Archive for Magick

Day Twenty-Seven: Floodgates of Release

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, Moon Tide, The Temple of the Moon with tags , , , , , , , , on August 3, 2013 by themagickalpen

August 3

Waning Moon in Cancer

Sun in Leo


Posted during the planetary hour of Mercury (communication)

The Moon entered the astrological sign of Cancer at 12:30am this morning. We are back to the Cardinal (beginning) modality and a sign that is ruled by the Moon and her mysteries.  The Sun is in Leo, astrological sign that is ruled by the Sun.  This means both are in their exalted or powerful signs with compatible energies supporting.  This also means that during this time that the Moon remains in Cancer the elemental directives are that of  the initial flow of Water (Cardinal Cancer) and stable Fire (Fixed Leo).  Back to the heated waters with those fires being placed  exactly where they are needed to quicken with the spark of creation.

When the Moon is in Cancer, emotions are running high and not always well placed.  The waning or contractive energy of the Moon’s phase provides the vehicle to move into those dark recesses of your emotions and gather them in a new way.  If not careful, the damming up of those emotions through inhibition and censoring can produce so much pressure that they will find the weakest spot and break free.

Today seemed soft in flow.  There was a gentleness in the air that made me think of the excitement and emotions present while waiting for a child to be born.  So much moves through your mind, but the main point of pressure is in how you feel while waiting,  The beauty of this is that you do not need to be the one giving birth. Friends, relatives, hospital workers, complete strangers and whole nations- as was evidenced by baby Prince George’s birth- all feel the same type of emotions and anticipation.  These are the emotions that hold the promise of something new being birthed from their feeding and quickening.

And, when the cresting of anticipation becomes more than can be borne;  the floodgates open and a purposeful and directed flow feeds the deeper source from whence it came.  Today I am reminded by these feelings of how much work remains of the refining and fine tuning of how  I allow my own emotions to flow  and what they will carry along caught up in their currents.  I am also reminded to offer up gratitude for how far I have come in being attentive to mind and heart.


May love flow
In my heart
May the waters
Of creation flow
Through my actions.

May what I grow
Expand and grow
May the barriers
I have created
Hold fast and strong.

May love be birthed
In the water’s release
May the flood gates open
And the streams of pure
Intuitive sight move
Like twin rivers
Back to the Source.

Day Twenty-Seven: Waning Dark Moon Ritual of Completion

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, Moon Tide, The Temple of the Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 3, 2013 by themagickalpen

There are two posts today.  The first is the Waning Moon Ritual so that you may prepare and read through for tomorrow evening.  The second is the usual post and will be available tonight at 8:30 during the planetary hour of Mercury. Enjoy!


This ritual marks the final phase of the Ritual of Dedication begun at the start of this journey and should be done tomorrow, August 4th.  The Moon remains in Cancer the entire day, so you may do this ritual at any time.  If you want to make use of the Planetary Hour of the Moon as additional support those hours would be:

                9:34-10:44am or %;49-6:59pm

and for the really late nighters- 12:17-:06am

Waning Dark Moon Ritual of Release

Sunday, August 4.2013

Moon in Cancer

You will need:

1/Silver (or Black) Candle (New Moon)

1/White Candle (Full Moon)

1/Black Candle (Dark Moon)

Black and white altar cloths

OPTIONAL for a physical working of release:  Place on altar as part of ritual set-up

Glass cup or small bowl

small piece of Obsidian, Hematite,Jet or Quartz crystal placed in container as above with enough water to cover 

Deep bowl to place crystal in after working

Coarse (or regular) Salt; enough to completely cover the crystal you have selected when placed in the deep bowl. 

Set up your altar space with the black cloth on top of white. This represents the Waning Dark Moon phase and the waxing of its light  soon to be reborn.  The candles should be arranged in triangular shape with the White candle at center point, Silver candle as left base and Black candle on right side forming the base. The Silver candle on the left represents the New Moon phase (1st Quarter Waxing), the White – the Full Moon and the Black candle on the left- the Dark Moon (Last Quarter Waning).

Your journal and pen can be placed in front of the triangular candle formation.

Establish sacred space in whatever way is in keeping with your path.

Invoke the assistance of whatever Deity, guides or patrons you work with to inform and enliven this journey.

Standing in front of your altar begin by lighting the Silver candle. As you light this candle offer up words stating your intention of gratitude for all that has brought you to this place on the journey as you deepen your connection to the lunar energies and the mysteries of your lunar nature. Envision those insights that were newly revealed and the feelings of anticipation at the start of this journey.


