Archive for December, 2016

Full Moon in Gemini-Keep It Simple and Speak the Truth

Posted in Astrology, Full Moon, Gemini on December 13, 2016 by themagickalpen


December 13.2016
Full Moon in Gemini
7:05p.m. (EST)

Sun in Sagittarius

The Moon waxes Full this evening in the astrological sign of Gemini. This is energy that is Mutable, aka: flexible and flowing from endings to beginnings. Both Sun and Moon are in Mutable signs, the Sun now peaking into its later energies of Sagittarius. This is the gift of Air (Gemini) fanning the fires of action and outreach (Sagittarius). The mutable component offers the choice of how that flexibility is expressed. Will you seek the application of too much air which extinguishes the creative flame established or just enough which continually fuels the flame as it grows exponentially?

Gemini’s gift is communication in all of its forms. It is mind having the ability to take the next steps informed by the experience of interaction and conversing and then being able to “turn on a dime” guiding that conversation in a completely opposite direction. Mother Moon boasts emotions reserves and when the waters begin to move in agitation the conversation becomes louder as the waterfall flows in strong descent disrupting all that lay beneath.

Keep it Simple…

In general, the Full Moon is a time when Moon and Sun stand in opposition (or directly opposite one another) on the Great Astrological wheel. This is a point of tension that can be used advantageously as each dynamic is pulled more towards the precise blending of what is needed for any given situation. Gemini loves to inform and moves quickly from information to information, sampling all, but often not internalizing or synthesizing any one thing. Sagittarius takes careful aim at what it choses to set afire and stretches to the limits (think the archer’s bow, symbol of Sag) fueled by its passion and desire to spread the action around. So, here with have both the ability to communicate and inform, and have that synthesized thought flexed and stretched as it is released from an anchored bow with precise aim and highest intention of will.

As much as you may wish to express yourself to the fullest extent, presenting all sides of every debatable issue, keep it simple. Offer the breath of pause so that clarity can flow from words uttered having had time to gather the necessary information. Breathe into what the next outpouring of mind will bring and draw the bow string of Sagittarius’ will back into the deep waters of heart-filled truth.

Speak Your Truth…

As heart (Moon) and mind (airy Gemini) weave intimately the product of creation is one of formulating those truths that you may claim as your own. Let Father Sun and the Sagittarian desire to expand its dynamic will to action fuel those truths sending them out on arrows of impact and precision in goal.

The turbulence of these past few months (a singular culmination of stressful build up) now requires us to be fully present and cognizant of how we express ourselves in the larger world. If cultivated in a mindful way informed by what we feel having also taken the time to examine all sides of the equation, these truths become “words to live by”.

This is an excellent time to re-evaluate and settle in more deeply to what we hold as the beliefs true for ourselves and the ideals we hold for those in our lives. Moreover, now is also the time to forge communication between what we feel to be true and what we know if the truth. These are extraordinarily simple steps to take, but in that simplicity is the complexity of remaining fully present in the healing waters that we have chosen to quicken by the fires of our core beliefs.

This is the fullness of Mother Moon in Geminian communication with all parts of self; ready and emboldened as the light of Father Sun offers the gates of new beginnings as the ground of seeding.

May this Moon find you blessed…

Related Reads:

Act Now and Stand Still!

Full Moon In Gemini: Your Call Cannot Be Connected As Dialed

New Moon in Gemini-React with Informed Response

Temple of the Sun Posts: The Astrology of ….
Full Disclosure-The Sun in Gemini

Sun in Sagittarius-Aim High, Breathe deep and Just Let Go!

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