Archive for February, 2015

Bonus Post – The Hall of Pisces

Posted in Bonus Posts, The Temple of the Sun on February 27, 2015 by themagickalpen

Pisces changes the status quo with its ability to soothe, heal and support unconditionally. So, with that “going with the flow” attitude, I’m mixing things up for this last Solar Month.  Enjoy the dreaminess of this pathworking as the moon waxes Full.


Turn your focus and attention to your breath. Allow the space of your consciousness to move with the rise and fall of your chest and the filling and release of the lungs. Continue in this manner for several breaths; allowing each to become softer, smoother and slower. With each breath your physical body appears to become lighter and your center of consciousness floats upwards towards the inner eye. You feel enveloped by the mist of transition between the Physical and Astral. And as this veil thins you step through a veil of dark blue mist and find yourself standing centrally in a circular room. As you look around you see that this space opens out to a star lit night sky. The velvety blackness above holds a twinkling of starry light that fills the panoramic view above. The walls encircle you and are of a deep bluish purple. As your eyes adjust to this room you notice an archway just ahead of you.  The glyph of Pisces, the Twin Fish hovers in the entryway.

There is an iridescent turquoise shimmer about the glyph of Pisces and as you step through the archway you are aware of being somehow underwater, yet able to breathe normally. You hear the cries of the whales in the distance and look upon the varied sea life that surrounds you. You take note that although you can see shapes and form, they are distorted and the murkiness of the water seems to cast shadows in an undulating, rhythmical manner. You feel the pressure of the water on your body and yet also have the feeling of weightlessness. It is as though you are gently being upheld and carried by something that is intangible and invisible yet powerful in its depth and density.

You look up and see the faint glimmer of light above you creating a kaleidoscope of patterns and extending both arms upward feel yourself being lifted towards what appears to the surface of the waters. Fingers extend through the top of a gently cresting wave and you emerge from the depths looking upon a sandy shore just ahead of you. You feel soft sand beneath your feet and stand up, stepping out onto warm soft gray sand.

You look around and see that the beach stretches endlessly ahead and you are alone in this place of earth and water. It feels as though you have emerged at the very end of the earth and you have a sense that there are many stories and much wisdom held in the expanse of this place. As you reflect on these thoughts you take a few steps forward and pause for a moment, now becoming aware of a formless shape several feet ahead of you.

As you move closer you see that this form is that of half fish and half woman.  You move around her for a closer look and she lifts her head revealing beautiful eyes that are the color of the clearest bluest ocean waters. As you look deeply into her eyes you sense a depth of sadness and longing that immediately moves through your heart center. Her sadness wells up in YOU and at once you see through her eyes and have a sense of the suffering she feels for both humanity and all of sea life. You see the heart wrenching polluting of her waters, the fish and sea birds that are covered in oil and waste and the indiscriminate damning up of water flows that leave no safe home for her sea family.

You feel her guilt and deep shame, as she is part human, for causing so much pain and suffering to the waters and its life and her deep longing to walk among humanity, show them the effects of their detached natures and restore respect and care for all living things.

Your and her emotions move as one as you feel HER sorrow for both fish and human and you want nothing more than to ease her suffering. You gently kneel beside her and reach out, drawing her to you and wrapping your arms about her cold body. You draw up unconditional support from the depths of your emotional wellspring and enfold her with the intent of unconditional love, compassion and care. You feel her energy strengthen with your loving touch and tears of joy and understanding fall from your eyes as you offer up the very essence of your compassionate nature to this unfortunate. It is within this place that deep connection and transformational love are offered.

As you release her from your embrace, your eyes connect once again. In the space of tragedy and sorrow, you now see hope. You feel her joy in knowing that the memories of what you saw will guide you towards seeking out other humans who will help to preserve and respect her home. You know that the connection you have made with this beautiful Being has transformed you and you feel empowered in being able to offer up your support.

As these realizations permeate your being you lookout towards the ocean and see that the tide has moved across what was sandy shore. Water laps about you and you rise and look out onto the vastness of the ocean. The tide is returning to claim its own and as you step back the mermaid extends her arms in thanks and you watch as she is gently carried back out to sea in the embrace of a large and light filled wave. You stand taking in the beauty of the waters as they move in towards shore and then return to the vastness of the ocean. You are mesmerized by the sheer beauty of this sight and gently close your eyes taking in the sound of the surf and the smell of salty air. You envision the hope that the mermaid will offer to her kind and healing power of the story she will tell of positive interaction with a human.

As the sounds and the smell begin to fade you open your eyes and you are once again surrounded by the blue veil of energy that carried you to this inner sky. As you take a few more deep breaths and fill the intent with awareness of your physical being and return to your physical space, the mist clears and the smells, sounds and sights of the room in which you began our journey floods your senses. You feel the floor beneath you and the chair on which you are sitting. Noises of the mundane world come back filling ear and mind with thoughts of going about the rest of your day or evening. You take a deep breath in, savoring the vestiges of your astral journey and the insight it provided, and strongly exhale out affirming your oneness with the present moment of physical time and space.

Next Post

Monday, March 2.2015
The Heart Will Find a Way – The Magick of Pisces

My Heart Will Find A Way – The Magick of Pisces

Posted in The Temple of the Sun on February 27, 2015 by themagickalpen


This is our last month in the cycle of the Solar Temples and the heart is leading the way in mixing things up a bit in timing and order of posts…

The Magick of Pisces

The Magick of Pisces is gentle in its approach and filled with opportunity for self-love and expression of a higher nature. Whatever we apply Piscean energy towards will have the benefit of emotional reserves that are deep and filled with the stories of every experience; ready and waiting to be played out again. This is the heart that accepts unconditionally and loves fully.

Pisces’ strength lay in its ability to empathize and then take that intuitively received information and transform it into action that soothes and heals and strives for harmony. Pisces as the last of the Zodiacal signs has gathered to itself all of the varied modes of expression of heart, will, mind and body and with the wisdom of the Sage/Crone knows where forgiveness is needed and where love will change the course of another’s path of self-destruction.

The caution here is one of losing oneself in the magick of all loving compassion and drowning in the undertow of illusory goodness where there is a more prevalent state of manipulation.  Pisces gives freely, but often forgets that others wish to feel the exaltation of being able to return that gift. Falsely based humility can easily become passive aggressive manipulation that is so subtle in its effect that even the perpetrator does not realize what is happening. Additionally, the path of service can easily be that of the martyr who enables rather than uplifts and quickly runs out of adequate resources for self-renewal.

Pisces is the third and final sign of the last cycle of quadrant of Elements in progression around the zodiacal wheel. This is the third and last of the astrological signs of Water and in the order of progression, Pisces waters run deep into the subconscious, overflowing and spilling out for all to benefit from.

This is the progression from the first expressions of heart found in Cancer; where we found the reflection of what was considered family, home and the measure of love and support that was given there.  This space of comfort and most importantly trust was required if there was to be productive use of the next water sign found in Scorpio’s dark waters. The gift here was the choice of remaining hidden in the occult realms of obsessive behavior; or to rise up into the sun carried on the winds of informed heart; gaining the acumen of insight to choose the details of your emotional expression and ultimately rise from what was discovered burning as the Phoenix, glorious and self aware in a heart that was opened.

Arriving now at the space of Pisces, opening the heart wider and allowing the vulnerability of understanding and compassion to flow through all workings is the directive of productive Piscean energy. This is the confidante and healer that with love may guide or turn away the hand that seeks forgiveness. This is the emotional reserve that recognizes intuitively the need for love and the need for withholding emotional attachment so that the receiver may learn to grow in their own love.  This is the beauty of one who has experienced pain, loss, joy and success and still remains strong in their faith in humanity.