Move to stand in front of the White candle. As you light this candle offer up words stating your intent of gratitude for the fullness and anchoring that was drawn to you at the time of the Full Moon.  See this as the light of the Moon’s reflection as it waxed towards a space of full expression and expansion.  Give thanks for the abundance of the blessings of deeper self knowledge that  and the work you have accomplished.


Move to stand in front of the Black candle. As you light this candle offer up words stating your intent of release and refining what has been brought to the surface on this journey of the Moon.   See this as the hidden light of Lady Moon working Her magick of cutting away, restoration and preservation of what is the viable seed to be birthed at the next New Moon.


Envision the orb of the Waning Dark Moon hidden, yet still holding the power of ebb and flow and harnessing of your emotional waters of deep inspiration held within.  Open and allow yourself to connect deeply to the image of the waters of moon’s flow gently holding you as you are carried in Her black waters of renewal and re-creation. Soften your gaze and draw the stream of light that issues from Her flame into the center core of your being. Breathe into it, expanding its intensity and lengthening the depths of its connection. Envision this as the continual stream of informed connection that has been and will continue to be  the place of deeper gnosis of the Moon and Her mysteries. Take a deep breath in and allow this energy to move through you; flowing like water, reaching the deepest recesses of your Being.  Exhale long and slowly sending that energy back into the circuit that is forming between you and the energy you have called forth to permeate this candle. Breathe in this manner of receipt and release, ebb and flow for as long as you feel is needed; ending with a long exhale.

Sharpen your gaze and return back to the clarity of focus looking at the Silver candle of the New Moon. Once again soften your gaze and see the lines of connection between the Silver and White candles as they move towards your center and forming a triangle of enlivened space. Breathe into this connection of cycle of newness, now having matured and moved to a place of full peak and the completion of return to contraction and discernment. Soften your gaze and see the strengthen of the lines of energetic connection between your central core and the Black candle.

See optional physical working below **  these paragraphs or simply finish as written directly below. 

Shift your clarity of focus to all three of the candles  forming the triune power of the Moon’s phases and your inner intuitive and emotional self.  As you move your gaze from one to the other offer up words of intent:

I call to the Dark Moon and the energy of light held in the place of quickening.  I release to the great void and the healing waters of Cancer, the emotions that have restricted and been unproductive for more growth.

I release to the darkness of the waters of the great void those emotions that no longer serve and are ready for their transformation as one and part of the greater whole.

I call to the strength of the midnight Sun that flickers and shines in the waters of new creation.  I draw up the intuitive sight to see with clarity and strength. And, I acknowledge the power of my own making that has flowed through me during this cycle.   

So Mote It Be!

 **Optional working:  

You may also do a physical working of release if you wish.  You will need a small glass bowl or cup and a crystal with properties that are absorption and the grounding of negativity.  I chose a piece of hematite (see other suggestions in list at top), but a simple quartz crystal can be directed for this use as well.  Place the crystal in the container with enough water to cover it before you begin the ritual.


Shift your clarity of focus to all three of the candles  forming the triune power of the Moon’s phases and your inner intuitive and emotional self.  As you move your gaze from one to the other offer up words of intent:


I call to the Dark Moon and the energy of light held in the place of quickening. I call to the energies of her New Moon and the strength of the Full Moon that have refined and enlivened my will and intent.  

Move your gaze to the container holding the crystal and water and breathe deeply drawing up those emotions you wish to release to the healing waters. Pour as much as is needed into the crystal and breathe deeply and fully into each release:

I release to the great void and the healing waters of Cancer, the emotions that have restricted and been unproductive for more growth.  I release to the darkness of  the waters of the great void those emotions that no longer serve and are ready for their transformation as one and part of the greater whole.

Envision the energetic strands of each of those things that you released moving into the space of the water and ending within the confines of the crystal.  Take a final deep breath, releasing the last of what you wish and see this final strand entering the crystal.

Now, envision the waters covering the crystal glowing golden and radiant.  Breathe into this gold light, infusing it and empowering it with your intent.  Allow this image to continue to expand filling the container and lighting the energy of the crystal as though from within.  This is the healing and transformative action upon those things you have released.   When you feel all is complete, make this final declaration:

I call to the strength of the midnight Sun that flickers and shines in the waters of new creation.  I draw up the intuitive sight to see with clarity and strength. And, I acknowledge the power of my own making that has flowed through me during this cycle.   

