

New York City, NY
Sunrise: 6:29 a.m. EST
Partial eclipse ends: 7:11 a.m. EST


The Moon is New tomorrow, November 3rd and a rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse occurs sometime between the sunrise and sunset hours of the day depending on geographical location.  This combination offers the potential for some very powerful and deep spiritual work.

A Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, casting its shadow on the solar face.  This solar eclipse is the last of the year and is in its rare form as Hybird:


“This eclipse will also be a rare “hybrid” eclipse, in which some parts of the Earth see an “annular” eclipse (where the moon does not completely block out the sun), while other parts see a “total” eclipse, when the moon completely covers the sun.

The USA, along with parts of Europe and Africa, will be treated to the “annular” part of the eclipse: The sun will appear as if it has had a big bite taken out of it. Only people in central Africa, in countries such as Gabon, Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, will get to see the total eclipse of the sun.”  Excerpted from USA Today (Nov. 2.2013)

Both the Sun and Moon are in the astrological sign of Scorpio; the archetypal energy of elemental water and the fixed modality. These are the waters that hold the deepest of mysteries that become the keys to unlocking our highest potential for growth. The vehicle is often that of death of what no longer serves self, ego or personality. Scorpio’s nature is one of undeniable transformation and maintaining a healthy flow (which may include shadow work and the feeding of that shadow nature) of all aspects of our emotional state of being.  The fixed quality insures that there will be suitable structure and container for that flow.

Scorpio has three levels of symbology associated with it. The Scorpion who lays hidden and strikes out when irritated, disturbed or threatened is the most common symbol. These are the occult or hidden sides of our emotional nature and also the well from which we draw up our deepest intuitive gifts. The Eagle is the second and offers the elevation of those emotions to a place of perception and broader perspective.  The Eagle soars high above, carried on the flow of air (informed emotions) and from its vantage point can select the smallest of prey. The Phoenix is the third of its Archetypes. This is the mythical and metaphorical bird that has the ability to rise from the ashes of its own destruction, emerging stronger, more refined and renewed.

This new moon offers the opportunity to dig deeply into the waters of your emotional and intuitive self and begin the work of renewal and transformation.  The Sun’s eclipse heats up this activity and what may be revealed is what you may least expect. At this point of alignment we could think of this energy as that of the Body (Earth) – the Heart (Moon) – and the Will (Sun) aligned and able to receive the stream of flow one to the other by direct interaction. You know the saying, “ the shortest distance from one point to another is a straight line”? Well, for a brief amount of time, that line of communication* will be straight.

  • A Little Detour Hereimgres

 Mercury is approximately mid-way in its retrograde  aspect.  That direct line of communication could be  a bit static-filled; which means you will have to dig  a little deeper and put to the test what comes to the foreground.  Don’t readily accept the first thing that pops up without questioning  if this is really what the feeling is or is it masking the true emotion  that needs re-birthing.  It may seem like extra work, but it is a sure  way to keep you accountable and clear in intent.

I’ve written a meditation below that may be used as part of your regular practice or incorporated into a ritual working. Please adapt and or modify as you wish.  Many blessings at this powerful start to the Month and the beginning of a new lunar cycle!

A Meditation of Transformation:

Prepare sacred space in accord with your spiritual path. Find a comfortable position and space where you will not be disturbed. Breathe deeply and fully, settling into the chair or floor on which you are sitting. As you sit in reflection call forth the intent of the Moon and Sun aligned in the Triune of Archetypes.  Call to the space of compassion and will within your being. And, shift the focus of your awareness to your inner landscape.

Envision the dark waters of the emotional self and the light of the sun glowing brightly and strongly within its depths.  See the overlay of the Scorpion in these waters. Breathe deeply into this vision. The surface of the waters moves and the Scorpion rises to its surface pulling up an object impaled on its tail that represents an emotion that has lain forgotten in these hidden waters.  Take a moment to look closely and inspect this object.  What does it stir within you? Ask if this emotion is what is in need of transformation at this time.  If the answer is “no”, place the intent of seeking another into the image of the Scorpion.  If satisfied with response draw this object to you carefully removing it from the Scorpion’s tail.

As you draw the object closer, the waters fade and there is an airiness and light that fills your vision.  You find yourself on the top of a high mountain ridge; the object no longer with you. The sun shines brightly overhead and there is clarity and definition to everything in sight. You breathe deeply into this vision and see directly ahead of you a large Eagle moving towards you.  As it nears you see that it carries something in its talons and when it is directly overhead it gently releases a small object into your open hands. You look down and see that this is the same object you removed from the Scorpions’ tail.  Although it is recognizable, it is somehow different. Once again you inspect it, now making note of the differences.  You can see more clearly now and the initial reactions you had to this object are somehow more defined in purpose and intent.  Take some moments to see this object from a more aware and different perspective.

You breathe into this vision and realize that the sun has gotten much warmer. Each thought and difference you note about this object seems to correspond to a rising of heat around you and within the object itself.  You note that it is getting warmer and place it on the ground; the heat now so intense that you no longer can hold it.  You take a few steps away from the object. It is glowing from the inside, the sun directly overhead and rays of solar energy flaring down and into the object.  You breathe deeply and as you step further away it bursts into flames.  The flames reach high and straight upwards; reds, oranges and yellows coiling around one another in a serpentine flow.  You stand firmly rooted and breathing deeply into this experience and feeling quickened within from its growing and palpable energy.

As you exhale long, fully and with intent-filled breath, the flames recede and in their place you see that the object has been reduced to ashes. You feel unburdened from this clearing away. All residual of attachment you had to any negativity you felt about this symbolic object brought from the depths of dark waters has been purified.  You breathe deeply into this space of lightness and as you exhale, the ashes ignite and from their center a Phoenix arises, wings spread and glorious in its beauty and power. Your eyes meet, and you feel the rebirth within yourself, the heat of enlivened Will and the Strength of your emotional reserve rising in support. Stand for a while in the power of your rebirth and the knowledge that you changed.


When you are ready, breathe deeply into the space of awareness of yourself sitting where you began this meditation.  Offer up thanks to the powers of Moon and Sun and the gifts of their understanding and enlivening.  Breathe deeply shifting your awareness to the rise and fall of your chest and the physicality of your being.  Offer up thanks for the vessel of your manifest form and the earth upon which you may live to the fullest of your potential.  Gently flutter your eyes open and be fully present.


Read more about the Retrograde Energy Here:

Meet Me at the Station

It’s Written in the Stars. R.Fennelly.2012

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The Call to Light Press - Spiritual Messages for Changing Times.

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