The Path of Sacrifice

Pisces is Mutable Water. These are the waters that are flexible in their movement and easily shift course in expansive and contractive pulse as needed. The Mutable energy is one of endings and beginnings. Endings of what is the last reserves which acts as space of emptiness to be filled and become the catalyst for the ebullient outpouring of a new stream. Pisces expresses this ability in its gift of being both the destroyer of unproductive shields that keep the wearer detached from their heart and the inspiration that shows that it is “okay” to be soft in your approach and open with your heart. Pisces will willingly sacrifice its own needs for the betterment of another’s.

Solar Month Magick

Enhances heart-centered action and intuitive opening:

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. The energy of Pisces is that of the emotions. This is the space of feeling so deeply that the self is put aside so that the other may shine. It is a sign of yearning for harmony, peace and love and will do everything in its power to avoid conflict.

Pisces is the place of idealism and the perception that everyone is love and deserving of being second (third and fourth chances). The past and the emotions that were crafted from sentimentality and romanticizing even the worst case scenario are the motivations that propel Pisces towards its goals; ever striving for the functional family that will replace the dysfunctional reality. Being of the quality of heart endeavors of a healing and providing a support-system based on unconditional love are the natural gifts of this sign.

The Solar Month of Pisces is an excellent time to begin the work of forgiveness and self-healing. Pisces is water through and through that relies on the experiences and energies of all of the signs preceding it to make informed decision about how and what form that Love may take.  Think on the image of the twin fish as the symbol of Pisces. The creatures move through waters that are murky and the images perceived are distorted in clarity. There is a great reliance on trusting the direction taken and relying on the collective consciousness of its species to provide the blueprint for life in a fluid environment. This is the core of Piscean strength; the ability to intuit through the cloudiness, and with sensitivity and instinct navigate realms that most would find unbearable.

The energy of this Solar month of Pisces is the finality of the Solar Year and signals the ending of one form of that wheel’s energy as it prepares to fluidly move into the dynamics of a newly birth Solar Year. Water gives way to Fires that spark with potential and the promise of a reformed iteration of a continuous cycle.  Aries will have mighty big shoes to fill, having emerged from the astrological sign of sacrifice and the unquestionable understanding of the inter-connectedness of all life that has arrived at this conclusion from the Mind that knows the negative product of neglecting the humanness in humanity.

The Piscean approach can be used for short-term projects, but is most effective for long-term workings. A goal, such as consciously calling into being your compassionate and understanding self would benefit from Pisces’ energy. Take some time to spend with yourself and simply allow the feelings to emerge as they will. Allow yourself the space of vulnerability and the gift of tapping into some deep waters that may have been left untouched for a while.

Similar to the New, Full and Waning cycles of the Lunar Month, beginning the working in the Solar Month of Pisces would be the first phase of making choice about how you wish to express yourself more fully as an emotional being. Let this aspect rise to the surface and don’t allow yourself to fall into doubt or second-guessing. Just allow it to flow.

Using the cycle of Water and those astrological signs of that element the next point of bolstering the energy would be during the Solar Month of Cancer. The Solar Month of Cancer provides the setting for where you may safely express this new you. Cancerian energy is that of family (not limited to biological) and home; where you find your supports and those who love you unconditionally. This is the model of what you wish to model for yourself.

Having finally arrived in the energy of the Solar month of Scorpio, the choice now offered is one of rising to the occasion or retreating in fear. Scorpio’s dynamic is do or die and in that realm of possibility is the gift of hiding those best aspects of your emotional self from the light or rising in all your glory; vulnerable and strong, weak and magnetic- all being of value and all claimed in your emotional power.

Lunar Magick: Arms Open Wide


Use of Lunar energy in the astrological sign of Pisces provides the energetic principle of being able to understand and truly feel the energy around you. At times this can be overwhelming, but the gift is one of sensitivity to those you interact with and being able to soothe and diffuse the situation most often by listening.  Many people simply want to be heard and in the rush of our society we most often put on the mask of listening, but are multitasking internally. For Pisces, being fully present is a natural state and listening so that just the right words or actions can be offered in no different than the automatic function of  breathing.

Workings that require intuitive insight and the grace of forgiveness benefit from Pisces energy. Workings that encourage sensitivity and movement that is formulated on emotional response align well to Pisces lunar energy and can be modified and fine tuned in accord with the empathetic information received.

The New Moon of Pisces would be used to identify what needs forgiveness and what can benefit from a second chance that is infused from a loving perspective. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and as master of the seas, you are permitted access to the deepest of emotional reserve. The image that comes to mind is that of the great dark abyss and the beautiful bioluminescent creatures that light that darkness. Dig deep in that darkness and see the beauty held within.

The Full Moon of Pisces allows the opportunity to fully infuse love and compassion into those emotional reserves to be brought into a dynamic that will guide and direct your future actions and responses. What was held in the past regarding the issue you selected is now of no importance. What is quickened now in the fullness of Mother Moon’s light is the seed of potential for what you wish it to become.

And, the energy of the Waning Moon in Pisces opens the floodgates of inner knowing and provides the opportunity to engage Jupiter’s energies as co-ruler of this sign. This is the dynamic of expanding on a good thing and contracting and holding back what is counter-productive.

Some Additional Astrological properties of Pisces

Keywords: Intuition, Understanding, Healing

The Archetype: The Healer is the archetype associated with Pisces. This is the healing of mind, body and will and soul as the waters of emotional flow carry and support the process of integration. This is the healer that excises what restricts and opens the floodgates within the individual to self-love and therefore prepares the way for collective love.

Pisces thrives on being of service and its methodology is one that requires vulnerability and trust. This space of trust is one that is the natural state for the Piscean energy, and its greatest success is derived from opening that level of trust in another.

Healing presents itself in many forms and those called healers are as diverse as those forms. The spirit of Pisces embraces all of these forms and when none are suitable for what is hoped to be accomplished, the healer and the healing will take on another, more effective form moving as easily from one to the other as the waters of the oceans that flow into inlet and channel.

Rules Astrological House:
The 12th House of the Zodiac, the House of Spirit

Moving through the Zodiacal Wheel’s energy, the First House is the singular “you” identified by your personality and who you are presently and who you who hope to become. The second House holds the possessions and things you have acquired that further define you. The Third House represents how you express yourself based on what you have learned of yourself (1st House) and what you have chosen to surround yourself with in the material world (2nd House). The Fourth House has taught the lessons of home and family; commitment and unconditional love for who we are now and who we hope to become. Arriving at the Fifth House we are now ready to emerge from the security of friends and family and stand courageously in the Light of the choices we have made, that have contributed to the crafting of this self. Moving on towards the Sixth House we are ready to give, to serve, to cultivate and to learn the lessons of harmonious interaction.

Moving next into the Seventh House we stand ready to gather to ourselves all that we have learned on the journey thus far and use it to explore new paths, learn new ways of being and open to the partnerships forged on a new chosen path. The Eighth House of Scorpio brings passion and emotional attachment to the equation. Awareness of the physical pleasures of being human underscores the journey. As we enter the Ninth House we are ready to initialize what those experiences have been as we load our bows with all that we hope to share and stir the will to action wherever the sights have been set. Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius stands at the ready to push the extremes and encourage stretching to the limits of what we perceive to be possible.

Continuing into the Tenth House and Capricorn’s reality revealed the effort required to re-claim and maintain the steady ground we stretched towards and sought in Sagittarius. Now, having come from this place of manifest stability, the mind and its dreams are able to project into the furthest reaches of possibility. These are anchored in the relationships we have built that serve as a reality check, when that projection moves beyond grounding. These dreams are further inspired by our interactions with others, at times in an observational stage and at other times, fully engaged in the wholeness of mind and heart. Aquarius provided the mental fortitude and now reaching the finality of a wheel that is whole in its intent, Pisces offers the finishing touches of heart and a depth of understanding that has been cultivated from a lifetime of experiences.