So Mote It Be!!

Breathe deeply into these words (or those of your own) and see them as being held in witness by the guides, deity or others you called into to assist this rite.

Offer up thanks to those you invoked to join in this ritual, and bid them hail and farewell. Ground and release your sacred space, again, in whatever way is in keeping with your path. And, lastly, snuff out the flames of the New, Full  and Waning Dark Moon candles.

You will light these three candles on each of the remaining nights of this journey connecting to their combined energies and adding to these from your own energetic experiences. Continue to do this up to the day of the New Moon in Leo on Tuesday, August  6th as completion of the cycle and work.

Important Note If you have chosen the option of physical working, libate (pour onto the earth) the water in the container that held the crystal, giving thanks as you do so for its healing properties and offering it in return to the Great Mother.   Place the crystal in a deep bowl of salt; completely covered. The salt (of the earth) will absorb the energy and cleanse for another working as needed.  Leave it undisturbed for several days.  

Blessings on your journey as we walk the last few steps of this road together!

Day Twenty-Five: The Epiphany of Silence

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, Moon Tide, The Temple of the Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , , on August 1, 2013 by themagickalpen

August 1

Waning Moon in Gemini

Void of Course @ 12:48pm

Sun in Leo

Aug 1

Moon’s energy has lessened outwardly, but  is flowing deeply internally spreading into every cavern of our being.  This is preparation and necessary for the birthing of the Moon anew in the next cycle of her potent phase.  It has felt  like there has been a definite change in where the thrust of energy has been directed since the peaking of the Full Moon and the days prior as it was waxing.  The energies have been a bit more subdued, not really any less potent if you really pay attention, but a definite sense of inner refining and tweaking.  As we are nearing the next New Moon cycle there is a feeling of slow and steady pressure building from the inside out.  Nothing you can concretely put your finger on, but palpable nonetheless.

The last vestiges of Gemini’s presence was felt this morning and there seemed to be a slowing down in the communication venue.  This would be the later stages of Gemini’s outpour so I guess people are all talked out and the pace is relaxing into that space of void at 12:48p.m.  Today marks the Sabbat of  Lammas, the first harvest of the Great Wheel.  So, I am thinking about how this harvesting could be applied to the work that has been done so far on this journey.

The timing is ripe in that we are also in the Moon’s harvesting stage as it wanes; releasing and letting go of Her outward potency.  Emotionally and intuitively, what has been nurtured and analyzed in moving through this lunar cycle would have been overwhelming and unproductive if it had been left to expand any further.  Leaving Gemini’s constant chatter is similar to reaping what has reached maximum.  After the cutting down of the exhaustive noise of communication comes a deep and satisfying silence that holds the keys of what cannot be articulated.

I had mentioned ion an earlier post about an analogy of these energies going though their own individual stages of beginning, peak and ending.  The solar energy of its astrological sign of Leo will be hitting is peak point at the New Moon next Tuesday when Moon and Sun are in the same sign.  This means that as the Sun’s energies have been waxing the Moon’s have been waning.  I am thinking about what effect this could have on the lunar work done; especially since the Sun is in its ruling sign with the potency of draconian fire.  The image I have is one of the potency of the Sun’s energy drying up what is left of the lunar waters.  (again something similar to Harvest).  And, if those waters do not find safe heaven and deeper integration, perhaps those emotions we wish to cultivate will wither and dry up.

So, perhaps moving into the deeper recesses and the space where silence informs and draws gnosis to itself is the safe heaven of integration I will explore. Entering this calming flow of transition is what I will try to do. The Moon will remain void until it enters it’s astrological sign of rulership- Cancer on Saturday morning at 12:29a.m.   Until then, I am going to listen deeply to the silence of this void and bring with me those select parts of my emotional self that need more tending.


Words fell like rain
Spilling out and overflowing
Waters that had been dammed
Up and held secure.

Sound rumbled and roared
Like a sleepy lion
Awakened too soon
And ready to pounce.

Movement flowed
And clanged about
Noisily looking for
What path it had left behind.

Silence descended and
All that had raged
Uncontrolled and unanswered
Now rested cloaked in
The wisdom of its sound.

Day Twenty-Four: Talk it Up

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, Moon Tide, The Temple of the Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 31, 2013 by themagickalpen

July 31

Waning Moon in Gemini

Sun in Leo

July 31

The Moon transits into Gemini this morning at 11:42am.  We are now in the last quarter phase of our Moon cycle and the time when release and drawing inward is at hand.  The astrological sign of Gemini is of the Mutable (flexibility) modality and Air (mind) element.  Gemini is typified by its flexibility and agility of shifting course- at times mid-sentence- accessing either side of polarized energy in a heart beat.  The symbol for Gemini is the Twins and having had twin girls I totally see the paradox inherent in both being the same and different simultaneously.

Communication is the buzz word of Gemini and the ruling planet is Mercury, which accounts for the attribution of communication as we know of the misunderstandings, delays and general snafus that occur when Mercury goes retrograde (stationary).  Hermes, messenger of the Gods is also aligned with the energies of Gemini/Mercury and there is leeway for the trickster to present when accessing these energies.  So, in application to the lunar tides and emotions great consideration must be given to what is cursory illusion and what can be claimed as true motive and true feeling.

Gemini is an Air sign so, mind and thought are driving forces in how the energy flows.  Put this into the watery lunar depths and there is a strong opportunity for Mind and heart to get on board with one another.  The cool things is the opportunity to contrast and compare through the duality that is present.  The challenging thing is the opportunity to contrast and compare through the duality that is present (NO NOT A TYPO).  This is where some discernment and opening the lines of communication with your Higher self comes into play.

I’m feeling like I have lots to say today, and so far it all has been emotionally driven.  Not just surface chatter but a depth that is willing to resurface some things that haven’t seen the light of day for a while.  I felt inspired and words were flowing faster than I could type (I really hate not having fingers of warp speed).  The energy and atmosphere of the day was one of everyone being super friendly and clamoring to have their voice heard.  Tomorrow is August 1st and only a few days more of this exploration which ends August 5th.  The Moon will be in Cancer on Sunday August 4th and that will be the evening of the final ritual- The Dark Moon.

So, talk it up today.  Really listen to what you have to say.  Then see what emotions rise to the surface. How well aligned they are or how misleading they are, despite your good intentions.  Then, in true waning style fashion, move within and let go of what is disingenuous and doesn’t quite fit the master puzzle you are crafting piece by piece.


 **  The numerology for the day is the number 8. 

7/31/2013 = 7 + 31 + 6 = 44

4+4 = 8

This is a great synchronicity for this day of Gemini and the polarized action of the energy.  The energy of the number eight involves return and release.  The shape of the number itself offers mirror reflection of the eternal circle poised one on the other.  If turned sideways this is the rounded version of the geometric lemniscate, symbol of eternity. I think of it as the polar opposites of the Gemini expression.  Each o the circles are portal or doorways that may either be entered or emerged from. The choice is in the intent and the perspective.  The illusion is in which action is actually being taken as one leads directly into the other in a continual pattern of both coming and going.  This is much like the duality that can trip up Gemini’s energies.  The number eight is also the opportunity to carry froward the higher teachings and experienced gathered in the energy of the number seven and send it on its selected path  to be shared and through that sharing be returned in new form to the sharer.

I’ll post more on Numerology on Friday, August 2nd since the moon will be void of course all day.  Another little something to just allow to pass carried on the deep waters that flow through. 

Day Twenty-Three: Go Quietly into the Night

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, Moon Tide, The Temple of the Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 30, 2013 by themagickalpen

July 30

Waning Moon/Void of Course Day

Sun in Leo

Posted during the Planetary Hour of the Sun

Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 1.53.55 PM

The moon went void today at 11:58am leaving the sign of Taurus behind and preparing to enter the astrological sign of Gemini tomorrow morning at 11:42am. Going with the flow today and not expecting anything, nor pushing anything to happen.  The tides will flow as they may and sink in where they need to make new inroads.

As promised today, I am going to use the Sun’s light of Leo and offer some information about the Planetary Days and Hours.

For the most part these references are used most frequently for enhancing magickal workings.  The thought being that each of the days has a planet whose energies are in abundance, more easily accessible and align with one of the seven days.  Additionally, the day is further broken down into approx. hourly segments with each of the seven planets holding sway on a particular hour during that day.  Using both may seem like a lot of trouble to coordinate but if you have a goal that needs an amped up boost of specific energy knowing the order and energies associated throughout and on a given day can further along the energetic flow.