The colors of aquamarine and shimmering star-lit greys are those I associate with Pisces. These are the echoes of crystalline blue-green waters that are clear enough to fully enjoy the beauty of coral and fish that lay beneath. They are alive and brilliant in this inner knowing. The shimmering of moonlight and brilliant starlight reflected on the surface calls me to the place of silvery starlight. The endings of this realm of physical world and the beginnings of a new form of expression returning to star matter.

Mind, Heart and Everything In Between: Aquarius into Pisces

Can you see me now
Can you feel my pain
Can you understand all that I am
Can you hear my heart beat
Can you give me your understanding

Can you love me as I am
Can you love me and my weakness
Can you love me and my false pride

Can you love me
Can you love me

Your open arms tell me you love me

Pisces is the Twelfth sign of the Zodiac:

Seasonally, Pisces stands as the herald to the Spring (Northern) and Autumn (Southern) Equinoxes. Each is a space of endings just before the state of balance that next flows into a charged dynamic.

In the Northern Hemisphere, Spring promises the return of warmth, outdoors activities, the blossoming of flowers and the beginnings of planting the seeds for harvesting at the next half of the wheel. Winter’s hold is loosening and all that we gathered to ourselves in those long dark months now awaits rejuvenation.

The Southern Hemisphere celebrates the Autumnal Equinox, the pause of balance just before the harvest, stocking pantries for winter’s cold and diminished light and the return to warmth that is the hearth of family, friends and reconnecting at a more intimate level.

We stand at a point of choice about how we will acclimate to these futures and what plans we will make to align with these changes. This is the action of Aquarius as the inventive mind and the ability to plan and envision ourselves in the space of Spring’s growth or Winter’s great demise.

My Heart Will Find A Way


We have crossed the mid-point in the Solar Year and are at the last gate of the 12 Houses of the Astrological signs. Each prior to this point has concerned itself with those aspects of our being that cultivate sense of self (Aries); sense of others (Taurus); expression of ourselves (Gemini); nurturing what we hold close to our hearts (Cancer); moving into our place of power (Leo) and claiming responsibility for taking a closer look at who we have become (Virgo); and finding that place of refinement through interaction. Scorpio marked the advent of self-knowledge and re-forming of what had come before as it is transformed and Sagittarius forged new connections as it moved purposefully beyond its comfort zone.

Capricorn offered the lesson of trial and error until the sure-footedness and confidence necessary to master manifest adversity was cultivated.  Aquarius carried us across the threshold of an electrically charged dynamic of light that revealed our all-loving nature, informed by the vision of who we are. Everything has primed and readied us to step into the compassionate self of Pisces. Endings of this Solar Year guides us towards realization of our Higher nature. Pisces reminds us that we are part of the collective of humanity, and what makes us most human is our ability to love and be loved in return.



Other Posts to Re-read:

Temple of the Moon:

Full Moon in Pisces: The Analytical Heart
Full Moon in Pisces

Temple of the Moon

Day Eighteen: Waning Moon in Pisces-Meet Me at the Water’s

Day Seventeen: Looking for Compassion

Sun in Pisces – Compassion Flows

Posted in New Moon, The Temple of the Sun with tags on February 17, 2015 by themagickalpen

Pisces SunFebruary 18.2015
Sun in Pisces
6:50 pm (EST)
New Moon in Aquarius
6:47 pm (EST)


Compassion spills and overflows
The oceans of my Soul
Each drop moving through
Rivulets of prismatic depths.

A cadence of virtuosity as
Fingers move in pizzicato
Rhythm across ephemeral strings
The sounds of empathetic release.

Seeker of that which is
Just beyond the grasp
Slips like sand through
The funnel of glass measured time.

And Devotion pools at the base
Of sun-parched throats
That willingly endure the pain
To spare another the distress.

Martyr and miracle
Saint and sacrifice
Each flow in opposition
Until the water clears.

And the darkened path
Of return is revealed
In the depths of mysterious
Waters as compassion
Fills my thirst-quenched

The Sun transits into the astrological sign of Pisces tomorrow evening at 6:50 pm (EST). Aquarius holds its last stand as the moon waxes New at 6:47 pm and the final edicts of mind are used as the catalyst for new beginnings. This dynamic is very fitting since we are heralding the final sign of the Zodiac into its Solar Power and the transition from one sign flowing into the next is aptly shown in a watery moon of mind (Aquarius) informing the heated solar waters of all-loving Pisces.

Pisces – The Fish

The astrological sign of Pisces is one of the Element of Water and the Mutable Modality. Its planetary ruler is Neptune and provides access to the depths of emotions revealing the deeply intuitive and healing nature of our own being. The natural energy of the Sun; that of shedding great light on whatever is in its spectrum, now has the assistance of stable mind that is expressed in lightening thought and creative invention. The Sun in Pisces goes about its work of empathetic release as love flows through each interaction and the vision of sacrifice is revealed.

The caution with Pisces is one of overextending the resources so freely offered that nothing is left for the giver to heal and renew themselves. Pisces wants so much to give and assist others in finding their higher purpose that what began as care and support will easily become enabling of continued bad habits. The stereotype of being the doormat is one that Pisces is well acquainted with and the action of tough love is one that is not easily expressed within Pisces’ energy.

Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces and brings with its energy the mystical and dreamy quality that is a natural component in the Pisces attributes. In the study of Esoteric Astrology, Neptune is considered the Higher amplification of Venus. If we consider this thought, Neptune then moves to a place of Higher Love, unconditional compassion and an evolved sense of “beauty” in the world. In the Pisces native “beauty” is highly refined in the sense of seeing the best in each individual, and moreover, feeling that the offering of unconditional Love will change even the worst tendencies in humanity.

Jupiter is the co-ruler of Pisces and speaks to the expansive quality of Pisces emotional outpouring. This is compassion that stretches and reaches, pulling from the darkest of spaces what needs love and what will benefit from healing. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and prosperity. This is the abundance of a gentle embrace to soothe and calm and the prosperity of time and energy well invested towards a return of another realizing their higher nature.

The Element of Water

Pisces is a Water sign. The energy of this type of Water is focused on the emotional and intuitive realms of the individual. We see this clearly exemplified in Pisces as there is great potential for deep insight and connection at an energetic level wherever Piscean dynamics are applied. The empathetic quality provides an additional benefit of deep levels of understanding that serve to support a naturally intuitive nature.

A Mutable Modality

As we have already experienced with the Mutable signs their primary directive is that of flexibility and expanding upon what has been structured in the preceding Fixed sign. Pisces holds the auspicious designation of being the last of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. In the chronological cycle, Pisces is the Elder who has access to the accumulated wisdom of what has come before and as a Mutable sign acts as midwife in birthing the start of a new cycle with the next transit into Aries.

The first Mutable sign we encountered was one of Air- Gemini- and provided the access to the mind as a vehicle of communication that could be expanded upon as it remained flexible in its method of disbursement.

The second of the Mutable signs was expressed through an Earth sign, Virgo and served to bring analysis and categorization in a very concrete and manifest way to the experiences encountered.

The third of the Mutable signs was expressed as Fiery Sagittarius. Here the emphasis was on an expansive nature that seeks connection and community. These are the fires that begin as embers and when enough have accumulated take full blaze and transform all in its path.

Arriving in the space of Pisces and the heart, the Mutable quality serves to cool what has been ignited and train it as a resource of modeling for inspiration to others. This is the self-sacrificing nature of Pisces, that the other is more important that the self. And, if this expansive quality is applied productively, all benefit from the flow of understanding that is based in a collective consciousness of love.

Words move quickly
Towards my intended
Goal and I communicate
All that I know and all
That I have found.

These are sorted and
Analyzed as every
Detail is highlighted
And every flaw corrected.

Flames reach out as I
Network with others
Hoping to find exactly
Where my passions will
Take hold and action
Can finally begin.

The flames reach high
From the will of my
Efforts and hope is
The only thing that will
Cool the yearning to
Know and to see.

Everything I need
And have been seeking
Floods in like a tidal
Wave of quiet reprieve.

I am healed in arms
That have known all
Of my joys and all of
My frailties and despite
My flaws and imperfections
I know I am Loved.

 And, One More Thing! …. New Moon in Aquarius 


“ The Moon waxing New in Aquarius provides an extra bolster of energy to explore the recesses of your thoughts and inventive inspirations. Brainstorming and problem-solving with creative outlook as the primary directive are well suited to Aquarian energy. Calling upon Uranus can expedite the mental pursuits, although overload can also result much like the flow of electrical current that is too strong for what the amps can withstand. Let your imagination take center stage knowing that this is often the greatest source of “thinking outside the box”. Although the emphasis is on the “I” with Aquarian energy, that “I” can be experienced as the Higher Self and the information sought and received that of illumined mind.”

Add to this one more thing!

The opportunity here lies in the key of transforming the thought process to be inclusive of the “we”. Using the brilliance of inspired mind to craft a plan that will reach down into the heart level and begin something new that will benefit the “all”. What can you initiate in your own life that will directly or indirectly change someone else’s for the better? This is the stuff of actualizing a future (very Aquarian) that has not forgotten the “human” equation (Pisces).

The Next Step

Knowing how each sign moves to the next and the interaction between each as they evolve towards completion (and threshold of renewal) of the wheel in Pisces tells its own unique story of the astrological wheel. Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. Capricorn acted as the testing ground for what could become reality and served as the affirmer of the resilience and sure-footedness that can be achieved in the steepest of heights and the deepest of depths.

Aquarius’ image is that of the water-bearer; pouring its life giving waters out for humanity to drink. The mystery lies not in the water being poured, but in the empty space left in the vessel now awaiting the filling of water that will next sustain. Nature abhors a vacuum so the implication is that we must freely give of our resources so that we may receive what will be needed anew.

If we look at the dynamics of energy thus far, beginning with the cardinal sign of Aries, we could think of the three signs that begin the astrological wheel as the quickening Fires (Aries- Fire) within the body of manifestation (Taurus- Earth) that gives rise to aspiring towards the heavens (Gemini- Air). Now enlivened by the desire to “know”, the healing and nurturing (Cancer- Water) of what no longer serves this goal is brought front and center into the Light of Day (Leo-Fire) to be strengthened as it is readied for the detailed analysis of Virgo (Earth) that seeks to create a new form for its manifestation. Libra (Air) applied the finishing touches to what Virgo had reduced to the most essential components. Using the adaptability and deftness of a mind that could easily calculate and mentally weigh both benefits and detriments, Libra moved with skill and grace to accomplish what was made ready.

The energy of Scorpio provided the necessary prodding to explore the deeper aspects of the emotions and access the hidden keys of memory that has been hidden and within the fires of Sagittarius, the forging of what was tempered in the waters of transmutation into a more flexible and expansive form is at hand. Sagittarius looked out at the night sky and did not see only darkness, but imagined the beauty of what lay beyond sparkling from the heat of stellar light that are the wishes, hopes and dreams released to be share by the Cosmos. This vision shone brightly within the realm of the human experience as Capricorn moved through terrain that is unforgivable, yet still finds its place of acclaim atop the highest mountain. Having gathered all that was needed to proceed fully informed and ready to reach new levels of understanding, Aquarius released its inventive spirit and visionary insight for all to make use of. And, finally having arrived at the place of Pisces, we surrender into the arms of one who holds us gently and with love and carries us into the birthing of a new cycle.

Compassion Flows


This solar month is one of focus on how we respond to the world and those within it. This is the wisdom of reaching beyond what the singular I needs or wants and seeing how we can be of help to the collective whole of humanity. This energy relates directly to the heart and using its grace as the instinctive catalyst towards improving not only our lives but others around us.

Pisces rules the 12th House of the Zodiac. This is the house of resolutions and synthesis of mundane and spiritual perspectives. Aquarius brought all the relevant information of the how to the table and now Pisces as ruler of the 12th House is responsible for the who. This is the Solar month of identifying what and who is of most importance to you and how these dynamics will open you to a deeper connection at the heart level. This is the month of finding the compassionate self and stepping into the world of service as model of what is possible when you open to a more loving nature.

In the chronology of the Zodiac, this phase of this Solar journey carries us into Pisces and the opportunity to experience humanity in all its expressions. This is the energy of the wise grandmother or grandfather who loves unconditionally and has a lifetime of experiences to share. The wisdom of the power of the heart that is found in Pisces is what provides HOPE as the cycle begins anew in Aries. These are the final touches on freeing humanity’s soul and the realization of what can be achieved by seeing more as the heart opens to an understanding of all loving compassion and the wisdom of humanity serving humanity as a collective and Divine whole.

And, so with the gentle spirit that is Pisces, we call forth the energy of the Sun as it continues its zodiacal cycle. Once again we repeat the invocation that opened the Gate to this Temple. As you read through it think back to a point in time when you felt love so fully that all you could do was to share it freely and fully with all you met. Think back to hearing the stories from an older person of a life well lived and well loved that gave you hope for your own future stories to be crafted by your life well lived and well loved. This is the blessing of Pisces.

As you read through the invocation, think about what each line of reference evokes within you and stimulates your own desire to hold as mystery that only you can reveal as you seek its deeper meaning. What goals are stirred as you read of RA’s power as expressed within the heart felt words put to paper. This is the power of planning and standing strong in your humanity as you pursue these goals. Use this gift wisely this solar month as we invoke the Solar month in Aquarius and awaken those fires of RA to quicken your surrender to the death of false perception and the rebirth of who you truly are.

Hymn to RA

All Hail to Thee, Mighty RA
Blaze of noon day sun.
Your fiery orb high in the
Sky above as we kneel
Beneath the heat of
Your radiance.

All the Gods bow to your radiance
All the Goddesses sing hymns of praise
To Your glory and man
Lays prostrate in humility
And devotion at the altar of
Your making.

Sweet music of adoration and offerings
Brought forth from the Black Land
Rise up in praise and thanks for
Your Sustaining Light.

All darkness flees at the touch of Your hand
All ceases its movement as Your expansive
Rays stretch across the morning sky.

The lotus opens to receive Your Touch
And the sands glisten as rare jewels
As You gaze upon each grain washed
Clean in the boundless ocean that
Reflects the brilliance of your face.

All Hail to Thee
All Hail to Thee
Who sits high
Above the world.

Khepra in the East
Atum in the West
Whose eye holds the
Point of Life and the
Trifold Arc of Power.

Your eyes see all and
You are the place of return
Within the glowing blackness
Of the Midnight Sun.

All Hail to Thee
All Hail to Thee
Amun, Amun, Amen!

Ambient Lighting-The Magick of Aquarius

Posted in Astrology, Magick, The Temple of the Sun with tags on February 16, 2015 by themagickalpen

Aquarius Pic

The Magick of Aquarius

Idealistic Visioning

The Magick of Aquarius is dynamically charged and swift in its effects. Whatever we apply Aquarian energy towards will have the benefit of volumes of reference and an informed and intuitive mind that thinks outside of the box. This is the mind where everything is possible as long as it fits the criteria of logic and transformative effect.

Aquarius’ strength lay in its ability to be a magnet for information; greedily consuming it and then being able to spit it out in a way that makes use of the key components required for successful application. This exuberance for the learning capacity of the mind is one that can also present as impatience for those who get lost in the finely structured translation that Aquarius provides. Jumping from A-Z in a milli-second is all in a day’s musing for Aquarius, but this approach is not always the most effective in savoring the finer points of the process.

The caution here is that of detachment and remaining always out in the aethers seeking the next phase of knowledge. There can be a tendency to discount emotions in the equation because they are not logical in mastering a direction that is sterile and appealing to greater mental pursuits. Having come from the very manifest oriented energy of Capricorn to the mental gymnastics of Aquarius is something of a trick in counterbalance. This is the true state of as above (Aquarius), so below (Capricorn) in action. Aquarius strives to move out of the “human condition” and in its place re-invent the cosmic condition” where humanity is of equal value to all of life in all of its forms at a universal level.