This formulary is based upon the ancient Chaldean system of ordering what are considered the Seven Elder planets. These Elder were those planets that were acknowledged before the discovery of the three newer planets- Uranus- Neptune and Pluto and include:

Sunday = Sun

Monday = Moon

Tuesday = Mars

Wednesday = Mercury

Thursday = Jupiter

Friday = Venus

Saturday = Saturn

The Planetary Hours:

The planetary hours follow the same order of the planets with the first (aprox.) hour of each day ruled by the same planet that rules that day.  The remainder of the hours follow the order of those planets that follow sequentially and repeat until arriving at sunrise of the next morning.  You’ll note that I have approximate for the hours as they begin at the time of sunrise for each day.  Therefore, the times vary from day to day rather than being a concrete 5:00am – 6:00am, 7:00am – 8:00am and so on.

The order would look something like this, with variations in time:

Sunday: Sun – Moon – Mars – Mercury – Jupiter – Venus – Saturn…. repeat all

Monday: Moon – Mars – Mercury – Jupiter – Venus – Saturn – Sun… repeat all

Tuesday: Mars – Mercury – Jupiter – Venus – Saturn – Sun – Moon… repeat all

Wednesday: Mercury – Jupiter – Venus – Saturn – Sun – Moon – Mars… repeat all

Thursday: Jupiter – Venus – Saturn – Sun – Moon – Mars – Mercury… repeat all

Friday: Venus – Saturn – Sun – Moon – Mars – Mercury – Jupiter… repeat all

Saturday: Saturn – Sun – Moon – Mars – Mercury – Jupiter – Venus… repeat all

This can make it a bit tricky to calculate and keep track of, although not impossible to do. I use an online calculator.

The Planetary Energies:

So, how would you use these planetary energies?  This will be the topic of future focus Temples of the specific planets, but to get you started here are a few key words that are associated with each planet’s energy and influence.

SUN:  WILL- Strengthening, illuminating, masculine in dynamics (not necessarily in form hence Solar Female Deities), enlivening and catalytic spark.

MOON:  EMOTIONS- Nurturing, intuitive, feminine in dynamics (not necessarily in form hence Lunar Male Deities), flowing, forming and deepening.

MARS:   ACTION- Assertiveness, aggression, change, release, renewal, active healing.

MERCURY:   MOVEMENT- Communication, duality, exchange, reasoning and capacity for understanding.

JUPITER:   FLEXIBILITY- Expansion, growth, abundance, prosperity  and visionary.

VENUS:   REFINEMENT- Balance, relationships, agreement, beauty and aesthetics.

SATURN:   ORDER- Structure, control, time, rigidity and change through force of pressure.

Putting it all together:  This probably seems a bit complex if you are not familiar with some of the basics, but there is great benefit in taking the time to attune to these energies and then applying as needed.  This is a little story I wove for myself when learning about the planetary days and their energies.

Sunday is my day for preparing for what needs to be accomplished for the week. I will rest and relax to strengthen myself for the demands of the week and allow those things that will need my attention to be brought to light.  Monday is the start of my work week and therefore needs me to be at my best emotionally and to be attentive to how I want my week to flow.  I will be flexible in what tasks present and remain open to the opportunities for me to refine my emotional engagements.  Tuesday I feel primed and ready to tackle whatever comes my way.  I already have one day of work behind me and successfully navigated, so I will assert myself where necessary to ensure that extra responsibilities are not unfairly put upon me.  Wednesday is mid-week and now I am ready to socialize. Wanted the shelter of easing into my work week on Monday.  Tested out the waters of speaking up on Tuesday. So, now I am ready to communicate and make sure that everyone is on the same page in what remains to be one for a successful week. If managed well, I won’t be overbearing or ineffective! Thursday starts the point of total flexibility and ease of shifting into what may have gone overlooked in the first part of the week. I am going to breathe into each task at hand and see how much flexibility it and I have. If possible, I will also try to look ahead at what may creep up unexpectedly and plan a course of action.  Friday is here! Last day of the work week and still need to maintain the balance of remaining focused on my work duties and eagerness for the weekend.  So, I am going to fine tune how I proceed through this day- don’t want to have to work overtime and don’t ant to rush through and be counting down those last hours or minutes.  Slow and steady with grace and ease, that’s my plan to have a beautiful end of the week. Saturday! Woo hoo I made it through the work week. But, only two days to kick back. Ah actually only 1 and three-quarters since I will be planning my next week on Sunday evening.  I need to make some fun plans for today.  And, then have a back-up if they don’t work out and I feel like I’ve wasted my day off.  There is never enough time to relax before I’m thinking about work again. OK, loosen up the reigns a bit and let the day flow of its own accord. Maybe time will stretch if I do this.  LOL!