Aquarius is the second sign of the third (and final) cycle of quadrant of Elements in progression around the zodiacal wheel. This is the third and last of the astrological signs of Air and in the order of progression, Aquarius has the benefit of drawing its experience from the styles of the other two Air signs.

This is the progression from the first communications of Gemini, eager to please in its methodology of communicative mind and having the agility to change course at will, taking a little from here and a little more from there before it reaches final conclusion. This frantic pace is balanced by Libra’s requirement that all that passes through it must meet the requirements of refinement and grace and be as pleasing to the senses as to the mind it serves. This is mind that has matured from the enthusiasm of youthful Gemini and now seeks longevity and a place where its efforts may be synthesized and strengthened. Arriving at the space of Aquarius, everything of mind and movement is now lengthened into a structure that serves as a point of reference. This is the processing of information with the speed and agility of Gemini and the re-creating balance of Libra’s ability to soften the rough edges and raw dynamics. Aquarius brings these two together in a way that becomes the repository of information that simultaneously sees the past and the future as it creates the panoramic view of what is possible in the present.

A Structured Think Tank


Hold steady
Stand strong
Be the container.

Hold fast the
Energy that pours
Forth relentlessly.

The Middle Way
Proves firm and true
What generates inside
Soars above and
Reaches deeply below.

Draw up its strength
Pull down its light
Draw in its anchor of center
And allow to pour forth that
Which will be renewed.

Aquarius is Fixed Air. Highly structured and stable in quality, this active principle is expressed as the synthesizer. The stability of a Fixed sign allows the space for drawing together what has preceded it in the Cardinal sign and prepare the most viable and stable form of that energy as it releases it to the flexibility and expansiveness of the Mutable sign that follows it. Aquarius expresses this ability in the area of thought. The ability to gather together the imaginings and visionings of new invention so the dialogue may begin that will result in “back to the drawing board” or “all systems go!”.

Solar Month Magick

Enhances the inventive mind and movement towards future goals:

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. The energy of Aquarius is that of mental action. It is a sign of innovative idea. Aquarius is the place of the future. The past and/or history of a thing or place does not hold much interest for the Aquarius as this energy is always looking ahead, and using that as the guiding force in all of endeavors. Being of the quality of mind and intellect, invention and problem solving are the natural gifts of this sign.

The Solar Month of Aquarius is an excellent time to begin the work of brainstorming solutions to long-range goals. Although Aquarius is an Air sign, there is much that relies on the continued flow and movement of intuitive guidance, much like water that has been properly aerated and bubbles up freely expanding and eventually moving beyond its container of limitation. Think on the image of the Water-bearer as the symbol of Aquarius. Water is a necessity for life to continue. A suitable container is needed so that the precious liquid will not spill. And, someone capable of protecting and ensuring that it will arrive at its future destination is required. The magick, however occurs when this liquid is drained from the vessel. Now the potential for more to come that is the same in how it is identified, yet subtly different, because the well of source may not be the same. This is the core of Aquarius, providing some similar, yet different enough from, that it automatically becomes the idea of the future.

The energy of this Solar month of Aquarius next flows into the compassion and healing of Watery Pisces. This is the astrological sign of sacrifice and the unquestionable understanding of the inter-connectedness of all life that has arrived at this conclusion from the Mind that knows the negative product of neglecting the humanness in humanity.

The Aquarian approach can be used for short-term projects, but is most effective for long-term workings. A goal, such as envisioning what you wish the outcome to be in as much detail as possible and then thinking through the viability of each step that will be required for successful goal. Use your mental agility to see all of the perspectives that could be employed. Research and then research some more until you find exactly the correct equation to be applied.

Similar to the New, Full and Waning cycles of the Lunar Month, beginning the working in the Solar Month of Aquarius would be the first phase of identifying what your vision of the prefect outcome would be. Temporarily removing the emotional component, focus more on the what, rather than the compelling feelings of the why. Strip this vision down to its basic architecture revealing all that links it together and supports its building.

As you move through the Solar month you will begin to recognize what is the reasonable and rationale way to proceed. Once this is established, re-introduce the feeling quotient (this is the water vessel that Aquarius carries into the future). If it still stands as the focus of desired intent, go for it.

Using the cycle of Air and those astrological signs of that element the next point of bolstering the energy would be during Gemini Solar Month. The Solar Month of Gemini provides the freedom to communicate your ideas, begin the process of networking for further supports and change course if suitable. This is the burst of new airy mind that refreshes what was released into it from Aquarius.

Having finally arrived in the energy of the Solar month of Libra, now is the opportunity to reign in all that you have experienced and used to bolster your goal of intent. Now is the time to refine it, make it pleasing at all levels to the senses and sensibilities of what you envision for yourself now. This is the space of the dream becoming a reality and you standing fully informed of every process and intention along the way. Much like the architect who has foreseen every weakness in his/her plans and has a final blueprint that erects something that will stand the tests of time.

Lunar Magick: Time to Create the Formula


The Path of Idealism…

Use of Lunar energy in the astrological sign of Aquarius provides the energetic principle of foresight and informed intuition. The approach is one that is both idealistic and prescriptive in nature. The continued dialogue being one of “what if” and “how to formulate it”. Air stirs up the seas in turbulence as well as being to gently move the waters along in a stream that is obstructed and has potential for stagnation. Appropriate use of air in stirring up the emotions of desire for what is imagined, moves the energy towards one of action in taking the necessary steps of planning that will draw you closer to realization of your goals.

Workings that require emotions that are structured and informed by clarity of mind and a concrete plan make use of the Aquarian mind. Bringing to the surface those things that have weighed heavily and toxically in your emotional being can be problem-solved and brought to a place where you may more clearly let your wishes be known, your fears allayed and your joys acted upon.

Workings that encourage you to speak your truths to ensure a future that is in more alignment with what you envision it to be are synthesized into movement that flows continually to sustain and uplift your efforts carried on winds of future change.

The New Moon of Aquarius would be used to seek out what areas of your life need stirring up and recharging with catalytic desire for change. Remember, Uranus is the ruler and disburser of Aquarius’ energy. It is communication on steroids, moving strong and electrically firing up everything in its path. Where would you most like to apply this energy?

The Full Moon of Aquarius allows for those emotional reserves to be brought into a dynamic that will guide and direct your future actions and responses. What was held in the past regarding the issue you selected is now of no importance. What is quickened now in the fullness of Mother Moon’s light is the seed of potential for what you wish it to become.

And, the energy of the Waning Moon in Aquarius provides the opportunity to engage Saturn’s energies as co-ruler of this sign. This is the dynamic of rigid structure that will hold firm what has been started and scatter to the winds what is no longer needed. Additionally, this action is one that is timeless in nature. What is rendered now useless forever was, is and shall be of no power over me!

Some Additional Astrological properties of Aquarius
Keywords: Invention, Vision, Knowledge

The Archetype: The Allegorical Teacher is the archetype associated with Aquarius. Aquarius thrives on learning. It’s intent is to know everything, to be everything and then to share that information and experience with everyone. These are incremental steps towards the ultimate goal of solving the great mysteries of purpose. This is often construed as Aquarius being the great Humanitarian.

The specific form of Humanitarianism that is often ascribed to the Aquarian is one in which the greater good is always the objective, even if it means the expenditure of a singular one. This ideology gives a first impression of Aquarians being cold and emotionally unattached. Logic precludes emotion and largely the actions taken by an Aquarian are from the perspective of feeling so greatly for right outcome that the detail of explaining the emotional depths of that action are not felt to serve to further the ultimate goal.

As a teacher the goal is not one of liking every student that enters those halls of learning. The primary directive is one of teaching every one of those students what there is to teach and what they have come to learn as a collective consciousness of seekers.

Rules Astrological House:
The 11th House of the Zodiac, the House of Friendships

Moving through the Zodiacal Wheel’s energy, the First House is the singular “you” identified by your personality and who you are presently and who you who hope to become. The second House holds the possessions and things you have acquired that further define you. The Third House represents how you express yourself based on what you have learned of yourself (1st House) and what you have chosen to surround yourself with in the material world (2nd House). The Fourth House has taught the lessons of home and family; commitment and unconditional love for who we are now and who we hope to become. Arriving at the Fifth House we are now ready to emerge from the security of friends and family and stand courageously in the Light of the choices we have made, that have contributed to the crafting of this self. Moving on towards the Sixth House we are ready to give, to serve, to cultivate and to learn the lessons of harmonious interaction.

Moving next into the Seventh House we stand ready to gather to ourselves all that we have learned on the journey thus far and use it to explore new paths, learn new ways of being and open to the partnerships forged on a new chosen path. The Eighth House of Scorpio brings passion and emotional attachment to the equation. Awareness of the physical pleasures of being human underscores the journey. As we enter the Ninth House we are ready to initialize what those experiences have been as we load our bows with all that we hope to share and stir the will to action wherever the sights have been set. Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius stands at the ready to push the extremes and encourage stretching to the limits of what we perceive to be possible.

Continuing into the Tenth House and Capricorn’s reality revealed the effort required to re-claim and maintain the steady ground we stretched towards and sought in Sagittarius. Now, having come from this place of manifest stability, the mind and its dreams are able to project into the furthest reaches of possibility. These are anchored in the relationships we have built that serve as a reality check, when that projection moves beyond grounding. These dreams are further inspired by our interactions with others, at times in an observational stage and at other times, fully engaged in the wholeness of mind and heart.


The colors of electric blue and black are those I associate with Aquarius. This is the cobalt charge of electrical current that moves through the darkness of space in and of its own accord with time as it blazes a trail of light and energy in its

Free Me: Capricorn in Aquarius

Lightning flashes around
Making the way dangerous
As steep advance is taken
Carefully and securely.

I feel as though there is
No making headway as
Electricity extends a fiery
Hand blocking the way.

I pause regaining my
Strength of purpose
And pace myself
Giving pause with each
Resounding slap of
Electrical charge.

All at once the way
Clears and I look
Up seeing through
What had been clouds
Of trail and error.

I look up as the sun
Flashes through as
A new form of electric
Catalyst and I see now
The full expanse of
Where my scaling of
Future effort will lead.

Aquarius is the Eleventh sign of the Zodiac:

Seasonally, Aquarius stands as space of pause from the celebrations of the longest night of the Winter Solstice and the longest day of the Summer Solstice in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, respectively. These are points when winter is slowly giving way to the future of Spring’s greening (Northern) or the introspective descent into the wintry months ahead (Southern).

We stand at a point of choice about how we will acclimate to these futures and what plans we will make to align with these changes. This is the action of Aquarius as the inventive mind and the ability to plan and envision ourselves in the space of Spring’s growth or Winter’s great demise.

Ambient Lighting

We have crossed the mid-point in the Solar Year and are at the last gate before the finality of the last of the 12 Houses of the Astrological signs. Each prior to this point has concerned itself with those aspects of our being that cultivate sense of self (Aries); sense of others (Taurus); expression of ourselves (Gemini); nurturing what we hold close to our hearts (Cancer); moving into our place of power (Leo) and claiming responsibility for taking a closer look at who we have become (Virgo); and finding that place of refinement through interaction. Scorpio marked the advent of self-knowledge and re-forming of what had come before as it is transformed and Sagittarius forged new connections as it moved purposefully beyond its comfort zone.

Capricorn offered the lesson of trial and error until the sure-footedness and confidence necessary to master manifest adversity was cultivated. Now Aquarius is ready to carry us into the ambient and electrically charged dynamic of light that reveals our all-loving nature, informed by the vision of who we are and supported by a solid blueprint towards stepping into that compassionate self of Pisces.

As we move through each of the Solar Temples in the coming year, it will become more apparent how interconnected they are. The story that is woven is one of growth and evolution that is just as relevant today as it was to the ancients. We learn from these natural cycles and their application is profound mundanely and spiritually.


Other Posts to Re-read:

Temple of the Sun: Aquarius

Sun in Aquarius- A Future Tree
The Motherboard- Sun in Aquarius
Full Moon in Aquarius- Breath of Liquid Flame
New Moon in Aquarius- The Speed of Light

Temple of the Moon:

Day Sixteen: Looking Further-Waning Moon in Aquarius
Day Fifteen: On a Clear Day-Full Moon in Aquarius

Next Post
Wednesday, February 18.2015

Temple of the Sun: Transit into Pisces
New Moon in Aquarius (again)

Sun in Aquarius – A Future Tree

Posted in Astrology, Qabalah, The Temple of the Sun, Uranus on February 11, 2015 by themagickalpen


A Tree of vision
Reached far beyond
What was known.

Its roots spun down
Into stardust as the descent
Into the mundane
Was Begun.

All shifted in the chaos
And new life was
Spawned in the
Inventive mind.

A Tree of Vision
Pours its heart
From a vessel
Deep and strong.

And what issues from it
Is birthed from a mind
That seeks solace in
The loving embrace of
Its Creatrix.

A Tree of Vision
Shows the blinding light
That flashes as dreams become
Manifest reality and guide

The way of the seeker.

A Tree of Hope holds the key
That created the worlds of
Starlight in a
Velvety black sky.

As we enter the Temple of the Sun, Qabalistically we are entering into connection with the central sphere on the Tree of Life, Tiphareth. The name given this sphere is Beauty and the energy is one of synthesis through sacrifice and integration through refinement of the sum of all of its parts. This is much the same energy that we experience in the course of a Solar year. The energy of each of the Zodiacal signs, their element and modality are modified and expressed through the brilliance of the Sun. And, in keeping with the evolutionary process of movement from one sign to the next, each is informed by the previous sign’s energy and contributes a part of its dynamic into the sign that follows. Please see the end of this post for recommendations about learning more about the Tree of Life.

Aquarius and Uranus (Saturn) on the Tree

Astrologically, we have learned that Aquarius is ruled by the planet of electrical, rebellious and dynamic flow, Uranus. We have experienced the focus of an astrological energy that is quick and resolute in its forward moving direction, blazing the way for what will follow. This is the energy of the water-bearer and when we consider the archetypal image that is associated with Aquarius is one of continual flow and disbursement, its planetary ruler is the perfect system of support. Although an Air sign, Aquarius acts very much like water and the symbol of glyph that are two wavy lines are evocative of that nature to move in wave pattern. The secondary ruler of Aquarius is Saturn. We know of Saturn’s ability to bring structure and order. This is the directive of Aquarius when its energy begins to heat up and move in ways that establish a new set of order.

Within the Qabalistic Tree, Aquarius and Uranus hold their power in the Sphere of Chokmah and the Paths of the Tree – 28th and 11th. When we speak of the energy of Aquarius as an experience of great vision, the reference is to the ability to arrive at conclusion via the shortest and most concise route. As an Air sign, Mind is of the highest priority and the Illumined Mind is the ultimate goal.

This is the way of the Tree itself; to provide a vision of the potential. To provide a vision of what could be improved upon and to provide a vision of how by informed collaborative effort, the sheer brilliance of Divinely inspired Will shall prevail. These are the Cosmic ideals that flow through all of the zodiacal energies, the starry patterns, the planets and more. This is the great expanse of Chokmah, the sphere of wisdom that is born of the Universe’ knowingness.