A Simple Beginning:

Prosperity and Abundance:

To draw abundance and prosperity to you, find the planetary hour of Jupiter on a Thursday (Planetary day of Jupiter).  During that time, light a candle, visualize yourself as having the prosperity needed for positive outcome. Hold that image concretely in your mind and allow that energy to expand and include all of your endeavors. Note that although Jupiter is often associated with financial prosperity, the expansive quality of Jupiter works upon all manner of things you wish to grow; relationships, creative endeavors, and more.

Bolstering and Renewing Your Physical Strength:

Find the planetary hour of the Sun on a Sunday, the Planetary day of the Sun.  Light a candle or sit in the light of sun and draw that energy into your central core.  Envision yourself as lit by the Sun from within and see that light of health and vitality expanding outward like rays of the Sun.

Be creative and let intuition be your guide.  The brief descriptions I gave about each of the planets barely scratches the surface and with all things magickal there are hidden modifiers and subtleties that don’t always make for hard and fast rules about assignment.


Image: National Parks

Resources:   Planetary Hours Calculator

PC/MAC- Lunarium

Based in the UK, so be sure to change the location every day.  Good because you can plan ahead and print out the days hours in advance.

They also have an app called Hours that is available for Android and Iphone

Day Twenty-Two: Holding Ground

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, Moon Tide, The Temple of the Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , on July 29, 2013 by themagickalpen

July 29

Waning Moon in Taurus

Sun in Leo

July 29

The Moon transited into the astrological sign of Taurus early this morning at 12:43am.  It remains in the sign throughout the night and until 11:58a.m. tomorrow morning.  Taurus is of the Fixed (structure and stabilizing) modality and the Earth (foundational, manifest)  element.  Taurus energy is typified by physical pursuits, finances, responsibility and holding firmly onto what you see as the survival support systems you have created- whether they are currently productive or not.  This is the energy of immovable fixed manifest form- think perhaps of a mountain that can neither be scaled because it is so insurmountable, nor gone around because the girth is miles in expanse. This is also the energy that if applied to our emotions, can be the great support of return that nurtures and spurs us on towards achieving great things if the necessary shifts and balances are applied.

Today’s energy felt cumbersome and weighty. And, the moving fluidly through the void of course came to an abrupt stop as those waters reached the edge of banked up ground.  I think cause I didn’t remain quite as flexible as I had hoped. I realized after thinking through some feelings I had yesterday that were a return to the usual pattens of insecurity and self-doubt, that I can be relentless and stubborn in my holding onto what makes me feel crappy.  It’s like the scene you keep replaying in your mind that scares the crap out of you, but somehow you enjoy being out into that state of disarray.

Today is Monday, or Moon day (in assignment of the planetary rulers of each of the seven days). So double dose of the lunar energies; which might account for my perception of heaviness.  The grounding quality of earth is factored in with Taurus so I’m thinking of the energy of Earth of Water.  The manifest physical container holding gallons of water exerting pressure on that container by sheer mass and volume from the inside. And, of course the polarized pressure holding steady the barrier.  This is where caution must be exercised because if you want more water to be added and productively held, the physical container has to be flexible and adaptable enough to expand in proportion.  If not, and everything remains rigid in the structure of this physical container you have choice of not adding anymore water, voluntarily releasing some of thee water or allowing the waters to overflow spilling all that you had hoped to preserve in a non-productive way.

So I used the afternoon to really feel the strength that this heaviness has. And, making choie not to add unnecessarily to the produce but to really look at what is already accumulated and trying to get my attention.  Not oppressive, but solid, strong and supportive, if I allow the tiny shoots of what I have been working through in my lunar self to reach up through. I want to take this image into my dreamscape tonight and tend and prune using the waning strength what is crowding out the roots that are reaching deep into the soil to anchor firmly.


I will stand my ground in
defense of the truths I perceive.

And, if provoked will
charge with intent and
precise aim as I relentlessly
pursue the source of irritation.

Some would see me as impetuous
and easily stoked to irrational rage
And others would say I was immovable,
stagnant and set in my ways.

Both would be true
for my impetuosity comes
from being firmly grounded and
my grounding takes shape from
the flashes of inspiration I explore.

Excerpted from: It’s Written in the Stars: Taurus. R.Fennelly.2012

Tomorrow the moon goes void at 11:58am. I’m planning to post the promised information about the planetary days and hours so you;ll have them to float on the surface and take seed where they will.

Day Twenty: It’s Getting Hot in Here

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, Moon Tide, The Temple of the Moon with tags , , , , , , , , on July 27, 2013 by themagickalpen

July 27

Waning Moon in Aries

Sun in Leo

July 27a

The Moon remains in Aries all day until it goes void at 10:29pm tonight. Our coven held its Lughnassadh ritual today and the enlivening and energy of the small group who attended was palpable.  Overall the energy has an underlying current of electricity running through.  People seemed more alert today and overall spirits of those I engaged with were positive and responsive in nature.

Astrology 101:

Sun and Moon are both  of the Fire Element.  Remember yesterday that I described the life cycle of the Zodiac?  Let’s add another overlay.  The twelve signs are also divided into the four elemental energies; Air- Fire-Water and Earth.  Today we have both the Sun and Moon in different astrological signs, but both in Fire. Fire equates with will and action.   The Moon is in Aries – the first sign of the Zodiac and the Sun is in Leo- the  5th sign of the zodiac.  So, the Fire of Aries (childhood and youth)  is a little gentler and a little less pervasive and intense  than the Fire of Leo ( young adult ).  Because each of the Elements is assigned to three signs you could also think of the energy of that element being expressed as Dawn- the peak of Noon and Dusk. Each has their own magnitude of intensity although each are components of the same day. 

It seemed very easy to navigate today’s energies, allowing myself to simply go with the flow and be fully present in my actions.  I have some new ideas that came to the surface today and I am feeling enthused and encouraged that putting forth the effort will produce something worthwhile, whether positive or negative, there will be lessons to be gained.

I’m going to use the strength of the Leo Sun to bolster  with the controlled Fire of Will to light the way for emotional energy that is just forming its way of responding and acting.  I am going to draw up the memories of my youth and the passion and excitement I had for my dancing.  This was fueled, not only by my actions but, my emotions and all the mental planning for the fullness of a career doing what I loved.  I am going to harness those emotions to be applied to what my passions, yearnings and goals are now and then sit back and enjoy the view.


Day Nineteen: A Quick Step

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, Moon Tide, The Temple of the Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on July 26, 2013 by themagickalpen

July 26

Waning Moon Enters Aries

Sun in Leo

July 26


The Moon was void most of the day and entered the Fiery sign of Aries at 5:29pm this afternoon.  Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and is often characterized as the impetuous of youthful exuberance.  The energy is less experienced in how it could be distributed and sees potential at every turn. Everything is new and fresh, with focus on self experiences just as a young child centers on his own insular world.  It is not from a selfish view point; but rather just simply because they are just beginning the process of expanding out, exploring other avenues and realizing that there is a much larger world awaiting them.  This freshness gives birth to enthusiasm and a certain speed in energetic outpour,  that again youth can lay claim to.

A little Astrology 101:

The Zodiacal wheel is divided into twelve astrological signs beginning with the sign of Aries and ending the cycle with the sign of Pisces. One way to look at this energy is to compare it to the life cycles we experience in the course of our lifetime.  If we divide the twelve signs into groups of three- the first three signs (Aries-Taurus-Gemini) represent our growth from birth through childhood and into very late teens (birth-18).  The next three signs (Cancer-Leo -Virgo) would be roughly our young adult to adult years (19-30). The next (Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius) could equate with our experiences as we mature, have families, stable jobs and move from the peak of our life’s towards elder years (31-60). And the last three  (Capricorn-Aquarius-Pisces)  bring us to that stage in our lives where our accumulated experiences are available to guide the next generation of youth and our eventual passing (61+).  This is why I gave the designation yesterday to Pisces as being often considered the most mature of the signs, having come to a place of compassion from a lifetime’s experience.  

We crossed that threshold today and as the Moon enters Aries, that life cycle is beginning anew.  But, more about Aries tomorrow. The interesting thing of note is the polarity that is present now.  We are, with the moon moving into the sign of Aries initializing the beginning of the energy of expansion and movement towards growth during a time when the lunar cycle itself is in the waning or contracting phase.  If we think of these two dynamics working one on the other, we have a potential here for applying that naivete and youthful energy (Aries)  to the deepening (contracting or waning moon) stages of our emotional flow.

After the sluggishness of the morning, it felt like a jump start into Aries.  The energy seemed crisper and emotionally I felt more attentive to what was being presented to me.  I think this will be a great opportunity to take a new look at some of the tired and less productive emotions and responses I have to certain things.  A little charge of new energy and a large dose of enthusiastic intent will go a long way towards shaking up some of the staleness.  And, as the moon wanes I am going to move further into that landscape and my emotional bodies.  It reminds me of walking on sand in bare feet that is unexpectedly hot and the expanse you have to traverse seems that much longer before being able to dip them into cool, flowing waters.