Chokmah (Uranus) and Tiphareth (Sun)


Tiphareth and the Sun

Each of the Sephiroth and connecting Paths of the Tree of Life holds correspondence with a planetary and/or zodiacal energy. The physical Sun stands centrally within our solar system, providing light and heat. Tiphareth provides the space of transformation and the full force generator that distributes what is processed so it may be utilized and transmuted by whatever it emanates its energy into. This is the sacrificial aspect of this sphere. This is the action of enlivening within its own source to ensure the continuation of the creative process begun within the other components of the Tree. So we begin in this central hub of universal energy and move up towards the flow of energy represented by the essence of Wisdom found in the sphere of Chokmah.

Chokmah: The Sphere of the Cosmic Father’s Wisdom

The swirlings of cosmos
And the dust of galaxy
Wind around me
Drawing my being
Into the vortex
Of formless unity.

He looks upward
And the light
Of a million stars
Pointedly glare back.
Each flowing into
Its own rhythm of
Celestial course.

He looks downward
And form moves
And stirs beneath
The scrutiny of HIS gaze
All is quickened by this
This illumined SELF-awareness.

Formless brilliance flashes
Its point of beacon
Drawing HIS gaze
And in response
The path is opened.

The singular eye of
The primal void
Focuses as droplets
Of soul filled
Tears issue forth.

This torrent of force
Now having seen
Its vision of SELF
Becomes a floodgate
Of potentiality.

The sphere of Chokmah is part of the Supernal Triad – Kether – Chokmah and Binah. These are the spheres of creation.

Chokmah is the Second Sphere on the Tree of Life. Within the energy of the number 2 is the finding of collaboration and relationship. The singular 1 (Kether- The Source) has moved beyond itself and formed alliance with another in order to create. At the level of the supernals, all flows in harmony; each path, each sphere working in tandem with one another in the creative effort. Additionally, each component offers a different perspective or dynamic to contribute to that outpour. Three faces, each in support of the other yet one in the same and emanating from the One.

Chokmah is assigned the element of Root of Fire. Each of the elements has the attribute of containing essences of the other three elements contained within and being reflected in varying degrees in accord with their power of exertion. In keeping with this thought, fire is expressed as Air of Fire, Water of Fire, Earth of Fire and in its most pure essence Fire of Fire. The three Supernal spheres of Binah, Chokmah and Kether are all ascribed the pure essence of the element they represent, as they themselves are of the Highest and most refined nature of all the sephiroth of the Tree.

Within the energy of Chokmah we find the Father/Stimulator. His is the seed that ensures that the egg of potential will not remain inert and unviable. It is the nature of the male to provide the seed of life. Without this outpouring, the feminine principle that gives it life and provides the space for gestation and release into a manifest form of existence (or being) would never occur. It is from this principle that the Wisdom of Chokmah is made evident. This is Wisdom of the cyclical and continued nature of energy, life and the Universe. It is pure unadulterated “knowing” that simply exists because it knows no other way “to be”. In descent from Kether, Wisdom is the first attribute of the great Divinity received by Chokmah. On ascent from the manifest plane of Malkuth, Wisdom is the last gift that is received and as such this all knowingness destroys the boundaries and limitations of the world, as we know it, including our perceived notions of ourselves. It is for this reason that in discussion of these Higher Supernals, metaphor and analogy that resonates and is comprehensible to us as human beings is all that can be used; for these are the spheres and energies that cannot be articulated or described in any manner that one in physical incarnation could comprehend. They are the ideals we are striving towards as translated into a human experience.

The Sphere of Active Flow

The energy of Chokmah is one of Consciousness that radiates out the pure essence of consciousness in its primal state of illumined activity. Just as Binah is the origin of the form of the idea of consciousness and as such is the essence of that form as well as a state of that consciousness, Chokmah is the product of pure consciousness unrestricted and flowing freely from Creator to Creation. Its consciousness is not bound by time or space as it resides in all time and all space. It is in this way that true wisdom is reflected. A state of being that encompasses all and holds the key to the manifest world waiting to be used in opening as it flows towards Binah.

The 28th Path: Aquarius and Uranus (Saturn)

28th Path

I remember the grace of mastery
I remember how it felt to create
I remember the joy of expression
I remember the victory of my efforts
I remember the thrill of final selection
I remember the beauty that surrounded
I remember the pain of being deceived.

The 28th path is considered the Natural Intelligence. It is our natural state to produce beauty and to be creative in our expressions. The fact is that our existence and the forms we have constructed for ourselves that are ever changing, renewing and sustaining is a creative act in itself. Opening to the Higher intelligence that works in preservation of the physical forms that we hold, the Divine essence of our Soul and the lessons we are to master in these forms is our natural state of being. In this manner of acknowledging our true connection to the Divine and the birthright we have access to claim, we show a form of intelligence that transcends mere mind and intelligence. This is the work of Aquarius. It is mind that shows the truth of our Divinity.

The Planetary/Zodiacal Energy

Uranus and Saturn are co-ruling planets of the astrological sign of Aquarius. Uranus is the great electrifying current that rebelliously stirs up whatever its force is put upon. This planet is considered the higher octave of the planet Mercury, the great communicator. The communication set into motion with Uranian energy is that of blazing its way through the circuit boards and enlivening and quickening instantaneously.

The planet Saturn is the great organizer and structure, time management and order are its directive. Saturn is considered the Gatekeeper of time and as such what passes through in accord with time’s perceived progression is strictly and rigidly monitored for its efficacy in application.

In numerology the 28th Path, or 2+8 reduces to the number 10/1+0. The number Ten represents the beginning of a new cycle that has crossed the threshold of death and reinvented itself from the past experience. In the spirit of Aquarius and collaborative effort, the 1 + 0 could be considered in the context of the singular 1 and the limitless all of 0 standing side by side, each informing the other.

Tarot Key XVII – The Star

Tarot Star
Image: Thalia Took

Note: Each of the Paths of the Qabalistic Tree has the assignation of a Tarot key placed upon it as further correspondence to its energy. The Paths 11-32 are represented using the Major Arcana cards.

Tarot Key XVII – The Star, is placed on the 28th Path. The reference is one of comfort within the realms of manifest form and remembrance of the cosmic connection and stellar birthright we carry within us. The stars of the Pleiades shine brightly above and the feminine principle pours the waters of life upon the ground of foundation and in return to the sourced of its taking. She is naked under a celestial sky.

The energy of this Tarot Key on the 28th Path is one of connection to the source of our creation. This is the reminder of our access to the creative impulse that gave birth to the heavens and our ability to call that into creation in the manifest world.

Another Path of Expression: Uranus on the 11th Path
The 11th Path: A Path of Emanation

11th Path

The 11th Path is the first point of connection of two spheres in emanation from the Godhead of Kether. This is the space of the point of the One and its awareness of its singularity becoming the first of what become the two of creative outpour. This path is the first of the Lightening Flash of involution moving in flow downwards towards it ultimate goal of manifestation. This Path is the conduit of Life and Death. In this case, the death is that of the spiritual self now enfolded as a part of the singular whole. It is also the place of beginnings. The first seed of action that prepares the way for what will be birthed in the sphere of Malkuth.

The Planetary Energy


Alone, the Singular One cried out
Seed of potential and the flow
Of brilliant Light issued forth.

Cosmos of stars and planets
Worlds of dark and light all
Drawn toward the one point
Of Divine Creation’s Mind.
What will be offered up to the
Downpour of Spirit’s intent
What will become of this
Dynamic flow of becoming?

Trust in the process
Step into the unknown
The Light of All-knowing
Guides and illuminates all
Who stand in the dynamic
Flow of Its creative potential.

Uranus is the great electrifying current that rebelliously stirs up whatever its force is put upon. This planet is considered the higher octave of the planet Mercury, the great communicator. The communication set into motion with Uranian energy is that of blazing its way through the circuit boards and enlivening and quickening instantaneously. Place upon the first path of emanation from the Source of Kether into the vessel of Chokmah as the Divine Father insures that the seed will be potent and the flow will be dynamic in its outpouring.