Dancing_feet - Copy

Day Seventeen: Looking For Compassion

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, Moon Tide, The Temple of the Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 24, 2013 by themagickalpen

July 24

Waning Moon Enters Pisces

Sun in Leo

July 24

The morning holds the moon void before it transits into the astrological sign of Pisces at 2:22pm this afternoon.  Pisces is the last sign on the zodiacal wheel and in the cyclical nature and flow of the zodiac, if compared to the human stages of development would be the Elder of the zodiac.   Pisces is of the Mutable (flexibility, endings and the threshold of beginnings) modality and of the Water element.  And, since one sign informs and flows into its new form as the next, the visionary mind of Aquarius now pours into the murky depths of intuitive and emotional waters in the most compassionate and empathetic of the signs- Pisces.  The symbol for Pisces is that of the Fish which gives some insight into the nature of this sign and the veil through which Pisces must try to reach a point of clarity. For those born with Pisces as a driving force of their natal charts there is great capacity for compassion, empathy and depths of human interaction that causes transformation, but if they are controlled solely by their emotions and see only the murky perspectives that looking through water can produce, they can become the victim that gives all but never really is productive being unnecessarily drained. More about the energy of Pisces tomorrow.

My focus for today is on flowing with my emotions, but also doing the work needed to reserve judgment and assessment of where to spend my emotional energy until I can see more clearly.  These thoughts are percolating as I wait out the void of the morning and I am allowing all sorts of images and memories to just move through my consciousness as they will.

My biggest challenge for this moon’s placement is a personal one.  My natal sun is Aquarius and I have been surrounded by Pisceans continually throughout my life.  My husband, my mother, 3 of our 5 children, 3 bosses and an assortment of others are all natal sun Pisces. Being very logical by nature has presented some discord, learning the art of compromise and major work to balance head and heart to  ensure that these relationships are productive for all concerned.  With the waning of the moon’s energies and the opportunity for letting go of so tightly holding onto the reins, I want to “feel” my way through these two days.  The urgency that was felt as the moon waxed is lessening and there is a kind of calmness that is moving in.

Some of the people that I routinely encounter seem a bit softer around the edges than normally; or perhaps its my intent of projecting from a more compassionate and understanding place that is evoking these responses.  Regardless, it also reminds me of the great power we hold in our affect on others.  It also reminds me that having a softer side does not necessarily imply weakness or loss of control, but is actually the stronger and more courageous approach.  I have seen this repeatedly in my Mother, as well as the extreme of  overwhelming misplaced compassion that makes one the victim.  I am looking for the balance of light and dark, fullness and void to reshape and remake the foundations I have so rigidly clung to. I am looking for just enough compassion to forgive myself for charging ahead when I should have placed myself in the other’s shoes and speaking my opinions before feeling my way through the consequences of the harshness of those words.

This was the only entry in my journal for today as I stared deeply into the flames of Silver and White candles and envisioned their beams as the twin fish of Pisces.

Open my Soul
To the understanding
Of my heart’s hunger.

Open my Mind
To the intelligence
Of a gentle embrace.

Open my Spirit
To the wisdom
Of a compassionate
Life well lived.

1ff0fae7ccb36b8e77dcf40c6c7af5e6Artwork:  Michael McGloin

Day Sixteen: Looking Further

Posted in Esbat, Lunar, Magick, Moon Tide, The Temple of the Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , on July 23, 2013 by themagickalpen

July 23

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Moon Void at 10:01 am.

Sun in Leo

July 23

Today has been a rather odd day. I arrived at work very early greeted by seven or so crows on the roof of the building.  The air had the quality of Fall and the whole day has felt like the pressure that existed for the days prior had suddenly been released.  As I was driving to work I was thinking about the next transit of the moon into Pisces tomorrow at 2:22p.m. and what emotional stirrings that would evoke.  Apparently there was a huge thunder storm (and lightening) last night which I slept soundly through. Usually the air feels clean and vibrant the next day, but not the case.  Although there was less a feeling of pressure, the air seemed denser as though consisting of finer particles.

The moon went void today at 10:01am and so I am just trying to relax my usual pushing to make breakthroughs  that accompanies an Aquarius Full Moon (Aquarius is my natal Sun) and see how much further and more clearly I can see without the unnecessary pressure.  Not much to write- it’s just one of those days!


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