In Conclusion:
As we consider the attributes of Aquarius and its ruling planet Uranus and their impact on the Tree of Life the prominent focus is one of inventive mind. Being able to use this raw inspiration and creative process of what can be as a springboard for what will become is the natural flow of emanation that is inherent within the Tree. Aquarius provides the stuff of dreams, and Uranus electrifies the atmosphere so that like will attract like and the circuit of energy sparks into brilliance.

As the light of Tiphareth (Sun) shines brightly and radiates its vision of magnetic attraction throughout the multilayered branches of a tree that reaches far and wide in its expanse and impact we are reminded that in this vision of light extending towards light and darkness forming the paths of the space between, we realize the gift of humanity that continually connects us the higher aspiration of Divinity.


If you are not familiar with the Qabalistic Tree of Life, I would recommend reading through the article posted in my other blog, The Magickal Pen entitled “Geburah’s Might” to give you the necessary overview for an introductory base of working knowledge about the Tree. It can be found here:
WitchVox: 13 Keys- The Wisdom of Chokmah
The Magickal Pen: Geburah’s Might
13 Keys to the Qabalistic Tree of Life
The Inner Chamber Series. R. Fennelly
Volume One: It’s Written in the Stars (2013)
Volume Two: Poetry of the Spheres (2013)
Volume Three: Awakening the Paths (2014)
Order at author’s website: Robin Fennelly


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The Magick of Aquarius

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On the Prowl-Full Moon in Leo

Posted in Astrology, Auspicious Days, Full Moon, Jupiter, Lunar, Mercury, The Temple of the Sun on February 1, 2015 by themagickalpen


Full Moon in Leo
February 3.2015
6:09 pm (EST)

Sun in Aquarius

Retrogrades: Jupiter in Leo and Mercury in Capricorn

The Moon waxes Full Tuesday evening at 6:09 pm (EST) in the astrological sign of Leo (Fixed Fire). The opposition of astrological energy that naturally occurs during a Full Moon phase is the tug of war between what appear to be opposing energies. In this lunation that thought is best expressed using the imagery of a big cat on the prowl, moving with stealth and hidden in the darkness of the night sky- until it walks into the rays of moonlight. The strength of Solar energy is mid-point in the visionary sign of inquisitive Aquarius; this is the energy that seeks its information in all spaces, both overt and occult. As the creative waters of Mother’s Moon are strengthened with the Leonine dynamics and skill of Leo; Aquarius often presents its insights and all the while those recipients of these bytes of info, had no clue these were part of the skill set for that individual. When Aquarius goes on the prowl for knowledge, nothing is off-limits for what it seeks out intuitively (Lunar). The quality of Fixed Fire is that of applying the necessary heat that will force movement and thus catalyze to active synthesis and expansion of whatever that heat makes application to.

Fixed signs are the source of stability primarily through their ability to gather everything that is relevant, stir til just right and then allow natural expansion to occur moving towards something entirely unexpected. As such when applied to water the action is one of forming boundaries and creating suitable container to distribute the flow in a viable manner. Add to this the Solar expression of Leo, that finds its greatest strength in the sheer magnetic appeal of placing itself in the center of any situation and you have the necessary fires of magnetic attraction that serve to quicken as the womb of creation becomes a fertile container for whatever may be birthed.

The caution however is one of making that container one that is driven by ego and action that is only directed towards self-gratification. Being in the spotlight and the strength and courage that is acquired from adoration and accolades is very seductive. Having the potential for great leadership can go terribly wrong when it becomes domination rather than collaborative and caring interaction. No great leader has become so without recognition that without having mutual respect between themselves and those they lead is the first and foremost ingredient to success.

Drawn to the Light…

The challenge in this Full Moon’s energy is one of balance and finding just the right amount of claiming your place in the spotlight (Leo) and doing so for the sake of humanity’s uplifting (Aquarius). Like the moth attracted to the light, a swift demise in what your initial altruistic intention was may occur with too much attention and light that reveals your vulnerabilities. If we draw on the Sun’s energy of strengthening Aquarius’ natural detachment from singular human needs, the potential to remain strong and determined in what will benefit all concerned is much more likely.

From a perspective of elemental correlate, we have the opposition of Sun in Airy and cerebral Aquarius and Moon in Fiery and fiercely protective Leo. Water fans the flame of Fire if appropriately and gently applied. If too much force of air is released that same flame may be extinguished if it has not been allowed sufficient time to build in intensity. Mind and Will to Action are great bedfellows that produce the most amazing and accomplished of children when each is willing to give a part of themselves in sacrifice to other. If not approached with mutual respect, all those wonderful inventive thoughts dissipate and never take form and the will to act burns itself out moving without informed direction in a chaotic and unproductive way.

This is an excellent Full Moon configuration for finding that place within that inspires you to move, act, think, and fuel a future that exemplifies the higher vision of your most creative self.

Retrogrades of Potential:
Mercury in Capricorn and Jupiter in Leo

You may have wondered why I did not post about the Mercury Retrograde that occurred on January…. If you have been following these Temple explorations, you know that I like to think outside the box, and push the standard interpretation to reveal a more intuitive expression. I waited for the mid-point of both the Mercury and Jupiter retrogrades for this Full Moon and the mid-point of the Solar energy of Aquarius.

Mercury is mid-point in its retrograde energy of Capricorn; the astrological sign we explored last month that holds the keys to dipping into what will ground and anchor and reaching up towards what connects us to the cosmos. Capricorn relates to the “human” experience and manifest reality, so those communications will be practical mundane in orientation. Although Mercury retrograde has the bad rap of miscommunication, what if we thought instead of this dynamic as opportunity to be more precise and deliberate in our communications. Add the range of Capricorn’s experience and its sure-footed style and we have optimum time for really taking our time in what and how we communicate. Add a Full Moon that is in Leo and this deliberate pacing can be applied to those passions (heated (leo) water (moon)) that we act impulsively on and then regret that impetuosity later.

Jupiter acts as the expansive ingredient. Retrograde, that expansion takes the form of density and amplification of what would normally flex and contract easily and smoothly. In the astrological sign of Leo- and with the Moon being in Leo- this amplification could be used as the electromagnetic field that draws to itself quickly and easily.

Combine Mercury and Jupiter’s dynamics as a working tool and the potency of this Full Moon kicked up several notches and what we seek to attract is drawn from the depths of what me MOST desire and are passionately and emotionally engaged in. Magickal work requires intention fueled by desire (and what fires us up). This is the perfect combination for fueling an intention that requires extra magnetism and concrete, deliberate communication sent into the aethers.

The mid-point of Sun in Aquarius adds the dynamics of probing the future and intuitively rationalizing an outcome that is inventive and creative. A skill of Aqaurius is being able to see the bigger picture- apply that to the working of Mercury and Jupiter described above- and you have the possibility for having a stable container (Fixed Air) that thought (Aquarius) and heart (Moon) can co-create.

Read more about Retrogrades:

Mercury Stations Retrograde Tomorrow AM
Meet Me at the Station

Expanding Spaciousness

On the Prowl…
Silently under full moon’s light I move seeking the all that I most desire. Emotions well up and I envision a future that holds all in the embrace of God and Goddess. I feel the weight of this future’s responsibility and think on how I may step into the spotlight and shout to all of the world that this is the plan that will change everything that we believed not possible.

Quietly I seek out all that I need to know to bring this future into reality. Stealthily I inquire and dive deeply into the emotional reserves of all I meet to see what it is that will quicken their creative fires towards this goal.

Mother Moon lights the way and the need to fuel this desire and intention grows and expands within my beating heart that connects me to all of humanity. Soon the Sun will rise and I will emerge from my night on the prowl, sated from my informed capture and strong enough to courageously act upon the work that is at hand.
Resources and Reflections

Leo in Related Posts:
Temple of the Sun: Leo
New Moon in Leo: Standing in the Spotlight


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